PTR:Moving to WDW & Earning Your Ears! (TRIP REPORT HAS STARTED!) 8/14

Thanks for the advice Megan.

That is the most important for sure, the name and resort.

As long as I and my luggage make it to disney, I dont care if I ever come home :lmao:

Serioulsy, I will call about 45 days out to DME directly and see if they help me with the booklet for way home

That is awful about your bite. SO glad you went to your regular dr. Staph infections are serious. Hope you feel better :goodvibes

COuld you maybe send out an email to all of them explaining dilemmas and needing an answer by such and such date?

I find it is easier to do it via email then by phone, as you might say somethng wrong..I tend to do that...I like being able to think out how I word things before I say it, which is why I prefer writing an email for something like this.

Goood luck :wizard:

Your welcome!! I know when my Dbro and I went in March, I had to call DME directly and they told me that they only mail one booklet out total and we could either rip out the bus voucher or have them reprint it at the counter. I ended up ripping out the voucher and stapling it into an old DME book and they just ended up reprinting me the vouchers when I checked in at DME. I guess if you have out of state people that will be in the same room, you will have to make arrangements to mail the documents to them before the trip since they don't mail out duplicates. It seems like it would be so easy to just give them 2 addresses and have 2 different DME packages mailed out but they led me to believe that they don't do that at all?? Good luck haha.

I ended up emailing the 3 girls, and explained the situation and asked them to respond. I said we were going to book within a few weeks, especially since you only have to do a $200 deposit. I was checking with my credit card info and planned it out to pay in full for the trip using my CC but doing the payment on the day after the month before's bill will close (make sense?) Anyways so I told them that FD booking ends Aug 14 and we want to book well before that and full payment is due by 9/6. I listed resort info and prices so we shall see!!

Yay, you picked Yachtsman Steakhouse!! I can't wait to hear about your meal there! :goodvibes

I am so sorry about your spider bite! I hope it gets better really fast so it doesn't bug you on your trip! :hug:

Thanks!! :hug: Good thing it happened now!

I hope everyone's weekend is going well!

My "not so little" spider bite is starting to get better. The area around the bite is becoming less red but the area where the bite is, is still very red and tender. I'm hoping it get's better soon! The medicine is odd to me, I've looked up side effects because sometimes I feel nauseous and other times I feel like I'm eating my parents out of house and home even though I'm eating regularly because of having to take the pills with food. Bodies are odd, am I right?!

I've been trying to get plenty of rest. I sat down last night and watched Princess and the Frog and went to bed around 12 and was restless from about 12-3 when I finally gave in (I guess?) and fell asleep till 8:15. All I have to say is that I'm thankful the little critter didn't decide to bite me 3 weeks from now!

Well, onto the PTR:



9:00am: Go to work--blah, but I didn't want to take another day off. We were just in WDW in March and in Dec 09' before that so we aren't hurting to go there, just more anxious.

2:00pm: Leaving work early at 2 instead of 6. Heading home to quickly shower, load the rest of Dbro's car and leave!

3:00pm: Leave for ORLANDO!!!

**The following pics are from past trips, when I was moving down to FL for my CP, and moving to Cincinnati when the programs ended.**

These are some pics of me leaving Pittsburgh to move to WDW and moving from WDW to Cincinnati:

Moving to WDW Jan 2008:



Thank goodness for Space Saver bags! My only mistake was I brought a lot of things down with me that I could have bought at Walmart or Target once we were there. I also took wayyy too many clothes! When you aren't working in your costume you are either in pool type clothes or dressed up to go out. I packed wayy too many clothes!

Moving to Cincy:



I've only driven down to WDW once and home once. When we drove down we went through: WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, and FL. On the way home we went through: FL, GA, TN, KY, and OH.

3:00-? We will drive from OH to KY:


6:00-8:00 Depending on how hungry or not we are, we will find the closest Shoneys and eat there for dinner! Hopefully by then we will be out of KY and into TN:



11:00pm: We are planning on stopping just north of Atlanta to spend the night. I doubt we'll make reservations and we'll just wing it. Depending on how tired we are, we might just conquer Atlanta since there will be no traffic and then stay just south of the city!


