The Pursuit of Disney Magic (June 7-14, 2008) ~ UPDATED 9/30 pg. 191

Charleston Princess

DIS Veteran
Jan 28, 2008
I am a Disney Freak. This is common knowledge among my own children, my husband, my family, my friends, and my students. It defines who I am, and in many ways I can mark the 33 years of my life with Disney moments. But to truly understand the impact Disney has had on my life it is necessary to go back farther than my own years to those early years of my mother.

She was the first one of us obsessed by Disney -- a Disney of the mid-20th century -- a Disney of Haley Mills, the Wonderful World of Disney, and the very beginnings of Disneyland. She will still sing the praises of Disneyland (which she visited frequently in the 1960s while living in Ventura) versus Disney World -- the type of comments like, "When you remember Disneyland in the very beginning, it's hard to compare Disney World to it." Will I sound like that to my own children in later years? At any rate, it was inevitable that I would come to love Disney.

My first experience at the Magic Kingdom is one that I don't even remember. As family legend tells it, my parents were driving around Charleston one afternoon when I was 9 months old and my mother, bored with the usual errands, turned to my father and said, "If we left tonight, we would be in the Magic Kingdom by morning." The next morning, not even realizing the import of the moment and certainly not remembering it, I was held in my mother's arms for the first time on Main Street, USA. I like to think I was probably blinking in the morning sunlight and marveling at Cinderella's Castle. It would certainly explain that certain feeling I always get when I see the castle for the first time on any trip -- that feeling of utter contentment, peace, and a sense that I have arrived at the most magical place in the world. I suspect many feel that way though :upsidedow .

From there, my childhood could be marked with many trips to the World. The highlights would have to include the first trip to EPCOT in February, 1983; the first trip with my baby brother (twelve years younger) which included a stay at the Contemporary in 1987; the first trip to Disney-MGM Studios. I can remember when there were no lines to meet Mickey Mouse and his appearance would entail a mad rush of kids jockeying for position (how many pictures do we all have with Mickey, ourselves, and a bunch of strange kids?), when Splash Mountain was brand-new, when Downtown Disney was just a group of shops.

At the same time as the many trips to Disney, I was marking off the years of my life with Disney's movies. "The Black Hole" somehow sticks in my mind along with watching "The Cat from Outer Space." I watched a re-release of "Sleeping Beauty" with my dad, cried buckets for the first time ever during "The Fox and the Hound," and learned (heaven only knows why) all the songs from "Oliver and Company."

And the teenage years...years of angst and rebellion...identifying with Ariel's yearn for freedom, Belle's need to escape her "poor, provincial town" in books, and Jasmine's desire to see "a whole new world." While others were sneaking off to Panama Beach for spring break our senior year of high school, I convinced my best friend to sneak off to Disney World. Yes, I was a rebellious teenager who went to Disney World without my parents' knowledge. I was eventually busted because, pack rat that I am, my mother found my ticket stub :blush: . I guess there could have been worse things I could have done.

Striking off on my own, I met my husband where for one of our very first vacations together, I dragged him to...where else? Disney World, of course, because he had never been. Let's face it...I had to know if he could, at the very least, tolerate my Disney obsession -- not eating tomatoes or having a different political stance was nothing in comparision to the importance of knowing if he would be a willing participant in the pursuit of Disney magic. In answer to that question...we have been married for 12 and a half years with five trips :wizard: .

DH proved remarkably tough to brainwash effectively, so we had two children. DD's first movie in a theater was "Tarzan" and she knew all the words to Pixar's early films as a preschooler. DD went to WDW when she was nine months old (an odd coincidence that I just noticed), two weeks before the opening of Animal Kingdom. DS would not make his first journey until the famous, or infamous (depending on current mood), Christmas trip of 2004 with the in-laws. A lovely trip, for the most part, but done at commando speed, cramming as many memories as possible into five days. There were days when I cried as I put my sneakers on in the morning because I didn't think I could walk another step. I never would have made it in boot camp, that much I know.

