TCD is a VIP! A FW Cabin trip report May 2009

Did you happen to look and see if there was a hitch on that that is to funny...
Did you happen to look and see if there was a hitch on that that is to funny...

Maybe they carry the Smart in the bed of their pickup which is parked in the overflow lot! :lmao:

Moving right along . . .

When I was driving around the Settlement area, I noticed that there were gazebos and other things set up in the grassy area between Pioneer Hall and the Settlement bus stop. I decided to stroll over there from the cabin to take a look.

Here is a look back at the cabin from the walkway behind it:


And here are some shots of the things set up for the race:










The last leg of the race was the run, and, as you can see, the finish line was set up right here in this area.

There were large maps posted here showing the routes of the three legs of the race:





So, every leg started and finished in the "transition area," which is where all of the bikes were parked behind Pioneer Hall. The bike leg would head out right behind our cabin, and the bikers would then return in front of the cabin on the way to the finish line.


There were great big Mears buses going back and forth to the MK parking lot to shuttle all of the participants to the Settlement area:




From here, I headed back to the cabin.

As I headed back to the cabin, I noticed that they were getting ready for the evening wagon rides:



This is the path that the horse-drawn excursions take from the loading area by Pioneer Hall, out into the campground for the wagon rides:




This path leads to a paved path that pedestrians, bikes and golf carts share to head down to the Marina and Pioneer Hall. As you would expect, there was non-stop traffic on this path all day long:


You can see the horse wagon going by here:




Well, it was getting time to get dinner going.

I brought some nice steaks, charcoal, and everything else needed with us so that we could just grill and eat at the cabin.

When I was looking around the cabin for cooking supplies, I found this interesting document posted in the hall closet:



So, this tells us that this cabin is coming up on being 12 years old. It is still in very nice shape.

I also found this set of three laminated sheets on a ring hanging in the closet. It had photos of every possible item stocked in the cabins. Everything from spoons to shower curtain hooks. I think it is something used by maintenance to order missing items. I am not sure it was supposed to be left in the cabin.


I think there were three double-sided sheets. I only took a photo of one. I didn't want to come across as obsessive or something.

I went ahead and got the steaks going on the grill, and enjoyed a beer outside on the deck. I have some photos of that coming up . . .

Sorry to hi-jack this thread but while reading TCD's report I thought he said something about moving cars from sites... How many cars can you park in one trailer site?
Sorry to hi-jack this thread but while reading TCD's report I thought he said something about moving cars from sites... How many cars can you park in one trailer site?

There is no such thing as a hijack of a TCD thread. We can talk about whatever we want. I will get it back on track. ;)

The official rule is one car/truck and one camping unit per site. So, if you have a motorhome, you can have a car and a motorhome. If you have a trailer, you can have the trailer and tow vehicle. If you have a tent, still just one car.

If you have more than one vehicle in your party, you can ask for an additional parking pass, and park you vehicle in the lot up by the Outpost/Registration area.

TCD, OK great because we will have two vehicles with us and I guess my sister will have to park in the over flow lot...... ;)
Ohhh! The bike route went down the service road by the former roundhouse? Bet TCD's got some killer behind the scenes stuff from there!

Ohhh! The bike route went down the service road by the former roundhouse? Bet TCD's got some killer behind the scenes stuff from there!

Love the thread, especially all the info about the 100 cabin. The ONLY reason I've ever been inside of one is because...

someone had to DIE at Disney in order for me to get to see inside it:eek:

We were in the 300 loop and had made friends with the older couple and their DGD in the class A next to us. One night, the whole world busted wide open, the gentleman had died while his wife and DGD were at MK:scared1:

FW staff were marvelous, immediately whisked the two survivors off to the cabin you were in, let them stay there for the next two nights, called other family members to come and help drive the RV home, etc. We went up the next a.m. and checked on them, and were invited inside:)

Eerie: on our way there, FW had hired a bagpiper to walk through the loop playing...on a foggy early FL a.m.....put the hairs right up on the back of my arms.

So, I'd LOVE to stay in that cabin, but won't sacrifice a family member to do so:thumbsup2

Keep up the good spying!
I am hearing the Mission:Impossible theme music in my head reading your TR! Loving it!

Thanks for the time and effort!
"...I was going to try to drive my cart down the Wilderness Swamp trail to the 300 loop. I was going wild! So, away I went. Past the Settlement Trading Post, and back on the trail. I have never done this before. Honest. But, I have seen other people do it. And, I am now feeling invincible. I am not going to get caught! So, I drive all the way to the canal behind the 300 loop..."

