Rain, Surprise Birthdays, Rain, First Visits -(Ginny is deceased-Prayers for her.)

You are a strong fighter and I know you will win your battle against this disease. You are in my thoughts and prayers. :)
Ginny - I just read your update. Please know that there are many people that are praying for you and for your healing. You are such a special woman, and so many people care about you. I know you will not be on this website very much, but I hope that there will be a way to get updates on your progress. God bless you!

Alison :flower3:

Much, much love from your Dis Sister! You have been, still are and will continue to be in my prayers.


Ginny, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I will pray for you. Just remember that positive thinking is the best medicine.


Just remember...

"In dreams you will lose your heartache...whatever you wish for, you keep"

This will be your motto, just like Cinderella!! I am praying, crying, cheering for you. You can do it!!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Definitely keeping you in my prayers. :grouphug:

You'll be in my prayers Ginny:hug:
Love, Sara

I know that you have talked to your "Dis sisters" on FB (of which I am honored to be one), and I just wanted, before this thread is closed, to let you know I love you and I look forward to talking to you on FB. Keeping you in my prayers...always.

Ginny - Please add me to your FB. I am going to PM you my information right now.

Fight Hard!
Wishing you health.

You are a strong fighter and I know you will win your battle against this disease. You are in my thoughts and prayers. :)

I don't know what to say to all of you. Still in the hospital. Today was day 33. They are planning on sending me home for a week this weekend. If my numbers are good I'll be back here for 3 weeks. If not then no going home but straight to Barnes in St. Louis. Pray for home. Ok, forget that, Pray that HE will do his will and put me where I need to be. I won't quit fighting. I have grandchildren to see grow with great grandchildren to take care of someday.
I don't know what to say to all of you. Still in the hospital. Today was day 33. They are planning on sending me home for a week this weekend. If my numbers are good I'll be back here for 3 weeks. If not then no going home but straight to Barnes in St. Louis. Pray for home. Ok, forget that, Pray that HE will do his will and put me where I need to be. I won't quit fighting. I have grandchildren to see grow with great grandchildren to take care of someday.

I will definatly keep praying for you Ginny:hug:
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.
Love, Sara
KatMark asked for aaaateamsgrandma (Ginny) TR to be reopened.
I'm saddened to say, Ginny has lost her fight with cancer.
I don't know to much about it, but I will truly miss her.
She would always comment on my TR--
She knew my dream of grandchildren one day.

Ginny I will keep you in my prayers, and that you are no longer in pain, which is dumb to say, because you were such a fighter.
you will be missed!
I know that you are still dissing with us and will continue to be felt in our hearts!
I'm saddened to think you missed Austin's graduation by days...but, he knows you will be there with him!

I am happy in the thought that you are no longer in pain...last time I spoke with you...you were in good spirits and had said you were feeling great. But, were not looking forward to the next week when your chemo would kick in...so, I am saddened for your family for your loss. But, grateful that you no longer have to bear the pain.

Rest well and keep everyone around you smiling! :flower3:
Oh Ginny. You will so be missed. We love you and I hope you are no longer in pain. Thank you for everything. So hi to the big man for me. :)
Ginny was such a bright, positive light. I know that she is resting in peace and is feeling no more pain. I am praying for her family. What a loss.....
:hug: for Ginny's family, both in the real world as well as her family on these boards. You will be deeply missed.
It's with such a sad heart that I am posting for my last time on Ginny's report. Ginny was a dear friend and my "Dis sister". I would have never imagined that the Disboards would lead me to a wonderful person such as Ginny.

I pray that her family will find comfort in knowing she is in pain no longer and rejoicing in Heaven!
KatMark asked for aaaateamsgrandma (Ginny) TR to be reopened.
I'm saddened to say, Ginny has lost her fight with cancer.
I don't know to much about it, but I will truly miss her.
She would always comment on my TR--
She knew my dream of grandchildren one day.

Ginny I will keep you in my prayers, and that you are no longer in pain, which is dumb to say, because you were such a fighter.

Thank you, OhMari for reopening this so that Ginny's friends could say goodbye to her.

To Ginny's blood family and to her family here on the DIS, including our "Dis Sisters: Ginny will be missed very much. I never met her personally but became friends with her last year on the DIS, and I was fortunate to have had such a loving, caring woman in my life...even if only for a short time. Ginny talked to me when we I was having some of my own health issues, some family problems and other issues and was always encouraging. We loved to talk about wrestling as her grandson wrestled and my son just finished his wrestling career in college in February. I love you Ginny. Say hi to my dad for me, and rest in peace.
I will miss Ginny greatly- she is the sweetest person I have ever met.
My thoughts and prayers are with Ginny's family. She was a remarkable lady and I sincerely hope that some day when her girls are stronger that they will look this up and see how special their Mother was to so many of us. Ginny will truly be missed.

Rest in peace Ginny. May God be with your family during this terribly difficult time. :hug:
My prayers are with Ginny's family. I am so sorry for your loss. I am so saddened that Ginny is gone. She was such a sweet and kind person.


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