Which brings us to last year: one trip in June and one weekend trip in October because we had never done Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. DD is effectively brainwashed into all things Disney, would live on split-pea soup if it meant more frequent trips, and well on her way to carrying on the "pursuit of magic" tradition. DS? Well, he loves Disney, but I am afraid it would rank below Harry Potter, Pokemon, and the Superhero of the Day.

Let's see what magic we can uncover as we anticipate the June 2008 trip to Walt Disney World!

Depression and Booking
Who is this Crazy Group?
The Last Resort?
Eatin' Time!
Yes, It Was Necessary!
Those Golden Arches and Disney!
Disney Mail!
Look! Look at What I Did!
AGGHHH!!! It's Happening Again!
100th Day Surprises or Disney Magic versus OCD Nature!
Automatic Car Wash: An E-Ticket Attraction?
Minnie, You Came!
Me and My Minnie Crocs!
She's Crafty!
The Official Itinerary!

How Today was NOT a Disney Day!
Meet the Trip Binders!
Do You Ever Find Yourself Thinking...?
Doin' Easter Disney Style
75 Days and Various Disney-esque Tidbits
Holy Pirates and Princesses, Batman!
DeSoto's Favorite Place?
Movin' Right Along!
On the Road Again!
And Now? And Now? And Now?
Copa, Copa Cabana!
The End of Day One
Le Cellier Did What???
Mind-Boggling, I Tell You!
Tonga! Tonga! Tonga!
Good Afternoon, Dr. Jones!
Are You a Pirate, a Princess, or a Pirate Princess? Part One
Are You a Pirate, a Princess, or a Pirate Princess? Part Two
Surfing the Typhoon!
Until Next Time...
A Tale of Woe and Disney Mail!
Le Cellier Becomes...
I'm a Real Diser Now!
Big Apple Disney Goodies!
The Beginning of My Pin Collection!
The Latest Itinerary!
The Trip Binder!
A Little Disney Therapy!
Now We Can Head to the Pool!
Whew! Too Much to Do and Too Little Time!
Double Whew!
I Got to Plan Yesterday!
We're in the Teens!
We Meet Again, Dr. Jones!
Disney Conversations!
According to the Calendar...
Crazy Thoughts on the 8-Day Mark!
6 Day Mark!
5 Day Mark!
The 4 Day Mark, But Really the 3 Day Mark!
2 Days and a Drink Wish List!
This is IT!
A Little Tease!

Day One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Set Forth and Eat Too Much!
Day Two, Part One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Join the Dark Side and One Falls Behind!
Day Two, Part Two: In Which One of Our Intrepid Adventurers Receives a Little Bit of Magic!
Day Three, Part One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Head to the Future and Get Detained!
Day Three, Part Two: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Fend Off Birds and Pillage Norway!
Day Three, Part Three: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Meet a Mouse (or 2)!
Day Four, Part One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Have an Early Morning Breakfast in Harambe!
Day Four, Part Two: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Head Out on Safari!
Day Four, Part Three: In Which One of Our Intrepid Adventurers Heads from Africa to Asia and Back Again!
Day Four, Part Four: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Reveal Their Inner Animals!
Day Four, Part Five: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Encounter a Monsoon and an Avalanche!
Day Five, Part One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Have a Relaxing Day!
Day Five, Part Two: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Meet Some Tikis!
Day Five, Part Three: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Finally Gain Sight of the Castle!
Day Six, Part One: In Which One of Our Intrepid Adventurers Pitches a Full Scale Fit!
Day Six, Part Two: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Are Reunited!
Day Six, Part Three: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Rock On!
Day Seven: Part One: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Explore Their Resort!
Day Seven, Part Two: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Embark on Their World Tour!
Day Seven, Part Three: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Get Lost in Morocco!
Day Seven, Part Four: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Resume Their World Tour!
Day Seven, Part Five: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Laugh a Lot and Make a Shocking Discovery!
Day Eight: In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Return to the Real World!
In Which Our Intrepid Adventurers Display Their Loot!
Some Misc. Thoughts!
Scrapbook Fun!
Look at What's New!
So, soon after returning home last June from a fabulous, just-the-four-of-us trip, I went into a Disney Depression. You know the kind -- where your normal life seems colorless after WDW, where you find yourself wandering the aisles of the grocery store wishing you could find gingerbread men in Mickey ears like the ones you bought at Goofy's Candy Co., where the evening seems empty without fireworks and a parade. It was time to start planning next summer's trip.

