TigH's journal (comments welcome)

Oh, Barb! You guys will enjoy Margaritaville!!! We didn't even have a reservation. Only had about a 10 or 15 minute wait (around 5:00) so we had our first drink in the bar! :) Food was good, yummy, not spectacular, but still it was a good "cheat" night!

Let's see, I did my blading, pilates and weights yesterday, then got my hair done, then Ross and I went to Margaritaville. I had the volcano nachos (sans jalepenos) and they were good! Ross had the Cheeseburger and fries. I only had two of his fries and NONE of his burger! The perfect margarita (I think that's what it is) was good, but too small for the price. I have to say, I tried three different margaritas and although they were ok, I was a bit disappointed. I make better margaritas at home!!! (I am a margarita snob!) ;) If we go back, I'll just stick with Corona. ;) We walked to the Royal Pacific hotel and peeked into Tchoup Chop, Emerills newest restaurant. It looks gorgeous! The appetizer list was very appealing, so we may visit there over the summer for drinks and appetizers (none of the entrees grabbed me).

For dessert, we drove to the Polynesian! I love this resort SO MUCH!!! We split a Lapu-Lapu in the lounge and then had dessert at the Kona Cafe. Ross had the white chocolate cheesecake (YUM!) and I had the kiluea (sp?) torte, yummy! Then we walked to the GF, I started to feel sick, we each drank a bottle of water and I felt like I was going to toss my cookies. I think it was a combination of wolfing down a bottle of water, the alcohol, and too much food. So, our fun anniversary celebration night ended with me wishing I hadn't pigged out so much. Lesson learned!

Today we rollerbladed, I did 50 min pilates and another session of the Molli Muscle Mania workout. WOW! I am SO LUCKY Molli sent me this workout, because I feel GREAT! I am seeing so much more definition in my body and I feel stronger too. Thanks to her suggestion about push ups, I can see a difference in my chest!!!! REALLY! I have the teeniest chest ever (yikes) but there is a certain lift that wasn't there before, hee hee!

We are cooking chicken on the grill today for my birthday. It's an on plan day. My sister got angel food cake, FF cool whip and fresh berries to make me a healthy birthday dessert. I have to say I am wicked happy with how I feel and look on my 34th birthday. I can fit into all the clothes I could wear when I turned 30, so I am back to where I wanted to be. The only thing I didn't do the last time I was in this good of shape was get visible abs, so I am making that my goal now. And I want to get my body fat % measured too.

Happy Sunday! :) xo
Well, such accomplishments in such a short time! Yes, sit back and relax for the rest of the day and just enjoy all that you have done! You are a real achiever and what a visible reward. Wishing you success as you continue on this journey - tho it seems like you've arrived to me - I can tell that you are still in the get healthier mode! You go girl - I am wondering if you are going to be needing some of that body oil to show off them abs! We will definately want pix of them! And can't wait for the before and afts of you and Ross!

Enjoy - Happy Birthday

Xo {{hugs}} xo

Up early today to make Ross a special anniversary breakfast! :)

Plan to head out rollerblading around 8 or 8:30 today. It is just getting too hot to go out any later. Also have a million and one things to do this week to get ready for the trip, yikes!


Did my skating (woohoo!) 50 minute pilates (which is getting easier every day now, thank you very much!) and my last day of the Mollie Muscle Mania challenge. :) WOW! So I went out this afternoon and stopped at Old Navy and GUESS WHAT!!!! Those size 8 capri pants that were too tight last week FIT me now! I was like, "Hey, I'm buying these..." ;) And I got two itty bitty halter tops to wear with them. The pants I'll take to England, the tops will stay here as it is TOO COLD to even consider packing them for the trip.

How is it that in less than a week, pants that were XXX rated tight on me now fit me fine and make me look good? I just don't get it! But who am I to question the laws of physics... ;)

Hopefully we'll power walk tonight. The rainy season is FINALLY starting, so my dry lawn is getting a well deserved drink, but the rain could prevent us from getting out tonight. As long as it clears up by 7:00 we'll be ok. :)
how did those muscles feel?? did you feel the thigh ones? i thought it's a great routine and I hope to repeat it in another week. After talking with DH I decided to step back a bit this week and let my muscles recover, not skip but just old routine and then I'll pick it up the week before mini-goal.

