Our Journey Slinkyman's Cancer Success Story With Pictures


<font color=royal blue>One day at a time.<br>Yeste
May 6, 2003
Part 1

Hi Everyone,

Now that things have calmed down I wanted to take time to do a catch up for all my dear friends here. All my friends here played an important part in the process we went through to get where we are today. I would like to do a review with some pictures for you and a current status on things.

As most of you know Slinkyman was diagnosed with cancer-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma this past summer. He was 13 at the time. So young to have to face such a scary disease. He had a tumor growing around his trachea causing him to have breathing and swallowing problems-slowly being strangled to death. 1 week before he was due to go into the 8th grade he was rushed to the hospital as an emergency case. We are lucky that we have one of the top cancer hospitals in our state so that is where his doctors chose to send him. Among all the craziness fear and confusion I had the sense to grab my laptop on the way out the door-a wise choice. The next week was spent with unfamiliar tests we never heard of, procedures a kid should not have to endure, and many fears of what was ahead.

What should have been a week of getting ready for school to start was a week of tests and his first chemotherapy treatment. Through all this Slink had one thing that he could count on his VMK. Luckily the hospital had great wireless internet and he could play, see all his friends and do all his normal things. VMK was his escape from the reality and the pain.


Favorite past time VMK


Mickey watching over him

We left the hospital in time for him to make it to the first day of school. Then we started the new routines of our lives. Blood drawn, blood counts, 4 hour car rides and chemotherapy. Slink took it like a trooper. He faced each challenge with a positive attitude. Fist month went fairly well. He then started getting tired and we arranged his school schedule to get out two hours early. He would only miss things like gym and art but still get all his main courses in. He would come home get his homework done and then of course play VMK.

During this time Laurabearz started the hat drive for Slink. This was the most amazing out pouring I had seen. You disers are truly truly wonderful. It was so amazing to go to the post office and see packages coming in from all over the world. There were so many wonderful cards and hats and many other things. It was the best time of the day watching him open a package. I shed many tears as these wonderful gifts arrived. They all hold special meaning to us.



I forgot 1 hat in the picture he received Pumpkin Mickey ears

Part 2

By November a trip to WDW that was planned before Slink was ill was quickly approaching. I pleaded with the doctor to let us go-don’t take away the thing he loves most-Disney. They finally agreed to let him go. At this point they did not see any more cancer in him. He still had many treatments to go and then radiation after.

Off we went for the trip of a lifetime-Slink and me, Smalld (Slink’s best friend) and his mother. My husband is not a Disney fan so we go just the 4 of us. This was a very special trip. The boys were going to get to meet someone they wanted to meet for a long time. Laurabearz book a trip for a few days to come down and meet the boys. Our angel was coming to see us. Seeing bearz was I feel the high light of the trip for them. There was an instant connection. She is funny, compassionate and is just plain great to be around. We had a blast.



Stitch race was a blast!

Slink tired easily but he never let it interfere with his fun. The last 2 days were awesome as the dream team caught up to us and we met an amazing women that made some amazing one of a kid things happen. The boys got to go up in the tower of It’s a small world and see how it is run and they got to each launch a boat. She took them on many rides. The end of the day we were brought up to the train station and were given big Mickey gloves to wave to people as they were leaving the park. The dream team and us sang waved and threw pixie dust confetti on the people. What a memory! They still are always talking about it and I am sure will never forget it the rest of their lives. Thank you to our dream team angel:hug:


View from inside the Smallworld Tower


See ya real soon!

December rolled around-should normally be a fun time. We had both Christmas and Slink’s birthday which was 9 days before Christmas. The problem was Slink was getting weaker and the Chemo was making his sicker. He had to have a chemo treatment the day before his birthday. He felt sick and was not able to do anything on his birthday. As a parent one of the hardest things is not being able to make your child well or happy. He went to sleep that night depressed and saying it was the worst birthday of his life. That was one of my harder days. :sad1:

We got through it and by the middle of January the doctors had great news. They felt comfortable stopping the Chemo treatments. He then started the routine of radiation 5 days a week Monday-Friday. He would go to school to 12:30 get out ride 2 hours to the hospital for a 15 minute treatment then turn around and drive 2 hours home. We did this day after day. The radiation scared him more then the chemo treatment did.

