Riddle me this!

Good morning friends,

Hope Boo has a wonderful birthday. They do grow up so fast! My DD (who we call Boo Boo!) is 8 already....and she's my baby.

I'd love to visit Nutmeg Grove......I don't think it's all that far from Nutsy who posts on the CB. DH has been having fun tracking her weather these days because they're in the middle of summer while we're in Ice Station Zebra.

Got to think a bit on the riddle....and be sure I know what all the words in it mean!

(oops.....mixed up DH & DD....we don't call him Boo Boo!!)
Happy Birthday Boo!!!

The only downfall with this B&B is that it isn't kid friendly. I couldn't even imagine going on a vacation to a place especially out of the country without Dorian. He would never forgive me. DH and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas without him about 3 years ago and we both felt so guilty and kept saying to eachother how he would have loved this or that. So to say the least He comes with us everywhere. But how about that breakfast they serve, I can use that right about now.
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Thanks for the pants, OK! It is COLD here this morning, so they need to be fur lined. We are in for some normal winter weather this week, but minus the snow. We usually have had quite a few below zero days by this time, and even some in the 20 below range, but this is only -2 so far. I haven't heard what the windchill is.
Happy Birthday to Boo.......... :D Happy Birthday to Boo!!! :p

I hope she has a magical day!!!!

Good Morning all!!!!
I sent a PM with a weak guess & I'm waiting patiently for my IHSEIM.
Gotta work today so I won't be around too long.

How are all the riddlers doing that got snow yesterday??
I think I could be quite comfy here, with balconies on either side, surrounded by the rainforest. Don't you? :)

Happy Birthday to Boo's DD!! :) :)
Does anyone remember a song called 'Pilot of the Airwaves' For some unknow reason I woke up with this song in my head today and it just won't leave :bounce:
Here is Boo, and the boys just before she turned 1:


Here she is on her second birthday:


when she was most "Boo-like"

and here she is at Christmas this year....almost 3, going on 16.....(my own fault, I bought the adorable outfit...and clogs....lol) FINALLY, she has hair!!!


Aren't you all glad she isn't sixteen.....LOL.....
Boo'sMom - step away from the coffee-maker.......:p :p

LOL, GP - that should be one heckuva reply!!! :)

Kim - that's really neat. When I was in the service, the base I was in serviced a lot of pilots who went to Australia on a regular basis. I was a pay clerk and would figure out what they were due, travel-pay-wise. Alice Springs was one of the places that a lot of them would go. They all said it was quite lovely. I bet that balloon ride is absolutely breath-taking! :) Oh! And I'd be VERY COMFY there. :)

Diane - are you downloading pictures from your trip or house pictures? Either of both would be GREAT to see! :) We are very cold here this morning. 1 degree. I do see a gradual warming trend through the weekend - we'll be in the 20's then! Woo Hoo! :)

Gail - my Boo is 14! We named her Boo Boo at first - she was totally unexpected! It was quickly shortened to Boo. Her younger sister was even more of a surprise! :)

Helopoh - I didn't realize it wasn't kid friendly. I took my vacation first trip without my kids during DISCon! I must say - seeing Disney World that way was very different - and I really LIKED it! :) I still can't wait to go back with the kids though. :)

Lars - I'm off to read PMs again in just a moment! I bet you got it right though. :)

Mickey - I don't think I know that one! Can you sing a bar or two?? :)

And Amid - I'm sure the waters sound way better! :)

Those are LOVELY pictures, Boo'sMom - she's a sweetie. :)
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SEE?!!!! :) You got it. Trust those first instincts! :)
On my third cup here.....and DH is still in bed...he may miss this pot of coffee....LOL..

We tore the floor up in the "new red bathroom" yesterday and started cutting the tile last night. We will finish the tile today,and then we just need the mickey mouse shower curtain (finally bought one on e-bay yesterday) and a new vanity (which may be a few weeks down the road, after the one I picked out yesterday) and we are DONE....
Can't wait to show you all, it came out really great!
LOL Oldkicker!

Here goes

Pilot of the ariwaves
Here is my request
you don't have to play it but I hope you'll do your best
I've been listening to your show on the radio
and you seem like a freind to me
Good Morning, Everyone!

Happy Birthday, Boo!!!!! :) :) :)

(What beautiful pictures! You are certainly blessed with some beautiful children!)

Love that room, Kim!

Everyone, stay warm. I'm beginning to think runny noses are a way of life!
I remember that song......now it's going to be stuck in my head all day.......
guess it's better than "IASW" which is what Boo's new guitar plays.....LOL...
I've never heard that one either, Mickey!

I was downloading the pictures I took at the house yesterday. DH still has the WDW ones on his laptop, so I need to get them from him yet. We transfered them from the Sony to his laptop each evening.

BOO is just TOO adorable!!!:)
Awwww..........Stephanie your kids are adorable!!!
If I had a clue how to post a picure I would post one of mine but I am clueless as to how to do it.

DH & I have never gone away without the kiddies........we're thinking about it though.........maybe next Discon:D Now that he tries solving the riddle with me maybe I wouldn't get an :rolleyes: if I suggested it.


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