9am: We will hopefully on the road with several hours to go before we reach Orlando!! We will try and stay at a hotel that has a free breakfast so we won't have to make an extra stop!

If we haven't already done so, we'll be driving through Atlanta!



FINALLY at I don't know what time but we will reach Florida!!!



This time I will get the free OJ!! When my dad drove me down to FL in Jan 2008, I raved about stopping for the OJ. By the time we got there, we had been driving since SC and had to go potty badly but by the time we went in for the potty, we came out and the center had been closed! We still talk about it to this day. Dad says he'll go to the store and get me OJ haha.

A few hours later and we will be in WDW!!! Our goal is to arrive between 2 and 3? I'm not sure how it will go but even if we are there by 4:30 or 5 that would be great!


I'm glad your spider bite is feeling better! I was worried about you! I had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so I feel like a sore chipmunk! :laughing:

Your schedule looks good so far! I'm enjoying the pics from past traveling. Can't wait read more!!
I read your whole PTR and love it! I can't wait to hear more. :)

Reading about your spider bite made me shudder. I am SO scared of spiders, it's not even funny. I was trying to get my DD into her car seat yesterday to take her to story time and when we started walking to the passenger's side a spider crawled up the wall next to me. I grabbed DD, RAN to the driver's side, and got her in through that side. I have a 2007 Mustang so it wasn't the easiest thing in the world. I know I would have looked funny if anyone had been walking by. :rotfl: I am glad your bite is getting better.
I finally got the chance to come over here and comment! Loving you PTR so far! So sorry to hear about your spider bite! Glad it's getting better though!

I'm so jealous that you got to work at Disney!!!! I would love to move back up there and get a job! My DH keeps checking to see if his company has any openings in Orlando, if so I think we would do it in a heartbeat! Since I know that you worked at BBB I just might bombard you with questions! Can't wait to read more details about your trip!

I noticed we have a few things in common. I taught kindergarten for 2 years before switching to Pre-k, and teaching that for 3 years until my princess was born. I have my degree in early childhood b/c I knew I didn't want to teach kids any older than 3rd grade (I actually knew that I would never want over 1st grade-I just love the little ones). Good luck on passing your test! I know how tough that process was! We had to take a total of 4 tests here in Florida! They were over the course of 1.5 months, and those were a miserable 1.5 months! They weren't as bad as waiting for scores though!
I'm glad your spider bite is feeling better! I was worried about you! I had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday so I feel like a sore chipmunk! :laughing:

Your schedule looks good so far! I'm enjoying the pics from past traveling. Can't wait read more!!

Thanks! :hug: The medicine is making me sick but I figured that I'll wait and ask the Dr. when I have to call tomorrow with an update. It's odd because sometimes I feel sick to my stomach and then I'll feel really hungry, and then it feels like heart burn. It's odd!

I read your whole PTR and love it! I can't wait to hear more. :)

Reading about your spider bite made me shudder. I am SO scared of spiders, it's not even funny. I was trying to get my DD into her car seat yesterday to take her to story time and when we started walking to the passenger's side a spider crawled up the wall next to me. I grabbed DD, RAN to the driver's side, and got her in through that side. I have a 2007 Mustang so it wasn't the easiest thing in the world. I know I would have looked funny if anyone had been walking by. :rotfl: I am glad your bite is getting better.


I had never been afraid of spiders anymore, especially since I worked at AK, and even after getting bit I'm not afraid but I will squash any I see in my house, especially if it thinks it's going to nap on my bed for a while!!

All I have to say is god bless insurance!

I finally got the chance to come over here and comment! Loving you PTR so far! So sorry to hear about your spider bite! Glad it's getting better though!

I'm so jealous that you got to work at Disney!!!! I would love to move back up there and get a job! My DH keeps checking to see if his company has any openings in Orlando, if so I think we would do it in a heartbeat! Since I know that you worked at BBB I just might bombard you with questions! Can't wait to read more details about your trip!