By the second week of Feb. he was considered treatment finished, cured and cancer free!! He had done it. He fought the battle of his life and he won the battle. The entire time with the help of his best friend smalld he managed to make honor roll every term even though he missed MANY days of school-not an easy feat.

Part 3

Things are now settling down. He will see doctors now every three months for blood work, cat scans and PET scans. His out look is fabulous. He was lucky and had one of the most curable forms of cancer. He is starting to feel better, hair is growing in and I am starting to see that smile that was there before all this happen. He is letting his guard down and being a kid again.

I want to thank ALL of you for everything you did. Every night on the game someone would come to me just to talk. That was what I needed, someone to just listen to me or have words of encouragement. There are far too many of you to list plus the fear I would have of forgetting someone but you all know who you are. I really do not know how Slink and I would have gotten through all this with out all of you and VMK. We deeply appreciate all that you have done for us. You were all there to encourage me and cheer me up.

My deepest thanks goes out to my dear Bearz. She pulled me along through all this. She endured hours of my never ending worry. She made me laugh when I wanted to cry. She held me up when I wanted to fall. She encouraged me when I was ready to give up and she had many wise words to me to help me follow this new path. There are no words or ways to thank someone for coming to the rescue of a person that is on the other side of a screen that they hardly knew. Bearz you were my guardian angel. Yet she is humble and thinks she did nothing-you have done more then you cam imagine.


The 4 VMKteers! Smalld Bearz Bug Slinkyman

I also would like to thank Smalld. Everyone needs a true friend-one that will not judge them no matter what is happening. Smalld gave up his entire 13th birthday to be in the hospital with Slink while he was having surgery. He carried his back pack when Slink was unable to lift it. He would not leave school until he had all of Slink’s school work in order. He stood up for Slink when others would question why he could not do something. We could always rely on him and he helped protect him. There could never be a truer friend.



I would also like to take a moment to thank VMK. I am sure they hear plenty of complaints but it is time for some praise. Thank you Yavn and the other creators of this game. This is not just a mere game to us. It is a community of caring friends that share the same interests as us -LOVE of all things Disney.

Thank you to the staff in the game. I want you all to remember something- the staff/ hosts are not just pixels on a screen. There are REAL people behind those cute characters with REAL feelings and big hearts. When it started being posted here about Slink, I had staff take the time to come see me and wish him and me well. They do really care and I hope you all think about that before you tear them apart in some of the threads. They read them and their feelings get hurt. Their job is not easy putting up with all of us. So to all of the people who make VMK possible this family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for making life more bearable for a young man facing the battle of his life. You helped us in many ways – so thank you Yavn, Staff and all the behind the scenes people.

I would like to conclude by thanking the most important person in my life-Slinkyman. You are the bravest person I have ever met. You faced a challenge- you took the bull by the horns and never looked back. Through it all you kept your true Disney spirit. You have grown up so much since this all happened faster then you should have had to. I have such great respect for you and what you have endured and you are truly my hero. Thank you for being who you are I love you with all my heart.


Me and my hero :love:


Recent picture of CL_Slinkyman(woot hair) and Smalld


I want you all to know that your good karma has been passed on. Slink learned a lot from the generosity of all of you. With that said while he was in the hospital everyone wanted to now what they could get him. What do you get a boy that age? He had what he needed his VMK. While there at the hospital we noticed that there were 23 rooms in the children’s wing and only 3 laptops that had to be shared by all. Slinkyman saw a need. He wanted to tell people to donate money towards a new computer for the kids. So our computer fundraiser campaign began. We went to the bank opened a special account and started the drive. Our goal was to raise the funds to buy 1 laptop to donate. Once again the generosity of people amazed me. I am happy to report that we were able to raise enough funds to purchase 3 Brand New Laptops and provide a check for set up fees. These were donated to the Children’s wing of the Hospital in Slinkyman’s name. A wonderful life lesson for him to be taught. See photo.

