Things I Need to Work On. (edited to add...Posts welcome)

I was sort of bad yesterday. I had 2 pieces of bread with dinner, and some brown rice with lunch. I also did not exercise at all. I was really run down all day. :rolleyes:

Today is another day. Went to the gym and did 40 mins on the elliptical, and walked fast for 20 more mins. I came home and did a pilates session and had the usual for brekky. I'm on my wayto lunch with DH and wondering if we will be walking. Linch is salad and dinner will probably be a roast with grilled veggies.

I weighed myself at the gym this morning and I have decided that it isn't calibrated correctly. ;) It showed me up 2.5 pounds from what i weighed yesterday on my scale. It could be right though, because I am beginning to hold waster from approaching TOM! Not worries though. Not counting any real progress until after all THAT is over. I also have not been drinking enough water. I need to keep my bottle handy. That is all for now.
I was so busy yesterday that I didn't get a chance to make dinner, so we went to the crack house. I was good. Nothing but iced tea, to drink. I did have one tortilla and about 10 chips. The rest was tomatos, onions, peppers, guac, and pico. But, the jiggly fairy is still here, and I gave her even more incentive to hang around, with all the salt in that food. Still hanging tough at 143 tho. I probably won't get any lower than that, while the BF is lurking.

I need to get to the market this morning. Mother hubbards cupboard is bare. Then I will have oat bran for brekky, and probably a salad for lunch and the roast I was supposed to cook yesterday, for dinner. I will do some strength training today, but won't attempt the gym, as I have way too many things that need doing. The gym for me is like the computer for some. Once I'm there, I have a hard time pulling myself away. (I intend to get a quick 30 min workout in, and I'm there for 2.5 hours.
:rolleyes: )

Hasta manana!
i know you said you aren't going by the scale at the gym, and that's a good idea. different scales tend to give different readings. definitely just weigh on your scale at home. that'll give you a "true" reading.

and that is good that you know yourself well enough to know you can't go into the gym today! you can get just as good of a workout strength training at home ::yes::

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Blah! Yesterday was awful! Did not work out. Strayed a bit from plan. And was very disappointed when I found that the market was out of my favorite wine and will not likely get any more anytime soon. I spent the day running errands and cooking dinner and all the other mundane things that have defined my life for the time being.

Brekky was 2 mini quiche cups. Lunch was oatbran and a huge salad, and dinner was roast beef and risotto with a glass of so-so wine and pistachios for dessert. I must have gone over calories by about 300! Not exactly a dealbreaker, as I figure I had between 1500 and 1600.

Still holding water, which I hate, because it makes my tummy jiggle, and my hips wiggle! Even my hands are fat! I so dislike this time of month. Worst of all, it seems to come everu 12 days, and last for about 2 weeks. So I get about a week every 3 that I feel good. But, I will be out of this funk soon. I'm shooting for 2 pounds/ week. I have tried this before, and failied. Well, not really failed in the sense that I didn't lose, just not 2 pounds/week. I think I can do this now that I have changed some of my carby habits, and don't snack.

So now I am going to take my meds, drink a huge galss of water and do some strenth training, although my body really wants an aerobic workout. Maybe I can squeeze that in when I take DD to the Y this afternoon.
I think 2 pounds a week is an awful lot to expect. Maybe if you lower your expectations to 1 pound a week, you'll be happy when the scale shows more of a loss and not so disappointed when it doesn't? Just a thought.....

Hang in there through the "jigglies" - we all get that way and you know it's only temporary. Drink that water and give your body an excuse to let go of the excess that it's hanging on to.

You're doing just fine. Keep it up! :sunny:
Hey Doe! I totaly agree with your thinking, but, I figure if I shoot for 2, I can realistically expect one. Sort of hope for the best, but expect the worst. Actually, when I go by the month, 6 pounds is about what I average, if I'm being good. My best news is that when I'm not being good, i don't gain either.:p So that keeps me moving in the right direction. I am a bit worried about the not gaining over my upcoming trip. I'm more worried about this than I ever was about any cruise I've ever been on. (Not a big fan of cruise food. :confused: ) Wine, cheese, olive oil, bread, gelato, sauces! :tongue: OH Stop me before I gain weight just thinking about it! Moderation! Walking, and maybe a head cage, will get me through it unscathed. :earseek: Maybe. :crazy:
i think that for vacation, it's okay to not follow your plan to a tee. make good choices, but don't deprive yourself of all the good stuff you know you love. i'm sure you'll do just fine. even if you come home with a slight gain, it's not a huge deal, just get right back on track, simple as that ::yes::

i do agree with doe about 2 pounds per week being high...but if you average 6 per month, i'd say that's a more realistic goal. i jsut don't watn you to feel like you're failing whne you're actually doing a great job! alright, enough lecturing from me. you know what's best for you :)

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Tracy - I know I'd love to loose 2 lbs a week. And there was a time in my life where that was a reasonable expectation. NOT anymore! I have been on plan for 7 weeks and have dropped 8 lbs. Yes, it is going slow, but it is going, so I am happy with that.

