Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.3

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We are back from our cruise and had a great time. Coming back to work has been hell though. I have been so busy. I did interim appraisals for part of my team today and will do most of the rest tomorrow. On Sunday, when I will finally have a day off, I will download all the photos from the cruise and start my trip report.


Glad you had fun. Can't wait for the pics
AAAAAAAAhhhhhhh - Here you are all hiding - I have been wondering why I had recieved no notifications on our cruise thread - thought I'd check it out and found you had all relocated! Found you now so will have to catch up! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

LOL I know it's like hide and seek!
For the handful of you who have recently been cruising, welcome back, and I hope to see Trip Reports!

I'm back after a long weekend in Hawaii. Had a blast and really didn't want to return....I'm hobbling around a bit. I sliced my foot on some coral....

Hang in there Kimberly. I was there last year. My job was 'eliminated' last April, 4 months prior to the Panama Canal cruise. I went anyway because fortunately I got a decent severance. I found my current position in December. I'm still on contract but hopefully will become permanent soon.

How wonderful to take a "long weekend" trip to Hawaii! I hope that foot feels better soon. That's gotta ache!

It's wonderful to hear that you have that paycheck. I raise my glass to you to get that permanent position in the near future!

....I am sending pixie dust your way - I too - am of the belief that things happen for a reason and that if you have a good positive attitude things will work out. Sometimes not without some pain and anguish - but let's hope that isn't the case for you and you find something close to home, more money and something you really love!:wizard::woohoo:

:thumbsup2 Thanks, Peggy Jo! I'm sure there will be some challenges ahead, yet I'll have to remind myself in those moments (and you all can remind me, too!) that in the end I'll be so much better off!

Sorry about the job! Looks like I might be moving jobs but only within the office so should be OK.

Oh and your attitude about it is fantastic so stay positive. Everything happens for a reason!

Sarah, you're too nice! Thank you. Do you have an interest in the potential job move? It's always easier when you have something that intrigues you.

...It's been a bit tough the past few weeks, a few bouts with Fibro (what a pain :lmao:). ....And Buckeye Gal ... you'll find that great job you weren't expecting! Prayer and pixie dust coming your way!...

Ann, I'll take the prayers and pixie dust anyday! Hope you can get back to your normal soon. I'll send those prayers and pixie dust right back at ya! :)

....It is iffy that we'll be able to go on this cruise as we are starting a major remodel on our home. In fact, we have to move out while the work is being done - at least 8 months. But - we won't cancel until the last minute.....

That's bitter-sweet news to face, I'm sure. I'm sure you've been anticipating this remodel for some time, so it will be awesome to see your visions become reality! Nonetheless, 8 months of not being in your own home sounds pretty difficult to me. Absolutely keep us posted on its progress, and don't neglect to take pictures throughout the process. They'll make a great story for a remodeling scrapbook!
Greetings all...

Kim---so sorry to hear your sad news! A very good friend (and inspirational colleague of mine) just lost his job in Los Angeles, too. He emailed me last night to let me know that the agency he's worked for for over a decade closed its doors after being open for 25 years!! It really stinks. (Especially because he and were supposed to co-facilitate a workshop at a National Conference in Chicago in August and now he doesnt' think he'll be able to make the trip). It stinks that the job market is like that for some people.
We're having some gorgeous weather in the Toronto area. Sitting here after a yummy dinner of white wine garlic mussels, naan bread, a glass of wine, and now watermelon. Yum! I love summer foods.
Hi everybody...we just got back from seeing "UP". I can't say that I enjoyed it as much as WALL*E, but it was very well done. It's been raining here for days. Hopefully this will blow over for the weekend. Have a good one, everyone.
We're having some gorgeous weather in the Toronto area. Sitting here after a yummy dinner of white wine garlic mussels, naan bread, a glass of wine, and now watermelon. Yum! I love summer foods.

Yummy!!!! That sounds really good! :)
Sadly, I haven't posted or kept up with you guys in awhile, so I wanted to mention that several weeks ago I noticed a slight decrease in price on our cruise. Soooooo, about 3 weeks ago I went ahead and moved from a GTY Cat 10 to a Cat 9 so I don't have to rely on the Upgrade Fairy for sunlight. :rotfl:

HI Kimberley - good news on the upgrade - I am hoping for the Upgrade Fairy - if not we may just see of we can get one at the port!

So there we go, we are booked and i am soooo looking forward to all those sea days and spending time with DizzneyDAnn and her family.

We did the last WB TA and the weather was amazing, the Atlantic was like a mill pond without a trace of a wave for several days in a row - here's hoping to a repeat.


Welcome aboard Lorraine!!