I eagerly awaited the release of the 2008 packages and amused myself in the meantime with plugging in "pretend" dates to get quotes on various hotels and packages. I also discovered the DIS where I spent many days and months lurking and reading posts. In the slightly altered words of Darkwing Duck, "I am the shadow that lurks at the edge of the thread!" :) June turned to July and July faded into August. As the rumored release date for 2008 packages drew near, I grew more and more anxious especially with the first whisperings of a change in the Disney Dining Plan. What's this? A Deluxe Dining Plan? Three meals a day and two snacks? What fun! My husband was all over the DxDDP since eating three meals a day is the most important component of a vacation for him. I was all over it because the potential for obsessive planning of meals and snacks rose tenfold.

August 5, 2007: D-Day (Disney Day)! The minute I read they were booking 2008 packages I was on the phone. Honest truth: My CM's name was Flora and she was the BEST CM. 6 nights, 7 days in June with tickets and the deluxe dining plan. Yes, please! True to form, I got teary-eyed when she read back my reservation and wished me a magical day -- there's nothing quite like booking a Walt Disney World vacation.

Now, I could buy the official trip-planning binder and start filling it! :ccat:
Before I go on with my pre-trip report, let me give you a little background on our crazy little group:

DH (38): He is completely into computers and soccer. When he is not playing the latest online game, he is coaching soccer. He has coached both of our children's teams and is embarking on his third season coaching the middle school's girls' team at the school where I work. He tolerates my Disney obsession and gamely allows me to drag us to Disney World every chance I get. He is also the voice of reason when I begin obsessing over things like ADRs and where to stay. When I get out of hand, he makes a command decision, and everything in my little Disney sphere returns to normal...until the next "crisis" arrives :) .


DD (10): She is my partner in crime when it comes to Disney. As a fifth grader, she is all girly girl with an attitude to match -- I think she is as sassy as Tink, but she does not find the comparision amusing ;) . DH claims she is just like me. Well, maybe...She loves soccer, animals of all kinds (she wants to be a vet when she grows up), and American Girl dolls. She is right there with me as I scrapbook and plan. When no one else will talk Disney with me, she and I can curl up on her bed and chatter about it.

DS (8): If DD is just like me, then DS is just like my games, soccer, Star Wars, superheroes, Legos, Pokemon, pirates, and Harry Potter. A second grader who has not quite learned to be tactful, but with dimples that allow him to get away with just about anything. When I told him about an email I received about the new Pirates of the Caribbean online game, he was very excited but then asked me, "Do you think everyone got the email or just Disney geeks like you?" Then, he smiled really big and hugged me. He enjoys Disney when there but doesn't obsess the way DD and I do.


And then there is me: 33, with as I previously explained, an unbridled love of all things Disney. I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina, but now I live in northwest Georgia right outside of Atlanta. I met DH when he was in the Navy in Charleston, and we eventually moved to the Atlanta area where he was from. I am a middle school language arts/literature teacher and I teach sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. All of my students have figured out that I am in love with Disney World and when it comes to talking about vacations they all know that is where I spend mine. In my spare time when I am not obsessing over trip-planning or on the DIS boards, I am scrapbooking, reading, or going to the movies.


And that is pretty much our crazy little bunch -- along with two dogs, Belle and Tabasco, and two cats, Bagheera and Topaz. I am sure that you can figure out where a couple of those names originated :rolleyes: .
I was reading through your PTR, and when I discovered we had the same job, I just had to subscribe. Middle schoolers can make anyone need a vacation! :rotfl: This trip sounds like it will be great!
I am so excited about going -- I have decided that there is no such thing as too much Disney World :).

