Since Tag Fairy Requests are so popular...

Sorry, Mal! LOL I thought you were seeing those big red squares as well and was wondering why you kept posting them!! LOL
all this talk about big red squares had me searching for mal's forbidden smilies. but lo and alas, she edited them out. but i did see a few of the big red squares the rest of you posted. don't they give you the warm fuzzies!
NO WAY I would never do anything to anger the tagfairies that would be like angering "Mother Nature"

Not a GOOD idea!

;) Mal
Hmmm, I, too, thought the big red squares were intentional - actually thought that it had something to do with BURPING, based on your tag, Mal!! :D I posted on the "Who the heck is the tag fairy?" thread, hoping for another tag before my trip, but nothing yet..........:rolleyes:
so the big red boxes is why the tag fairie gave me the burping was supposed to be a pic of a smilie burping where the red box was. It was really a cute smilie wish you guys could have seen it. :(

I would be the happiest little girl in the world if I could have a tag... :rolleyes:

I also have a do i get to write things under my member name like you guys?? lol:Pinkbounc
Hi and

the "TAGS" are the sayings under your name you can put whatever you want there but only tag fairies can do it in color to do it yourself go to user CP then edit profile then Custom User Text:
you may add what ever you wish but once the tag fairy tags you you can not change anything or you will lose it all!

Have fun on the boards

Mal:bounce: ;)
Tag ideas for ThinkTink1984:

"i'm such a geek"
"I don't see YOUR grandfather on the RocknRollin coaster!"
"I could'nt help but notice you were hopping"
"Oh bother, counters"
Is still trying to get a hang of all this message boarding
would be the happiest little girl in the world if she could have a tag
planning on attending the disney college program soon
"one of the biggest disney fanatics out there"
is learning to dance on bars
Ideas for lalapodip:

"was hoping to be the 1000th poster on the Tag Fairy thread"
Watch out, her DH willl hit you with his purse!
"an Oilily outlet - whoo hoo!!!"
has a famously fussy son who is the KING of french fry eaters
"I haven't started packing yet"
was SO sick of "it's a zippity-do-dah-tip-for-the-day" by the end of her trip last year"
has been known to have a PANIC ATTACK
"Guilty as charged!"
"Can you tell that we love Lemony Snicket??"
It looks like the TFs have been busy.
If I am committed, I will be sure to tell them "the DIS tag fairy made me do it"! We are going to WDW in Oct, maybe I can find the tag fairy there.....along with my Pal Mickey....
I check my countdown clock and check to see if I've been tagged every morning...please stop the madnesssss already & tag me!!!!
(Just decided I'm going to hold my breath until I get tagged)...turning blue...turning purple.....fell down
AdventurerKat is invisible no more!!

Next time I'm going for purple! (Just not Frann's way!
LOL) It's my favorite color!
Or is it just the tag fairy trying to resusitate (sp)? Who cares? I've been tagged (floating around the room like the village idi@t)! Me loves the tag fairy!!!!
yaaay I've been tagged! Thank u tag fairy!! and i loved all the suggestions, i really am such a geek!
Oh no, Baileymouse. I was feeling just like you last week and then the tag fairy hit. Have faith! :)


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