I noticed we have a few things in common. I taught kindergarten for 2 years before switching to Pre-k, and teaching that for 3 years until my princess was born. I have my degree in early childhood b/c I knew I didn't want to teach kids any older than 3rd grade (I actually knew that I would never want over 1st grade-I just love the little ones). Good luck on passing your test! I know how tough that process was! We had to take a total of 4 tests here in Florida! They were over the course of 1.5 months, and those were a miserable 1.5 months! They weren't as bad as waiting for scores though!


Ask any BBB questions that you'd like! I worked there from Jan 2008-May 2008 and then when I got seasonal status, I went back from Jan 2009-May 2009! I loved every most every minute of it!!! I never worked at DTD location..the FGITs at the castle are not fans of them or the operation they run haha. So ask away!

I enjoy Pre-K. I feel spoiled and don't want to teach above 2nd grade now! I'm still trying to pass my Praxis (state boards in PA). I've been working on the last test for 3 years now but it didn't help that I moved to FL for 1.5 year. I won't be able to apply for teaching jobs for the fall, even if I pass this month but I enjoy Pre-K and it's going to build my resume so I have high hopes!

Ask any BBB questions that you'd like! I worked there from Jan 2008-May 2008 and then when I got seasonal status, I went back from Jan 2009-May 2009! I loved every most every minute of it!!! I never worked at DTD location..the FGITs at the castle are not fans of them or the operation they run haha. So ask away!

I enjoy Pre-K. I feel spoiled and don't want to teach above 2nd grade now! I'm still trying to pass my Praxis (state boards in PA). I've been working on the last test for 3 years now but it didn't help that I moved to FL for 1.5 year. I won't be able to apply for teaching jobs for the fall, even if I pass this month but I enjoy Pre-K and it's going to build my resume so I have high hopes!

I loved pre-k as well, not quite as much as kindergarten, but it was still a great adventure! I'm sure you will do great on your test (and I you are right, I bet being in FL didn't help the cause at all)!

Ok, here come the BBB questions! (You can reply in a PM if you don't want to take over your PTR ;o) ) We are definitely going to the one in the castle!!! I didn't the DTD one did the whole experience justice! I'm going to be a mean mommy and not let her choose her own hairstyle! I have my heart set on the fairytale princess, and I honestly don't think she will care since she will have just turned 3! My concern is that she has the most baby fine hair I have ever seen in my life!!! It is pretty long about 3-4 inches past her shoulders right now, but it is so darn thin I have trouble keeping a really tight rubberband in it! Plus she still has some of those baby fine hairs growing at odd lengths around where her bangs would be. So, after all that being said, what the heck to they use/do to keep the hair up? Gel? Hair spray? Bobby pins? How long is the process (she is just getting hair and nails since we already have a dress)? They said 45 minutes when I booked but that just seems long to me. :confused3 Any tips to get the photopass people to take tons of pics? Last one (at least for now) !!! :yay: Is it better if her hair is freshly washed or a bit dirty (not with chunks of stuff in it, but just not squeaky clean)? Sorry hijack your PTR
So exciting for you guys! I don't know if I'd be able to handle the drive to FL though. LOL.

I saw your comment too about not wanting to teach above 2nd grade. That is sort of how I am too. Even though I am certified 1-8 I really enjoy the younger ones. I'm teaching summer school now for kids who just finished 4th/5th/6th graders and I have to say I love the 4th graders too. The middle school kids kind of drive me insane (well, some of them...). I have a new respect for middle school teachers! Sorry for that random bit...
I loved pre-k as well, not quite as much as kindergarten, but it was still a great adventure! I'm sure you will do great on your test (and I you are right, I bet being in FL didn't help the cause at all)!

