TCD is a VIP! A FW Cabin trip report May 2009

I'm just now catching up, but I have to chime in and say that you have once again outdone yourself! I'm particularly interested in your triathlon coverage as I had no idea there would be another one on September 6 - while we're back to the Fort for our next trip! :scared1: I alternate between being scared about the traffic and transportation issues versus thinking maybe I could do a triathlon. :lmao: I run, but I've never swum (swimmed? how do you spell that?) or ridden a bike for anything other than leisure. But, it seems like maybe the fates want me to try one, given that they put one smack dab in the middle of my next vacation!:confused3

Anyway, thanks again for the info about the upcoming races and the great report!

This really is a jam packed TR - filled with action and intrigue! :lmao:

Great report TCD! It is nice to see you can still swim in Bay lake without fear of brain wasting amoebas getting you.
Great report TCD! It is nice to see you can still swim in Bay lake without fear of brain wasting amoebas getting you.

I was just thinking the same thing. I thought swimming wasnt allowed in that lake? I guess there will be less competitors for the next tri-athalon because there brains will have been eaten.
My trip reports are not nearly as good as yours TCD. Your photos tell more of the story than the hundreds of words I write in mine. :thumbsup2

Just on the swamp trail invasion I confessed about earlier...I used my own golf cart. I think it was during our 2003 (maybe 2004) Christmas vacation. I remember that DW was driving the cart when the front steering shaft broke while DS and I were off somewhere else. She found a nice man to help her push it back to our site. She scolded me saying that it was our trip on the swamp trail that probably damaged the cart. Maybe? But I was just happy it happened close to our site in the 1900 loop rather than in the restricted area :rolleyes1

The other thing nobody is commenting on and just occurred to me is they are allowing swimmers in Bay Lake. For years now we have been told no swimming due to deadly organisms and bacteria. Also this was the alleged reason for River Country closing. Seems that this may be all fiction now. Maybe its Disney magic that cleaned things up for the swim events? :wizard:
Wow!!! Excellent as always my man! We are taking my daughter's Brownie troop up this weekend and I am brave but you have me speechless! If we are ever at the Fort at the same time I owe you a case of beer for all of the awesome reports!

A case of beer! I'll take it!!

Have a great trip this weekend with the Brownies.

On second thought, with the Brownie group, you are going to need that case of beer a lot more than me!

Been there. Done that.

Bring extra beer!

I'm just now catching up, but I have to chime in and say that you have once again outdone yourself! I'm particularly interested in your triathlon coverage as I had no idea there would be another one on September 6 - while we're back to the Fort for our next trip! :scared1: I alternate between being scared about the traffic and transportation issues versus thinking maybe I could do a triathlon. :lmao: I run, but I've never swum (swimmed? how do you spell that?) or ridden a bike for anything other than leisure. But, it seems like maybe the fates want me to try one, given that they put one smack dab in the middle of my next vacation!:confused3

Anyway, thanks again for the info about the upcoming races and the great report!


As you will see from the photos coming up, there were all ages, shapes and sizes doing this race. The September 6th triathlon is also a women's triathlon, and it is the same shorter distances: 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run. If they had one of these for the men, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Way back in the day, after my first daughter was born, but before the twins came along, I did a few triathlons. I did the first one on a whim with a friend of mine. I used to jog pretty regularly back then, and I know how to swim, but never swam competitively. And, I had just bought a new bike to take my then toddler daughter on bike rides. So, I competed in my first triathlon with a beach cruiser with a baby seat on the back! But I did it, with no training. And it was fun. I did a few after that, but then the twins came along, and I got old, and well, I just stopped.

But, in all seriousness, you should consider doing this one in September. Why not? I think it would be cool to swim in Bay Lake, and to bike and run through some of the normally off limits places around the Fort.

Wait, I just got an idea. Remember Tootsie? Remember Mrs. Doubtfire? Remember Susan Stanton? I'm just saying.