:happytv: Welcome TCD the Wilderness Swamp Trail Pirate's Club! pirate:

I was one of the "others" you might have seen on the trail with a golf cart. We didn't stop too long at the cabin. We kept on going and we got back as far as you can go on that trail. In fact it was scary and the road is narrow and treacherous. :scared1: I can't imagine getting stuck out there. I had to back up a good part of the way because there was no way to turn around. Didn't get caught though. Maybe they put in a camera since then or maybe someone turned you in. :confused3

There are some security CMs who take their jobs so seriously you would think they were State Troopers or something. Others are very nice and pleasant and just quote you the rules. BB sounds like he is at least in the middle.

Oh and we tried the 1700 trail you mentioned. We didn't get caught exactly. Just caught a glimpse of a truck and turned around. Chickened out after that.

Anyway back to the trail. I had heard that CMs sometimes stay in the old cabin or at least may use it for off duty activities. We noted a BBQ there. Of course it could be just part of Disney realism.

You got me wanting to spy now. :idea:
Ohhh! The bike route went down the service road by the former roundhouse? Bet TCD's got some killer behind the scenes stuff from there!


Sorry, but after my admonishment by BB, I behaved myself for the rest of the trip, and did not go into any more unauthorized areas. But, I will have a clean slate on my next visit, so who knows? The only thing is that I won't have all the triathlon commotion to serve as a diversion. I do want to see the inside of the roundhouse. I think it was Ynottony who said that there are still train tracks on the floor in there.

Love the thread, especially all the info about the 100 cabin. The ONLY reason I've ever been inside of one is because...

someone had to DIE at Disney in order for me to get to see inside it:eek:

We were in the 300 loop and had made friends with the older couple and their DGD in the class A next to us. One night, the whole world busted wide open, the gentleman had died while his wife and DGD were at MK:scared1:

FW staff were marvelous, immediately whisked the two survivors off to the cabin you were in, let them stay there for the next two nights, called other family members to come and help drive the RV home, etc. We went up the next a.m. and checked on them, and were invited inside:)

Eerie: on our way there, FW had hired a bagpiper to walk through the loop playing...on a foggy early FL a.m.....put the hairs right up on the back of my arms.

So, I'd LOVE to stay in that cabin, but won't sacrifice a family member to do so:thumbsup2

Keep up the good spying!

Wow! What a story. I am glad no one had to die for the TCD gang to get into the cabin. What a sad thing to happen for this family, but props to Disney for how they handled it.

I am hearing the Mission:Impossible theme music in my head reading your TR! Loving it!

Thanks for the time and effort!

No thanks necessary Ma'am. It's what I am trained to do. I'm just doing my job.

"...I was going to try to drive my cart down the Wilderness Swamp trail to the 300 loop. I was going wild! So, away I went. Past the Settlement Trading Post, and back on the trail. I have never done this before. Honest. But, I have seen other people do it. And, I am now feeling invincible. I am not going to get caught! So, I drive all the way to the canal behind the 300 loop..."

:happytv: Welcome TCD the Wilderness Swamp Trail Pirate's Club! pirate:

I was one of the "others" you might have seen on the trail with a golf cart. We didn't stop too long at the cabin. We kept on going and we got back as far as you can go on that trail. In fact it was scary and the road is narrow and treacherous. :scared1: I can't imagine getting stuck out there. I had to back up a good part of the way because there was no way to turn around. Didn't get caught though. Maybe they put in a camera since then or maybe someone turned you in. :confused3

There are some security CMs who take their jobs so seriously you would think they were State Troopers or something. Others are very nice and pleasant and just quote you the rules. BB sounds like he is at least in the middle.

Oh and we tried the 1700 trail you mentioned. We didn't get caught exactly. Just caught a glimpse of a truck and turned around. Chickened out after that.

Anyway back to the trail. I had heard that CMs sometimes stay in the old cabin or at least may use it for off duty activities. We noted a BBQ there. Of course it could be just part of Disney realism.

You got me wanting to spy now. :idea:

Like I said, BB was a lot nicer than I would have been had it been my job to chase knuckleheads out of unauthorized areas.

When were you last down the trail by the cabin? It is very overgrown now. And, there are big logs laying across the path just past the cabin. I don't think you could get a cart down there now. If BB hadn't spoiled my fun, I would have at least gotten some pics of the path, because I don't remember it being blocked like it was the last time I was down it. Which, I add for the record, was by foot, the way it is supposed to be done, back in November 2008.

I don't think anyone stays in that cabin. It is very dirty, and I don't remember seeing a grill around there.

When we were there back in April we drove in a very restricted area and if it didn't have cameras I doubt they have them by the 300 loop. I drove there at night though. We went to the WL the last night of our visit and it was moonlit on the trail. I kept seeing something big coming so I pulled off. It was the carriage ride coming back and the driver said I need you to turn around. I had no lights on so he knew what I was doing lol. That was not the very restricted area btw. If we would've gotten caught where we went I think we woulda been asked to leave.
I got the grill going at around 6:30 or so.