Vacation - I say don't worry too much. You have saved and worked all year to get to vacation. I say relax and enjoy it. No, you don't need to go hog wild, but you don't need to pass up every indulgance either. Moderation is the key, as it is in everyday life as well.;)

keep up the good job with the exercise. That will certainly help battle the jiggly monster as well! And the water!:crazy:

Have a good day!
Finally! A chance to sit down for more that 2 mins.

Just got back from the Y. That felt good. I had the usual fiber laden gruel for brekky today and a ginormous salad for lunch. I also did 25 mins of Pilates, though it didn't feel like much, so I may do some crunches later on. I think I'm making Fajitas for dinner tonight.

I was bad yesterday. Not only did I have 2 glasses of wine, I had a cocktail! :eek: (am I the only one who craves alcohol while PMSing? ) Well, while I can justify the cocktail due to the fact that I was wound way too tight yesterday, and it did much to level my mood, I really paid for it last night! Blech. I was up all night sweating and tossing and turning and thirsty. Had a headache when I woke and was sluggish til I mad my sorry butt get up and get with the program. I feel much better now and think I will skip my wine this evening.

Weigh in today was fine. Didn't lose, but didn't gain. All in all, I'm happy with that, considering last night and the bloat fairy is visiting. This could go on for a week or more depending on when TOM actually decides to visit. (Never the same # of days twice)
But when it is all over, I usually have a pretty good Whoosh.

Marcia and Sharon, I plan on being really naughty on my vacation!
That said, I also don't have the luxury of sitting around on my bum ordering cocktails from Ojack (My favorite Bartender on the Magic), and doing little else. I will be taking tours of Versailles, Giverny, the Louvre, Musee d 'Orsey, and all the other must see's in Paris, before going to San Giminagno, Sienna, Chianti and the Uffizi, Academia, and the Duomo while in Florence. All this happens over the course of 8 fast and furious days, so I doubt there will be a lot of idle time to just sit and eat. Even the "evening meal" will probably be shorter than the average, as I expect we will all be quite tuckered out. And you're right. If I come back with a gain, well, I'll just have to deal with it, and get on with it. Thanks for checking in on me! I won't feel like a failure until I can't exercise anymore. As long as I never see 150 again, I feel like a success! My clippie gets me going too. Funny, I didn't think much of it at the time, but I have to say WOW! I've lost 15 pounds. That is pretty good. The most I've ever lost without squeezing out a pup! :teeth:

Take care!
Tracey, your cruise sounds WONDERFUL! I'd LOVE to cruise through Europe! What cruise line are you going on? This is DH's dream - to go to Europe - and this sounds like a great way to see a lot in a short amount of time and still only unpack once! :p

If you're weighing the same through PMS, I think you deserve a gold star! I crave all sorts of things through that time of the month, including alcohol. I try to limit myself to chocolate though - my cheat of choice. :p

Had to laugh at your last remark about "the most I've ever lost without squeezing out a pup!" :teeth: :teeth:

Hope your day is filled with :sunny: !
Hey Doe! Sorry if I was confusing. We are going the standard way to Europe. That is what I meant by not sitting around drinking. We will be doing a lot of walking! Though I have planted the seed in DH's Head for A repo cruise to Europe for our 25th. Though he immidiately pointed out that DD will be starting college that year, and we wont be doing anything like that for a few more years!:teeth: That's ok! I still am planning.

Today I woke early (4:30), had gruel for brekky and I am off to drive DD to school (missed the bus) and then right to the Y. Then to lunch with DH and then Maybe home for some strenth training. Fajitas for dinner (had tacos last night) Anyway, so long for now! Have a great weekend all!
ooh, your vacation sounds like it will be wonderful, you and dh should have a great time trekking around europe :cool1: . and i'm so glad that you're have already decided to "be naughty". hehe. i think that's the best way to go into a vacation, that way, you have no problems with guilt! enjoy yourself, you deserve it. and like you said, you get right back on track when you get home. wonderful plan :teeth:

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Only 29 more days to go. I was hoping to have gotten to 140 by now but the BF has got me stuck at 143. That means 8 pounds in 4 weeks?!?! Don't think so, but you never know. After the BF leaves, I could be under 140. It is not at all uncommon for me to whoosh away 5 pounds after TOM.

This weekend was not good. I did zero exercise, but I was very active. Did a great deal of shoppong and yard work, so it wasn't all just sitting around. I was good for breakfast on both days, but lunch on Saturday was pizza. Definately not worth the calories. Sunday was A chorizo burro. THAT was worth the calories! OMG! It was better that Filibertos! Probably not the best thing for my diet, but I did use La tortilla wrap and packed mine full of leftover fajita veggies, and went light on the chorizo. Dinner was a disappointment. BBQ ribs with beans. Not the best I've had and it certainly was a letdown after the burro.

Today I had the usual brekky, and just for back from the gym. I had a great workout. 35 mins on the EFX, and 35 on the TM. I'm sweaty and need to get in the shower before lunch with DH.