Great report TCD! It is nice to see you can still swim in Bay lake without fear of brain wasting amoebas getting you.

I was just thinking the same thing. I thought swimming wasnt allowed in that lake? I guess there will be less competitors for the next tri-athalon because there brains will have been eaten.

The other thing nobody is commenting on and just occurred to me is they are allowing swimmers in Bay Lake. For years now we have been told no swimming due to deadly organisms and bacteria. Also this was the alleged reason for River Country closing. Seems that this may be all fiction now. Maybe its Disney magic that cleaned things up for the swim events? :wizard:

I have heard all the amoeba stories too.

In fact, just this past weekend there was a story in our local paper warning people about the dangers of swimming in lakes in Florida when the weather gets warm.

But, at one of these races, they even have a kids event on the day before the big race where the kids will be swimming in the lake.

The explanation that I have heard is that the real danger is when the water is warmer, and if you are just wading around in it after the bottom has been kicked up. But, from what I hear, this amoeba is a nasty thing, and it surprises me that WDW would take on the potential liability of someone getting sick. Their lawyers must have drafted one heck of a liability waiver that they make folks sign. But, again, there are all kinds of warnings on the website where these races are described, and I have not seen a word about the amoeba risk.

I don't know about this amoeba business.:confused3

But, I do know that there were 2200 women swimming in Bay Lake on May 10th, and you are about to see some photos of that.

It's still Sunday morning.

And, we haven't seen anyone swimming yet, right?

So, it's still before 7 am.

Yes, all of those people you have seen so far got up way before now, so they could be here at the Fort to either swim, or watch someone swim.

Hard to believe.

It is such a weird experience for me too. Normally, when I am camping at the Fort, I head down to the Settlement area for a look around at 7-ish. If you can find my Thanksgiving 2008 trip report, you will see that I wandered around this area on Thanksgiving morning, and barely saw one other person. But today, the sun isn't even up, and there are thousands of people wandering around.

Anyhow, here I am heading back out onto the dock:


In case you haven't picked up on it already, the swim course begins on one side of the dock, toward the Settlement Trading Post, and then heads straight out into the lake, and then finishes on the other side of the dock, over by the dock used for the fishing excursion boats.

Here, you can see the swim start area, and folks getting their places to watch the beginning of the triathlon:




There are all kinds of lifeguards in boats and on paddle-boards out in the lake:


The sky is getting lighter in the east:


Here comes the sun!!


(those specks you see in the middle of the above photos are ducks flying across the lake- they must have been as amazed as me to see all of these people here so early in the morning when they normally would have the lake to themselves at this time of day)

More sunrise photos:




As I stood there on the dock, the announcer introduced a woman who had won the Hawaii Ironman competition, and she gave the competitors a pep talk. Then someone was going to sing the National Anthem, and the race was about to start.

At this point it occurred to me that after the race started, I might be prohibited from going back to my cabin, as I would have to cross the bike course, and they had it all fenced off and manned by volunteers.

So, I headed back to my cabin, as I didn't want to be trapped out here.

Here are even more folks showing up for the race:



I was able to make it back to the cabin without a problem.

From there, I heard the national anthem sung, and starting gun shot, and I re-filled my coffee mug, and headed back to the beach to see what it looks like when two thousand people swim in Bay Lake.

Two thousand swimmers in Bay Lake?! I can't wait to see what that looks like! Great reporting and your sunrise pictures are beautiful! When I was reading about your cookout at the cabin I was so wishing I was at FW right now! With all of the madness going on at our house lately, I could really use some relaxation like that.
Here are a few more photos of folks hanging out around the Settlement Trading Post area:



Now, here I am heading toward the beach. This is the walkway that goes toward the River Country entrance, on the side of Trail's End:


Notice that there are still a lot of triathletes heading down to the beach. This is because the swimmers started in "waves." The first ones started at 7, but there are groups scheduled at intervals after that all the way up until 8.

