The Vaccine Discussion Thread

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My personal opinion is this;
Get the vaccine or don’t. But when private business (like cruises) require customers to be vaccinated and your not vaccinated don’t cry/complain about not being able to participate. Your choice was not to be vaccinated. You are responsible for the end result of your choice.

This!! 100 percent!
Hypothesis: the idea of having someone they love getting infected (with a whole spectrum of potential consequences) or suffering collateral damage (like postponement of surgeries) because of « someone else’s personal choice » is making some of us a tiny bit emotional?

Then you should get vaccinated.
Saying that having vaccine requirement is going to lead to everyone living on the street is an awfully big leap.

Not at all. If you have employers that say get the shot or you're terminated, the person who doesn't want the vaccine will lose their job.
This is why several states are already passing laws banning this.

You keep bringing up hospitals and healthcare jobs. But vaccines come with the territory in those jobs, and vaccines were required when you applied for those jobs. So it's not the same thing. If you are very much against vaccines, don't work in healthcare. That's fair enough.

But now say at some point Disney World requires all cast members to be vaccinated. What do you do with a CM that worked at WDW for 20 years, who's against getting this vaccine, refuses to get it? Getting a vaccine was never part of the job requirements when they were hired. No reasonable person when they took a job at Disney World believed a company would be so intimately involved in a employee's own health decisions.
Then you should get vaccinated.

Vaccines aren’t necessarily available to every adults who wants to get vaccinated right now (and not yet available to children).

Many of my friends and family are still at risks and have not received a single shot yet.
Not at all. If you have employers that say get the shot or you're terminated, the person who doesn't want the vaccine will lose their job.
This is why several states are already passing laws banning this.

You keep bringing up hospitals and healthcare jobs. But vaccines come with the territory in those jobs, and vaccines were required when you applied for those jobs. So it's not the same thing. If you are very much against vaccines, don't work in healthcare. That's fair enough.

But now say at some point Disney World requires all cast members to be vaccinated. What do you do with a CM that worked at WDW for 20 years, who's against getting this vaccine, refuses to get it? Getting a vaccine was never part of the job requirements when they were hired. No reasonable person when they took a job at Disney World believed a company would be so intimately involved in a employee's own health decisions.
It seems to me, in a public facing job when things have changed due to a virus that's highly transmittable, adding a vaccine requirement to continue to do that job wouldn't be an unreasonable requirement.
Just curious, how do those who are against being vaccinated for Covid feel about vaccines that were required for them to attend school as children? Those vaccines were to prevent possibly deadly illnesses being transferred to others. What about vaccines needed for visiting certain countries?
Just curious, how do those who are against being vaccinated for Covid feel about vaccines that were required for them to attend school as children? Those vaccines were to prevent possibly deadly illnesses being transferred to others. What about vaccines needed for visiting certain countries?

Not sure that’s that big of an issue. Most had those shots as young children. Most of those shots are also very long lasting. MMR vaccine with one booster or the chicken pox vaccine can last a lifetime of immunity. These are also been around for decades and proven to be very safe.

With the COVID ones, the mRNA technology is somewhat newer than traditional old vaccine therapies. Lot of people are hesitant about it. And with these vaccines, you have to keep getting them year after year to maintain immunity. And they tend to have more side effects than MMR.

There are people who will get the MMR shot or the tetanus shot, but won’t get the Flu shot, or COVID shot.

If you have a vaccine that is one and done and lasts many years and is as safe as MMR, you’d get more compliance and you’d eventually reach herd immunity. But you will never reach that level with Pfizer, and people having to keep their shots up to date year after year after year.
Reasoning on the last page: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when it's my personal choice?"

Reasoning a few posts above: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when it wasn't in my job description 20 years ago?"

Reasoning at this moment: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when this vaccine hasn't been around for decades?"

I need to post that Titanic meme again...
Just curious, how do those who are against being vaccinated for Covid feel about vaccines that were required for them to attend school as children? Those vaccines were to prevent possibly deadly illnesses being transferred to others. What about vaccines needed for visiting certain countries?
We didn't have a choice when we got our childhood vaccines. We were babies. The vaccines we gave our children have been around for decades. Very, very few people vacation in countries where vaccines are required. The majority of Americans don't even have passports.
Reasoning on the last page: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when it's my personal choice?"