I think the Whoosh fairy is visiting you! what a deal that the 8 capris fit, in like what, a week?? or was it even two weeks? you go girl! It's hard to imagine that you EVER wore an 18? you are such an inspiration!!!

Promise you'll relax and rest your bod on vacation! Plenty of days to work it out hard afterwards :)
Hey! A belated Happy Birthday! And Happy Anniversary!

Your pictures are wonderful, you are so beautiful!

I've been away for a while, had a little kidney infection and had to spend some time in the ER hooked up to IV's and the last few days resting. Love those pain pills! Anyway, I'm better now. Sorry I missed your birthday!

We're heading to Pennsylvania on Thursday to visit our 2 boys and daughter-in-law and (best of all) our granddaughter. She will be 3 on May 25th! Seems like she was just born yesterday.

Congratulations on your fabulous "get healthy" sucesses! Have a great time in England and have a pint for me!

Well, yesterday I didn't really exercise like I could have. I woke up from a restless night of sleep and felt like doo-doo. I did rollerblade, but just didn't have much energy. I think I was a little dehydrated, because I just drank a bunch of water after rollerblading and I started to feel much better. Yesterday was a rest day for my weight lifting, so I just decided to make it a rest day from pilates and power walking too. Did some errands and convinced Ross and Jen to reschedule our Thurs. night cheat meal to last night! Heh! Went to Hops and had a few beers, half a burger and half a plate of fries. I was sooooooooo stuffed. I used to clean the plate, but not anymore! :)

Today I plan to do all my regular exercises. I have to go down to Disney to get some more stuff to bring to England! Gotta head out blading early so I can fit everything into this day!!! Yikes! :) Have already had a nice glass of water and two cups of herbal (caffeine free) tea. Want to make sure I am nice and hydrated today!!! :) That yucky feeling I had yesterday was enough to convince me to keep the fluid coming in!
Just tidying up a tad before Karen gets home...
Don't mind me....
I'll be done in a minute...

Oh, it's nice to be missed! Thanks for cleaning the place up for me! :) It's great to come home to a clean and tidy house!!!!

Well, back on track and feeling GREAT!!! Followed my normal WW eating routine yesterday. It felt GREAT to do but was a little difficult. We have open bags of candy around the house (from our trip) and I found myself mindlessly REACHING for a chocolate or licorice allsort and then having to pull my hand back! No snacking, but I came close several times. Today is much better as I am not spending any time in the same room as the candy, ha ha!

Walked with Ross yesterday and that was it. Did my blading, 20 minute pilates and weight lifting today, woo-hoo! Hope to power walk tonight if it's not raining!!!

I felt so fluffy at the end of our trip, I was sure I had blobbed out, but not so. We ATE AND ATE AND ATE and did lots of walking. Sunday morning I weighed in at 143.5, which isn't bad (but I didn't change my weight in my signature, heh heh!) I will officially WI on Friday and I am hoping to be back down to what I was before our trip. I feel absolutely marvelous today!

Gotta get that vacation laundry washed and put away. Tried on those REALLY old size 8s that I inherited several years ago (back in 1999) and they fit great today, not cutting my circulation off at all. I still have some body fat to lose, so I feel kind of crazy saying this, but I think I might actually end up at a size 6 when all is said and done. WOW. That just blows my mind!!!!

Off to the virtual bar now to see who's hanging around waiting for a fruity drink. Need to work on my tan anyway... ;)
Woke up feeling REALLY great, nice and lean and thin! Have stuck to my WW plan today, did my rollerblading and skipped pilates to go to my folk's place and help them with their house. Did some scrubbing in the pool (it really needs a cleaning and I have no idea what the heck I am doing....) ;) Anyway, will lift weights tonight and hopefully power walk if it's not raining. I ate lunch early (10:45, but breakfast was at 6:45) and am paying for it. Had a cup of tea for a snack but really don't want to eat a "snack". Was going to have my dinner salad early but we don't have any lettuce! Ross has my car since his truck is in the shop, so he is stopping at the store on the way home.

