Things I Need to Work On. (edited to add...Posts welcome)

Thanks for your concern DOE. I am short, and petite. Though petite just doesn't seem to describe me except with regard to my height. I'm 5'3". I used to be happy with my weight at 115, but I think that is an unrealistic expectation, and family and friends said when I weighed that much, I looked too thin. :rolleyes: Then I look back at my pictures of that bygone era and think, "Man! I looked HOT!" DH says it had nothing to do with how much I weighed, and I ("no offense" he says) would not look like that if I were to weigh 115 again. I think 125 is realistic. When I weighed 140, before I moved, my Doc kept saying, "you know, you caould stand to lose 15 pounds." So that sounds like 125 to me.

Thanks for the wishes on TOM. While usually I would tend to agree, I will be eagerly awaiting this one! :p
Hey Marcia! Thanks for all the positives! June 13! One of my dearest friends is also a June 13! (She just did the Disney Marathon, and she is 3 years older than me! My hero! Her anniversary is the day before mine, and her youngest child is one day off of my DH's birthday. Funny how much we have in common.) I will have 2 of you to celebrate now! :bounce:

I just got back from work. I volunteer at DD's school. I went there somwhat hungry and now I'm ravenous. I am going to make myself a LC roll up with Hummus and some healthy choice deli slices, sun dried tomatoes, sprouts, and lettuce. Dinner tonight will be ceasar salad, and I will most likely have a snack before I go to the gym this afternoon. Been drinking my water and need to go now before I have a meltdown!

Blah! I am wiped out today. Was on the high end of my range yesterday, even though I only had a salad for dinner. (3Tbsp. olive oil, 2 Tbsp, parmesean cheese, 1/2 can anchovies, 2 slices of good crusty Italian bread and some really yummy wine) It was actually a fantastic dinner, but after visiting fitday, I realise I was over my salt intake by 100% :eek: , and over my fat intake by 14 grams! (though it was almost all olive oil) Still I managed to remain at a 1200 calorie deficit!

I ROCKED at the gym yesterday! Had a great 30 min cardio, and did the weight machines for 20 mins, really working my lower body and abs! It felt really good. I worked to the point where I felt like I couldn't do another single crunch, press, whatever. And I'm not sore! DS says I need to work harder. :p I told DH I was thinking about taking the day off today (from exercise) and he said, "I hate to bust your chopps, but TOM is comming soon, I promise, and you know you won't be getting any exercise then. You'd better do it while you can." How's that for support!? He must be liking what he sees! :teeth: Either that, or he sees how exercise improves my mood. Whatever it is, I'm glad he is supportive, instead of feeling like I'm obsessing again. (I have been putting in at least an hour a day, and the housework is suffering a bit for it :o )

I did not sleep well last night. My heart was really tachy. Part is from the fact that from 3:00 on, I only had 32 oz of water for the rest of the evening, and I should have had a lot more than that, since I worked really hard at the gym. I was concerned that i had not eaten enough yesterday, but, apparently, that was not the case! DH says it's TOM approaching. It is true, that is a pretty good indicator. I do get tachy a day or two before. :confused: Anyway, the lack of sleep is the major culprit for my lethargy. I should at least get going on my strength work, and I told DS I would go with him to the gym after school. I may not do that, depending on how the strength work goes. If it kicks my butt, then I will just pick him up and take him to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy a chair for his bedroom that I have been promising him.

I need to get my water consumption up today to get rid of the almost 4000 mg of salt I ingested yesterday. Today, I am supposed to weigh in, and I may not do it. If I do, it will be after the gym, if I make it there. Otherwise, I will probably wait until TOM is leaving.

I have had brekky, but I ate more than ususal, because I really thought I hadn't eaten enough yesterday :rolleyes: and thought I had better get a good start. Lunch will be a LC roll up and I haven't even begun to think about dinner, which is not good. I have a ton of laundry to do still and must run errands today, so I don't know how I will get any dinner ready. Maybe we will eat out of a box tonight. Not a pizza box, although, I guess it would be fine for everyone else. I could just eat a salad.