What grades/subject do you teach? Middle schoolers are unique, aren't they? They crack me up one minute and make me want to bang my head against the wall the next. I can't imagine doing anything else though. We have a five-day winter break coming up this week so I know they will be completely out of control the next three days. :scared1:
6th grade Lang. Arts
Ahhh, they are unique. One minute they're crying over so and so not LOOKING at them in the hallway, and the next minute they're excited to be coloring in class! Whatever...(see, I am even starting to type like them). I couldn't possibly know what they're going through anyway. ;)

Good luck with the kiddies this week. Can't wait to hear more about your upcoming trip.

Oh, and as a fellow English teacher, I am sure that you just have to tell everyone around you on Splash Mountain about Joel Chandler Harris and the true ideas and meanings behind the Uncle Remus stories. My DH begs, "Does everything have to be educational?" ::yes::
6th grade Lang. Arts
Ahhh, they are unique. One minute they're crying over so and so not LOOKING at them in the hallway, and the next minute they're excited to be coloring in class! Whatever...(see, I am even starting to type like them). I couldn't possibly know what they're going through anyway. ;)

Good luck with the kiddies this week. Can't wait to hear more about your upcoming trip.

Oh, and as a fellow English teacher, I am sure that you just have to tell everyone around you on Splash Mountain about Joel Chandler Harris and the true ideas and meanings behind the Uncle Remus stories. My DH begs, "Does everything have to be educational?" ::yes::

YES! I do a whole unit on Joel Chandler Harris and the Uncle Remus stories when we do folktales. I do a pretty good reading of some of them too (I knew my southern accent would come in handy at some point :rolleyes: ).

Hoping to add to the PTR this weekend :) .
So, I decided that today I would write about what appears to be the never-ending resort saga! When I first booked the trip in August, I booked 6-nights/7-days at the Animal Kingdom Lodge with a pool view and bunk beds. Added to that, were the Deluxe Disney Dining Plan and Park Hopper Tickets. Then life intervened:

1. We decided to make a quick weekend trip in October to go to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and celebrate our anniversary. Halloween is my favorite holiday and the Magic Kingdom is my favorite place so it seemed like a match made in Heaven. We stayed at the Pop Century and loved every minute of our three days there. Price tag: $800.

2. After October trip, decided to economize (Disney-fashion) and dropped the park hoppers -- with seven days there, it made sense to just do one park a day and then we would still have three days to go back to our favorites. Savings: $200

3. November is chockfull of birthdays in our family (four to be exact) which also meant car tags, etc. and then, of course, there was Christmas. Not thinking about the price tag on all of that. Still booked with AKL and DxDDP.

4. Our 10-year old dog needed leg surgery right after Christmas. He has been around as long as DD so we had to do it. Price-tag for Bionic Leg Surgery: $900.

5. This was the point I really started second-guessing the vacation plans. I decided that we really didn't need to stay at AKL and switched to POFQ. We had stayed there last June and loved it. Savings: $840 (almost enough to cover Bionic Leg Surgery for Dog).

6. And now comes the impulse buy of the century. Dodge came out with their new 2008 Dodge Grand Caravans. I blame what happened next on the glossy brochure my mother showed me. The family looked like they were having the time of their lives eating ice cream in their new mini-van and the pics of the center console showed it filled with guidebooks and Starbuck cups. I started having visions of driving to WDW in our new Grand Caravan -- couldn't stop having them. The next day (I told you it was an impulse buy) we went and traded in our trusty 2002 Honda CRV, and drove off the lot with the perfect vacation vehicle! :scared1: Price-tag: Five years of payments.

7. Then, came the next resort switch: POFQ to Pop. My reasoning was that it would save us money and the kids enjoyed it more than POFQ. Their food court was better, and we would be able to enjoy their chili cheese fries and tie-dyed cheesecake. Savings: $400.