Anyhoo, I have been DYING to call him up and say "Let's go to Chevy's" tonight for margaritas and Mexican on the patio. However, I am on a no alcohol challenge, which is fine by me, and I REALLY don't want to have a cheat meal tonight since we have one planned for Friday. I don't know why I am craving stupid tortilla chips, stupid salsa and a stupid margarita, but I am. So I figured if I just wrote about it here in my journal I would be able to get over it!!!

So maybe this is part of my vacation binge withdrawl? I don't know. My parents had oatmeal cookies and gardettos snack mix at their house and I didn't let that stuff tempt me. I guess I am just feeling snacky and that is pretty weird for me. We are supposed to do a cheat night the weekend of the 20th at a pizza place that Scott Joseph said was great (in College Park) but I am having SUCH a Mexican food attack that I may try to convince Ross and Jen to change cheat night plans. Poor guys, we are always going out for Mexican though.

Enough whining, I guess I will start cooking some broccoli and check the radar to see where the latest t-storm is! ;)
Made it through the day, thank goodness!!!

Regular B, L, & Dinner. Rollerblading early today (left at 8:15) and then went to Mom and Dad's to work on the house. Took off all the faceplates, stripped a wallpaper border in the kitchen and washed their kitchen cabinets. Then came home and did 20 min pilates. Will do my lunges and squats later, possibly power walk (depends on when Jen gets home from a late meeting and the rain).

I can't figure out why I am SO TOTALLY craving Mexican! It is almost driving me nuts. I know I can go have it if I want, but I really want to stick to my no alcohol challenge and it's not worth it to go have Mexican w/o a margarita. Ross and Jen graciously agreed to skip Italian for the 20th of June cheat meal so I can indulge in chips, salsa and margaritas! ;)

Anxious for the weigh in Friday morning. I am wondering about my measurements too, I feel smaller, but am really just anxious to see what my weight is after the 2 weeks of feeding frenzy in England.
It's Friday, woo-hoo!

Did get out power walking with Jen last night. We ended up RUNNING about 1/4 mile on the way home because the rain started. I mean running too, lungs exploding running. God that felt great! I can't run due to my knees, but once in a while won't kill me and last night made me realize how much I MISS IT! Especially now without all the extra weight in my legs and tummy, it felt GREAT to run! Did my squats but not my lunges, heh heh!

Today is a just for me day (no helping the folks at their house, woo-hoo!!!) I am already doing laundry and plan to rollerblade, do my 50 min pilates tape, push ups, triceps, etc.

Weighed in and was happy to see I'd lose the vacation weight and a .25 pound too, so I am down to an even 142. I can live with that. I am DYING to get my 20 pound clippie, but I will be PATIENT!!!!! Ross is really anxious to get under 200, poor guy. He thinks he has hit a plateau. I know it will come soon enough. I can feel his muscles in his back and his collar bones are popping out. He gave me a nice hug last night and I can really wrap my arms around him, and both of us had to laugh because we don't have opposing bellies anymore (we used to push each other away in the belly department!) So we are laughing that this is what it feels like to hug a skinny person! :) He is just too cute!!!

Hopefully his truck will be ready today and we'll be able to get some moving done over the weekend. No walking scheduled since we have a ton of furniture and boxes to try to get to my parents house, so that will be our workout. WW meals planned through the weekend, so after our cheat night tonight, it's back on track. And today I am not going to think about margaritas or chips and salsa! :)
Yesterday I did my 50 min. pilates tape and was happy that I made it all the way through and basically was able to do everything that I had done before we went on vacation, so I feel great that my stomach muscles are still really strong! Phew! Also worked my shoulders, triceps and chest. :) Now that my hair is getting longer, I don't always take the time to blow dry it, but I did yesterday and that made me feel really good about myself. I put on some shorts and a nice halter top that I got recently but haven't worn yet (size M) and it felt nice to be in clothes that flattered my figure with nice looking hair. I have spent most of the week feeling grubby and unattractive since I have been helping mom and dad at their house so much, exercising and running around. It felt GREAT to take care of me and wear nicer clothes!