OK! I'm off to tackle the laundry and start my day!

Have a great day everyone!
Tracy, sounds like you've a busy day ahead AND you haven't gotten a good night's sleep! Take extra good care of you, OK? If you need some down time, try to fit it in between all those errands & laundry.

Thanks for clarifying your height and your weight goal. It sounds like you've got a realistic goal in mind - glad to hear that! ::yes::

Have a :sunny: day, with a little "me" time worked into it!
OK, I did my workout, and I am wiped out! I did weigh in and I'm at 142. I guess that is a loss, but I was 141 a while back, so I don't know. I should not complain at 142. I can see linws in my ankles from my socks, and in my belly from my jeans. So who knows? Next weeks weigh in will be the official progress report. This weeks simply reminds me to keep going.
tracy, great job rocking it at the gym!! sorry about not getting enough sleep though. i hope you got a chance to catch up on that tonight. you need to take care of yourself, especially when TOM is lurking ::yes::

hope you have a good (restful!) evening, and a great day tomorrow :sunny:
I was weak yesterday! I had made a mental resolutin to not go out to eat at all this month and blew it yesterday. DH got home late and had to go directly to his stylist. Knowing I would have not mad it til 7 for dinner, I tagged along and we went to the crack house for dinner!:eek: I ate so much I was literally in pain, and half considered "getting rid" if what I had eaten. :eek: Though my sister always pops into my mind when I think like that, so of course I took the pain and internalized it as why I don't eat like that anymore! The thing is, we ordered the "usual", which is an order of fajitas, which we split, and a single basket of chips, and 2 magaritas. I couldn't figure out why I was so full. One other thing I had that I normally do not, 2 huge glasses of water! So I guess I wasn't as bad as I had thought. I couldn't even finish my second Marg, I was so full.

Anyway, the bloat is upon me, so I am headed to the gym for an early morning burn. Get it while I can. I feel better today, though I still did not sleep well last night. Getting weird about DH leaving on Sunday for 2 weeks! Then he'll be back for a week then we leave. That means I have a lot to do on my own. Who packs for Europe alone?!?! Oh well!

Having the usual brekky, and then salad for lunch. I don't know what for dinner. I have to do some work at DD's school tonight and it will just be DH and I. Kiddies will both be gone. Maybe we will just have a simple salad.

I anticipate a hard weekend, but I am, as always, keeping the Faith!

10:05 a.m.

Just got back from the Y. I had a great workout on the elliptical. I was thinking about staying and using the weight machines, but it was really crowded for some reason, (I think these folk only exercise MWF, and so the whole town is there) and with TOM dragging me down, I decided to go home, and take care of business there. Maybe I'll do some pilates. I feel so much better today than I did yesterday, thank goodness.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Tracy, if my DH was going to be away for 2 weeks I'd be in a tailspin! I'd be stressed out the whole week before and the whole 2 weeks he was gone!! If you are also affected that way, then try to recognize it and give yourself a little extra leeway, OK?

As far as TOM and the bloat fairy, you and I both know that time will take care of it. In a few days, you'll be feeling much better! Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible and ride it out.

Keep taking those baby steps, Tracy! You're definitely headed in the right direction! :sunny:
hey tracy, i'm sorry about the extra added stress on you about your dh going away, having to get ready for europe, and then all the normal everyday stuff too! man, i can definitely see why you're stressed!

i'm glad that you got to get in a good workout and that you're feeling better today. looking at what you ate at the crackhouse, really didin't look all that bad...maybe your stomach just isn't used to so much food anymore. this is a good thing, even though it made you feel horrible last night.

like i said, i'm glad you're feeling better today. hope the rest of your day goes well! :sunny:
Tracy, just wanted to pop in and tell you I'm thinking of you! I know the next 2 weeks will not be the normal routine and I hope all goes well and you're not too overstressed. :sunny:

Hi Everyone! I'm still here. This weekend was very busy. We lost power on Friday (all day!), so all the laundry, packing for DH and so on had to be done Saturday. All that and TOM shows up Friday :rolleyes: , and that puts me out of commission for 2-3 days! DH had to be to the airport by 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. I took the kids to see Hidalgo. It was all I could to to get off my butt and get to the show to sit on my butt for 2.5 hours! I did not have popcorn! Just split a diet soda with the kids.

