Rain, Surprise Birthdays, Rain, First Visits -(Ginny is deceased-Prayers for her.)

John always always tears or cuts the neck of his poncho. He says he has a fat head too.

Such funny men. My grandfather had a 20 and 1//2 inch neck. Now let me tell you, that is a fat head.

I'm trying to think of a ride that would be befitting of us at Disney. I know it can't be a super tall one (height issues) or a cramped enclosed one (claustrophobia) so it will have to be one like COP. Or IASW. We could redo small world to it's a Dis World and how the Dis has brought people from other areas of the nation together. I think I'm on to something. I shall write Disney a letter.:rotfl2:
Austin is just too funny...dayne thinks he is just too cool to do those sort of things on camera that is :lmao:

I love Epcot and so does Gwendolyn...everyone else in the family like TT, mission space, we have yet to ride Soarin' but they deal with the rest for us...oh and Dayne loves Norway.
Austin is just too funny...dayne thinks he is just too cool to do those sort of things on camera that is :lmao:

I love Epcot and so does Gwendolyn...everyone else in the family like TT, mission space, we have yet to ride Soarin' but they deal with the rest for us...oh and Dayne loves Norway.

I am almost afraid to see what Lacey and Austin would do together. Boys are so funny. He goes thru these shy stages and then boom he's back to our Austin again. I bet he and Dayne could do some pretty goofy stuff.

Epcot is truly my fav park. Soarin' is so awesome. I like Norway too. I remember that ride from my first visit to Epcot 1 billion gazillion years ago. I could actually spend days in WS seeing all the stuff.
I took these pics this morning of Princess and her sock bunny. She is 8 years old and she has had this bunny almost 8 years. She loves it. I have had to perform surgery on an arm and leg but that has been it. She carries it around by that short bunny tail and the ears and appendages drag along side her.




She knows it is her baby. She has one of those string bones that is green and white and has had it as long. She chews on these but does not tear anything up. (Unlike my previous Schnauzer Princess who ate my girls raggedy Ann dolls and all my good leather shoes)

April these are for you
I love those photos!!! Princess is just adorable. Thanks, Ginny!!
Loving the Beverly pictures! Too funny!

And your princess is such a doll. I love her little baby!!!!

Our neighbor's dog has a "baby" but I won't tell you what he does with it when they bring it out...:rotfl::rotfl: The neighbors bring it out when things get a little dull around their house! :lmao:
What cute pictures of Princess! When our dog, Oddball, was very little, he carried around a stuffed monkey. He absolutely loved it. As he grew bigger, he started making little tears in it and the stuffing came out. Soon, it was nothing but a small tattered piece of fuzz. I tried to find him another one but he tore it to pieces in a matter of hours.

For Christmas, we bought him several toys and my mother bought him one of the braided chew rope things. All are now destroyed.
I love those photos!!! Princess is just adorable. Thanks, Ginny!!

I think she is a sweetie pie, Until she runs off and we have to chase her.

Princess poses for cute pictures...thanks for sharing! one of our past doberman's would carry a baby like that!

It's so funny how soft they can be with their babies. She loves to have her picture taken until I snap the button and then she hears that noise and is off running.

Loving the Beverly pictures! Too funny!

And your princess is such a doll. I love her little baby!!!!

Our neighbor's dog has a "baby" but I won't tell you what he does with it when they bring it out...:rotfl::rotfl: The neighbors bring it out when things get a little dull around their house! :lmao:

I know what your neighbor's dog does. Princess is a refined uppity girl and would never do those things. Now Sheri's Riley would and does. Her Scooby could never have toys cause he just chewed them up. Now that he is 8 he loves toys and is very gentle with them. He has become a grown up finally.

What cute pictures of Princess! When our dog, Oddball, was very little, he carried around a stuffed monkey. He absolutely loved it. As he grew bigger, he started making little tears in it and the stuffing came out. Soon, it was nothing but a small tattered piece of fuzz. I tried to find him another one but he tore it to pieces in a matter of hours.

For Christmas, we bought him several toys and my mother bought him one of the braided chew rope things. All are now destroyed.

