TigH's journal (comments welcome)


<font color=red>WISH success story<br><font color=
Jun 1, 2000
Started WW March 9 at 159 - current weight 146.5

February 27 measurements:

Arms - 11"
Chest - 39"
Waist - 35.5"
Hips 40"
Thighs 22"

Current (as of April 20)

Arms - 10.5"
Chest - 36.75"
Waist - 31.25"
Hips - 35.25"
Thighs - 20.5"

B 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal 1/2 banana

L 2 oz brie cheese, 6 sesame crackers, medium pear, 8 carrot sticks

D 6 oz chicken breast, 2 oz potato, 1 spoon lowfat sour cream, small salad w/ 2 tbsp. light done right ranch dressing, cup steamed broccoli w/ sprinkle of parms cheese.

S 1/2 cup sugar free instant jello pudding made w/ skim milk, topped with small spoon of regular cool whip.

Drank water alllllll day, power walked just under 3 miles with Ross and Jen. Did 50 minute pilates tape, WOW! Skipped working my arms w/ weights (ugh!). Felt fluffy earlier in the day, but all the water has helped me feel much better. Wishing I didn't have so many cheat meals last week, but not feeling guilty about it, which is a big improvement for me!
Looks good to me. DOn't kick yourself over something in the past. Focus on the future...the future you can achieve. You of all people can do it :)
Back on track today!

Weighed in and I'm up 1.5 lbs. YUCK! ;)

Had my normal brekky (oatmeal and banana) and just had my lunch (same as yesterday). Off to my Aunt's for a cookout later and I will REALLY practice some restraint there. I only have 26 more days until the trip to England and I want to make my goal of 145 by then!

Power walked with Jen and feel great. We walk so fast when it's just the two of us. Will do my hang weights when we get back from the cookout (work biceps).

Will report back later! ;)

Ok, it's later in the day. Didn't do my arm exercises, had a few margaritas at my Aunt's and also had some yummy snacks and some off plan foods for dinner. But what the heck! :) Back on plan tomorrow. I am going to dust my rollerblades off and wheel around in the Florida sun! WOO-HOO!!!
So far, so good!

On plan for the day. Just finished drinking some delicious water. Went out on my rollerblades for 30 minutes. Off to lift weights (finally!!!). Then I have a fun trip to Wholefoods (health food store) planned. Was going to make some whole wheat buns for Ross, but our wheat flour is kind of old and I am running out of time, so I will just buy some buns today. Plan to get some organic veggies for us too, and maybe some organic fruit. Also, I want to check out their cheese. I have been getting my brie from Publix, but Wholefoods has so many wonderful looking cheeses. I think I will splurge ($$$, not in points/calories) and get something nice to subsitute for my Publix brand brie. ha ha ha!

Mmm, I hope they have berries at the store today. I think I would like those for my after dinner snack tonight. Heck, I think I will even check out their soy meat products. I need some change in my menus! ;)


Just back from wholefoods and what a great trip! I got organic everything (it seems). I found some soy italian sausages that i might try with some low sugar organic marinara sauce, zucchini and mushrooms. MMM! And I also got some fresh blue berries and raspberries, organicly grown broccoli and spinach, whole wheat buns for Ross and loads of other stuff. I feel healthy already. OH! My biggest find was brie cheese covered in chopped chives! I feel like such a dolt - all this time I was cutting off the brie cheese rind thinking it was some inedible (is that a word?) stuff when in reality you're supposed to eat it. DUH! Anyway, I will have my new brie cheese on Wed. and I am really looking forward to it (also got some organich whole wheat and poppy seed crackers to use w/ lunch, YUM!


Had dinner (WW philly cheesesteak recipe sans the wheat bun, yum!) Just back from the power walk. Have to make some WW chicken casserole for Ross' lunch this week. That and a tummy that feels very full is giving me a reason to postpone pilates until TOMORROW! I think it's better to do it in the morning before I get all full!

On a scale of 1-10, I started today feeling like a 2 and ended feeling like an 8, so I'm really thankful for all the wonderful choices I made today! Woo-hoo!
you've lost 5 inches in your hips!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

(that's green for a reason!:))

ok, how super for you! Are you doing toning exercises specific to target your hips! or are you one of those people that are just lucky!

You are brave to try the soy meat alternative! let us know details!

No real comments this time, I'm saving it for later!
Originally posted by ohMom
you've lost 5 inches in your hips!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

(that's green for a reason!:))

ok, how super for you! Are you doing toning exercises specific to target your hips! or are you one of those people that are just lucky!

