TigH's journal (comments welcome)

Aww, Bev! You say the nicest things! :) Hee hee! I didn't have a Dole Whip because I had a pineapple float! (vanilla ff soft serve in pineapple juice!) Don't tell Molli, ok? ;)

Ulp....I went off program yesterday! D'OH!!!! Had my normal B, had a ceasar salad from Cosmic Rays for lunch, had water, had a pineapple float from the Aloha Isle Dole Whip counter in Adventureland and it was AWESOME! Then we ended up at Cosmic Rays again at 6:00 and I had a grilled chicken sandwich with the biggest bun ever and some french fries. BUT I DIDN'T get a greasy burger and I DIDN'T use any cheese sauce, so that's an improvement! Tonight is Chef Mickeys, so to day On Plan I am going to fill up on salad and veggies and have a little protien. No pasta or potatoes or starchy veggies and no dessert (maybe some fruit!)

Walked my Tigger buns off yesterday and enjoyed the most magical day at Disney ever! Going with little kids is the best! They were in COMPLETE AWE over the characters. Does Cinderella really live in the castle? Where did Buzz go (back into his ride?) Do Mickey and Minnie really live in those houses? Etc. It was amazing!!! :)

Off to rollerblade soon, then 20 minute pilates, then triceps. That's the plan, so I'll report back later as to whether I did those things or not. Then an afternoon of resort touring, Downtown Disney, Chef Mickeys and hopefully the Polynesian Beach to see the EWP! :)

(Oh, had my regular B and will have my regular cheese and crackers, etc. for lunch before we leave!) ;)

back from rollerblading. it's hot out! felt great. cooling off then my 20 minute pilates workout. And now ohMom convinced me to add pushups, so will try those too! :) dang, and I thought I had a good excuse to not work my chest area. Arrrgh! ;) I'll get her back though... mu ha ha ha ha ha!


done with exercise for today! did the 20 min. pilates 3 set of 10 push ups (knees bent) then used hand weights for triceps (2 types of exercise, 3 sets of 10 for one, 3 sets of 12 for the other, second set with increased weight!) D'oh! My tris will be crying later! ;) Thanks, ohMom for the tip about the push ups. I had forgotten all about including them! :) Yipee! I feel like I am on a roll. Enjoying my typical lunch now, yum! :)
actually I'm glad you had that pineapple float! sounds yummy and refreshing! And think of all the worse options you didn't choose!

I'm going to be researching your exercises..................(heeehehehehehehe my witch laugh to counteract your deep scary one )
Originally posted by ohMom
actually I'm glad you had that pineapple float! sounds yummy and refreshing! And think of all the worse options you didn't choose!

I'm going to be researching your exercises..................(heeehehehehehehe my witch laugh to counteract your deep scary one )

Well, how's this. I can't even LIST all the stuff I ate at dinner last night!!! So much for staying on plan. You'd better do some loud witch cackling (and I'll get you back too....) ;) Let's just say I ate so much last night that I felt HORRIBLE and payed for it later. WAY too much! I will never go to Chef Mickey's for dinner again. I may never go to a buffet again!
Thank God today is a new day!!! Last night I bounced back to old Tigger mode and cleaned the buffet out! ;) WOW!!!!

Back on track today. Have loads of cleaning to do as we are having Jen's friend and her kiddies over for a cookout tonight. Plan to rollerblade HOPEFULLY do 20 min pilates and then work my back. All my meals are planned out and no temptations (foods to munch on) are lurking around the house! phew! Off to start cleaning after this next cup of tea!


Yaaaay! I cleaned the bathroom (Tiggers don't like to clean bathrooms) and thought up a new approach to cleaning that I will add to my daily list of "to dos" to make life easier! :) Woo-hoo!

Went out rollerblading and was out just short of 50 minutes, woo-hoo! Added another leg to my journey, so that was a nice challenge. Did my 20 minute pilates tape, and ohMom was good enough to whisper into my ear that I needed to increase the weight on my dumb bells today for my back work out. She also told me to go really slow on the release to keep working my muscles good. How does she do it? ;) I'll get her back! ;) ha ha!