Saturday, I was not only wiped out, but because of that, all I wanted to do was eat. So I did!:teeth: I had a 1900 calorie day!:eek: Not beating myself up over this. Once a month is not a deal breaker. Besides, I was a saint yesterday! Though I did have an extra glass of wine. Not able to exercise either day which is why I got right up and did my Pilates this a.m. Even if it was only 25 mins, it was a start. As it turns out, I got inspired around 1:00, and went to the gym. Did my cardio, and walked. I was not on my game to be sure, but I did keep my aerobic rate up for 35 mins! That is wat I needed to get me going. Now, I feel great.

As far as DH being gone, once he's gone, things settle down. It's just the 2-3 days before he leaves, that I get weird, and the 2-3 days after he gets home, and we have a stranger amongst us, that is awkward. I do miss him, but I also get a lot done when he's not here. (we like to spend too much time wrapped up in each other, to the detriment of other household chores/errands
:teeth: )

Trying to pack for this trip will be interesting. Ususally, when we go away, it is to the opposite spectrum of what is currently being worn. However, since Paris and Florence share close to the same weather, I can't really do too much ahead of time packing, as we are still wearing what we need to take with us. I expect I will do it all the weekend before we leave. Right now I'm just making sure we have camres, CD's and Players, toiletries, one nice outfit and shoes. Stuff like that. Trying to get the taxes taken care of so we have that at our disposall , if necessary, is also a priority.

Anyway, for brekky and lunch, it was the usual, and dinner will be spaghetti. I will get my "Official" monthly weighin on Thursday, and plan to stay on plan and exercise much like i did today, every day until we leave. I have been able to re-claim 4 "new" pairs of my old size 10's, and only have 3 more pair that are still too tight. Not for long! Interesting thing though, I can't see that I have lost any inches! Maybe a half inch in all ares, for a total of 4 inches overall. :confused: Whatever. All I know is my clothes fit again, and I feel good!
Slept in until 6:20 this morning! DH called, thank goodness and woke me up. Now I'm a bit off kilter, but feel pretty good. Last night I was really good for dinner, but I did have a hunk of bread, and a glass of wine. Still well within range though.

Today, the usual for brekky, and for lunch I'll have a LC wrap, as I am going to the gym for some work on the weight machines with DS. (I need more protien when I do strength work) I will also do my cardio, but only 30 mins, as I will only have about an hour to spend there before I have to get home for DD. I may do some Pilates this a.m., or maybe this evening, as I have had much touble getting to sleep. That may help me relax. The only thing is, I work up quite a sweat, and though a shower before bed is always a great indulgence, I hate showering more than once/day, as my skin dries out too easily. I could take a nice bath with some skin conditioning thrown in. OK, now I'm looking forwrd to bed and it's only 8 a.m.! Not sure what dinner will be. Something easy. Maybe fish.

I'm looking forward to my weigh in on Thursday, if for no other reason, than to be able to gage how much longer it will be before I leave the 140s behind! I sometimes get frustrated with my rate of loss, but the truth is, I have really come very far. From 161 at my heaviest, to 142 (during TOM) is pretty darned good. Even if I don't make my target weight by my trip, I will be forever 20 pounds lighter! I can't believe I let myself go for so long, but I'm getting back to where I was. I am where I was when I moved here, and soon, I'll be where I need to be. (I'm only 1.5 pounds away from a normal BMI!!!!!!!!)
Thinking about the inches thing, I must be replacing a ton of fat with muscle. That must be why I haven't lost that many inches, but what I have is firmer and spread out better, which is why my clothes fit better. Just a guess. Could also be why my rate of loss seems slow. Or maybe I was just cramming myself into clothes that were waaaaay too small!