You are brave to try the soy meat alternative! let us know details!

No real comments this time, I'm saving it for later!
Ha ha ha! Better there than my boobies, I say! ;) I have no idea how it happened. I think I must have measured wrong the first time or something!!!! Thanks, Molli! You cheered me right up! ;)
Up early w/ Ross to make him a yummy WW breakfast. Got his lunch all packed. He's having that chicken mexican casserole thingy this week and I hope he likes it!

I should be out rollerblading by 8:30! Yaaay! Today is a MUCH better day than yesterday already. I have a feeling I am retaining water this week (dreaded monthly coming up) but I know as long as I stay OP and bump up my activity a little I can STILL reach my first goal by May 23!!!!!

B- half raisin english muffin w/ 1 tbsp. whipped cream cheese and half a banana.


Back from my rollerblading spin around the neighborhood. Phew! I added an extra length on the main road today and it felt great. I want to find a nice trail to skate on eventually, but I don't know if I'd be brave enough to do a trail w/o Ross along. ;) Off to do my 20 minute pilates now! :)


okey dokey, did my pilates tape (phew!) and had my regular lunch, but I had new crackers today!! Wow, what a difference! I got them at the health food store. They are called Rite Lite Rounds, made by Barbara's Bakery. I got the Savory Poppy Seed ones and they are YUMMY!!! "All natural crackers made with organic flour". MMM! 5 crackers per serving, (I had 6 crackers) is 60 calories, 2 grams of fat, 11 g carbs (sorry, Atkins people!;)) no fiber (darn) and 1 g protein. I like them alot!

Anyway, had the steak, onions, spinach, for dinner w/ steamed cauliflower and a small salad. Now I'm having a bowl of fresh blue berries and raspberrys with a little cool whip for desser.

My sister and I power walked (w/o DH, so it was fast!) ;) and I came back home and used my hand weights to work my triceps! That's two days in a row of using my weights, so hopefully I will make this a habit!!!

Despite all this, I am feeling WICKED fluffy today! DH swears it's PMS but that doesn't jive with me, but it could be! ;) I need to go find that evening primrose to see if it helps prevent me from bloating. I just keep holding onto the faith that I am DOING everything right, sticking to my plan and bumping up my activity, so once the bloating fairy leaves me, I should see a good loss. Phew!

Oh, and I bought some Splenda today and had it in my tea and YUMMY!!!
WOW! You've got a 31 inch waist!!!! That would bring huge grins to my face!!! You're doing so great and wanted to pass a bit of your encouragement right back at ya! Keep us updated on your exercise- I love reading about new classes/tapes-

Great job!!
It's dreary and cloudy here today (rats!) Looks like rain is moving in. I didn't get out early to rollerblade and I can't rollerblade in the rain. I will do my pilates tape though, and hopefully by tonight the rain will have cleared out so we can power walk!

B - 1/2 english muffin, 1/2 banana, tbsp. whipped cream cheese.

Tried Splenda in my coffee and it was GROSS! That is just too weird! I LOVE it in my tea though. I guess my tastebuds DO enjoy my coffee with just skim milk now. It was an interesting experience. So anyway, I will just look forward to a Splenda sweetened hot tea every now and then! :)

Feeling very puffy today! ick! Hopefully by next Tues. things will be sorted out and closer to back to normal! ;)

I get to try my new brie cheese today, woohoo! It should taste great with the new crackers. Well, I'd better go workout soon. And do some laundry, that should burn a few calories! ;)


Ah, this is much better! I was feeling kinda blue earlier, but I got out of the house and feel much better!

Had my "new" brie cheese today and it was DEVINE!! Less mushy than the other kind I was eating (ok, firmer is probably a better description!)

I drove to EPCOT and walked from the CREATE parking lot all over FW and WS. The Flower and Garden Show is in full swing so I was in my element enjoying all the nice plant/floral displays. I walked for about an hour and 15 minutes (sometimes slow, sometimes fast) and that looks to be it for exercise today (except for some light weight training later). It's raining now, so no power walking and I don't feel much like pilates. ;)

I had a meatless day and I'm excited about it (don't know why!) I had Smart Links Soy Italian sausages tonight (2 sausages, although 1 sausage is one serving, 90 calories, 3 grams of fat, 7 carbs, 2 fiber and 8 protein each). YUMMY! Not bad for meatless sausage. Ross grilled organic zucchini and yellow squash for me that I'd sliced lengthwise. I sauteed organice baby bella mushrooms in some PAM and added them to a cup of organic, fat free, low sugar marinara sauce. What a meal! I just smothered everything in the mushroom marinara sauce and it's delectable!!!