Hi Guys

Cant believe it has been so long, Ive been away SO much,been a bit diff to get on comp at home and shared computers are a hassle.
I cant begin to catch up but I hope you are all well, I am away to Vegas and Ca this/next month for 3 weeks:cool2:, then I will book next years flights, it might seem a bit more closer then so will try to keep up.

Hi Kathy - I have been wondering where you were! Sounds like a great trip you have planned there - look forward to hearing all about it!

Along those lines (well...sorta), I became unemployed today. They eliminated my position. So let's hope in the next few months I find a new job so I can still take this amazing cruise!

So sorry to hear about your job Kimberley :hug: Hopefully something much better will be waiting around the corner - in the mean time - stay positive. Sending :wizard::wizard::wizard: lots of pixie dust to help you find something just right for you xx


I'm excited for our cruise, but I'm a bit worried about rough seas on the trip.

I know what you mean - I will be taking the meclazine once we leave the sheltered waters of the Med, just in case!

We are back from our cruise and had a great time. Coming back to work has been hell though. I have been so busy. I did interim appraisals for part of my team today and will do most of the rest tomorrow. On Sunday, when I will finally have a day off, I will download all the photos from the cruise and start my trip report.


Look forward to reading all about your cruise Corinna. Glad you had a great time. I am fanatasising about cruising at the moment - would love to sneak one in before the Disney cruise next year! But with kids and exams and one starting university, plus school holiday issues it won't be realistic.
I'm a little worried about mal-de-mer too. I'm going to invest in everything from sea bands to ginger capsules to meds.

When we traveled to the east coast of Canada (lovely, btw) we went on both a lobsterboat-cum-whale watching tour and a large car ferry and I was nauseous on both to the point of exclusion of all activities. I'm hoping being proactive with the meds will work. We have a 4 day Bahamas cruise booked before this big'un so I hope to find my sea legs on that one.
Hey! I found you! I couldn't believe the moderator didn't post the new site either. It was good to read everyone's posts. Welcome to the new people and hope everyone is doing well. We haven't looked into airfare yet and I am kind of dreading it. My husband is out now buying a generator in case we need it for the hurricanes. UGH! I wish every day was a "Magical" day!
Hey! I found you! I couldn't believe the moderator didn't post the new site either. It was good to read everyone's posts. Welcome to the new people and hope everyone is doing well. We haven't looked into airfare yet and I am kind of dreading it. My husband is out now buying a generator in case we need it for the hurricanes. UGH! I wish every day was a "Magical" day!

I've looked into airfare (well sort of) and it's not as bad as I thought. I looked at AerLingus from JFK to Barcelona one way for this Sept and it was just about $330. Hopefully it will be even better next year (we can hope!!)

Hope you are hurricane free this year!!!!!
Thanks Sarah, Melodie, and Erik for the hugs! I'm uncharacteristically calm about the whole unemployment thing. (I’m typically a big worry wart about risks.) I hope I stay that way, because it's much more bearable to be positive than wallowing!

Sarah, I'll have fingers crossed that the upgrade fairy visits all the DISers!

....We haven't looked into airfare yet and I am kind of dreading it. My husband is out now buying a generator in case we need it for the hurricanes. UGH! ...

Ugh! Indeed hurricane threats are new to your world, Sandi! Have you guys been there a year yet? If not, it has to be pretty darn close, right? I echo Melodie's words that I hope it's a hurricane-free year (or at least that they're weak)!

I've looked into airfare (well sort of) and it's not as bad as I thought. I looked at AerLingus from JFK to Barcelona one way for this Sept and it was just about $330. Hopefully it will be even better next year (we can hope!!)

Hope you are hurricane free this year!!!!!

Wow! $330. Really?! That's awesome! About a month ago I spent a little time looking into Sept 2009 pricing, and I found it to be cheaper to purchase round-trip (then I would cancel the final leg). That roundtrip fare was around $580 from Columbus to Barcelona. I think I may get a TA involved when the time comes to have them find me the best rate/route.

My apologies if this was brought up already, but has anyone noticed that our departure time (per DCL website) has chaned to 4:00 pm instead of 9:00 pm(isn't that what it was originally scheduled for?)? That kills the hope for a big fireworks farewell from Barcelona. Castaway Cay will seem like a blink (11:15 - 4:30). :sad1:
My apologies if this was brought up already, but has anyone noticed that our departure time (per DCL website) has chaned to 4:00 pm instead of 9:00 pm(isn't that what it was originally scheduled for?)? That kills the hope for a big fireworks farewell from Barcelona. Castaway Cay will seem like a blink (11:15 - 4:30). :sad1:

Wow, first I heard of it. I was on a couple of days ago but never even looked at the times. I thought it would be fun to set sail at night!!!