A quick hello and have a great Day to all my WISH pals! I will try to catch up after lunch!
good morning! glad you're being realistic about the weight loss by vacation though. 8 pounds in 4 weeks is doable, but it's good to just be content with whatever happens. but ya never know, especially with the whoosh fairy on the way :)

shower sounds real good after such a great workout! i love that feeling! hope you had a great day, and a great lunch with dh :sunny:
UGH! It's only 10:30 and I am starving!:confused: I had my regular breakfast, so I don't understand why. Maybe it's because I just got back from the market and wnat to eat all the yummy stuff I bought, like broccoli. :rolleyes: Well, I am going to try to hold off until 11 at which time I will construct one Mutha of a salad.

Yesterday turned out really well. Lunch was a subway club in an Atkins wrap, and dinner was a very small chorizo burro and a really large salad, and 2 glasses of beaujoulais.:tongue:

Today, I am doing laundry, (of course I'm doing laundry) and paying bills and then at 1:00, I will do some strength work and then pick DS up from school and head to the gym for some cardio and more strength, I hope. I want DS to teach me how to use the machines. Hopefully he will find it amusing and not embarrassing.:p

Dinner will be Albondigas! Yummy. DH says we are the wrong race. :p

aaa, starving at 10:30, that's no fun! but i'm sure it definitely has to do with being at the market. whenever i go grocery shopping, it makes me want to eat! so i guess the best time to go is right after you eat so you're full. too bad schedules don't allow us to do this though :rolleyes:

that's a really great idea to get ds to show you how to use weight machines. especially since he knows what he's doing, he will defintely be a big help for you. i'm sure he will find it amusing. when i took my mom to the gym to help her out, it was definitely amusing and not embarrassing at all! we had a lot of fun :). hope you have a similar experience :)
Well, Tracey, sorry to hear you're not cruising through Europe but all that walking sure will make it easier to eat all the yummy food and not feel guilty!! :p

Your menus lately sound so good!! You're doing great, Tracey! :sunny:
I had such a great day yesterday! My visit to the gym with DS was a lot of fun. He's quite a motivator. "DS, I'd like you to show me how to use these machines." "Which ones?" "Whatever will work my arms" "Yeah. You really do need to work on that." :p See what I mean?

Anyway, I had a great workout with DS and will try to get back there again today.

Yesterday's meals all went as planned, and I finished off the day well within range.

Today is starting out well. Brekky is done, meds are done, vitamines done and water is doing well. I am getting a bit worried though. The BF has apparently disappeared, and TOM hasn't arrived yet. :eek: That would be my luck! UGH! DH says I'm over working my body and that is slowing things down. I admit in the past this has happened. I always say that it is a fringe benefit of strenuous exercise! :p Keep your fingers crossed for me. I like my family size just fine. Besides, I found a little story DD is working on called "This is My Life", and in it she referes to herself as the "adored youngest child." I would not want to take that away from her. :earseek:

Other than that I am having quite a bit of success with my routine, and feel very confident about getting very close to goal by the end of the month. I was thinking that I would lose all the weight I was ever going to lose by then, but I forgot I have at least another month before Grandma and Grandpa cone home to fatten me up. I could lose all my weight by then if I behave myself (to a certain extent) in Europe. So I am shooting for 125 by my birthday, June 14. 17 pounds in 14 weeks. Maybe. I know it will get harder as I continue to lose, but I am trying to do this with more activity than with starvation. So far, I have been seeing results. I will try to lose the bulk of it by the end of April, which means I have to reach my original goal of 135 by 3/31, and be ready to hop right back on when I return. That means back on plan over Easter for sure! And no turning back until I am wearing my size 8's again. (I was hoping for 6's, but I have never seen someone my age with children who looked healthy in a 6, unless she had always looked that way, i.e. the likes of Sara Jessica Parker and co. So comfy 8's will be the goal. )

So long for now. I will try to catch up with all of you after work! :wave:
tracy, yesterday really sounded like a great day for sure! the gym with ds seems like it was fun, i'm very glad it was a good experience :teeth:

that is so cute about your "adored youngest child"! and i'd definitely say that increased exercise could be what's causing your period to be late/missing. i skipped mine for the first time last month (and i'm not doing anything that would get me preggers :p), and i'm attributing it to running a lot. if you're worried though, you could take a test in a few days, just in case.

your goal weights sound like they're right on target. definitely focus on adding in exercise, and not starving yourself! actually, the more you exercise, the more you should eat. make sure to eat enough, otherwise, you could stall out.

oh, and my birthday is june 13! the day before yours, how fun :). we'll have to have a party :bounce:
Tracy, I've never really wished TOM on anyone, but if that's what you want, I'll wish it for you! :p

Your goals sound good but 125?? How tall are you? That just sounds teeny tiny, but if you're built small & thin, then maybe it's realistic. Only you know for sure! I'd hate to see you trying to reach an unhealthy weight. (sorry, Tracy - it's the Mom thing again :rolleyes: - I really can't help it :p )

Hope all goes well today! :sunny:



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