Anyway, I feel much better now than I did last night after dinner. Back in control, back in the game, back on track! Woohoo! If I can keep this up until WI on Friday I will be a happy camper! Off to shower and do some shopping and get ready for our cookout tonight! :)


Cookout a success. I stayed on plan all day! :) had my chicken, broccoli, salad and some sugar free butterscotch pudding, as well as lots of water. Phew! I'm glad today is over! I did not touch a burger, fries, bun, potato salad or chicken nugget (all of which were out for our guests, and hot dogs too, but I wouldn't eat one for a million bucks anyway!) ;)

Onward and downward. Tomorrow is an early day, so exercise is scheduled for after lunch! :)
well, the PM buddy in me says "Ooohhh.....a buffet? Remember your mini-goal! May 31 - approaching fast!"

good thing the friend in me overspoke and quoted nativetxn

.... The past doesn't count here on WISH. We don't worry about the past (I thought you knew that, I could have sworn it was put into the WISH bylaws). We don't worry about the past, we don't beat ourselves up about the past, we don't feel guilty about the past. You know why don't you? Well...because that's history. We can't change history so why go through a lot of emotional trauma over it.

What is going on this week? Lots of folks falling off that wagon, but I think you seemed to have had a good eye for spotting it on the return trip. Jump back on Tig! That's the hardest part!

oops, you already did, Good for You! Onward and downward (good thing there's no "backward" in that motto!)
Ok, back from a morning of rollerblading. The radar thing the police set up in our neighborhood to crack down on speeders clocked me at 13 MPH at one pass and 15 MPH for another pass. WOW! Of course, I was breathing like crazy trying to get it up to the 15 one! ha ha ha!

Off to TRY pilates (TOM, not sure how I'll feel about that) and then do my lunges/squats. Woo-hoo! Then a trip to the grocery store to stock up on veggies again. Oh, and gotta hang some laundry. It should dry really fast today, as it's very sunny and hot. Yaaay! :) Love quick drying laundry days!!!

Back later....tomorrow is weigh in and I am psyched!!!!!
Hi TigH, just thought I'd drop over to your house to say HI! and thank you for your encouraging words. You are a real asset to the WISH forum. Thank-you for being here and stop by my little hut anytime! ( My little hut (journal) is on the beach in Grand Cayman, so bring some sunscreen next time. LOL;) )
Originally posted by Hannosmom
Hi TigH, just thought I'd drop over to your house to say HI! and thank you for your encouraging words. You are a real asset to the WISH forum. Thank-you for being here and stop by my little hut anytime! ( My little hut (journal) is on the beach in Grand Cayman, so bring some sunscreen next time. LOL;) )

Oh, I am so jealous! :) Thanks for the invite!!! I will be right there. Do you need any sunscreen? How about a cooler full of iced water and fresh fruit? Can we go snorkeling? I'll bring you a sarong to match your bathing suit (I'll bring a few since I don't know what color you want!) Ooooh! This is so fun! After I visit you, I might have to build a virtual house for my journal too!!! :)I am a total copy cat! ;)
You are too funny!!! I just read the post at my hut, and you have been such a great guest. I feel like my little hut has been decorated and fancied up. But you made me seriously long for my cruise in August. You should come too!

Copy cat all you want. I love copy cats, I'm a bcc (born copy cat).:D
Ok, I am copying Linda's idea of having a virtual home in my journal. So for today I am going to be posting from my verandah on the Disney Magic! We are docked off Key West (for more than a day since I love the Keys!) It's sunrise now and I can see the port start to come alive. There are even some dolphins swimming nearby.

Well, what a way to start the weekend! I met a goal and I am so psyched!!! When we got back from visiting my brother in NC, I thought there was no hope of meeting this goal. BUT I got my stuff together, added rollerblading to my exercise routine and got a great challenge from ohMom, so it has paid off!!!! Today I weighed in at 144.5, just .5 pound away from my 15 pound clippie!!! I wanted to be 145 on or before May 23 and I did it! I really hope I am closer to 140 than 145 by the time we leave for England (a little wiggle room on my trip would be nice). The closer we get to this trip, the more inclined I am to stick to my WW plan as much as possible! I can still enjoy a few treats on the trip, but not go hog wild like I was planning when we bought our tickets months ago!