8. And then...I made what is hopefully the last resort switch. I couldn't get AKL out of my head and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to stay there. So, after much debate and lots of opinions from DISers (thank you, thank you, thank you!), I realized for $400 more I could drop to the regular dining plan and we could stay at AKL. Who needs six character meals in one trip anyway!? The kids are excited -- DS just wanted to make sure he could still buy the monorail playset; DD can't wait to watch the animals! Price-tag: $400 more than the current vacation package booked.

So, that is the saga of the Last Resort! Hopefully, AKL is our last resort and I don't find myself calling WDW Travel Company once again. If I hurry up and pay off the trip, it won't be an option anymore.

And did we come out ahead? Who knows? But we are booked at AKL! :banana:
I'm glad you stuck with your original idea of AKL. We stayed there in Oct. '05 and loved it! We're staying at POFQ this Oct. This is a new resort for us, but according to all I've read, people seem to love it.
You are too funny buying that van! :lmao: It would be funny to take a pic of your family trying to reenact the ice cream scene :mickeybar from the brochure, but you all would probably not want to get sticky drips all over the new seats!
Isn't planning fun?
We'll be there at the same time! Im so excited! I too came to a love of disney through my mom. And now, that me and my twin sister are 20 and out of the house, her and my dad are going ALONE!! Does that seem unfair? haha. So me and my sister are going solo in june.
I'm glad you stuck with your original idea of AKL. We stayed there in Oct. '05 and loved it! We're staying at POFQ this Oct. This is a new resort for us, but according to all I've read, people seem to love it.
You are too funny buying that van! :lmao: It would be funny to take a pic of your family trying to reenact the ice cream scene :mickeybar from the brochure, but you all would probably not want to get sticky drips all over the new seats!
Isn't planning fun?

I'm glad that we are sticking with AKL also -- I think it will be really neat! Any tips or suggestions for our stay?

We adored POFQ -- you will have a blast -- and make sure that you try the beignets! Yum!

We should totally reenact the ice cream scene -- it would be great for the scrapbook -- DS can't eat without making a mess though so I don't know how that would work :eek: !

Planning is a blast! :)
We'll be there at the same time! Im so excited! I too came to a love of disney through my mom. And now, that me and my twin sister are 20 and out of the house, her and my dad are going ALONE!! Does that seem unfair? haha. So me and my sister are going solo in june.

I remember the first time that my parents went without me after I moved out. I was all, "What do you mean, you are going to Disney World??? Without me??? :eek: "

You are going to have a blast with your sister! Where are you staying while you are down there?

We are almost at the 100 day mark :woohoo: !
While I sit here consuming more leftover Valentine's Day candy than could possibly be good for one person, I thought it would be fitting to write about our ADRs. We are a family that definitely puts a high priority on our food, so planning meals for WDW is a big deal at our house. Surprisingly, it was a lot less stressful than choosing our resort.

Prior to our 180-day mark, I forced my husband to sit down, look at menus, and prioritize our top places. This is where he inadvertantly let it slip to the children that we were going to Disney. I had planned on some big surprise, but here is how it really went down:

DH to DD: Hey, this summer you get to order off the adult menu when we are at Disney World since you're 10 now.

DD: What??? We're going to Disney??? Mom, are we going to Disney???

Me (Alternately glaring at DH and trying to come up with a way to wiggle out of the situation): Yep.

So much for the big surprise :confused3 .

Anyway, DH had two requests: Teppan Edo and Boma. He nixed the idea of Liberty Tree Tavern (no turkey dinner in the middle of June) and 50's Prime Time Cafe (no stranger is going to fuss at him about eating veggies). I also had to abandon the idea of Restaurant Marrakesh because DD and DH said they didn't like the looks of the menu :sad1: . But, other than that, we were able to agree for the most part on where to eat. Luckily, my carnivorous dinosaurs (I mean my children) are happy as long as there is some sort of meat on the menu.

