The VWL Groupies & Trivia Thread

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Eliza, when I read your posts, I am always grateful for the decision I made many moons ago :thumbsup2 .:lmao:

I blame "the old guy", Muushka, I only have X chromosomes to donate, it's because of him and his "Y" chromosome that I'm in this fix.
It's here!! It's here!!! mini lodge has arrived!!:yay:

Oooh, it's pretty, I'm thinking I since I can't get to the lodge for the holidays, I'm gonna have to treat myself to one, to bring the lodge to me. :rotfl:
Hi Eliza..I understand completely! It's just me and my 2 18 and 20!! So much testosterone!!
Just stopping in to say "hi" to my groupies. I have to come on more. It's like a breath of fresh air. And I just realized why. There's no pouncing on this thread. Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!!


I hate to interrupt your little party, but may I join? We just bought VWL directly from Disney, only 10+ years after we started "mulling it over." :rotfl:
Welcome Dodie! Glad to have you with us, um, VWL Groupies! Should I extend another invitation to grab a Moosie Siggy??:thumbsup2

So, what made you fall in love with our beloved Wilderness Lodge??? We love to hear this stuff....;)

Hi Lisa. You are safe here....deep cleansing breaths....think trees....think rocks....think totem poles......:goodvibes
Hooray! Welcome Dodie to the friendliest thread in town! We LOVE hearing all about why people love the lodge..WELCOME HOME!!:flower3:
Promise me guys some one will make sure I have internet access at the NJ state Pen.
You crack me up eliza ! :lmao:
That little "evil" ;) entrepeneur !

It's here!! It's here!!! mini lodge has arrived!!
Blossomz.......what a terrific pic of you and the Lodge globe ! Enjoy it !

I hate to interrupt your little party, but may I join? We just bought VWL directly from Disney, only 10+ years after we started "mulling it over."
Dodie ! After 10 very thoughtful, pondering years..........
HOME !!!!

Ah Maria. Our resident Moose graphic grabber extrordinaire (sp??:confused3 ).
That is one handsome guy!:thumbsup2
Ah Maria. Our resident Moose graphic grabber extrordinaire (sp?? ).
That is one handsome guy

Thanks Muushka......glad u like him. I think collecting moose graphics is a new hobby of mine ! ;) :rotfl: :goodvibes
I always get a chuckle when you share your kids adventures:lmao:

A big WELCOME to the family
Hi Rob.:) Good to see you. Glad your weather is improving (finally!):goodvibes

It sure has been a long time coming.

Ok....I am happy for you (truly !)....but not fair ! You're telling me it was warmer in Canada than in Philadelphia ! I don't think we broke 48-49 degrees today. :sad2:

If it makes you feel any better Maria, they are calling for possible snow showers on Sunday with a high of 38

What is going on with the weather men, they haven't gotten it right yet.

And for your laugh of the day... another tale from the universe of Sid the squid.

Sid, like every other american boy has an Ipod (and thus endth all other similarities to normal). Silly me, last night told sid I wanted to borrow his Ipod for the plane ride down to Orlando. Since I'm really not Itunes literate he graciously offered to download the songs I wanted. I should have known from the evil "Pinky & the brain" lets take over the world smile he gave me, I would regret this.
Sid downloaded 10 songs for me and charged me $17.00 bucks for it. When I mentioned that Itunes charges $1.00 a song so the bill should be $10.00 the little cretin told me the $7.00 bucks was for labor, pain & suffering (he will be without music for a week). Which works out to be a $70% markup. :mad: I now going to show this kid pain & suffering.

Promise me guys some one will make sure I have internet access at the NJ state Pen.

:lmao: That first million can't be too far away for Sid

It's here!! It's here!!! mini lodge has arrived!!:yay:

Lookin good. Now I know I need to order one.

I hate to interrupt your little party, but may I join? We just bought VWL directly from Disney, only 10+ years after we started "mulling it over." :rotfl:

And a great big WELCOME Dodie to the VWL groupies.
If it makes you feel any better Maria, they are calling for possible snow showers on Sunday with a high of 38
In a mean-spirited kind of way, while I don't wish snow in April on anyone, I am glad it is forecasted there instead of here. I, personally, very much dislike the cold & white stuff......hope the forecast is wrong mickeymorse !
Welcome Dodie!from a fellow Hoosier!

I just saw your post over on the Indiana thread! VWL is our home resort and we've never regretted it!
Thanks to everyone for your warm welcome and for the new logo for my signature!
I hate to interrupt your little party, but may I join? We just bought VWL directly from Disney, only 10+ years after we started "mulling it over." :rotfl:

Hey Dodie!!! Congratulations. It's lovely here. Everyone is so welcoming.

Even to the groupies that don't have a VWL contract. :eek: But I sneak into the lodge anyway.

Anyway, enjoy your contract. And I too mulled over for 10+ years. And later I had somebody who refused to buy "the cave". Silly girl. She's nicer these days.

Well, I'm rambling as usual. :lmao: So pleased you came on over. :laughing:

I hate to interrupt your little party, but may I join? We just bought VWL directly from Disney, only 10+ years after we started "mulling it over." :rotfl:

Welcome to the groupies Dodie!

I still have not received my membership card. Called again this morning and they aren't sure what happened. They were very nice and promised to get it out to me but warned it would probably not arrive before we depart for our off site trip on April 18. I always seem to fall into that category of whatever can go wrong will..oh well. The person I spoke with at Member Services said I can go to the Sales office at Sarotoga Springs and get a temporary membership card. Has anyone ever heard of this before?

Even though I am not staying at our lodge I will be sure to get over there for lunch and get some pics to post for you groupies stuck at your monitors.
Well - even though we haven't received, signed, returned our documents yet - we have our first reservation at our new "home" for mid-September. :lovestruc It's for a 1 BR. We've only stayed in Studios (on rented points) before, so I'm looking forward to that luxury.

Of course, "free dining" was announced for that timeframe, so I got on the phone ASAP this morning to make some ADRs so we'd be able to fight our way through the free diners to eat at some of our favorites! (I didn't have any trouble getting what I wanted - and was a little surprised at that.)

Even though DH and I have a HUGE trip planned for late July (to Alaska), we're both perhaps even more excited about our September trip home. :blush:
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