So anyway we had a pig out night and I had tortilla chips and nacho cheese (but it was kind of gross nacho cheese) then some store brand onion and spinach dip (both kind of disappointing) reduced fat ruffles, taquitos and three jalenpeno poppers and one moz. stick. Then I had three small cookies for dessert, NO beer or other alcohol, I just stuck with diet rite. So anyway, it was a fun night but I felt too full and really did not enjoy any of the foods I cheated with. Ross says my food standards are getting pretty high, and he's right. I am not satisfied with the junk I used to crave/eat all the time. I would rather cheat with a REALLY nice gourmet meal than this frozen food or highly processed food.

Back on plan today and feeling great. We've moved 4 truck loads to mom and dad's and will move one more after lunch. No "exercise" today and we probably won't exericse tomorrow either, but between the moving and errands we have to run and yard work we will do, it will be enough movement to satisfy me. :)
Stayed on plan yesterday and felt great! Had a skinny cow ice cream sandwich last night for the first time and enjoyed it! Ross had a dulce de leche one and I had regular old vanilla with a chocolate sandwich. YUM! I will try the dulce de leche tonight!

Ross and I got a big container of chocolate flavored protein shake powder from GNC yesterday. I want to increase my protein intake but don't really fancy the idea of eating a chicken breast in the middle of the morning. I think that 1200 calories a day is a little low for the amount of exercise I am doing, so instead of adding a smaller meal between b and l, I am going to have a double dose of the chocolate shake. That will be 210 calories, 46 grams of protien, 3 grams of fat and 6 carbs. I think the reason Dan (Snacky Stacky) is losing during maintenance is his slight increase in calories per day. Ross and I want to expiriment to see if upping our calories per day, heavy on the protein, will help facilitate our weight loss. He is eating about 1800 a day, but his weight loss has come to a crawl, so we will see how this week goes for him.

Right now I am happy with the size and weight that I am. I am really going to focus on just getting more muscle tone. If I do lose more weight, that's fine. If I get to 139, that's fine, but if I don't, that's fine too! Did alot of thinking, especially after a great and encouraging message from ohMom the other day, and I am pretty much where I want to be. If I can get my BF% to 19 that would be great, but I am not planning to compete in any body building competitions (yet!) ;) so there is really no reason to get it too low. I just want to see IF I can do it, and I'd really like to have washboard abs and a really flat stomach and a cute belly button! ;) So from here on out my focus is on continued healthy eating, increasing my weight lifting routine and enjoying the occassional cheat meal! :)

Will just work on tweaking my diet to see if I can shed a few more pounds of FAT and increase my muscle! :) So that PROBABLY means the scale won't budge, but that's ok too. Will continue to measure.

I am just besides myself that I am able to fit into my wedding dress again. All these old clothes sat in our guest room closet for years while I would dream of one day putting them on again. I see my honeymoon pictures and think, "I was thin then but I thought I was really overweight" and now I am back in those clothes again! Need to work on how I see myself. What I see in pictures is different than what I see in the mirror or how I feel after I get full. This is a size I can live with and I need to adjust my attitude and my way of thinking to embrace where I am and celebrate that I have come this far.
Where I am, oh yeah, today is Tuesday. ;)

No rollerblading this morning, and today is my "off" pilates day. Had to get the house in shape for the appraiser as we are refinancing soon. So cleaning must count for exercise, heh heh heh! ;) Will lift weights this afternoon and move some stuff to mom and dad's tonight and also power walk with jen and ross if it's not raining.

Am loving the chocolate protein shake, have it around 9 or 10 in the morning and it really holds me over until lunch. I feel lighter today and would have LOVED to do a sneak weigh but promised Ross that I'd wait until Friday (he promised too!) So anyway, Friday can't come fast enough because I am anxious to see if I have any weight loss results from this experiment week.

Dad says I am boney looking, which I am taking as a compliment. Jen seems a bit miffed that I am her size and when we went swimming on father's day she was comparing her legs/butt to mine. I still see myself as bigger than she is. It doesn't matter WHO is bigger, but it's funny how she just looks smaller than me. She *is* taller, but she's always been "the thin one" so maybe I am smaller than she is in some areas (duh, the boobs!) ;) but I just don't see it yet! ;) Anyway, she is going to lend me some shorts for the weekend to wear when I whisk Ross away for the night on Saturday, so hopefully they will fit. All my shorts are too lose but I don't want to buy any new ones yet (waiting for the summer clearance, heh!)