Ok, here come the BBB questions! (You can reply in a PM if you don't want to take over your PTR ;o) ) We are definitely going to the one in the castle!!! I didn't the DTD one did the whole experience justice! I'm going to be a mean mommy and not let her choose her own hairstyle! I have my heart set on the fairytale princess, and I honestly don't think she will care since she will have just turned 3! My concern is that she has the most baby fine hair I have ever seen in my life!!! It is pretty long about 3-4 inches past her shoulders right now, but it is so darn thin I have trouble keeping a really tight rubberband in it! Plus she still has some of those baby fine hairs growing at odd lengths around where her bangs would be. So, after all that being said, what the heck to they use/do to keep the hair up? Gel? Hair spray? Bobby pins? How long is the process (she is just getting hair and nails since we already have a dress)? They said 45 minutes when I booked but that just seems long to me. :confused3 Any tips to get the photopass people to take tons of pics? Last one (at least for now) !!! :yay: Is it better if her hair is freshly washed or a bit dirty (not with chunks of stuff in it, but just not squeaky clean)? Sorry hijack your PTR

Haha, it's okay..

-A lot of moms would pick their DD hair style from 3 yrs old to one of the older girls. Their fear is that they look at POP and want that. I've done POP on a 3 yr old before and it looked darn cute but some moms are totally against that which is fine. My mom probably would have pushed FT too!

-When you check in at the Podium, just tell the FGIT checking you in that you want her to have the FT hairstyle and not to give her a choice. They will write it down and star it, highlight it whatever. When that happened to me I would get the brochure and just show the princess the one she was getting! If they are super busy and forget to note it, just tell your FGIT once she is seated.

-I forget what time her appt is but if you bring the dress, they will gladly let her change in the fitting room that they use for the Castle Packages. Depending on how busy it is, we've set up a dress for the princess in the room to make it look like she was buying a brand new one :)

-For that package, I would say allow 45-1hr just because of her type of hair. For me, it might take longer because you have to use a ton of hair spray and gel to get it up and then it might take a while to form a bun so that the hair ties are not showing through the bun. Now you might get a FGIT who has been there a long time and/or a trainer and can do them in 15/20 mins! Also depending on how many FGITs there are that day, her FGIT might not be able to have a buddy to the nails and make-up, making the process longer because your hair FGIT has to do it all.

-The hair is held up with hair spray, gel, and a stronger hair spray called Pump It Up. The hair spray is so strong that on HOT HOT HOT days in the summer it can "melt" and leave a horrible residue in a Princess's hair. We're told to use it sparingly. All of the products except Pump It Up are generic Paul Mitchell which is funny because that's what my mom used to use for my dance recitals because it held so well. They also use Bobby Pins and TONS of them! If your DD has a sensitive head, you might want to prepare her for it just because a lot of young Princesses (some who have never even had their hair cut!) are distraught by the pulling, tightness, and the pushing of the bobby pins.

-FP tries their hardest to circle around the room. They try and take one pic at the beginning with the cape on, a few during the hair process, a few during make up and/or nails, pixie dust, and reveal. The best time to get FP to yourself is at the end of the night when only a few chairs are filled or first thing in the morning at 8am.

-I would say leave the hair unwashed as the shampoo and/or conditioner will make it even more baby fine, making it hard to do. I would sometimes have to tease Princess hair that was baby fine to get it done. Just be aware that for her age and hair type, it might not last the whole day!

Well, I guess that's it, let me know if you have any other questions!
So exciting for you guys! I don't know if I'd be able to handle the drive to FL though. LOL.

I saw your comment too about not wanting to teach above 2nd grade. That is sort of how I am too. Even though I am certified 1-8 I really enjoy the younger ones. I'm teaching summer school now for kids who just finished 4th/5th/6th graders and I have to say I love the 4th graders too. The middle school kids kind of drive me insane (well, some of them...). I have a new respect for middle school teachers! Sorry for that random bit...

I thought the same thing. After driving it once, I was thanking my lucky stars that we didn't do that for all family trips there!

I agree with middle school kids, it takes a special person to be able to handle them! I guess everyone has their preference!!
Haha, it's okay..