Ross said I could buy the other Winsor Pilates tapes that I got an offer for yesterday. I may just get them!!! Got an e-mail offer for tapes that hit specific body parts and it is tempting!!! :)

Off to Macys for some shopping with Mom today. My jeans are not fitting well (darn, too baggy!) so I need to get some for the trip, but I don't want to buy pants because I want to get into those 8s!!! Hopefully there will be some nice jeans on the sale rack! :) I really want a cool shirt to wear to Ross' parents house tomorrow, and some cute sandals. I have a big time cute sandal fetish. Losing weight and getting in shape has stirred up this odd desire to go frou-frou. I usually wear very plain clothes, but now I am painting my toenails like crazy, my sister got me an ankle bracelet and toe rings, I am obsessed with dainty little sandals and stone jewelry and ultra-feminine clothing! And I like it!

Had oatmeal today because we ran out of whipped cream cheese for my half English muffin. Must hit the grocery store today. We are having something new for dinner. Grilled salmon! YUM! I hope to find some asparagus today, getting a little tired of steamed broccoli every night. Ross doesn't like zucchini, rats! Will be nice to enjoy some salmon, I am surprised at how much I like it.

ohMom challenged me to stay on plan through Sunday night and to not have any alcohol, so I haven't had an adult beverage since the last Sunday in April. That's cool! :) Have a cheat night scheduled for Tuesday and plan to have a beer or two at EPCOT!!! Meeting friends there to walk around WS and then maybe got o Palio at the Swan for dinner, woohoo!!!

Ok, enough rambling. The sunrise is over and I have an early moring appointment for a massage, then an afternoon appointment for snorkeling. (remember, I'm on the virtual Disney Magic docked in Key West!) ;) TTFN, TigH. :)


What a lovely virtual massage. Back from rollerblading, did 20 minute pilates and used hand weights to work biceps. WOW! having carrots, crackers, an apple (heh heh, ran out of pears, d'oh!) and some new cheese today. I picked this new stuff up at the health store the other week. I don't remember what it's called, but it's a hard cheese and has a parmesan type consistency. It's ok, not as yummy as my brie. :( pout pout pout! ;)

Off to get ready for the shopping spree soon. Toodles, darlings! ;)

Today I am journaling from a comfy lounge chair on my cozy verandah at a 5* resort on Maui. :) Palms swaying in the breeze, crystal clear water lapping at the white sand beach, tropical adult beverage (with requisite fruit/paper umbrealla garnish) at my side.

Yesterday did pretty well. 20 min pilates, push ups and tricep workout. Ate regular B, had lunch in the car on the way to Sol and Estelles (regular WW lunch). No snacks awaiting us, phew! Nice dinner for Mother's Day at a restaurant of Estelle's choice. Had a few tastes of Ross' gumbo, had one salmon cake w/ lettuce, walnuts and blue cheese, and a few bites of the chocolate bread pudding. Made a pouty face when I saw the CHOCOLATE MARTINI listed on the special drinks menu as no-alcohol challenge is on thru tonight, rats! :) I am feeling great today though, so I must say this has been an awesome challenge.

Up early this morning, power walk with Ross and Jen, 50 minute pilates (kicked my bottom!!!) and worked back with hand weights. WOW! Having regular lunch now, off to get new sneakers soon at Sports Authority and then go to Publix and SAMS in search of crab legs for my Mom's mother's day dinner celebration! woo-hoo.

Ah, here comes someone with a ukulele (sp?) now. Gotta run, shows gonna start! ;)
patting your back for resisting your favorite drink at the restaraunt!! that is truly awesome!

i'm eagerly awaiting my next challenge.........................
i really need it :confused:

it really didn't sound like much for your dinner, hope it was satisfying for you! you are melting before my eyes...............
ohMom, working on your challenge! :) Will write soon!

Had a decent day yesterday!!! Went shopping with Ross. Returned 2 shirts to Old Navy (size M, they were too small) and got another sleevless like the one I got the other day, but in white. Ross got some shorts in a smaller size! They are snug, but so were his currently loose shorts about 2 weeks ago. He is over the moon. They are a size 35 (never heard of that in mens) and he has not worn anything smaller than a 36 since I have known him and since he can remember! Woo-hoo! He also got a cool Hawaiian shirt (with Aloha and pictures of the islands all over it, coolio!)

We both got new sneakers. Mine are for power walking and just wearing in England in general. They are pure white right now, but I expect them to dull up a bit soon! ;) Ross ALSO got some awesome rollerblades and pads (he has a bike helmet already, so his noggin is safe). WOW! I am so psyched!!!!! He is going to practice skating a few nights a week after our power walks. On the weekends Ross and I will skate on some of the trails around our area and Jen will ride Ross' bike (once we fix the flat). I am so proud of Ross for losing weight AND trying a new sport!!! He was a bit wobbly on them at first, but built up his confidence really quickly in the short time we practiced last night!!!

