PinkGirlygirl's Pirate Team - SUNDAY

yes i think i am good
palm said you would go for her
Do you guys know if I can join your pirate team? If I can, that would be great! I'm Cocoamoo and I'm on right now! :cutie:
Yay, Fly :hippie: made it through! Congratulations dearest Twisted Sister! :cool1:
do you need me to call you with info,do i need yours
Do you all still need an extra player? I'm on right now (my name i the same as the one I use on this forum)

BTW: What pirate room are you waiting in and whose gonna be the winner in the round you are playing?
threeboysmom, are you signing in as ppl so they can get the points? if so, will you please sign in for me? I really need these points. Just tell me the details. Thanks :)
Oh ok, sorry. Then, is it OK if we play pirates together? Online. You obviously know the way to get the 575, so could you help me out? Thanks!
I have a full team right now. We've been playing for five hours straight and still haven't gotten everyone through. Can't take any more people right now.


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