-A lot of moms would pick their DD hair style from 3 yrs old to one of the older girls. Their fear is that they look at POP and want that. I've done POP on a 3 yr old before and it looked darn cute but some moms are totally against that which is fine. My mom probably would have pushed FT too!
*Glad to know I am not the only one!!
-When you check in at the Podium, just tell the FGIT checking you in that you want her to have the FT hairstyle and not to give her a choice. They will write it down and star it, highlight it whatever. When that happened to me I would get the brochure and just show the princess the one she was getting! If they are super busy and forget to note it, just tell your FGIT once she is seated.
*Thank you! I will definitely do this!
-I forget what time her appt is but if you bring the dress, they will gladly let her change in the fitting room that they use for the Castle Packages. Depending on how busy it is, we've set up a dress for the princess in the room to make it look like she was buying a brand new one :)
*We have a 9:55 appt. Thanks for the tip, I didn't know she could
change there, I thought we had to have her ready when we got
there! Olivia already knows we have the dress (and insists on
trying it on daily)!

-For that package, I would say allow 45-1hr just because of her type of hair. For me, it might take longer because you have to use a ton of hair spray and gel to get it up and then it might take a while to form a bun so that the hair ties are not showing through the bun. Now you might get a FGIT who has been there a long time and/or a trainer and can do them in 15/20 mins! Also depending on how many FGITs there are that day, her FGIT might not be able to have a buddy to the nails and make-up, making the process longer because your hair FGIT has to do it all.
*Glad I asked about the timing! I wasn't sure the man on the phone
knew what he was talking about! I am hoping it won't take that long
but we are now prepared if it does. I'm hoping we don't have to wait
long to get in either, but by 9:55 they might already be beind.

-The hair is held up with hair spray, gel, and a stronger hair spray called Pump It Up. The hair spray is so strong that on HOT HOT HOT days in the summer it can "melt" and leave a horrible residue in a Princess's hair. We're told to use it sparingly. All of the products except Pump It Up are generic Paul Mitchell which is funny because that's what my mom used to use for my dance recitals because it held so well. They also use Bobby Pins and TONS of them! If your DD has a sensitive head, you might want to prepare her for it just because a lot of young Princesses (some who have never even had their hair cut!) are distraught by the pulling, tightness, and the pushing of the bobby pins.
*Thanks for all this info!!! Olivia definitely doesn't have a sensitive head-
I have been doing her hair and pulling at it and shoving clips and such
in since before she was 1, so she is used to it!!! She has never had her
hair cut though!! I am actually hoping to do it at the Harmony Barber
Shop on our trip (just a little trim though)! I love the whole idea of her
first haircut being at Disney!

-FP tries their hardest to circle around the room. They try and take one pic at the beginning with the cape on, a few during the hair process, a few during make up and/or nails, pixie dust, and reveal. The best time to get FP to yourself is at the end of the night when only a few chairs are filled or first thing in the morning at 8am.
*I was planning on bringing my camera (and an extra card for it as well,
to make sure we get tons of pics) and DH will be in charge of the video

-I would say leave the hair unwashed as the shampoo and/or conditioner will make it even more baby fine, making it hard to do. I would sometimes have to tease Princess hair that was baby fine to get it done. Just be aware that for her age and hair type, it might not last the whole day!
*I was thinking leaving it a bit "dirty" might be best. We arrive at Disney
on Sunday and her appt is Monday morning, so I might just not wash her
hair on Sunday night when she gets her bath, and then the last time it
will have been washed was Saturday night.

Well, I guess that's it, let me know if you have any other questions!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for answering all my questions!!!!! I think I might be done hijacking your PTR now!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for answering all my questions!!!!! I think I might be done hijacking your PTR now!

My Pleasure!!! If you have any other questions let me know. I know the tipping question comes up a ton since you used to be able to tip and then not and then are. You are able to only though. The norm is $5-$10. I've been give as much as $20 and as little as $2. Any tips we get are appreciated!! Not to push it but any little bit helps!

And you are able to add the photo package that you would get with the castle's an extra $30 and you get it in the BBB envelope. You choose the same amount of pics as the castle package: 1 6x8 and 4 4x6 (I think?) You are able to add that on when you are checking out at the end of BBB before heading to the studio or you can just have them if you buy the CD.

