That 70's Thread!

Our home cost us $33,000 to build - property included. Wish I could do that now!!
Yeah! Considering the average cost of a new car in 2010 is $28,400 per the NADA....that ain't bad!! Even better, running that $33,000 through the government's CPI inflation calculator results in it equaling $126,438 in today's dollars. Still cheap for a new house!

Of course, our houses weren't the mini-castles back then that we had gotten used to before the current economic "situation", or "recovery" as Obama likes to call it. :rolleyes1 In the 70's the average new house was around 1,500 sq feet. It's about 2,400 sq ft today, but trending downward for the first time in years.

And BTW Deb, that kitchen of yours sounds great! I remember the fruit and copper kettle wallpaper...we had the same thing in our farmhouse growing up.
Our first house was a 2 bedroom 1 bath Cape Cod, with the upstairs unfinished. We finished the 2 bedrooms and 1 bath on the 2nd floor ourselves. The builder wanted $5K to finish out. We did it ourselves for about $1100. Total square footage (minus the single car garage - double car garages were for the very rich) was 1185 sq ft.

Now, in 1976, the average mortgage interest rate was 9%. We were able to qualify for financing through the builder at 7.5%.

When we bought our 2nd home in 1987, the interest rate through our Credit Union was 11.75%!!!

Our current home (built in 2004) is financed at 6%.

Amazing how those bank rates have flutuated over 30 years, huh? By the same token, just the postage stamp sized lot my home is built on cost $5k more than my first home, lot and all!!
Our 70's kitchen had aqua tile on lower half and bright pink paint on the upper half. :hippie:

OMG! We STILL have that exact floor in our laundry room! There were spatterings of harvest gold throughout our house when we bought it, including a harvest gold and purple (go vikes!) bathroom, harvest gold appliances and harvest gold globes on the light fixtures. Lots of antique brass and walnut wood too. Slowly but surely we have been bringing the place into the 21st century.
Our 70's kitchen had aqua tile on lower half and bright pink paint on the upper half. :hippie:

Aqua & pink were very much colors of the 50's!! The house I lived in as a teenager was built in 1959 and had the original metal cabinets in them. The cabinets were aqua. YIKES!! My dad was actually able to find an aqua stove and fridge to match. The bathroom had what I called "poopy pink" fixtures!
I have got to look and see if I can did up any photos of the kitchen of the home that I lived in between 1969 and 1979. The house was built in 1969, and I am pretty sure that the dominant color of the kitchen, including the refrigerator, was avocado.

While I was thinking of the 70's, I started thinking of the movies that came out in the 70's, and I was thinking of . . .


The Poseidon Adventure

The Towering Inferno

Earthquake in Sensurround!

Airport 1975


Disaster movies!

They were all so unique!

Used to see a lot of these...not many exist anymore.


We have tons of them here in the Cinci area - Frish's Big Boy's. They all have the statue!
I am from the East and the were called Bob's Big Boy. I think they have all vanished back "home".
There was one on Sheridan Drive not too far from Dunlop Tire. Becky & I used to eat there on occasion!

A&W is the first fast food restaurant I ever remember eating at in Springfield in the mid-50s. Mom used to drive her jalopy there and all the kids tried to race her. It was fun because she always won. This was the same mother that drove the car through the jewelry store window in Pittsfield before you were born when dad was trying to teach her to drive. The only thing that kept dad from killing her was she was pregnant with you! :lmao:

There is one on the main road into Pigeon Forge! MMMM want a root beer float....
Anyone remember Sambos Restaurants? They closed for obvious reasons. It was our daughter's favorite in the 70s.

Al, you got me thinking about Sambo's, and I seemed to remember they were pretty cool looking inside. I searched for photos, and indeed they were VERY cool (and very 60s/70s) restaurants.

Good gracious!!! I've gotta stop by here more often. I feel like I just stepped out of a time machine!!!!!

Whoop whoop! Love some Atari! I believe the game that came with mine was "Combat" - little tanks that took 10 minutes to get turned around and then rapid fire was about 3 rounds per minute :rotfl2: Then, my brothers busted the joy sticks...

My first video game was the K-mart version of Pong. I know, I know....sad..:sad2: We finally got an Atari after other systems starting getting popular, thus driving down the price. Our game of choice was Kaboom! :laughing:

In fact, KFBro still has a sytem with many of the games and I have a Sega Genesis in a storage tub somewhere. :laughing:

This thread is bringing out the generation gap. It sounds like a lot of you were playing with those early video games, I was buying them for my kids.
I guess it's official, I'm a geaser. Turn down that music and stay off my lawn.

Not a geaser...just add and r and you'll be a cool greaser like the Fonz...AAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! :thumbsup2

We all remember 70's kitchen design. What self-respecting kitchen back then didn't have a color scheme utilizing either burnt orange, avacado green, or harvest gold? Or a combination of the 3.

Here is a classic example of a 70's kitchen using dark woods accented with burnt orange and rust brown appliances. I especially love the prominent display of the eagle! The only thing missing is a wagon wheel light.


We were of the harvest gold variety. My aunt next door was avacado green. KFM proudly displayed a wrought iron eagle that was mounted on a crushed red velvet background with matching iron sconces. The floor was similar to the one in the pic above and covered the kitchen through the den.

I will have to dig up some pics!

You should keep that floor. Don't erase your history Lisa...embrace it! :lmao:

:rotfl2: Funny. That's what dad said when mom wanted to redo the kitchen!

Sorry my post is so long. I couldn't help myself. :goodvibes
KFK, if you can dig up a picture of your harvest gold kitchen, with the eagle mounted on crushed red velvet, AND it includes a pic of KFD wearing plaid....well then, we might be on to something! Let's give this thread the KFK Retro touch!
KFK, if you can dig up a picture of your harvest gold kitchen, with the eagle mounted on crushed red velvet, AND it includes a pic of KFD wearing plaid....well then, we might be on to something! Let's give this thread the KFK Retro touch!

You betcha! I'll be at KFM's tomorrow....Hmmmmm I wonder if she has any pics? :lmao:

I'm sure I can dig up some oh so 70's pix of our home interior. My old bedroom had curtains with roosters on them. What little girl doesn't dream of that? :confused3

What a fun thread!
I missed that generation too. I had the British invasion, Vietnam, the Draft, and all that fun stuff.

LBJ was prez when I was born in the very late 60's, so I just missed out on all that stuff. I was a kid through the 70's and a teen through the 80's. Boy, I should really be messed up! From Disco and Meatloaf to Cyndi Lauper and rock bands with large hair and make up. :lmao:
LBJ was prez when I was born in the very late 60's, so I just missed out on all that stuff. I was a kid through the 70's and a teen through the 80's. Boy, I should really be messed up! From Disco and Meatloaf to Cyndi Lauper and rock bands with large hair and make up. :lmao:

Wow,,I'm so sorry that you had to grow up with such bad choice in music :sad2: and hair.

LBJ was prez when I was born in the very late 60's, so I just missed out on all that stuff. I was a kid through the 70's and a teen through the 80's. Boy, I should really be messed up! From Disco and Meatloaf to Cyndi Lauper and rock bands with large hair and make up. :lmao:

Yep, that would mess you up, alright!! :rotfl2:

LBJ was responsible for the loss of a few of my classmates. :headache: & :sad1:
He was an arrogant jerk.

The best speech he ever gave was on March 31, 1968 which included, (and I quote): "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President."


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