The end:)


Hosp. Rep Bug Slinkyman Ink's Dad Smalld and Smalld's Mom
Bug, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I find myself shedding tears of sadness over what your family had to deal with, and tears of joy at the wonderful support you found. :grouphug:

I am so thankful that Slink is able to get back to his main job of being a teenager. :woohoo:

It is so heartwarming to see how you overcame adversity and found such a wonderful way to help children facing huge battles. Your family is truly amazing. :flower3:

OMG Bug! What a wonderful thread. Great job writing your story and the pictures are fabulous! It means so much to put faces to the names & ppl we have been praying about for so long!

Hugs to you all! Thank you for sharing your story and letting us be a part of it.....you have changed lives and have helped make this world a better, more caring & compassionate place! I'm so glad things are calming down for you now. Take time for yourself too!

Slink....YOU ROCK dude! Congratulations on a fight well fought AND WON! We are so happy for you all! Are you still going on your Wish cruise?
Bug, I'm so sorry to read all that Slinkyman and you and your family had to go through. I teared up just reading it feeling both sad that Slinkyman had to endure all that he did and happy that he beat the cancer. You all looked like you had a wonderful trip in November and I think it's so wonderful that Slinkyman wanted to help other kids at the hospital. What a special boy you have. :) I am glad to hear that VMK was able to help both you and him through such a difficult time.

I am amazed at the difference in slinky from the picture with you in November in front of Spaceship Earth and the Picture of him right below with Smalld!

The light in his eyes is coming back!
what a wonderful story- and as I wipe tears from my eyes I think of how great it is that he has come through this well and how close I came to a similar story myself around the same time I believe.

Bug- you are my hero :D
WOW...such a wonderfull story.... I am soo glad he's Ok :)
This is truly an inspiration.
May the pain and heartache your family suffered through only serve to give hope to other amazing kids just like Slink.

You are still in my prayers! :hug:
OMG Bug! What a wonderful thread. Great job writing your story and the pictures are fabulous! It means so much to put faces to the names & ppl we have been praying about for so long!

Hugs to you all! Thank you for sharing your story and letting us be a part of it.....you have changed lives and have helped make this world a better, more caring & compassionate place! I'm so glad things are calming down for you now. Take time for yourself too!

Slink....YOU ROCK dude! Congratulations on a fight well fought AND WON! We are so happy for you all! Are you still going on your Wish cruise?


Yes we are still going on his Make a wish trip. Next month we will be on the Disney magic for a 7 night Western Caribbean cruise. It will be a true celebration and Smalld and his mom were part of the wish and will be there with us. A celebration of life and success and forgetting about doctors and cancer for a while. And we get to have dinner the Night before with our bear Bearz!:woohoo:

The process as how to figure what you want is amazing. They come interview you and see what you like, where you would go what you would do and who you would meet. When they walked into his bed room his wish granters looked at each other and said this will be easy he LOVES Disney:rotfl: Slink and I talked after they left. He said a very interesting thing to me. I asked him if you could meet anyone in the world who would it be. He said without even having to think about it that "there are 3 people I would love to meet mom but 2 are dead". When i asked who he said "Walt Disney, Steve Irwin(croc Hunter ) and Yavn". Well i was not surprised at all :). Then places to see he said a Disney cruise or Disneyland as we have never been to DLR. I convinced him that meeting Yavn was not a easy thing as he is a real person with a real job and family and many kids want to meet him. So when Make a wish came he asked for the cruise which they granted to him. He wanted smalld his best friend to come since he has done so much for him. They allowed it.:yay:

Some day I hope I can make his DLR trip come true. That will not be as easy as we live a long ways from there and WDW is closer and costs less for us to go to. But someday i will set it as my goal.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. We are not special just a family trying to make the best out of a bad situation and show our son the positive side of things. Walt would be proud of my ink :) boy i sound like a sappy mom :sad2:

can we still donate hats? :confused:


If you really want to send a hat I have an idea for you. There is another diser on here who has been diagnosed with leukemia (ALL type). She is at the start of her treatment and could use some cheering up. PM Amberdaze and she can give you the information on where to send a hat. Would make me happy to see another child happy and I look forward to the day we hear her success story here,


Yes we are still going on his Make a wish trip. Next month we will be on the Disney magic for a 7 night Western Caribbean cruise. It will be a true celebration and Smalld and his mom were part of the wish and will be there with us. A celebration of life and success and forgetting about doctors and cancer for a while. And we get to have dinner the Night before with our bear Bearz!:woohoo:

The process as how to figure what you want is amazing. They come interview you and see what you like, where you would go what you would do and who you would meet. When they walked into his bed room his wish granters looked at each other and said this will be easy he LOVES Disney:rotfl: Slink and I talked after they left. He said a very interesting thing to me. I asked him if you could meet anyone in the world who would it be. He said without even having to think about it that "there are 3 people I would love to meet mom but 2 are dead". When i asked who he said "Walt Disney, Steve Irwin(croc Hunter ) and Yavn". Well i was not surprised at all :). Then places to see he said a Disney cruise or Disneyland as we have never been to DLR. I convinced him that meeting Yavn was not a easy thing as he is a real person with a real job and family and many kids want to meet him. So when Make a wish came he asked for the cruise which they granted to him. He wanted smalld his best friend to come since he has done so much for him. They allowed it.:yay:

Some day I hope I can make his DLR trip come true. That will not be as easy as we live a long ways from there and WDW is closer and costs less for us to go to. But someday i will set it as my goal.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. We are not special just a family trying to make the best out of a bad situation and show our son the positive side of things. Walt would be proud on my ink :) boy i sound like a sappy mom :sad2:


Wow thats so wonderfull for him :) I would want my best friend to come with me too!
Woot Slinkyman!! Loved the pics -- it's so great to hear how wonderful you are doing! Still in our thoughts... :hug:
This basically brought me to tears... It's such a wonderful story. It's just amazing....Slinky did great! I'm soo soo glad he his all better now!

-sunshine :D
That was such a wonderful story. :)

I don't even know the dude and it's starting to bring tears to my eyes.. :sad: Just remember, the same things said about VMK apply here. I'm am not just a person hiding behind an image of a Pikachu, as are many other people. We are all emotional humans that all care for each other. :)

Master may be long gone from the VMK side of things but he continues to live on both here and on the DIS!
I randomly happened to see this board and saw about your son's Make-A-Wish trip. My best friend and I went through this in high school when she was diagnosed with a rhabdomyosarcoma tumor. Following a year of difficult struggles, she was on the mend and got to do the interview for Make-A-Wish. Now, my girl had one dream ever since I can remember. She wanted to meet Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys. The girl was obsessed. She was too shy to tell them that though until her mom just told her to tell them what she wanted. They told her the difficulties of getting celebrity participants, but that they would see what they could do. Months later, we got the call that Jen and her mom were going to fly to California for a week and meet ALL of the Backstreet Boys and hang out with them at a recording session. I've never seen her so happy. Unfortunately, two years later, she developed AML from her chemo for her first cancer and passed away Christmas Eve 2005. But I tell you... that Make-A-Wish experience was the best time of her life. The moment after she met them, she called me and was so happy. I cried after I got off the phone with her, and I'm tearing up even now. Make-A-Wish makes so many dreams come true. When she passed away, all donations were asked to go to Make-A-Wish and I cannot think of a more worthy charity for her. I'm so happy your son gets to have his wish. Your family and him deserve it so much. Your story is so inspirational that I called my best friend's mom and told her. She said your son is truly an incredible person. Anyway, this post is turning out longer than I thought, but it made me so happy that someone else is getting to experience Make-A-Wish and to read the incredible journey your family has been on. Thanks for sharing your story with all of us and I wish all of you all the best in future. Have fun on your cruise!


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