The Running Thread - 2018

I'd love to join in this thread! I used to run quite a bit, then 2 babies in 2.5 years happened and I gained a bit of weight and lost a lot of spare time. I'm looking for a good double stroller that isn't too ridiculously expensive, but trying to justify a $600 stroller to my non-running fiance is kinda hard, especially when I'm not exactly on the move much these days (work+2 toddlers has been exhausting).

And to answer the QOTD: My next big goal is to get back out there. With my ultimate goal of Princess weekend 2019.
That's awesome, good for you for getting back into it! Definitely look into used strollers on buy/sell groups as the good ones tend to hold up really well. I recommend Bob Revolution, but I only have experience with the single version.
@camaker im terrible with judging the elevation gains and losses! Here is the Little Rock Marathon elevation chart from my Garmin. How does it compare? I ran it in 5:55:
473778C3-147C-4D62-BB19-66592D705462.png 59F4E3AC-8093-4BA3-B62E-D4C29376FD1A.png
ATTQOTD: My next ideal goal would be to beat all three PR at the Ottawa Voyageur Challenge, but I’ll assess the faisability of this as I get closer to the event. Any subset of it would be good too. Then, sub 2 for September Montreal RnR Half. Depending on what races I prefer, I might consider Dopey 2020.

Unrelated question: Can anyone recommend a refillable fuel pouch or flask? I saw HydraPack, Gu, Little Green Pouches... I am trying gels these days and had a maple syrup one today... Would be a lot more ecological and economical to do my own!

If you could delay your trip a week, you could still visit @LikelyLynae and make it a beach trip to run the Outer Banks Marathon. I haven’t run it yet, but it’s got a much flatter profile. I really wanted to run that one instead of City of Oaks, but the convenience of getting out of my own bed and driving 20 minutes to the start won out over a 4 hour drive and hotel stay with a flatter course.
If you could delay your trip a week, you could still visit @LikelyLynae and make it a beach trip to run the Outer Banks Marathon. I haven’t run it yet, but it’s got a much flatter profile. I really wanted to run that one instead of City of Oaks, but the convenience of getting out of my own bed and driving 20 minutes to the start won out over a 4 hour drive and hotel stay with a flatter course.

I would love to go to the Outer Banks but our family vacation dates are Nov 10-17th to Universal. I’m already pushing it doing City of Oaks the weekend before, lol. There are a couple of marathons here in Arkansas in November but looking at last year’s results one had 34 people and one had just over 100 I think. And everyone finished over on hour before I would. Not my idea of fun, alone on a rural highway while being the last runner! I will see how my upcoming marathon goes I guess and go from there. Thanks! I’m not ruling Ciry of Oaks out yet! :)
QOTD: What is you next big running goal and why?

Unrelated question: Is registration for marathon weekend started yet? Whats the scoop on the delay?

ATTQOTD: MY next race hopefully is a 10 miler in a month. I have a long way to go but its my only shot for a POT. Work is going to complicate things, but at least I am getting paid for the OT for the next 3 weeks! OT = Disney Money!!!!

So in talking to my running friend I realized I haven't run a race for time in about 3 years. I did run a 1/2 in Sept 2015 but even that was slowed by injuries as I was dealing with plantar fasciitis and had to take 3 weeks off before the race. So my goal is to stay injury free, be consistent, and put together an actual race like effort for the newest race I registered for, the Smuttynose 1/2 marathon on 9/30.

This is so timely! I need a new running goal, just having run a half this weekend and PR'ed (thanks DopeyBadger). I'll piggy back on this question: What's a better goal to set: a sub-1 hour 10k (I'm about 5 minutes or less away now), a 17-minute faster marathon (I ran a 5:16 last year and really want a sub-5 hour), or a 20 minute faster half ( I just ran a 2:19 and would need a sub-2 to make it a big goal. Obviously that is a multi-year project)? Trying to get to round numbers.

I haven't responded to a bunch of previous QOTD's because my answer is so similar to others'.

I would think the 1/2 goal of improving by 20 minutes would be hardest of them all but I also think if you can hit your full goal of a 17 minute PR that all these goals become very possible.
QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?
Todays question is a suggestion from a poster on this thread. Thank you for the suggestion!

ATTQOTD: My warm up routine varies depending on distance. The shorter the race, the more longer the warm up. For example, before a 5k race I will run 1-2 miles, starting off at a easy pace and towards the end run a 1/4 mile near goal pace, followed by easing back down. After the run I will stretch and just stay loose. I will do this a hour to 45 minutes before the race. I will do a warm up run and similar routine before every race up to a half marathon. For a marathon I will spend more time stretching and just getting loose. If I run any before the race it is a short distance of no more than a half mile.
This week, we have the following folks with races:

28 - @DIS-OH - Cap City Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
28 - @KSellers88 - RNR Nashville Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
28 - @derekleigh - Race the Runways 10k (48:00 / N/A)
28 - @BoilerGirl91 - Cleveland 10 Miler (1:50:00 / N/A)
28 - @GollyGadget - Kentucky Derby miniMarathon (1:44:57 / N/A)
28 - @flav - Mont-St-Gregoire Maple Run 5k (NG / N/A)
28 - @cburnett11 - Kentucky Derby Festival Half Marathon (1:45:xx / N/A)
29 - @Chaitali - National Women's Half Marathon (2:59:59 / N/A)
29 - @beatlecat42 - National Women's 8k (NG / N/A)
29 - @evre13 - Pike's Peak 10k (1:10:00 / N/A)
29 - @CheapRunnerMike - Forest City Road Race Half Marathon (1:21:xx / N/A)
29 - @lhermiston - Run CRANDIC, 26.2 (4:00:00 / N/A)

Best of luck to each of you this weekend! If you need to revise a goal or no longer running the race, just let me know. We look forward to hearing how you race goes this weekend!
I'm way behind and my chances for catching up are not looking good due to work. If someone has a race they would like to add or a race time to report could you please PM it to me. This will be the easiest way for me to add and edit for the next week or two. I encourage you to continue posting it on the forum for others to see as well. Thank you for your assistance.
No need to add this to the race list, but I’m doing a team relay this weekend - the Plymouth 26.2 relay.

We originally had 12 people commit, so 6/team each doing a 4.3mile leg. Well, several have dropped out and we haven’t been able to find anyone else. So now several of us have to do 2 legs. I have an easy 6 miles on my training plan for this weekend, so my 8.6 miles of relay legs won’t be for time at all (Good thing we are really going for the after party and not plcment!)

Relays sound fun, but this is definitely one of the pitfalls!
I'd love to join in this thread! I used to run quite a bit, then 2 babies in 2.5 years happened and I gained a bit of weight and lost a lot of spare time. I'm looking for a good double stroller that isn't too ridiculously expensive, but trying to justify a $600 stroller to my non-running fiance is kinda hard, especially when I'm not exactly on the move much these days (work+2 toddlers has been exhausting).

And to answer the QOTD: My next big goal is to get back out there. With my ultimate goal of Princess weekend 2019.
I think BOB strollers are thought of as the gold standard. Maybe check out your local Craigslist ads to see if you can find one on the cheap?
QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?
Todays question is a suggestion from a poster on this thread. Thank you for the suggestion!

Every race I've done has a substantial walk from parking to the race start, so that is my warm up. I don't know that I'm a serious enough racer to run before I run...


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