Riddle me this!

Well......the riddle IS a red herring.......so I guess between the song and the riddle you DO have two....
<marquee direction="right">
Oh, and more thing, whoever took the "Go TO" button while we were gone, put it back!!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Alex did that, Sandi. He's keeping it in storage for about 2 weeks while he archives old posts.

He also stole the search function.

That man is incorrigible.

Ranatra, it will be back as soon as Alex gets all the old threads archived :)
Hey folks - pull out your calendars this week. Let's pick a weekend for RIDDLECON! I plan on posting a poll tomorrow or Wednesday, along with some info about Cedar Point - especially accomodations available there.

I think we were looking at July or August??

Can't wait to see you all there! :)
Welcome back Sandi! :)

Thank you very much for the pants Oldkicker. I'll pass them on to their rightful owner, my DH! :)

.....good thing I'm still wearing my warm jammies! ;) :)
Sandi - those photos are AWESOME! What a gorgeous place!

You look WONDERFUL! Did you get your hair cut?? Looks GREAT!

Thanks for sharing these! :)

LOL, Kim! They are one-size-fits-all! :)
We're having a RIDDLECON at Cedar Point???
That's only about 2 1/2-3 hrs for me!! Count me In!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Wow Bernie, you're observant! I cut my hair last May. It's really grown since then.
We are planning (whichever weekend it is) to leave here after my DW finishes work (about 7 pm) on Thursday and get there in the wee hours. Let the kids sleep on the way. That would give us two full days in the park with another half-day to spend checking out the area and hang with the riddle buds before heading back home....:)
Yes we are, Sandi!!!! I'm SO excited it! Glad to hear that you can come! It'll be GREAT to finally meet you! :)
Good morning to all the riddle groupies!

Welcome back, Diane!

Welcome back Ranatra (who's the sweetheart on the beach;):eek: ;) ) Loved the pics, but ya made me jealous LOL

Good luck Kitty!

Both months sound good, Bernie!

Just remember PatrickCon (Chicago around the 4th of July!)

My niece has worked at Cedar Point & says it's the worst time to go (busy). Boy is she clueless to what we really would be there for;)
Hiya, John!

I do know that the week of the 4th of July won't work for me. I'm hoping for a mid-July timeframe! :)


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