I could choose between the regular old metal grill, or the nice rock one.

I went with the rock.

It wasn't long before the steaks were sizzling:


It was a perfect evening:




I usually only drink Corona at the beach or on a cruise in the summer, not at the Fort, but Mrs. TCD likes it, so that is what we drank on this evening. The rock grill provided a nice place to rest my beer:



Man, I wish I was there right now.

As I grilled, I watched the sun sink lower in the sky, as well as the non-stop parade of walkers, bikers, and golf-carters coming and going:





The hay-less hay ride came right by the front of our cabin:



I could have stayed out here all night, just taking in the sights and sounds of the Fort:


But, the steaks were done:


So, we sat down around the table inside (it was still a little too warm outside to enjoy our meal), and it was after 8 before we were done dining and enjoying each others' company.

I know that we went on a nice, long cart ride after dinner. And, there was some talk about hitting the MK, but we were all tired from a long day, so we pretty much just hung around the cabin.

The DD's wanted to get ice cream for dessert, so we headed over to the Settlement Trading Post, and bought some. It was nice having a freezer in the cabin to keep it in. Our pop-up doesn't have a freezer, so we can't keep ice cream around the campsite when we are camping.

While I was at the trading post, I took a photo of the beer price tag. I always doubt myself when I say that they charge $5.25 for one beer at FW. But they do, see:


If you are a newbie reading this report, let this serve as your wake up call to remind you to bring your own beer to the Fort!!

Well we made it.

To the end of my photos from Saturday.

My camera battery was dead (no wonder), so I didn't get photos of us enjoying the electric water pageant from the beach, or the fireworks and s'mores from our porch (but we did).

We ended our night at about 11:30, and hit the hay. I planned on getting up early to see what was going on with the triathlon. The women were supposed to start swimming at 7 am, and I wanted to see that.

The plan was for me to get up early on Sunday morning to see what was going on with the triathlon.

So, I was up by six, got a quick shower, put on some coffee, and headed out on the cart to see what was going on.

As I rounded the corner to exit the 100 loop, I found that the entire entrance/exit was fenced off.

My camera tells me that these photos were taken at 6:17 am. I was trapped in the 100 loop:



I found out later that they fenced off the entrance to prevent people from driving golf carts into the Settlement area. All golf carts had to be parked on the 700 loop. Period. Later in the morning, their were castmembers on duty here to move the fence to let 100 and 200 loop guests in and out. But, nobody was there at 6:17 am, so I just went back to the cabin.

I grabbed my coffee, and headed out on foot to see what was going on around Pioneer Hall.

As I approached, I could hear music playing and an announcer on a PA system directing folks. It was loud enough to hear from the 100 loop, but we couldn't hear it inside the cabin. There were a lot of people already here:


That is the moon that you see up there in the sky in this photo. The sun had not yet risen:


Look at all the people! It isn't even 6:30 am yet.


In fact, so I don't have to repeat how early these photos were taken, let me remind you that the swimming was set to start at 7 am. I will have some photos of the swimming coming up. So until you see swimming photos, it is safe for you to assume that the next photos were all taken before 7 am.

Remember all of those porta-potties? These ladies were having nothing to do with them. Note that the women are using both the men's room and ladies room. I guess the men had to resort to the porta-potties this morning. I hope none of these women went into NTSammy5's famous Stall No. 2!:


I was surprised that the Fort management didn't open Trail's End up early to take advantage of all of these folks milling about. But, they did have a food and beverage tent set up:


Look at all these people!:


This is the beginning of the bike route, heading toward the 100 loop:


And, the women were taking over the restrooms at the Settlement Trading Post, too:


Here is what I saw as I walked toward the marina:





Here is the beach. There aren't usually this many people on the beach in the middle of the day. Note the moon is still up:



Some shots from around the dock:





More photos coming right up . . .

Some more early morning dock pics.

Yes, I took too many.

But, I was the one who had to get up early on a Sunday morning to take them, so the least you can do is look at them without complaining:










Hey look, I am walking off of the dock. Note that someone forgot to take down the sign from last night's Hoop Dee Doo:


Here's the beach again. There are more and more people showing up:





Here's a shot from the Settlement Trading Post porch:


And some shots from the area around the Trading Post:




And, here's the beach again:



Coming up . . .

The triathlon begins!

(but first I took too many pictures of the sunrise from the dock)

Wow!!! Excellent as always my man! We are taking my daughter's Brownie troop up this weekend and I am brave but you have me speechless! If we are ever at the Fort at the same time I owe you a case of beer for all of the awesome reports!


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