My feet forced me to go to Payless today and they tried on many cute sandals, but we left empty handed as it was not a planned shopping trip and I really don't want to rock the boat with Ross right now (what do I need new shoes for?) BUT I will get some before the 4th of July because we are going to a housewarming party for a friend of his parent's on the 5th and I don't have ANY sandals to wear with the outfit I want to wear, heh heh heh!


Well I got my butt out and rollerbladed for an hourish. I pushed myself hard for half of each lap, so I feel good. My legs were a little sore, but in a good way (like letting me know I was using them). Also did my weights before rollerblading. Just had the most fabulous dinner ever. Poached chicken served with a tablespoon of Thai sweet chili sauce, roasted tomatoes & mushrooms w/ garlic (sprayed with olive oil PAM), and steamed cauliflower. I had a small spoon of some olive spread stuff to flavor the cauliflower. Oh, and a great baby romaine lettuce salad. YUM YUM YUM. I am stuffed, and it was go good and so healthy!!! Off to power walk with Jen and move stuff to my folks and then have a skinny cow, mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Just adding that we power walked and moved two loads (not very strenuous lifting though). No pilates today, hee hee, but I did have a skinny cow and it was YUMMY!!! :)
Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried on my Old Navy 8s that I bought pre-England. I have to wear long pants today 'cuz I am going to meet my friends and their horses. Sooo, they are almost loose!!! Not falling off loose, but really loose in the waist (just not the butt, but that's ok!) WOW!!!! And I tried on some size 8 Old Navy shorts that Jen lent me for the weekend and they are almost loose too!!! I think I am closing in on smaller 8s or maybe even BIG 6s!!! (insert me fainting here!!!!)

WOW! So anyway, I feel wicked happy today. I think the extra calories are helping me to BURN fat! My body feels very different this week, much smaller and toner! I am eating my regular meals, working out to my regular exercise routine, only thing different is I added the protein shake to increase my calories and grams of protein. WOW!!! :) I feel awesome!!! I can see that between my belly button and my chest, there is a hint of definition! Still working on that little pouch below my belly button, but I know in time it will disappear. WOW WOW WOW, I REALLY feel like I am just about where I want to be!!! Very lean with nothing to jiggle (waaah, no chest jiggles either!) ;)

Friday can't get here fast enough! Just hope I can stick to that healthy Greek lunch, heh! ;)


Mmmm, greek salad with grilled chicken. How many points was that? :) It was yummy. Skipping the skinny cow tonight and having a light dinner. MMMM. Ate the big block of feta cheese that was on my salad, LOVE feta cheese!!! And on the bright side, my new size 8 jeans are loose!!! mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Tomorrow is WI day, woo-hoo!

Today had 1/2 English raisin muffin, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp. whipped berry flavored cream cheese.

Did squats and lunges with hand weights, felt great!

Going to have my chocolate protein shake now, then go paint at Mom and Dad's. Will come home for lunch and rollerlbading (early morning showers so can't blade now).

No power walking tonight as Ross is getting a tattoo and I am going with him to watch! oooooh! :)


back from painting, i don't think that burned too many calories, it was not strenuous at all! ;)

Had my brie cheese, crackers, pear and carrot sticks for lunch. Felt pretty full after, I know it's the shake. I was totally hungry before I had the shake and that filled me right up. Have been a water hog today too and am happy to keep drinking it!

Did a VERY quick 37 minute walk. I would love to know how fast I was going cuz I burned rubber!!! It's misty out, but I figure if Molli can jog in a light drizzle then I can certainly walk in one. Phew! I REALLY wish it were blading weather, but it's not. I will get some rollerblading in tomorrow though.

Off to shower and hit the grocery store and then cook dinner and get ready to go to Ancient Art to watch Ross get his tattoo.
I am so excited, today is the day I have been waiting for all week! I am finally under 140, actually at 138.5 and I feel GREAT! My belly is ALMOST flat! I feel so muscular and full of energy, ready to take on the world! I wore a halter top and low waist denim capri pants last night when I went with Ross to the tattoo parlor. Then we went to Publix and I felt a little awkward, like I was showing off. I know I look good and that I can wear fitted, semi revealing clothes now, but it will take some getting used to. The "old" me is still inside saying I shouldn't be wearing stuff like that! ;) Anyway, will work on tweaking the attitude.