Need to enter my dinner data into fitday to see where I stand as far as calories go today. All in all not a bad day, especially since I worked on my attitude. After walking by Mexico in the WS I had BIG TIME cravings for Mexican food and was *this close* to calling DH to see if he would go cheat with me. Then I walked by the Fountainview Cafe and was dying for a frozen coffee drink, but I made it safely out of the park and resisted temptation! There will be plenty of time to enjoy margaritas and chips and salsa after I reach my goal (and maintain!)
hugs sweetie....you are always such an encouraging and uplifting person, I just wanted you to know how much you are appreciated :)
You are doing great! I've been reading your journal as my main
source of inspiration. (Mostly because you seem to like the same kinds of food I do and I like seeing how you incorporate some of the more sinful ones into your plan.) Just wanted to say great job! I would love to ramble, but this little blurb has taken 5 or 6 mins. to type!:eek: Must have coffee! I'll check back when my brain wakes up.:p

Keep the Faith!
Tig - you demonstrated such great willpower! You should be very proud of yourself! Your day and resistance of all the yummies at Epcot will be an example to tuck in my memory for an occasion where I become tempted! I can't imagine walking around Epcot and not having a snack at least!

Grilled veggies sound totally yummy! I'll have to remember serving with marinara sauce. Did you find low-sugar at your health food store? This is encouraging to me to be a little more adventuresome ;)

Cool to see the flower show - I'm sure it was beautiful. How cool is that to go, enjoy the park for what it is, and leaving knowing you are still in control of the food!
Awww, thanks you guys!!!!! You are so sweet (but sugar free and 0 calories!) ;) This journal thing is great because I can ramble on so much! You are very brave to even attempt to read this, ha ha! :)

Finished last night by working my back (hand weights) and had a half cup chocolate sugar free pudding made with skim milk and a tiny dollop of cool whip! ;) Painted my fingrernails and toenails to ward off any other temptation and didn't drown myself with water before I went to bed (smart!)

This morning it's the same ol' for breakfast. Will do my 20 minute (maybe 50 minute?) pilates tape later in the morning. Then off to do some discount shopping with Mom which will exercise my patience, ha ha! ;) Hopefully this rain will clear out by tonight so Jen, Ross and I can power walk!

Ross is in a grizzly mood this morning because he weighed in and he's up to 207.5. There's no consoling him! I even pointed out that he was telling me the same things when I was up earlier this week, but it doesn't matter. Poor guy! Now I have to enter his food into FITDAY to see if I was off with his calories this week. I don't think so, I think it's sympathy PMS. PLUS he lifted weights yesterday, so maybe it's some type of fluid retention from the muscle breakdown/buildup process. He will weigh again on Sunday and I'm sure he'll be at or blow 206.5, hopefully! ;)

Thanks to a morning filled with rain, there was no rollerblading. Went shopping with Mom instead and didn't feel like killing her! We actually got along and she bought some cute capri pants and she also got me a nice sleeveless printed t-shirt. I FINALLY got my sexy new sandals (my 10 pound loss reward). We went to Burlington Coat Factory and WOW! I found some great dainty looking tan and turquiose frou-frou thong sandals. They are SO CUTE and ultra feminine (trying something new instead of the play it safe shoes I usually buy!) And they were only $12.98, so that was a great price for me!

Did my 50 minute pilates workout before we went shopping. Is this the same tape I struggled through the other day? I must have hit some weird time/space continuom today because it didn't seem to take as long to get through. AND I made it through all the moves because this time I paid attention to the girl doing to modified moves for the ones that were too tough for me before. DUH!

Jen and I power walked after my delicious veggie dinner (see last night). Now I am super stuffed and feeling wicked bloated and I'm not sure I want to do my squats/lunges tonight...but I will do them tomorrow!

Going to be a busy weekend and I'll be out of the house alot. Will pack my lunch every day but will have to face temptation at MK on Sunday, yikes! I am planning to eat a salad at either Pinnochios, Cosmic Rays or Columbia Harbor House. NO fries and DEFINITELY no melted cheese on anything!!! Monday is my cheat night (woo-hoo). Chef Mickeys here I come! I plan to behave there, but I am going to eat a big old heaping of parmesan mashed potatoes (maybe a little heaping).

{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} for Ross! He's so lucky to have you as his cheering section! You know what I think, he just nees to....

Keep the Faith! ;)
Yaay, it's Friday! One of my PM buddies and I decided to change our weigh in date to Friday since we like what the scale reports on Fridays vs other days of the week!

