So what's new wit chu?

I was told that the info below is indeed the way it works.

The rules say.....
2. NO PROFANITY: Simply put, don't use swear words and don't post or link to suggestive or inappropriate photos. The boards are equipped with censoring software. If you try to use a profanity, it will be filtered and appear as all asterisks. Please don't get creative in an attempt to bypass the filters. This is considered the same as using the word itself and will result in an infraction. If you post or link to pornography, you'll be banned from our site.

I read this and to me, while it discourages the use of profanity, it doesn't say that just because the filter was "tripped" that you are in trouble. Where it does say that you are in trouble is if you try to bypass the filter. Personally, I don't see a post with a bunch of asterisks as being offensive. You can choose to figure out what they stand for, or you can overlook them completely. It's the reader's choice.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

I chickened out :guilty:

The restaurant was a lot more crowded than I was hoping, and that's just the newest in a long line of excuses. grrr, I feel like chicken poo.

Anyway, I will get around to it, and soon. Frankly my dad and I have barely seen each other in the past 15 years and I don't feel like his presence would make or break my wedding, but I just think if he finds out at some point down the line I got married and he wasn't invited, well that would just be plain hurtful. I'm getting closer. It's just like getting into the pool one toe at a time.
Louie :grouphug:

It's ok to go at your own pace. Only you can know when the time is right. It doesn't make you a chicken.
As a parent, I want to know who my children really are..I know that's not the case for everyone..and I'm so sorry it's not your case.

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all day....just beware Monday it's back to my same snide self.
:grouphug: Sorry to hear that things worked out like this today. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Things will happen when they are supposed to happen.

Honestly, if you get married without him knowing, it's his own fault. He should have been there for you. Kid's should never have to chase their parent's love and approval, it's supposed to be a given that a parent freely gives it to their child.
Take your time Louie! :grouphug:

Do you need to do this in person? Is this something you feel strongly about? Or could you do it via mail, email, or a phone call?

As far as the other subject in this thread, I usually hit the preview post button if I am unsure, if the filter catches it, I use another word that gets my point across, I like to get creative that way! :lmao:
Louie....don;t you wish Hallmark made a "Hey Dad, (or mom) I'm gay" card with some cute kitty cats and puppies in a field of flowers and sunshine!

I had a pretty cruddy week......My 13you niece is the root of ALL evil, rally she has to be spawn of Satan (that or she's a typical 13yo!), My hubby and I had a HUGE fight today, I have acne like a teenager again and to top it all off.....I went to the Dr yesterday and while my lab work was all good (YAY) he basically told me I was fat and have gained far too much weight and need to do something NOW about it......Thank you Capitan Obvious.

However.....DH's divorce loan (the personal loan he took out to get rid of the debt they had) was finally paid off yesterday :cheer2: :cheer2: so we are FREE of a 300/mo loan payment!!!!! ChaChing! And today I had a Fantasia Party, closing out the month at a total sales of just under $2,000!!!!!!!!! A commission of over $500 for me!!!!!! ChaChing! :banana: :banana:

So so good with the bad I guess!
Sounds like someone needs to upgrade their vacation! ! :cool1:

Congrats to a good week!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

I chickened out :guilty:

The restaurant was a lot more crowded than I was hoping, and that's just the newest in a long line of excuses. grrr, I feel like chicken poo.

Anyway, I will get around to it, and soon. Frankly my dad and I have barely seen each other in the past 15 years and I don't feel like his presence would make or break my wedding, but I just think if he finds out at some point down the line I got married and he wasn't invited, well that would just be plain hurtful. I'm getting closer. It's just like getting into the pool one toe at a time.

Do what's right and when it's right for you Louie!
Maybe dialing drunk? ::yes::

Just kidding.
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts. I'm not particularly torn up on this one though, I'm not really losing any sleep over it.

I know it's a lot less personal but I'll probably just tell him over the phone. He's been saying for years how he wants to be part of my life again, andits not like he's some ogre, he's actually a really good guy. I just feel like I built this whole new life while he was gone and did a pretty good job of it.

Anyway, the sun is out, the sky is blue, I should go and enjoy the day!
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts. I'm not particularly torn up on this one though, I'm not really losing any sleep over it.

I know it's a lot less personal but I'll probably just tell him over the phone. He's been saying for years how he wants to be part of my life again, andits not like he's some ogre, he's actually a really good guy. I just feel like I built this whole new life while he was gone and did a pretty good job of it.

Anyway, the sun is out, the sky is blue, I should go and enjoy the day!

Surfs up!
Louie - :grouphug: Go at your own speed. At least your Dad is making a move to be part of your life, who knows ... he may surprise you.

My life has been crazy lately. My Dad had a stroke almost a month ago. Fortunately there was no paralysis but he's got no balance now. I feel so bad for him, he has to deal with this on top of dialysis and other issues. He was in the hospital for a week and then in a rehab facility and I just brought him home on Thursday. My one brother is in town now so I get a bit of a break. Oh, and now I've got a cold :crazy2: ... I feel like someone is trying to blow up a baloon inside my sinus cavities! But on the plus side unless Dad takes a turn for the worse I'll be in WDW in one short week!:cheer2: I really, really need this trip!!
Gee Saxton - I hope your dad is on the mend. :flower3:
Thanks guys! Dad is pretty grumpy now because he just found out I'm taking my Mom to FL next week - he depends on us quite a bit. My one brother will be staying with him so this should be interesting. :rolleyes:
Thanks guys! Dad is pretty grumpy now because he just found out I'm taking my Mom to FL next week - he depends on us quite a bit. My one brother will be staying with him so this should be interesting. :rolleyes:

Sue! I'm so glad you're going. Make sure to ride TOT for me.

Me: I'm on day 2 of my anti-inflammatory diet...

all veggies and no caffeine make Rosie a dull girl.....
Sue! I'm so glad you're going. Make sure to ride TOT for me.

Me: I'm on day 2 of my anti-inflammatory diet...

all veggies and no caffeine make Rosie a dull girl.....

Sue! I'm so glad you're going. Make sure to ride TOT for me.

Me: I'm on day 2 of my anti-inflammatory diet...

all veggies and no caffeine make Rosie a dull girl.....

No caffeine? Can I have your espresso machine?:coffee:


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