Without further ado here are the plans:

Table Service Ressies:
Monday: Chef Mickey's for Dinner (none of us have ever eaten there so we need to fix that gap in our Disney memories and they have a sundae bar).

Tuesday: Donald's Safari Breakfast at Tusker House and Yak and Yeti for dinner (even if the menu looks the same as our local Hong Kong Buffet, I am a sucker for exotic decor and yetis -- this may be where I have to buy my t-shirt :)).

Wednesday: Le Cellier (love the look and love the menu -- so do all the other family members -- steak, steak, steak!).

Thursday: Boma overload day -- both breakfast and dinner (hope DH is happy since he was adament that we had to try both meals at Boma -- I am excited that there is the possibility of two pots of Kenyan coffee on that day!)

Friday: Teppan Edo (again DH's request and DS is hoping to somehow convince me to buy him a samurai sword while we are in Japan -- not happening!)

Counter Service Ideas:
MK: Pecos Bill's (a family tradition -- gotta love those chili fries and the fixins' bar) or Columbia Harbor House (have never eaten there and would like to try it).

DHS: Backlot Express (an old stand-by -- I have very fond memories of eating there as a child after the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular).

Epcot: Cantina de San Angel (another old stand-by) or would like to try Sunshine Seasons (I hear their key lime pie is really good).

AK: I have no idea -- maybe back to Mara on those days?

And because I am an obsessive planning freak, I also have made a list of snacks I want to make sure I get while there ;) .

MK: Dole Whips, Figaro Fries (never tried but they sure look tasty!), and Funnel Cakes from Sleepy Hollow. Maybe Root Beer Floats, too :thumbsup2
Goofy's Candy Company: The make-your-own treats look out-of-this-world! It's a must do!

If we don't gain a ton of weight, it will be a minor miracle! But I don't think I will really care because it will be Disney Weight :thumbsup2 ! Besides, with all the walking and the June heat, we need to keep our energy up!
Your children are adorable!:cutie:

I think there is a speacial spot in heaven reserved for middle school teachers! I couldn't do it! I have 2 of my own and it's impossible to figure out which "person" I'm dealing with at any given moment!
Your children are adorable!:cutie:

I think there is a speacial spot in heaven reserved for middle school teachers! I couldn't do it! I have 2 of my own and it's impossible to figure out which "person" I'm dealing with at any given moment!

Thank you! I wish my children would stay the age that they are forever! Don't think that will happen though.

I am definitely hoping teaching middle school will earn me a spot up there! :) I love it (most days), but I will tell you that my daughter is starting sixth grade next year and I am scared to death! You would think I would be okay with it since I deal with middle schoolers all day, but it's just the opposite -- I KNOW what happens to them! You are definitely right about never knowing who you are going to be dealing with at any given moment -- my saving grace is I get to send them out the door after 75 minutes -- that helps immensely! :)
Hello my fellow Georgian! I am loving your pre TR so far. I cannot wait until June!!
Thank you!

You are in the ATL -- right down 75 from me! :thumbsup2

You are going to be at AKL at the same time as we are -- what nights are you staying?

Almost single digits for us! :woohoo:

Hello!! Yes, ma'am right off 75!! I will be going with Glendamax for an all girls trip. We will be there June 6-10. It is a split stay btwn POFQ and AKL! :banana:
Hello!! Yes, ma'am right off 75!! I will be going with Glendamax for an all girls trip. We will be there June 6-10. It is a split stay btwn POFQ and AKL! :banana:

How fun! I can't wait to read your TR on that one ;) ! We loved staying at POFQ last June -- beignets -- yum!!!

We will be there June 8-14. I am ready for warm weather and Disney -- that's for sure!
My DH said the same thing about 50s PT. I told him it could be worse though...I could make him go to WCC and mention his affinity for ketchup! ;)

We also chose Yak & Yeti. It's one of our choices I'm unsure of, but I've been reading some good reviews about it. You have to try everything once.


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