The only toys she has ever destroyed were those $1.00 Hartz stuffed toys that were like soft sticks with different heads on them. She chewed the heads off everyone of them. She also has a kitty cat in a police uniform. It's in the closet in time out. She got mad at it a few days ago and hid it in the pantry.
Good Morning Ginny! Great update. That Austin is a character. :lmao: I want to hang out with you guys. Looks like you have fun everywhere you go.

Princess is too cute. She takes great pictures. Our Schipperke (who's solid black and doesn't photograph well) has a baby - its a white teddy bear. The poor thing has had gastric bypass surgery. It has a great fluffy head and a shell for a body at this point. It's in desperate need of some stuffing. :rotfl:
Good Morning Ginny! Great update. That Austin is a character. :lmao: I want to hang out with you guys. Looks like you have fun everywhere you go.

Princess is too cute. She takes great pictures. Our Schipperke (who's solid black and doesn't photograph well) has a baby - its a white teddy bear. The poor thing has had gastric bypass surgery. It has a great fluffy head and a shell for a body at this point. It's in desperate need of some stuffing. :rotfl:

Oh that poor dear. Princess has had 19 teeth pulled. That might be why she doesn't tear things up so much. But she really never has. Doggies are so special. She worries every night whose lap she is going to sit on first. Then goes from one chair to the next. Come 9 when Don goes to bed she is all mine. Until she has to bring the baby and bone in the chair with her. I make her sit on the ottoman by my feet.

I bet you find it hard to believe but even when our girls were young and it was just the four of us we had that kind of fun too.

When Sheri was 3 we were building a barn style building in the back yard. She got in trouble over something and Don told her to go get a switch. She comes dragging an 8 ft 2x4 over. Don makes her stand on one end and him on the other. He had to 'swat' her. We were all laughing so hard. Sandi who was 5 almost was crying cause she thought he was really going to spank her with it. We are evil.
When Sheri was 3 we were building a barn style building in the back yard. She got in trouble over something and Don told her to go get a switch. She comes dragging an 8 ft 2x4 over. Don makes her stand on one end and him on the other. He had to 'swat' her. We were all laughing so hard. Sandi who was 5 almost was crying cause she thought he was really going to spank her with it. We are evil.
:lmao: What a cute story!!!!
Princess is so cute. Niko can't keep a toy more than a couple of hours before he starts shredding it. Dallas saw a commercial about a dog toy they can't shred and he thinks we should get that for Niko :rotfl:.
Princess is so cute. Niko can't keep a toy more than a couple of hours before he starts shredding it. Dallas saw a commercial about a dog toy they can't shred and he thinks we should get that for Niko :rotfl:.

Sheri went thru dozens with Scooby. So they quit buying him stuff but now that he's older he's very gentle with them. Riley has a set of keys. For dogs being color blind he gets them the color they ask for each time. Yellow is his car, red is the door and blue is his kennel. He's so funny. When he is tired he just gets in his kennel pulling the door behind him. Scooby's and Riley's kennels are in the same room and Scooby is always trying to get into Rileys.

I think Niko deserves a new non-shred toy. See how long it lasts.
Hi, Ginny! I just wanted to let you know that I am taking your prize home with me today for Mitchell. I hope that he has had a good day so I can give it to him! I will be sure to have the camera ready for you.

Have a great weekend! I'll not be back on the DIS until Monday. Take care, stay warm!!!!
I'm so glad he gets his package tonite. Hope he enjoys it.

On a side note: Don has gone to his folks. He got a call around 3 telling him to get there tonite. They expected him to go tonite or tomorrow. He has suffered so long and it needs to be over for him. Please pray for him.

Everyone have a good weekend.
Hi! Ginny
just read about our FIL on FB...had orginally typed this msg there and thought I'd rather type it here...
I'll be praying that Don, you and family find peace in knowing that DFIL will find his peace soon... I hope your MIL and Don are doing well.
Hello Ginny :wave:
I am finally all caught up!
I love tasting the terrible coke drinks at the 'coke building'
Your pictures are halarious:-)
Just an update on my DFIL. As he lost his battle at 2:30 this morning as he won the war. Peace has come on him at last. God is Good. It was very peaceful for him and his children and wife were with him.



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