Things I Need to Work On. (edited to add...Posts welcome)

Wow! You are doing so well fitting exercise into your busy schedule!! And the pounds will keep dropping!

Keep up the good work!!!!

Have a healthy and happy day today!
Well, what can I say. It's been nutsy cookoo around here. Missed te gym two days in a row. I never did go on St' Paddy's Day. I had dinner going and a black and tan here. Why go to the gym?:teeth: Yesterday I was really feeling like cacka, and didn't go either. I found out why. I came home and entered my food into Fitday and had only eaten 300 calories by 3 o'clock!:eek: So I had a bowl of chili, a slice of bread, a handful of pistachios, and a few bites of Kashi. Oh yeah, and a glass of wine. I should have skipped the wine as it was a very robust Cabernet Sauvignon, and I had some sort of reaction to it. It was yummy though. I think I had better have some more to build my immunity. :p

So for the vitals:
Still at 141, but that is ok considering all the baaaad things I did while DH was home.
However, the inches are finally coming off! I know it's not much, but 3 inches in a month sounds good to me! A more impressive # is 8 inches form my worst. Still not earth shattering, but my clothes do fit better, and I am seeing som changes in my overall appearance.

Thanks everybody for stopping by last week. I know I have been lax in posting, but I have been taking some selfish time for me. I'm reading Angry Houswives Eating Bon Bons, and I am having a hard time doing anything else between packing, and being a single mom, getting my finances in order, and any free time I have, I read. I feel bad about not checking in with you, so I am here to say hi, and thanks for the support!

Time for brekky, meds, vitamins, water (the pistachios really salted me up!), and some laundry and filing all my 2003 bills/documents. I have mountains of paperwork that I just can never seem to get a handle on! It drives me nuts! I hate it. The 2 things in life I hate the most are dealing with paper and dusting!!!!!! (both of which are in desparate need of attention. Blech!!!!)

Have a Great, Healthy weekend!
3 inches is a BIG DEAL! That's fantastic! Maybe this will be a better week for you to hop back on the exercise train! That reminds me, I really do need to take my measurements.

Uggh, I hate dusting too, well that and folding clothes.

Anyways, hope you have a great weekend!!
hey tracy, it looks like you haven't been by in a while, i'm just stopping in to check up on you. hope you're enjoying lots of quality "me" time. just wanted to let you know that 'm thinking about you and i hope you are doing well :hug:
Tracy, are you in Europe?? I know your trip was coming up soon so maybe you're off seeing the sights and having a wonderful time! I hope you're enjoying the trip!! :sunny: :sunny:
oh yeah! europe! how could i forget about that?!?! i think you're right doe, she's in europe :bounce:

hope you're having a great time tracy! can't wait to hear how your trip went :Pinkbounc
April 12, 2004

Thanks Marcia and Doe for checking in on me! ::yes::

Yes, I'm back and had an amazing time! It was a whirlwind visit, and now we need to go back!:p The best news is I was able to Maintain! Yeah! I ate what I wanted, and drank lots of wine, and had a Grappa every night before bed. (this was purely medicinal, as the 3 star hotel we were staying in turned into a 2 star hostel! Rampaging Italian teenagers every night from 12 a.m. until dawn! The grappa helped a bit ;) )

Paris was perfect. The people were as friendly and helpful as any small town America I've ever been in. We ate mostly at local cafes. Foot long baguettes, with thin slices of ham and not so thin slices of brie, were the staple for lunch. Breakfast was very good. More cheese, ham, pastries, eggs, yogurt. Very yummy. Dinners varied. We went on a River cruise for dinner one night. It was magical seeing Paris from the Seine all lit up. We also ate at some froofy restaurant called le Grand Armee, over looking the Arch de Triumph. Very expensive, and not even that good. One of those places where folk drive up in their Ferrari and have the valet park it 2 feet from where they Arrived. :rolleyes: The best place we ate at was Angelina's. Fantastic! They have the best hot chocolate drink ever! Made with African chocolate, it's like drinking a chocolate bar! By alternating the hot chocolate with champagne, OMG! I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it.

Florence was amazing! Crowded beyond belief, but still managable. Of course the food was devine, albiet, simple. The wine was heaven on earth. The Gellato was exquisit. Pecorino cheese ethereal. We ate in bars for breakfast, and grabbed lunch wherever we found ourselves, usually in cafes. Dinner was taken every night in a trattoria down the street from our hostle. Perfect pasta, chianti classico, pecorino, pizza, bistecca. Unbelievable! We took many trips to the Tuscan country side. Seina, San Gimignano, Castellina in Chinati. We tasted wine and had dinner in a castle, and went to an 1100 year old Romanesque church, that smelled of fresh rosemary. It was unforgettable. The smell was intoxicating. We used our last day to see Michaelangleo's DAVID. I had been told by several tourists that it was a disappointment. It was a long wait and there was scaffolding around it for it's current restoration and cleaning. We waited in the rain for over an hour. Finally, when we got in, I was prepared for the worst, but one can't go to Florence without visiting David (For whom my DS is named). As I turned the corner into the gallery, there he stood in all his glory. I almost passed out. Words cannot describe the emotion I felt, and then I realized there was no scaffolding, and it had stopped raining, so the natural light splashed in from above, as if God was creating an experience just for me. It was truely a life defining momment for me. What a way to end an amazing journey.

