The L Word, Season 5 (May Have Spoilers)

Remember, Jenny fills a very important role in the world. She makes everyone feel better about themselves.

Lybrt, do you know if Tuscany shows the L Word like they used to with Will and Grace?
Yes I will admit Jenny does make me feel better about myself..."don't worry you are not going that crazy you are still normal compared to Jenny". She is crazy!! Sadly I think that she has some how secured her place on the show, I don't want to know how thought since we know it is not through fans.

I don't know about seeing more Max, but I would be all over seeing Tasha somemore.:lovestruc

I was on, but have sadly joined the myspace cult...:eek:
So I noticed no one has mentioned one of my favorite characters yet - Alice. Okay, okay, so I love Shane, and Tasha, and blessed Carmen, but there's just something about Alice. She's such a weirdo, but in that endearing sort of way. I would never wear half her clothes, but on her? So cute. I just want to ruffle her hair. Alright, I'll stop. Just thought I should throw in kudos for her.
Well, at least IRL, the actress that plays Alice is really a lesbian. I love her character, but in a little sister sort of a way. She reminds me so much of this old friend of mine that I have lost touch with over time, who's name was Connie. Connie had that same sort of spirit and was always in some sort of relationship drama. Maggie
Great thread, thanks for starting it and keeping it going. Here's my .02 cents:

1. Jenny is the character I love to hate. Really, like you all I can't stand her, but she ignites lots of drama with the other characters and I love that.

2. Tina and Bette are boring, but honestly I think Bette is boring and couldn't really care who she is with.

3. I'm much more into Shane and Alice and their constellation of lovers.

4. Love Max, but I still wish they would have story lines with lesbians who want to stay lesbians, women-identified-women but who are really androgynous, not just "pseudo" androgynous, like Shane. I don't mean a caricature, but a really handsome woman, you know ... my type ... :) ... the type no one in this culture celebrates. Oh, well, don't get me started. It's too early ... although I already have spare ribs simmering in a nice "sauce." What a woman.... :cool1:
Lybrt, do you know if Tuscany shows the L Word like they used to with Will and Grace?

Sorry I don’t know? I will ask around. Maybe Cativo does?
(Sorry for the delay I have been at home with an awful ear infection, and I leave for Disney in 2 days!!)

I don't know about seeing more Max, but I would be all over seeing Tasha somemore.:lovestruc

I was on, but have sadly joined the myspace cult...:eek:

I love Tasha!! But Max, I have friends who are like him, and I can very much identify with the entire story line. Obviously there are differences but I do like seeing it reflected on screen. Where else will you see stories like that?

I am on Myspace too. That’s why I was interested about OurChart.

2. Tina and Bette are boring,

I so Agree!!!!!
Only one more day!!! Hopefully this time I will remember to set the Dw almost murdered me when she came home and it hadn't recorded...I had to beg for forgiveness :worship:

I saw a preview for tomorrow nights episode and am really hoping that they don't turn Tasha into a raging lunatic.

PghLybrt, from what little I used ourchart I didn't like it. It is a cool concept, but you have to have a network of friends for it to be fun. None of my friends were on there, maybe i will try again in a few months.
I too have hated Jenny from day one! Even back when she clung to her boyfriend all the time, I thought she was awful. But now she's just insane...literally. Needs to check into the funny farm kind of insane. What a diva, and not in the good way!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Bette and Jodi stay together, because I have the biggest crush in the world on Marlee Matlin, and I want her to stay a prominent character! She just became a member of the board of trustees of my university, and I am thrilled to see her on L Word! It's kind of painful watching Bette sign, but hey, she is trying. :D
Just got through watching Season 5, Episode 1.

The telemundo-isation of The L Word is complete!

Soapy fun, yes...but, we are two episodes away from an evil twin or a bout with amnesia. :confused3
So what's everyone's take on Episode 2??

Jenny's new assistant? She's gonna find herself in the whirlwind lunacy that is Schecter. Yikes.

So, yes, there's more um...lovin'...on the show, and it seems like the writers listened to the audience, but don't really have much of a storyline around the lovin'. Just seems a little extreme for the sake of extremity.

I love how Alice is supporting Tasha - she doesn't understand why she's in the military, but is willing to stay with her for Tasha's sake.

Oh, and that thing between Max and Jodi's translator? Hmm...he's hit EVERY spectrum a) straight in his younger years b) lesbian c)FTM d)FTM that's now possibly gay? Wowza.

Helena's daddy and her being in jail for tax fraud?? Not the slasher we all assumed she was? Oh, and what was with all the not super buff ladies in the shower? When I watch Sho I expect tight bodies! Just sayin...
Heh, since you brought up Tom...I am a sign language interpreter myself. I have no idea why they didn't consult with a real interpreter for the show, but Tom is completely inapporpriate. He interjects his opinions during conversation, he has private conversations with Jodi so others can't understand, and he will fail to interpret something if he thinks Jodi shouldn't hear it. It drives me nuts!

Ahem. Back to your regularly scheduled episode discussion. :)
I understand your angst - the L Word doesn't seem to consult a lot of people about a lot of things before writing about them. With that said, I think Tom is supposed to be more of a character than there to portray a career field as correct as possible. :confused3 I can understand you though, thinking that they should have done a better job. Maybe they thought there were so few of you guys it would just slide by? :)
It's not just sign language - they're off on IT (computers) and law enforcement too but then most shows take liberties.

I think Jenny's new assistant is not what she seems. We'll see her make things difficult for Jenny, possibly ala "All About Eve". Either that or she really is so meek and she'll eventually snap from being around Jenny.:rotfl:
I'm willing to bet their depiction of the military isn't too good either!

LK, you're probably right. And sure enough, all I'm doing is writing on a message board, instead of writing to the producers! I bet the number of interpreters who notice the problems AND would write is pretty small.

But it's okay though, I'll just watch Marlee during those scenes... ;)
Charlies Angels......oh, my!

The unnecessary breast bouncage was exceptionally fabulous!
Charlies Angels......oh, my!

The unnecessary breast bouncage was exceptionally fabulous!

That has been one of the best intro sequences that they have ever had! Maybe it is because my first crush was on Kate Jackson...:worship:

So I think Helena in prison has been one of the funniest story lines of the year. And Jenny like ususal is the most annoying.

What does everyone think about Max's same sex attraction/theroy?
I think Jenny's new assistant is not what she seems. We'll see her make things difficult for Jenny, possibly ala "All About Eve". Either that or she really is so meek and she'll eventually snap from being around Jenny.:rotfl:
I'm forseeing Shane getting hold of her, and bringing out her wild side...

And why was Bette being such a hussy around Jodi's friends? What a stick in the mud!

Overall, I've really enjoyed the season so far :)
Dullest of the season.....kind of happy to see Bette and Tina together again....I have been in that position.....only Elaine and I didn't go backwards. It would have been very comfortable to do so, but we knew that we needed to push ourselves forward. Elaine and I both knew that Kay, who I was with at the time, wasn't the one for me either, but when Corey came was just meant to be. But by the time Corey came along, Elaine and Boni had been together for over a year. Unfortunately, Kay wasn't too pleased at the time, but in the end, Elaine has Boni, Kay has Hannah, and I have Corey. Elaine and I both agree that we have found our soulmates now. But, that familiarity can be a powerful pull.....thank God that goes away over time.

Wow, I just let loose with my own episode of the L Word.....Lindy's History. :laughing:


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