So, how long do you think it takes the fastest swimmers to swim 1/2 mile?

When I was watching all of this, I though back to my days at Boy Scout summer camp. The Boy Scouts used to have a Mile Swim award. I remember it was a big deal to accomplish this. We would go out in a row boat, and someone would row, while another scout kept watch, and then whoever was swimming would swim. My recollection is that this took a long time. Like hours.

So, I didn't really rush down to the beach. I heard the gun go off while I was at the cabin, and just walked down at a leisurely pace.

Here is the swim finish area:



And the crowd on the beach:








Here are the lifeguards waiting for the swimmers to show up:


Folks were starting to walk down the beach from the start to the finish line:


You can kind of see the swimmers in these shots, if you look real close:



As you veteran FW campers know, there is a prominent "No Swimming" sign here on the beach. Of course, it was my intention to get a photo of that sign with a thousand or so swimmers in the background, but someone (it was probably BB) covered up the sign and spoiled my fun:



And, we are still waiting for the first swimmer to emerge:


Next up . . .

We will finally see some swimmers!

I promise.

TCD you were right that these were all shapes and sizes. I was kinda hoping for shots similar to the Miss USA pageant swimsuit competition. None are even close so far. :rotfl2: But you probably want to save the best for last right? ;)
TCD you were right that these were all shapes and sizes. I was kinda hoping for shots similar to the Miss USA pageant swimsuit competition. None are even close so far. :rotfl2: But you probably want to save the best for last right? ;)

The swimmers are coming up, but there was no glamour on this morning. And, I say God bless some of the women that were out here doing this race. I was surprised by some of them- they didn't look like they could do it. But, darned if they didn't get in the water, ride their bikes, and get this race finished. Good for them!

Finally, the lead swimmers turned the corner and started heading toward the finish line:




And, here she is! The first swimmer to emerge from the lake:


How long do you think it took?

Guess what time it is now?


This lady swam 1/2 mile in 9 minutes!

That surprised me!

And, right after her, the next swimmers started running out of the lake:







I learned a lot from listing to the comments made by the spectators around me.

For example, the first wave was for the "elite" athletes. I guess these are the women who have the most experience, and have succeeded in other races. The next group was the next most able, and then there was a group of "survivors." I presume this meant cancer survivors. Each group had a different colored bathing cap. So, if you saw, for example, the first pink cap coming out of the water with the blue caps, that meant that lady in the pink cap swam very fast. The people watching this were really into it.

Check out my man in the Goofy hat!:


As more and more swimmers started coming out, folks were beginning to really crowd around the finish line area:





As more and more people started crowding around, the people who were here first started to complain when a newcomer stepped in front of them. I was standing right behind a guy that had two young kids in a stroller. He was there early, and parked the stroller right on the edge of the water, so the kids could see and cheer on their mom when she came out of the lake. Several times, people who were barefoot, and walking in the water, stopped and stood in front of the kids. The man politely asked them to move to the side, so his kids could see. No problem. Well, then this younger guy in his early 20's comes walking up in the water. He is holding a pair of crutches in his hands, and he comes and stands right in front of the kids in the stroller. He was blocking my view too. The dad asks him to move, and he moves over just a little, but he is still standing right in front of other people, including me, who were there first. I am thinking, who does this guy think he is? What nerve!

But then, a young lady comes hopping out of the lake on one leg! This guy was there to hand her her crutches! Boy did I feel like a louse! Shame on me for judging this guy! I presume this young lady would use the crutches to get to her bike, and then use a prosthetic leg for the rest of the race. Wow! You hear stories about physically challenged people doing athletic events, but it is something altogether different to be there and see it first hand. I tried to get a photo of this courageous young lady, but this was the best I could do (she's on the other side of the guy with the hat in the green shirt):


What I was really hoping to get a shot of was of a crowd of ladies swimming in the lake. But, at first they were so spread out that the photos weren't really all that interesting:




But, then I got this shot. I think this is what I was looking for:


Isn't that a sight?