Now I'm back but I feel like I've left a huge part of me in Italy. As much as I enjoyed Paris, there is something about the Italian country that has always pulled at me. I am re-living my journey now as I read Under the Tuscan Sun. I am also finding it difficult to settle back into a routine. All I can think about is when am I going back.::yes::

I will need a few days to catch up with you all, as I have loads of laundry, and unpacking and all that. Hope you all had a great holiday, whether it was Easter or Passover!

Keep the Faith!
Tracy, thanks so much for the magical description of some of your trip!! It sounds like it truly was the trip of a lifetime! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time and enjoyed all the amazing food!

Ease yourself slowly back into your routines - prolong that relaxing feeling a little while longer! Cherish those memories you've made - maybe write about them in a journal that you can keep and reread later when the memories aren't as fresh!

Have a magical Monday! :sunny:
Well, enough relaxing. I'm up 2 pounds and am embarking on another round of calorie counting and sensible eating. The 2 pounds is a combination of water (impending TOM) and maybe real weight gain, as I had a really wild week. No real exercise since I've been back from vacation. Just too easy to maintain and I've been crazy busy with the past few weeks getting ready for summer etc. So the exercise has been very hit and miss, mostly miss. When I woke up this morning and looked at my once flat tummy, I look 4 months along. So I have re-committed myself to myself, and did my Pilates this morning. Had my gruel for breakfast and a chicken wrap (LC) for lunch. I'm at about 600 calories for the day so far, and that is pretty good. Dinner will be low carb Tacos. Trying to drink tons of water, as I can tell I am very bloated. Too much pizza, chips dip, and beer this weekend.

I joined the Independence day challenge and am shooting for 135 by July 4. I would be really happy knowing I have only 10 pounds to loose. I don't really care how long it takes. I have been maintaining for so long now, that I know that the next 8 pounds will be gone for good, and if it takes me another year to lose the last ten, so what? I am really happy with the ease of maintanence, and with the fact that my clothes fit me so well. By the 4th, I will probably need some new things, but it will be summer, and I can get by with just a few things. Maybe some cut sarongs and halter tops. One size fits all you know!::yes:: I srill want to have my old clothes altered, so I will need to wait for that until goal, but I figure If I need a few things, I deserve them. Maybe I'll do some shopping in Vegas in July. That sould be just about the right time for a change.

That's my plan. Please help me stick with it!

Keep the Faith!
Tracey, it's good to see you back!! Isn't it amazing how pre-vacation, vacation and post-vacation can really mess up our good routines and habits?? No time like the present to get back on track, though, and it sounds like you're ready!! ::yes::

I'll be keeping an eye out for more journal posts! I missed you!!

:hug: and :sunny:

Yesterday was pretty good. Stayed below 1500 calories and did some exercise. I still wonder who's waist I have though.
:confused: It's Ok though. In a day or two, TOM will settle in and I'll have a whoosh. That will be the true sign of my progress. Today is housekeeping day and I really need to cut the grass.

So goals for today are:

Cut grass ... done
Change bedding...done
Vacuum, dust, clean baths.
Drink water (>64 oz.)...done
Go get bone scan ...done..Above average! WOO! HOOO!
Stay under 1500 calories...done
No alcohol. (This could be tough, due to the fact that I am Hormonally unstable, but I will give it my best shot. My guests pretty much drank me out of house and home last weekend, so there is less to tempt me with. All I really have is beer :crazy2: and the wine I brought back from Italy, and I ain''t touchin' that!)

That is my plan. Off for my gruel and fiber additive. Sort of doing low carb for the past week and a half and it's time to get things moving along! :rolleyes:

Keep the Faith!
Well, 5 out of 7 ain't bad.:teeth:
I failed to get the bathrooms done or the vacuuming or dusting. I hate dusting! I'd rather eat glass! Well, that is what tomorrows are for. I did have a glass of wine, but just one, and with dinner and it was mandatory, as we had homade pasta with eggplant, fresh mozzarella and prosciutto, and bread.

But...I did stay under 1500 calories!

Today, I am getting ready to go open the summer house, which means the carpets, dusting and bathrooms will have to wait untill Monday. Darn.

Plan for today:

Laundry, though I know I wont get it all done. My goal will be to have enough clean clothes for Monday and Tuesday.