Anyway, have a great day everyone!
UGH! I am so tired! I was sooo good yesterday, then something happened.

I had planned my whole days food, right down to the popcorn I was going to have with the kids while we watched POTC. I was well within range. Then came "the rum!" It just sounded so good the way Captain Jack Sparrow said it. So I had orange juice mixed with rum. I measured it out, so I didn't over do the rum part. It was good. I was also hoping it might help me relax enough to get some sleep. I was wrong. I didn't fall asleep until 1 ish! Of course I know alcohol interferes with sleep, I just wanted to get there sooner. Oh well. I feel like I totally ruined my plan, and and have sinned. I am not sure I will get to the gym today to do penance, either, as I have a birthday party to plan, a concert to go to and a host of other daily chores to get out of the way so I can have the day off tomorrow. Man am I dumb!

So, I think I'll focus on the positive. My triceps are sore, and so is my rear! I did get a better workout than I had thought, yesterday. And I probably will go to the gym, even if its for a half hour for cardio. (Need to keep that metabolism up!) And I will probably do a Pilates session to get energized and start my day. (already on my 2nd cup o joe and it is clearly not having the desired effect!)

Brekky will be the usual, lunch will be a huge salad and dinner may be subway, as I will only have a half hour for dinner, between the time I pick up DD from the Y and the time I have to be at DS's band concert. Then it will be straight home and into bed!

Tomorrow is weigh in day, and i don't want to be carrying around a buch of bloat.

OK! I have made an executive decision. (yes! I am the boss of me!) I am not going to the gym today and I may not even work out at all. I have been getting less that 6 hours/night of sleep. I am in the middle of TOM and I am worn thread bare right now. I feel like I have a cold coming on, (DH left with one) and the last thing I need right now is to let my immunities get run over from exhaustion. I have been staying within my calories range, and have been exercising hard. I am going to do my ironing, laundry and bake DD's cupcakes today. I will pick up DS from school and then pick up DD from the Y and grab a sub and go to the concert and go to bed. Hopefully that will get me ready for tomorrow, and I will have more energy. I only hope my guilt doesn't get the best of me, and i feel compelled to get to the gym. I never thought I would be praying for the strength to stay out of the gym! I just know I will be a basket case, if I don't take care of myself. My body is telling me to take a nap. I hope it will compromise and settle for a mundane day.
oh my goodness tracy, just reading all the activity going on in your posts is making me tired! no wonder you need a break from teh gym! definitely a good idea to make that executive decision. when you're so tired and worn out, it's a really good idea to listen to your body and just take it easy. i'm glad that you're going to try to take some down time, even if it is spent doing other things ::yes::

oooh, so how did weigh in go? i'm interested to see. because i knwo you say your clothes are fitting better, so you know that's a very good thing. and if some pounds are missing too, even better! so i hope you got a good result :)

have a great day today, do try to get some rest if possible :sunny:
Yesterday started out so good. I went to the gym and did 45 min on the elliptical and did some tricep work. Went to Subway for lunch and spent the day shopping and cleaning and cooking, for DD's birthday. Basically very busy except to sit down and eat and pick up DH from the airport. (He leaves again Sunday morning!) Dinner started out well, also. Had rosemary rack of lamb with goat cheese and merlot sauce, garlic smashed redskins and steamed green beans.

Now for my sins. 2 margaritas, but not my usual ones. I have begun measuring, so I know exactly what I'm getting. And the chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.:eek: It wound up being a 2000 calorie day!!!! Good thing I was so very busy. Hopefully I won't suffer too much for my indescretion. The bad part of it all was I really didn't enjoy the margs. Then again, maybe that's a good thing. But the cake was to die for. It is a recipe handed down on DH's side, and it is full of fat and sugar, but OOOOOH so very good. (I'm not much of a cake person, but I had to have some.) I was good and had one reasonable size piece. Not small, but reasonable. This won't de-rail me, nor will I beat myself up over this, but just keep moving in my projected path!

