Theresa & Scott's AtHome PJ 9-19-09 UPDATED-Trip Report Started 9/30/09

Ok - I'm here too now! Sounds like you guys have the wedding under control already!!) Have fun planning we'll be looking for your updates!

And dont let Angela0917 talk you into registry peeking - we tried to tell her not to also!!!! :rotfl2
Ok - I'm here too now! Sounds like you guys have the wedding under control already!!) Have fun planning we'll be looking for your updates!

And dont let Angela0917 talk you into registry peeking - we tried to tell her not to also!!!! :rotfl2

Yeah, I'd say things have finally started to come together in the past month - there was a point around the 7-8 month mark where I was stressing out and having breakdowns nearly every other day, heh. But now I think the only major thing we have left to figure out is invitations.

Now for a potential DIY project, stolen from a user on

Pew Pomanders - I saw these in her bio, and they look great! I'd be doing them in the same colors as well, except with a dark green ribbon!



I have the instructions on how to make them, so PM me if you are interested =)
Arbolita- Love those pomanders; remember to hang at exactly same height down the pews or they'll look askew!

Angela0917 - Glad you heard it, stop registry peeking!! I'm thinking about a misson for retailers across the US to block the bride, New Mommy, etc from peeking at their registrys !!) - WOW I better go back to work! PS - DD leaning towards IUP; we may come up for a college visit soon! And Arbolita we have a cheer comp in Baltimore mid-April - Small World. Great; now I wont get THAT song out of my head all day!!)
eeeeeeeee less than a week until I get to try on my dress again!

So, opinion time!

Are these earrings awesome, ugly, or awesome but not quite right for my dress?

They're on sale at Kohl's currently, and I like them, but I don't normally wear jewelry, aside from my e-ring, so I don't feel qualified to make this decision myself, heh. The only other jewelry I think I'll be wearing are my rings and a hair comb/pin, if I can ever find one I like.
Hhhmmmm... thats a tought one without seeing the whole package together! You've got those detailed sraps going on at top of dress so - you should probably buy them and check it out - you can return them if they don't work, right?? Good luck!!!!!
Hhhmmmm... thats a tought one without seeing the whole package together! You've got those detailed sraps going on at top of dress so - you should probably buy them and check it out - you can return them if they don't work, right?? Good luck!!!!!

I could do that, but unfortunately from Kohl's, these earrings are available online only. They're the brand 1928, which I know I can find in other stores, but I don't know if it's something I want to put the energy into tracking down, just to check them with my dress, you know?
It's hard to tell with the detailing in the dress, but it looks like the model has bigger silver earrings on too, so I would say yes! I think the earrings are very pretty!
I think when I'm at my fitting, one of the pictures I will try to get is of the design of the beaded detailing
Woohoo! Scott picked out his wedding band today


Hopefully we'll find mine soon
I finally had my dress fitting today!!!!

They have to take in the waist and the bust, so once it's ready, hopefully it will look better - I think it kind of makes me look wider thanI am right now. And I really need to tone my arms. But yay!



I swear, this isn't just a gratuitous **** shot - I just wanted a picture of the detailing on the bodice.

There are little spots of beading like this that go all down the dress - it's going to be my inspiration for finding a hair piece.


Below is a better look at the back from my camera phone the day we bought the dress

Also - lot's of drama with my family today - apparently my sister secretly got married back in September :eek: It's not a good situation. So Easter should be fun...
It's a beautiful dress, and it suits you very well. Your arms look fine. How will you wear your hair?
Beautiful dress, and your hair will look perfect with it!! So elegant!

Your sister secretly got married?!?! Yikes!:scared1:
So! We got our first items purchased off our registry!!! ....... by me.:rolleyes1

It was sort of a necessity - our cake carrier. Every year for Easter while we were growing up, my family would make a bunny cake. I decided that this year, I'd make them - and since I had no way to transport them, I had to give in get the cake carrier to help me out.

I'll be making the cakes tonight/tomorrow morning, so I'll be sure to post pictures of the process =)
Beautiful dress, and your hair will look perfect with it!! So elegant!

Your sister secretly got married?!?! Yikes!:scared1:


And yeah...that's been an interesting story. It's really long, but basically, my sister got pregnant last year, and decided to get married the week before the baby was born. The worst parts of the story are that

a) We were initially invited, but my mom had asked her to think about postponing it since the day before she wanted to get married, my grandmother was going into the hospital for a hip replacement and would be really upset if she wasn't able to attend. My sister had only given us around 5 days notice for the wedding, so it's not as though my grandmom could have rescheduled. So the day of, I was on the phone with my sister and asked her what time she wanted us to be there and she said "Oh, we're not doing that anymore." So she uninvited us...then apparently got married anyway.

b) My parents and I got suspicious several times about whether or not she was actually married because of different things that came up, so I know they must have asked her about it at least twice, and I know I asked her about it once, and she lied to our faces every time. Mainly because I think she wanted my parents to still throw her a big wedding, and she knew they probably wouldn't if she was already married. So that just makes it even more frustrating for my parents, since she was lying to them to get them to pay a few thousand dollars for a "look-at-me" party. And now I'm worried that because my parents are helping us out with the wedding, she's going to start resenting me and not wanting to be involved, which will be hard because she's the MOH.

It's all around not a good situation, and tomorrow will be the first time we're all in a room together, along with other people who don't know yet that she's married.

Hopefully Bunny Cake will make it better, heh.
Love the dress and the hair! It'll look fabulouse together!:thumbsup2

Sorry about your sister... Hopefully she'll realize that this is your day and not cause any porblems.
My bunny cake turned out alright! Not as good as when my mom would make it, but she's had 20+ years of practice, so I'll get the hang of it sooner or later...









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