Pack for the Island...done

Take vitamins and meds...done

Cage hostas and roses (Blasted varments are eating all my tenders!)

Drink 64+ water

Stay under 1500 calories.

I am also including my weekend plan:

No alcohol at the island

Don't eat anything I don't prepare myself

Walk to town and back both days, weather permitting

That is the plan.

Keep the Faith!
Finally have a chance and the energy to post. I came down with some wicked virus Friday evening and have been just now able to get off my duff and do anything. Well, my weekend plans went down the tubes. I did drink some wine and a margarita or 2. It rained the whole time, so now walks to town. (3.5 miles RT), but I did do some strenuous house cleaning/work, and I did not eat any thing that ended in ito. I did have some corned beef though. Not a lot, but the salt was a killer. OH! And I did have a salad that I did not make myself and a small piece of pizza. All in all though, I did fairly well.

Back on track with the plan. Tday I have been exceedingly good. Dinner is roast pork with oven roasted potatos and a salad and bread. Possibly a glass of wine and then a walk in the hood if it isn't raining by then.

DH has tomorrow off, so who knows what evil temptations await me. :o :teeth: :crazy:

Oh yeah! Today is my "Official Monthly Weigh In" Back down to 141.5! Wooo! HOOOO! I'm sure looking for a nice loss to post for the Independence Day Challenge. 3/8 sounds nice.

Keeping the Faith!
Sounds like you're feeling better and back in the groove, Tracey!! Glad to hear that icky virus is gone and that you & the scale are on good terms! :p

I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!! :sunny:
Well, Memorial Day was not good, and I am back up to my start of 143. I know much is water and sludge. I was not awful at Grandma's. I made my famous chicken fajitas, and ate that for most of my breakfast and lunches. Dinner on Sunday was Ham and potato salad and baked beans and chocolate cake. That was baaaad. While I didn't over indulge, and watched my portions, it was all full of salt, and fat. (Grandma's secret ingredients for everything. :rolleyes: ) I did have more to drink than I have been used to lately, and I don't mean water. Although, I did only have one rum and coke, and 2 margaritas the whole weekend, I did drink some champagne and an entire bottle of wine! :o

I did walk to town once, but the weather was otherwise lousy, and prohibitive. So my assesment is that I need to have a GRANDMA CHALLENGE! DD got home and weighed herself and was up 4.5 pounds! She came downstairs crying and asked if we could please not go back to Grandma's this summer. :( It is so hard when the ones you love are the most destructive to your efforts. IF DH doesn't get a grip, he'll weigh more than he ever did by the end of summer. We have to go to Vegas in July just to get away from his parents, who will be here. They are worse than Grandma! :eek:

I know it sounds like I'm blaming everyone for our weight problems, but the fact is, we all do fine until they come home. We are all they have and the single reason for returning from Florida every summer, so it's not like we can just not go. When I ask her if I can cook, she says "We can't eat the way you do", and so she cooks enough for an army and we all feel guilty and eat it. When I ask why she cooks so much, she says "well, the kids like it" Gee. I wonder why DH Has a weight problem? Not that he spent every summer in her care for year and when His DM was diagnosed with MS, Grandma was the caregiver for a long time. 25 summers of gaining 5 pounds a year, and you can see what I'm up against. Actually, now that I think about it, I've been going there for 25 summers! I guess I'm doing better than most, but my DD is following right in her daddy's footsteps. I am really worried for her.

On a bright note, we did go rollerblading together this morning, and she has been taking a half hour bike ride every day and jumping on the Trampoline. She is trying and we are trying very hard to support her. She even passed up a donut when she went with her Grandpa to the market. She also only had a few bites of ice cream, instead of a whole dish. I told her not to worry too much about the 4.5 pounds, that it is all water, but she still needs to be diligent with regard to what she eats at grandmas. We will go for a bike ride this evening

As for me, I did rollerblade this a.m., though I wouldn't call it much of a workout. I also did my strength training and will go to the Y for some cardio this afternoon. I really look nice in my "Harry Potter" dress, but I could look better. My son said I looked like a tramp in it. I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended. :p I went for flattered, but DH just about knocked him through a wall! Anyway, though my body shape is looking better, I am getting a bit flabby from not exercising often enough. So, hencefourth, I will exercise every day except Sundays for the next 6 weeks. I've seen those promised results before, and I bet I can get down to 135 before I go to Vegas. Grandma said if I wear that outfit in Vegas (Harry Potter dress and thigh high leather boots), I'll be propositioned the minute I step out the door. I told her that's what I'm shooting for! :p :crazy: :p :earseek: :p OH! She didn't really like that and looked at DH and he was just grinning ear to ear!

So much for me for now. Have to get going on my yard work, before the next batch of storms rolls in! :rolleyes:

Keep the Faith!


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