Had a crab leg and some steamed shrimp and broccoli for dinner last night. That was our "surprise" for mom. Also fixed a great fruit salad that everyone was wild about. Had thought about getting Mom one of her favorite treats from the bakery, but she said while ago she wants to eat healthier. Got them light cool whip to top the salad with. They were all going crazy scarfing this fruit salad down! :) Had a small bowl of popcorn with cheese topping during Survivor last night. WOW!

Off to rollerblade this morning and then do the 50 minute pilates tape! :) Friday is my official weigh in but Monday is my sneak weigh in. Well, I got my 15 pound clippie today!!! :) Woo-hoo! Was an even 144 on the scale, so I'll go change that in my stats and then update my new clippie. I know I would not be at this point without WISH!!!

Ross and I are talking about me getting out to the driving range to practice hitting some balls. Thanks to Rosemary and her tales of the soccer field, I am thinking about trying golf. I never thought of myself as someone who would enjoy sports, I know I hated team sports like volleyball, kickball, softball, football, soccer, etc. in school, but I think I could hang with golf. It would give me a chance to see some beautiful courses and lots more animals, so why not? :)
Back from 57 minutes of blading. Added another lap to my routine, woo-hoo! :) Saw a neighbor I hadn't seen in a while and he said I was looking sporty, so that made me feel great! :) Off for pilates after I cool down a bit!
50 min. pilates tape done! i think it's a little more than 50, but still under 60. having two pine trees taken down today. just heard a large HEAVY section hit the ground. THUD! ;)
Update to yesterday - went power walking with Ross and Jen. Had veggies for dinner (veggie Italian sausages, yum!) :) Then went practice rollerblading with Ross.

This morning - 20 minute pilates, ohMom fantastic workout challenge (WOW!) and an hour of rollerblading. Basic B and L, off to pack for a night at WDW! Tonight is a cheat night - beer swilling with Ross and SideShowBob around the World Showcase and then dinner, looks like a late one at Palio. Tomorrow some pool time (just lounging) for this Tigger, reading a book I suppose, then back home in the afternoon to work out. Ross and I are bringing instant oatmeal and bananas for our WW breakfast, so right back on plan for both of us tomorrow.

Tonight I am wearing some new stuff and I am so excited! Got a white sleevless shirt from Old Navy the other day that shows off my arms! My mom got me some awesome jewelry yesterday from Parisian. It's stone jewelry, was very expensive but on WICKED SALE for only $9.99 each (original prices 90, 72 and 48... wow!) Also wearing my cute new sandals I got for losing 10 pounds, basic shorts, new toe rings and new ankle bracelet that the Easter Bunny (Jennifer) gave me. Wow, I am almost a whole new person tonight! :)

Ross is wearing his new Old Navy size 35 shorts, WOO HOO and his new Old Navy blue Hawaiian print shirt. Will try to take some pictures! ;)
Hi Karen! I was just getting ready to go to my hut, but I wanted to stop by and thank-you for the wonderful virtual Mai-Tai. It was wonderful. OH, I just thought of something.....maybe it was too many Mai-Tai's with you that made me lose my mind and sign up for the marathon. Thats it........... it's your fault!;) :p

Please whatever you do, take a picture of your feet tonight. I really want to see the toe rings and ankle bracelet. I should just erase this, it sounds so off, if ya know what I mean. LOL (Stop laughing!)
Linda, I'm so sorry, but I didn't see your post until we got back (and my feet are not my best feature, so you are really lucky!) ;)

Let's see - had an awesome cheat night. LOVE the beer at Big River (and although we didn't eat there Tues. night, we have enjoyed their cheesey spinach dip in the past!)

Met up with SSB and a friend and had beer around the world. Split a pretzel with Ross. Should have worn real shoes and not sexy shoes - will know better next time! ;) hee hee!

Had a LOVELY meal at Palio, ate in moderation, enjoyed every bite and did not feel guilty.

Spent Wed. morning sunning by the pool with a book. Life was good. Came home, did weight routine ohMom sent me, power walking with Jen and Ross at night. Today up early with Ross, both of us feeling great and like nothing can stop us. Rollerblading, 50 min pilates, ohMom weight routine (legs, KILLER!) put on Eddie Bauer size 10 shorts and they fit loose like they did the first summer we moved her, so I am overjoyed!