Ps..I went back again to your TR and looked at DD's hair and she looks just like my little cousin Audra who's also 3 and is going to WDW in Nov!!
My Pleasure!!! If you have any other questions let me know. I know the tipping question comes up a ton since you used to be able to tip and then not and then are. You are able to only though. The norm is $5-$10. I've been give as much as $20 and as little as $2. Any tips we get are appreciated!! Not to push it but any little bit helps!

And you are able to add the photo package that you would get with the castle's an extra $30 and you get it in the BBB envelope. You choose the same amount of pics as the castle package: 1 6x8 and 4 4x6 (I think?) You are able to add that on when you are checking out at the end of BBB before heading to the studio or you can just have them if you buy the CD.

Ps..I went back again to your TR and looked at DD's hair and she looks just like my little cousin Audra who's also 3 and is going to WDW in Nov!!

Thanks for the tipping info! I had heard that you couldn't tip so I wouldn't have done it! Also good to know about the photo package! I didn't realize it was only $30 to do! I am leaning towards doing photopass (we have never done it before), so not sure I will get the package, but if we dont do PP I will definitely get it! I know it's hard to tell from pics, but is my DDs hair looking like your cousins a good thing (styling wise)?
Thanks for the tipping info! I had heard that you couldn't tip so I wouldn't have done it! Also good to know about the photo package! I didn't realize it was only $30 to do! I am leaning towards doing photopass (we have never done it before), so not sure I will get the package, but if we dont do PP I will definitely get it! I know it's hard to tell from pics, but is my DDs hair looking like your cousins a good thing (styling wise)?

Her hair looks fine to me!! Honestly, if you are not pleased with the way your DD's hair turns you, you can always request a new FGIT to re-do it or finish what the other one had started. I was never afraid to call for a trainer if I thought a hair was too thin/little or too much. It's a lot of money for a Princess to walk out looking not so great (and I've seen horrible ones!)

I've had to do a FT on a little girl--totally not 3 years old and had just turned 2 as the mother admitted to me when they left-- that had almost zero hair. We had to just put it in a little Pebbles Flinstone type of ponytail leaving it just wispy and put the tiara in to hopefully cover the wispy up. Kind of hard to justify $200 for a 2 yr old for a ponytail and a tiara but hey, who am I to judge!
I need to do BBB with my daughter at some point (before she gets too old!). I didn't fully realize there are various "styles" to choose from. Good info!!!

I need to do BBB with my daughter at some point (before she gets too old!). I didn't fully realize there are various "styles" to choose from. Good info!!!


Yes! There are 3 styles you can choose from:

*These are a few from when I did my training for BBB, please excuse the scary mannequin that is taking over my PTR!*

1) Fairtale Princess
-It's a classic princess bun with a tiara and you get a hidden mickey barrette on the back. It's by far the most popular and the hardest to do!


Mickey clip would go just under the bun:


2) Disney Diva
-It most resembles Belle's hair. It's a ponytail made into a bun with braids and around the bun is a fake hair piece with either pink or blue mickey ribbons throughout--natural colors hair + they had pink when I left. It's teased around the top and formed into a little poof (like Belle's hair) and then you get 2 mickey bobby pins for the front. You can add on a tiara or if you have the big crown from the Castle package you can wear that too!


Diva with black hair:


3) POP Princess
-Least popular! It's 4 hair twists on the top and pull into a ponytail and made into a bun with braids like Diva. You put a colored hair piece over the bun and tease it straight up and all different directions. To top it off you put 4 mickey clips on each of the 4 twists. I've also added on tiaras and the crowns as well (doesn't look as good IMOP).

I don't have a personal pic of POP bc they never let us take that hair home since it's similar to Diva except with twists so I did this:

100_1060.jpg on the left and Fairytale on the right (for hair that wouldn't smooth into a bun:

Okay now all of you must take your DD's to BBB!!!!

I've started a PTR for a possible trip with my former Co-CM/roomie friends. The link is at the bottom, please join me! I've just done the "Title" and "Intros and How We Met!"