Coming up . . .

More swimming photos.

And then some bike photos.

As you will see from the photos coming up, there were all ages, shapes and sizes doing this race. The September 6th triathlon is also a women's triathlon, and it is the same shorter distances: 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run. If they had one of these for the men, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Way back in the day, after my first daughter was born, but before the twins came along, I did a few triathlons. I did the first one on a whim with a friend of mine. I used to jog pretty regularly back then, and I know how to swim, but never swam competitively. And, I had just bought a new bike to take my then toddler daughter on bike rides. So, I competed in my first triathlon with a beach cruiser with a baby seat on the back! But I did it, with no training. And it was fun. I did a few after that, but then the twins came along, and I got old, and well, I just stopped.

But, in all seriousness, you should consider doing this one in September. Why not? I think it would be cool to swim in Bay Lake, and to bike and run through some of the normally off limits places around the Fort.

Wait, I just got an idea. Remember Tootsie? Remember Mrs. Doubtfire? Remember Susan Stanton? I'm just saying.


I'm definitely thinking about it. I know - I'll do it if you will!
Here are the rest of my swimming pics:




As I was standing there watching the swimmers, a castmember came up and asked everyone to clear an area as they needed to back up a golf cart. The golf cart had a wheelchair in the back of it. I guess that one of the women swimming needed to use the wheelchair. Wow.

Here is the cart:


Since I lost my vantage point, I decided to walk back to the cabin and watch the competitors come by on their bikes.

Here are some more shots of the beach:









I could sit on the porch of my cabin, and watch the ladies ride their bikes out onto the bike course:




The maps that were posted indicated that the bikers would be returning to the Transition Area by driving the wrong way around the 100 loop. Actually, the arrows on the ground indicated that they would enter the 100 loop, and go around the normal way (counter-clockwise).

There were two folks camping on the inside site across from the path leading out to the Settlement who were set up to watch the action. I chatted with them for a while. They had never been to the Fort before. They lucked into a nice site. Also, they had their dog with them. They had no clue that this was not a pet loop. There were castmembers posted on the path right across from them to direct the bikers back to the Transition Area. I guess it was fine with them for the dog to be on the 100 loop. Here are the campers and their dog:



Here is a shot of the scene where the bikers emerged out on to the road across from the 700 loop. Traffic was stopped here, but there were castmembers present who would waive vehicles by when there was a gap in the action. Things didn't seem to get too bad here:


Here's a look at the 100/200 loop entrance. It was blocked off. But, they were letting vehicles in and out when there were gaps in the action:


There was a real Sheriff's Deputy on duty at the 400 loop entrance but it didn't look like he had much to do:


Next up . . .

More pics from around the 100 loop.

And, we take a look at the runners and finish line!

Wow! I am loving your report and especially the photos. :thumbsup2 Makes me wish I was at the fort now.

Keep 'em coming.
Here are some shots of the 100/200 loop entrance/exit area. As you can see, there were plenty of castmembers present to help keep motor vehicles away from the bikes:










Here we are heading back to the cabin. You can see the castmembers on duty to direct the bikers in the center part of these photos:



I missed the very first runner to come across the finish line, but here are some of the first to finish the race:






Everyone who finished got a medal. Here they all are, ready to be handed out:


There was no shortage of volunteers:




Next up . . .

More photos of the finish line area.

As advertised - more photos from the finish area:




There were plenty of safety precautions taken. I didn't see anyone who needed medical attention:


There were tons of people hanging out around the finish area:





Let's take a walk over to the Transition Area, and see what that looks like:



There were two TV news vans set up here:



As you can see here, there were still a lot of women out on the bike course when the front runners were finishing:


Some more shots of the general area around the pony ride area:








Next up, some photos from around the horse barn.



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