Working on a before and after series of pictures of me and DH. Will try to get it completed tonight or tomorrow to share on WISH. Power walking scheduled for tonight and then a quick trip to the driving range so I can practice for my upcoming tour on the LPGA (or Senior LPGA...) ;) hee hee!


Had a nice veggie dinner. Power walked after with Jen and Ross. Then Ross and I went to the driving range and split a bucket of balls. I started out strong and then psyched myself out too much and was shanking all over the place, not to mention hitting the mat. However, it was fun and I feel all sporty! :) I am visualizing a nice set of clubs, a great golf bag and sassy golf shoes in my future! Would love to hit a nice course in our area by the end of June! :) It was a fun evening!

Had an apple for a snack and some water. WI tomorrow and I am looking forward to it! Woo-hoo!
It's Friday, woo-hoo! Have to update my stats on the first page of my journal. Have lost 16 pounds since March 9 and have lost a total of 14 1/4", I think! WOW!

Just figured out that I am blading over 6 miles a day now. I am out for about an hour, give or take a few minutes. There is a stretch of road that I cover and I make 5 laps (start at one end, go to the other, turn around and that's one). Well, the distance is 1.2 miles for this area, so I am doing 6 miles here alone, and at least another mile before I start my laps, so maybe 7.5 to 8 miles altogether! Not too shabby.

Went blading before it was too late. Had a nice workout. Home and debated over which pilates tape to do, but 50 min workout won. I will do the 20 min tomorrow and Sunday. Gotta give my abs a little rest! No lifting today (I think I'm supposed to take today off, but ohMom will let me know if I'm wrong, d'oh!) ;) hee hee! Having carrots and pears now, but no cheese or crackers. Off to the beach with Mom and Dad for lunch. They can order greasy fried stuff, I'll get salad and steamed shrimp. Then we are going to walk the beach and look for those nasty sharks that like to bite people in the feet (or bottom, oh no!) ;)
no today is no day off!!! You do Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3

then you get a day off!!!!!

oh well, if you took it you just gave your muscles a blessed rest! pick back up and repeat the 3 day routine tomorrow

have a great weekend!
OHMOM!!! D'oh! Well, I was already planning to work out those muscles again today, so I'm back on track! Hee hee (insert sheepish grin here!)

Saturday started off great! Made Ross a pre-happy-anniversary breakfast (just added mushrooms and green pepper to his typical egg white and lowfat swiss cheese omelette! Heh heh!

We just got back from an hour of blading. Ross did a GREAT job! I am so super proud of him!!!!!!! He let me go ahead and zip along at my speed. I was just so happy to see him out there, having a good time, sticking it out for an hour. The distance between us grew and then closed so during the last lap I was catching up to him, but silly Ross decided to stop coasting and keep going, so I had to skate MY BUTT OFF to catch him! Arrrgh!

Anyway, we are going to do the 20 minute pilates workout now. He said he wants to do pilates with me in England. I have to write all the moves from the 20 min tape down so we'll know what to do. I figured he might want to actually TRY it in American while we can watch the tape to see if it's something he will really like.

We're heading to Margaritaville in Citywalk for our anniversary tonight (6 years on Monday, woo-hoo!) It's a cheat night. I will enjoy a nice, cold, tangy, GOOD margarita and some nachos. Ross is planning to have the cheeseburger in paradise. I might steal a bite of his burger and a fry, and I will certainly share my nachos (I know I will have alot left over as yesterday I had a small salad with grilled fish for lunch and it stuffed me, I just can't eat like I used to!)
Hey Karen. Told DH about your pending trip to Margaritaville, and we want to know how it went. We've never been there. Want to go next time we are in Orlando. Please tell all!

Just last week I bought the Jimmy Buffet double CD on a whim. I was listening to the radio in the car and Margaritaville came on. Thought it would be a great CD for the summer. I think summer is FINALLY descending up here in the great white north. High today 73 degrees and sunny. Come on over to my sunny patio surrounded by the green of spring! I'll make ya a bloody Mary to kill whatever may ail you this morning. The robins and cardinals are singing. (I COULD get a sling shot if this is unacceptable.)

For now, I'm off to walk a couple of miles on the Erie Canal.


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