Glad your bite is slowly getting better

getting so close now :cool1:
i was literally just getting on to ask you if you had pictures of the various styles at BBB as I just booked the coach package for my Best friends daughter for our Sept Trip

Too funny you just posted all of them

I like the first style the best, but we shall see what she picks

Thanks for posting these

Going to go check out your new Pre Trip now :surfweb:
Glad your bite is slowly getting better

getting so close now :cool1:

Thanks! Good thing now and now in 3 weeks right?!

i was literally just getting on to ask you if you had pictures of the various styles at BBB as I just booked the coach package for my Best friends daughter for our Sept Trip

Too funny you just posted all of them

I like the first style the best, but we shall see what she picks

Thanks for posting these

Going to go check out your new Pre Trip now :surfweb:

When I first read that I was like wait..Trent.and then I kept reading haha :rotfl:

I enjoy 1 as well! It's sooo hard to do sometimes because it must be princess perfect! My favorite one to do was POP but I maybe did less than 30 the whole time I was at BBB.


I hope everyone had a great weekend!

I didn't start my week off to a great start. I got into my car this morning and it would not start. I tried for 5 mins before giving up. It hadn't been used since Thurs but it's sat for way longer without doing that so who knows!? :confused3

Now it will start but I'm hesitant to drive to work tomorrow so I'm going to go with mom after work and put it on a battery tester and go from there!

Not only that but after I took mom's SUV, I got 10 mins down the road and forgot to take my antibiotic so I had to drive home on my lunch take the pills, eat quickly, and drive back all in an hour!

The day got better after the morning commute thank goodness!

I was going to update with Day 2 cont. schedule but I decided to Practice Pack yesterday!!! Dbro gave me specific instructions that I can take 2 small bags but my car was smaller when I moved to FL plus I'm a girls so if I can't take 2 medium size bags for his Honda Civic LX, he's got issues and overpacked!!

On Sunday, I went shopping with my mom and 2 aunts and they were having a Vera B sale for 50% certain patterns. Of course I bought something even though I have probably 25 Vera B pieces :rotfl: Small Duffel came home with me for $36. I already have Large Duffel and my mom has the Weekender bag:


So after our company left after their brief weekend stay and things settled down..I began to start my packing list which inspired me for the first time ever to consider only packing 2 "small" bags IE: 2 carry-on bags = NO CHECKED BAG FEES!!!!
I was on a mission. I made my list and put it into action. Dbro has taken my small rolly suitcase (from my new set that I had to buy at Walmart in March at WDW)..well, I still have my small rolly suitcase from my big blue suitcase (may it RIP in the WDW trash dump!) so I pulled that out, dusted it off and began to pack it. I feared the dimensions for carry-on baggage so I went on Airtran and looked up the #s and measured it and it all worked out :thumbsup2




I forgot to add a hoodie, just in case you know???


Packed with no where to go but back into the closet and dresser drawers!


3 things led me to the decision to pack small:

1. We're not spending that many days at WDW and especially not that many park days so I shouldn't be gross and need multiple outfits for every day.

2. Dbro insists that I pack small.

3. I won't need my big backpack because I'm not taking my laptop. I bought an Ipod Touch before our trip to CO in June so I can just use that if need-be. I think YC has wireless in the lobby?

So when all is said and done:

Fri: Shower quickly and change after work and start driving by 3pm

Sat: Wear same shorts as night before (if that's gross please tell me now because I keep telling myself it will be alright!) and bring and extra shirt in case the other one gets spilled on.
-Sat night: going to YS so I'll wear my black dress and will probably just keep that on till bed since our ADR isn't until 8pm.

Sun: The day where I'll pack 2 outfits because it's park day, August, and I don't feel like putting a sweaty outfit back on after mid-day pool time!

Mon: 1 outfit since it's Dbro's move-in day. I'll bring an extra shirt just in case

Tues: 1 outfit for the plane ride home.

all that plus: 1 set PJs, 1 Swim suit, 1 coverup, and 1 hoodie.

I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!




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