Reasoning a few posts above: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when it wasn't in my job description 20 years ago?"

Reasoning at this moment: "Why am I being asked to vaccinate when this vaccine hasn't been around for decades?"

I need to post that Titanic meme again...

They are answers to different questions.

No matter what you have an issue where some people don't yet feel confidence in a vaccine that didn't even exist 6 months ago. We don't know how effective it is. We don't know how long they last. We don't know the long term side effects. The J&J was just yanked off the market a week ago! Is it safe or not? No one seems to know. Meanwhile the drug companies are not exactly something people have high regard for in the first place. And they have virtual immunity from litigation. So if you get the vaccine and have a bad reaction, you can't sue them. Now why would a drug company need immunity from litigation if their vaccine is 100% safe? That's a very good question.

And yet despite all this, you want to hurry up and force these vaccines on the entire population all because you are in a hurry to get back on a cruise ship.
The J&J was just yanked off the market a week ago!
I'm not taking sides in this either way. I got the vaccine (both doses). Many of my close friends have not and will not. I got virus in between my first and second doses. I credit the vaccine with reducing the severity of my symptoms. However, the J&J vaccine was yanked off the market due to side effects in the number of people that equals about the same chance of getting struck by lightning twice in your lifetime. The messaging from the CDC, Lord Fauci, and our political leaders has directly led to the vaccine hesitancy.
I got the J&J shot and will have completed my two weeks by Monday. I get my flu shot every year. I have two kids one has asthma and has a rough time when she gets the flu. My kids get their flu shots every year but still manage to pick it up sometimes. Flu has taken many more kids lives than covid and we don’t force the population into vaccinations for flu. We can’t force the population to vaccinate for this. Everyone should choose for themselves. All vaccines come with a risk. Usually very minimal, but still a risk. Not being vaccinated also comes with a risk. You get to choose which risk you are okay with and I hope it stays that way. Otherwise that’s a slippery slope.
I got the J&J shot and will have completed my two weeks by Monday. I get my flu shot every year. I have two kids one has asthma and has a rough time when she gets the flu. My kids get their flu shots every year but still manage to pick it up sometimes. Flu has taken many more kids lives than covid and we don’t force the population into vaccinations for flu. We can’t force the population to vaccinate for this. Everyone should choose for themselves. All vaccines come with a risk. Usually very minimal, but still a risk. Not being vaccinated also comes with a risk. You get to choose which risk you are okay with and I hope it stays that way. Otherwise that’s a slippery slope.
That's one of the best posts I've read. You really have to look at the big picture. If they force vaccines on people just to live a normal life than what are they going to force on us next? A slippery slope is an understatement.
They are answers to different questions.

No matter what you have an issue where some people don't yet feel confidence in a vaccine that didn't even exist 6 months ago. We don't know how effective it is. We don't know how long they last. We don't know the long term side effects. The J&J was just yanked off the market a week ago! Is it safe or not? No one seems to know. Meanwhile the drug companies are not exactly something people have high regard for in the first place. And they have virtual immunity from litigation. So if you get the vaccine and have a bad reaction, you can't sue them. Now why would a drug company need immunity from litigation if their vaccine is 100% safe? That's a very good question.
Wow, where to start?
  • "Didn't exist six months ago": The first Moderna trial began over a year ago
  • "We don't know how effective it is": The trial results state clearly how effective each vaccine is
  • "We don't know how long they last": true. That's impossible to know at this point until they gather more data.
  • "Why would a drug company need immunity from litigation if their vaccine is 100% safe?": First off, no one has ever claimed the vaccines are 100% safe. There are minuscule chances of adverse reactions with any vaccine. The reason the litigation protections exist is because the anti-vaccine movement so overwhelmed pharmaceutical companies with frivolous lawsuits back in the '80s that they were all going to stop producing vaccines completely because they were being overwhelmed financially trying to defend lawsuits. The litigation protection was put in place to save millions of lives by keeping them producing vaccines.
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Vaccines aren’t necessarily available to every adults who wants to get vaccinated right now (and not yet available to children).

Many of my friends and family are still at risks and have not received a single shot yet.
Why is the vaccine rollout so bad in your country? You have 1\10 the population of the US. Anyone over the age of 16 that wants one can get one in most states.
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