The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?
Todays question is a suggestion from a poster on this thread. Thank you for the suggestion!

I generally have to walk to the start area, so I've always used that as my warm up, maybe with some light stretching.
For my half in March, @DopeyBadger suggested a 5 minute jog prior to the race, and I did that for my most recent race too. I think it helps, but I haven't really run enough of an experiment to know for sure.
ATTQOTD: For shorter races, I will do a longer warm-up and some dynamic stretching to loosen up the muscles. For a half, probably just some light running up to a mile and some dynamic stretching if I am going for a fast race. For a full, not much at all, maybe some stretching while in the corral.
ATTQOTD: I stretch and do a light jog before a race. But most important to my routine is use the bathroom AT LEAST twice before the race start. I usually go once, then stand in line again which usually takes about 10-15 min. I’ve had too many near misses during long training runs...
QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?
Todays question is a suggestion from a poster on this thread. Thank you for the suggestion!

ATTQOTD: My warm up routine varies depending on distance. The shorter the race, the more longer the warm up. For example, before a 5k race I will run 1-2 miles, starting off at a easy pace and towards the end run a 1/4 mile near goal pace, followed by easing back down. After the run I will stretch and just stay loose. I will do this a hour to 45 minutes before the race. I will do a warm up run and similar routine before every race up to a half marathon. For a marathon I will spend more time stretching and just getting loose. If I run any before the race it is a short distance of no more than a half mile.

I generally only do a warm-up job on 1/2 distance or longer. I try to run around the starting area of the race before it starts and then do some hamstring stretches as I tend to get hamstring cramps in longer distance races. They are usually brought on by tightness as opposed to hydration issues.
ATTQOTD: I am terrible at warming up. I like to believe the long walk to most start lines counts. I know Coach encourages warming up and I will probably give it a go at my 10k in a few weeks.
ATTQOTD: As others have said, there’s usually a walk from the car to the race. Plus some light stretching. The idea of running before a race is bemusing to me.
ATTQOTD: I will warm up for any race that I'm actually racing. This includes some walking, running about 1 mile, and dynamic stretching (leg swings, etc.). I really think it helps me get right to that goal pace easier.

I have never done this for a marathon though, I just use the first couple miles to warm up.
I plan to warm up for my upcoming half, at least a 1 1/2-2 miles so that I can start off at race pace to have the best chance of hitting my time goal. Otherwise, my warm up ends up being the first couple miles of a half or full like at Disney where I've never warmed up. I don't stretch beforehand, maybe some dynamic stuff just to stay loose but not much if anthing.
QOTD: What is you next big running goal and why?

My goal for the year is speeding up my short runs. The last few years I have concentrated more on distance than speed but I need to get back to a 19:00 flat 5K and 1:30 flat half. The real goal is placing for my age group in the W&D 10K. Looking at last year's time it should be possible.

QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?

I do a short warm up run followed by stretching. I know there is a lot of research showing stretching is not good but I have reduced injuries and feel better when I stretch so it works for me.
I've been scouring the facebook marketplace and a few sale sites and either they want close to retail, so no real significant savings, or they're so totally worn down I'm not sure I trust them to run with. Oh well, back to just trying to save up. Maybe I can swing it with my next work bonus in a few months.
Warm-up is crucial for me. Dynamic stretching is always included. I find it helpful to get my heart rate up so short distance bursts are preferred over longer distance for a warm-up.
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QOTD: Warm up routine before a race? Do you have one? What do you do? When? For which distance?
Todays question is a suggestion from a poster on this thread. Thank you for the suggestion!

No warm up routine for me either. The walk from the car or even the slow jog to the race is enough to get the blood flowing.

I make sure I have socks on and try not to forget anything important. :confused3

And sometimes you're not even sure you've done that :rotfl2:
ATTQOTD: I never did a formal warmup but I performed so well the time I had to run up a mountain to arrive at the start of a 5k that I decided I would warmup in the future if I want to beat a PR.

Someone recommended a few strides before a 5k, a mile slow pace run before a 10k or a half and nothing for a full (warmup as you go).


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