Ha ha ha, just got off the phone with Jen and she is mad! :) I know I shouldn't laugh and it shouldn't matter, but I don't care! She says she has to lose like 20 pounds now! :) I wish she wouldn't be so competitive, but I guess she feels like she has to regain her "skinniest" title over me. Whatever!

So anyway I am wicked psyched, I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. I am really looking forward to tomorrow when I kidnap Ross and take him to South Florida for the night. He can't wear a tank top because he needs to keep his tattoo out of the sun for a few weeks, but hopefully he will survive the heat and humidity in a t-shirt. We will do lots of walking and window shopping and have a nice cheat meal tomorrow night (that is the plan anyway). Going to eat our regular WW breakfast and have lunch in the car on the way down, then eat instant oatmeal and bananas for breakfast on Sunday. Economical and on plan, that's what I like.

It's another rainy day here. I will do my 50 minute pilates tape and my push ups and triceps and shoulder workout, and hopefully the weather will clear enough for a blading session. Jen Ross and I are going to walk around EPCOT tonight and I am having two beers and a pretzel! :) Heh heh, not too many points over, I don't think!
karen i just have to stop by and say after having a few minutes to catch up on your journal, I'm sooooo happy for you! And impressed ;) You are a true example for me in how to not get "wrapped up" in food and truly use it for the purpose it has - fuel for our body. It's obvious how great you are feeling while eating healthy, including the protein shake, and exercising consistently.

Jen = :bounce: :bounce: - well, too bad! You have worked very hard to accomplish the look you have and you should flaunt it. You look great! My size 8 jean shorts are a little snug today, after a cheat cookout my PM buddy is responsible for ;) I can't fathom size 8's being loose !!

I know you will contiue your success in the fat burning mode b/c you don't change your habits once achieving the goal! that is a great inspiration for us all here on WISH!

thanks for sharing your thoughts - they help me get through weak moments (me dusting off doritos crumbs here - don't worry i'm counting the blasted points!)
Molli, I LOVE when you come for a visit! My ego thanks you, mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I think that is the one thing that has grown mucho since I started WW! Oh well, I can live with that, I suppose! ;)

Had a fantabulous weekend with Ross. Kidnapped him Saturday morning and we spent a whirlwind time in Coral Springs (thanks to priceline, love priceline!) Enjoyed a big cheat meal Friday night. Did not enjoy all the booze though, and learned that I am NOT the same drinker I used to be! I might even go so far to say I DON'T like to drink anymore (although I had a glass of wine and a beer Saturday night. I think it's just out of habit that I order the stuff, we'll see).

Anyway, I'm on a no alcohol challenge until the 4th and I am doing a no-cheat challenge until the 4th as well. I think this will be my first weekend since starting WW that I will be cheat free (I think) so I am going to come up with some creative on plan treats to get me through the weekend.

One big change I have noticed is that I want to shop all the time now. I never liked to shop before, I NEVER was interested in shoes and frilly clothes. Now I stop and stare in every window that has a cute display. Oh no!!!! I am making wishes left and right for the spondoolas to flow our way so I can go on a shopping spree.

And a good thing happened over the weekend. Instead of comparing myself to all the "skinny, beautiful" people we saw, I felt like I fit in! I didn't feel out of place, frumpy, dumpy or fat. I felt relaxed and happy to be out with Ross, period. I didn't waste time worrying about how I looked, I just got dressed, went out and had fun. WOW! That normally never happens, so I guess I am really making some attitude adjustments!!! I love this new lifestyle and I am surprised it has taken me this long to realize I can do this and that I deserve it. We did have quite a bit of fun with the "are those real or not" game we played over the weekend, ha ha. I think there are alot of successful plastic surgeons in South Florida. Too bad I can't convince Ross that I am a great candidate for that surgery, hee hee!

Off to lift weights, do pilates, rollerblade, and then go to WDW on a postcard shopping spree!!! Woo-hoo! It's gonna be a sunny day and I am psyched!!!


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