Weigh in was disappointing, but still a one pound loss. I was hoping to say goodbye to the 140's but it will happen eventually. Only 3 more pounds to my next clippie! If I keep up the good work I've been doing at the gym, I'll get there. I know I have been building muscle, which may be to "blame" for the slow loss, but I am all for muscle! I have noticed my endurance has improved and I do feel stronger. My workouts don't tire me out as easily, and I find myself having to add weights and more reps, so that is a good sign.

On Wednesday, I pretty much sat around and did housey chores, knowing how busy I would be yesterday, and I am pretty tired today, but will still go to the gym this afternoon. My left leg is sore for some reason, and I hope it will feel better by then so I can get a good workout in. If it feels better sooner, I will go sooner.

Thanks Marcia for checking in on me! I am staying the course, but I think I may be getting a bit obsessive about things and need to take a step back. One thing I noticed on Wednesday. I was irritable all day. I really think I wanted to get to the gym and get that release I get from exercising. I'm not sure, but I really think it improves my mood. But that is all behind me, and I went yesterday and will go today. Not sure how the weekend will pan out, as DD has a concert performance for the better part of the day on Sat. and I may head to Ann Arbor on Sunday, to see the Ann Arbor Symphony. I'm just going to see what happens, and stick to a good eating plan, and lots of water, as I have not been getting nearly enough, and have been eating way too much salt. My weigh in probably would have went better, as I could see imprints of my socks in my ankles, which I have not normally had a problem with, unless I get too much salt for too many days in a row.

So long for now!
Just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Friday! Today is a new day. Don't forget that water! Hope you have a wonderful and successful day today!
:Pinkbounc Bye-bye pound!! :wave2:

Tracy you're doing a great job but I always wonder if you're trying to cram too much into your days! Most people tend to slack off on their exercise so we encourage them to fit in at least a little every day. However, you seem to be hellbent on exercising every day no matter how crazy the rest of your day is. I think taking a planned day off now and then is healthy for you, if you think you're becoming overly dependent on it.

I bet you are looking great in those "new" old clothes!! Try to find some relax time this weekend, OK??

Hey Doe! You know what? I just got back from the gym and I feel so good! I hear what you are saying about a planned day off from the gym. But whenever I do that, I get crabby, and feel guilty. I'm sure it's part mental and part endorphine.
:teeth: I just really like doing it and i like what I am seeing in the mirror. I also think that because I am, for all intents and purpose, a SAHM, I should have the flexibility in my schedule to get at least 30 mins a day in. It is all for me, and selfish I'm sure. Sometimes I let the dishes sit in the sink or the clothes in the dryer! :o I do take time off though. Durning TOM always two days, and anyday that I just need to take care of other things. It just irks me to have to do it. I guess I like to eat too many iffy things to not exercise. Speaking of iffy, I am up 2 pounds from yesterday!!!!!!! Lots of it is water, and I'm sure I haven't gained 2 pounds of fat, but man, am I fuming. I'm getting used to my fluctuating weight, and exercising is one way I keep mentally in line with my goal. Thanks for checking with me in this!

Keep the Faith!
:hug: for you, Tracy! Thanks for putting up with my Mommy-moment. :D You know best what works for you and when enough is enough. Do what your heart says! ::yes:: There's a lot of truth in exercise raising your level of endorphins and improving your mood!
hey tracy, congrats on that pound lost :bounce:

you're doing a really great job, i'm so impressed with your ability to fit in that exercise even though you're so busy! and i totally agree about the great feeling after a good exercise session. it's such a nice high :)

how did dd's concert go? hope you have a great day today and enjoy the ann arbor symphony :)


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