Again, I didn't even look at the times for CC. Wow, doesn't leave a lot of time to set up lunch!!!!
Hi Everyone,

I am here in the Outer Banks, North Carolina with my DH and children and grandchildren. We will celebrate my oldest son's birthday, my daughter's birthday and the 40th anniversary of my DH and I being married. We met 43 years ago on a blind date and dated long distance and got married in 1969 in Key West, Florida.

Right now we are watching hockey and having a great time. I am making sure that I totally veg while I am here. no worries, no problems, just lots of ME time and lots of snuggle time with the grandbabies!!! :goodvibes
...I thought it would be fun to set sail at night!!!

....CC....Wow, doesn't leave a lot of time to set up lunch!!!!

I also thought it would be fun/romantic/cool to sail away from shore at night, not to mention cooler. As for CC, I was trying to think of the best way to get the most time out of CC, and my thoughts were to have "brunch" on the Magic and skip the CC grill, which would totally stink BTW. Then the same thought that you had, Melodie, crossed my mind. How in the world will they have the two lunch spots ready?

Hi Everyone,

I am here in the Outer Banks, North Carolina with my DH and children and grandchildren. We will celebrate my oldest son's birthday, my daughter's birthday and the 40th anniversary of my DH and I being married. We met 43 years ago on a blind date and dated long distance and got married in 1969 in Key West, Florida......

What wonderful family time!! Happy "Everything" to your family, and congratulations on 40 blissful years! Enjoy your downtime, and particularly enjoy the grandbaby time!!
My apologies if this was brought up already, but has anyone noticed that our departure time (per DCL website) has chaned to 4:00 pm instead of 9:00 pm(isn't that what it was originally scheduled for?)? That kills the hope for a big fireworks farewell from Barcelona. Castaway Cay will seem like a blink (11:15 - 4:30). :sad1:

Well that is a shame - I was hoping for a late sailing from Barcelona so that we could get off the ship and have a look around before sailing - not much chance of that if we sail at 4pm.

Also CC - that doesn't leave much time for any activities does it? We were hoping to do the waverunner tour (cancelled on our last trip), but by the time you have disembarked the ship, cycled to Serenity Bay, had lunch, chilled for a while, cycled back - one quick cocktail at the Heads Up bar, and it will be time to leave. Not a good plan! Still, there is a lot of time for changes between now and then!:wizard:
Hi Everyone,

I am here in the Outer Banks, North Carolina with my DH and children and grandchildren. We will celebrate my oldest son's birthday, my daughter's birthday and the 40th anniversary of my DH and I being married. We met 43 years ago on a blind date and dated long distance and got married in 1969 in Key West, Florida.

Right now we are watching hockey and having a great time. I am making sure that I totally veg while I am here. no worries, no problems, just lots of ME time and lots of snuggle time with the grandbabies!!! :goodvibes

Happy Anniversary, Terry (& Hal)! :goodvibes Enjoy your trip!
....CC - that doesn't leave much time for any activities does it? .....Still, there is a lot of time for changes between now and then!:wizard:

I'm with you, Sarah! Time changes for both Barcelona and CC are what I'll be hopeful for. Afterall, if you can depend on anything, it's change, right? Change is a constant. :)

Obviously we have a distance to cover from Tortola, but I still will be hopeful that the Captain can kick it up a few knots on our sea day to gain us even 90 more minutes on CC!
I can't believe what a short day we have on Castaway!! On the Double Dip cruise last fall we had a very short day on Castaway, too....but at least on that trip we got two stops at Castaway...I can't believe that on our only stop at Castaway we have such a limited/short day?! UGH! I would gladly give up the other Caribbean day to have a longer or additional CC day!! (what is it again? Tortolla? I'm so awful...I don't even know the ports we're going to on our can tell what's important to me....and it isn't the destinations---except for Castaway! :lmao:)
I can't believe what a short day we have on Castaway!! On the Double Dip cruise last fall we had a very short day on Castaway, too....but at least on that trip we got two stops at Castaway...I can't believe that on our only stop at Castaway we have such a limited/short day?! UGH! I would gladly give up the other Caribbean day to have a longer or additional CC day!! (what is it again? Tortolla? I'm so awful...I don't even know the ports we're going to on our can tell what's important to me....and it isn't the destinations---except for Castaway! :lmao:)

I agree with you 100% - forget one of the islands and give me Castaway. I am glad about the 4:00 departure time because then I can sit on deck and watch the beautiful Med in the daylight. Did they have fireworks the last time they left Barcelona? I cannot imagine them doing that again - it is no big deal to them the second time around only us :lmao:
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