Sooooo, I already checked in for this week in the check in thread, so I will check in next week on Friday after I weigh then. But I had to weigh today and I'm DOWN to 146!! A pound away from my goal and 2 pounds from a 15 pound clippie. WOW! I had shown a gain of 1.5 on Sunday and I did have too many cheat days last week, so I really stuck to it this week, ate w/in my plan, threw in some rollerblading and did my weights! Whew! I think it paid off. I also tried not eating potatoes, bread, pasta and the like after 4:00 so maybe that has something to do with it!

This morning I have arleady done two loads of laundry. I will rollerblade, then do pilates (not sure if 20 or 50 minutes yet) then my lunges and squats. No power walking tonight because I have to go to the airport with Jen to pick up her friend and the kids. Woo-hoo, big doins' this weekend. I plan to pack my lunch every day we are out and make healthy dinner choices! Monday is my cheat night, but I am tempted to NOT cheat becuase I REALLY want my new clippie before we go on vacation!

Tried on some pants last night and man, they are messing with my head! Right now my Eddie Bauer capri pants (10) are comfy, not loose and not skin tight like they were back in March when I started WW. They are just right and I can't wait for them to be falling off me! However, I tried on some old pants last night that I haven't worn since 1999 (best shape of my life days). The knees are very dirty (worked at a garden center and got the pants muddy all the time). They are Levis, size 11. They fit, but were tight, especially in the bottom! THEN I tried on some Gap button fly pants that my skinny minnie sister gave me back in 1999 (best shape of my life days) ;). They fit too!!! But they are labeled a size 8! ARRRGH! Also tried on some Levis shorts (size 11) and they fit, but snug. So all these clothes I could wear in 1999 very easily (loose fitting) fit me last night, but pretty snug and I wouldn't go out in public with them (well, they are old and have some holes too!) ;) This gives me MUCH needed hope because I have tried them on over the years and couldn't get them past my fat rump, much less button them and walk around in them! So maybe my ultimate goal will be 140 if this is how things are fitting at 146. I am sure I'd be able to fit into SOME brands of pants that are labeled size 8 when I get to 140. 135 would be SWEET, but I don't know if I can do it.

I'd swear this darn coffee was caffienated, but it's not! D'oh!


Doing my MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" dance because I just got back from rollerblading for a little over 45 minutes, woo-hoo!!! Off to hang more laundry, do 20 minute pilates (time constriants) and then lunges and squats. I don't want to do the lunges and squats, but I have some PM buddies that I have to report back to and I don't want to send them a lame excuse message, D'OH!!! ;)


20 minute pilates - DONE! 3 sets of 10 lunges, DONE! 3 sets of 10 squats, DONE! Delicious same old WW lunch that I love, DONE! Off to get ready to go to the store (Oh, 4 loads of laundry, DONE!) hee hee! ;)
Great job TigH. We sound similar in our starting weights and goals. (Except you are almost there -- wahhhhhhhh!)

About the sizes, I think odd numbers 9, 11, 13, etc. are junior sizes, and even numbers 8, 10, 12, etc. are misses sizes. Don't junior's run smaller? I'm not sure 'cause my butt has always been so big that I could never wear juniors. Even when I was thin I had a bubble butt. :p

Have a great weekend.
jeesh! you go you exercising fool!

Levi's ........ahhh, Levi's. That is one of my goals too. They run small. I used to wear Levi size 11 in my thinner days of very easily wearing 10s. Don't put to much weight in their sizing.

I'm so sure you'll be an 8 soon!

you are winning the race.....................

I hadn't thought about the whole juniors/misses thing before. Aha! Well, that makes me feel much better! ;)

I'm not winning yet, ohMom! Rocky couple of days ahead. You could pull past me if I crash into the rocks from hearing the calle of the siren(sp) near the Dole Whip stand... ;)

Busy busy busy weekend! Up early today, will not have 3 cups of coffee (decaf) per the norm so that I can try to get in a 20 minute pilates tape. Off to St. Augustine with very energetic :eek: :eek: kids to spend the day at an alligator farm, take a scenic cruise, and stroll the Old City. Will pack regular lunch and bottles of water. Hope walking is enough to keep me on program! Not sure what the deal is for dinner. Will try to hold out until we get home because I have left over veggie stir fry (with tofu, not too bad!) to pop in the microwave.

Wore shorts yesterday that were previously waaaaay tight everywhere but are now comfortable TO loose fitting! Wahoo! Also wore white tank top that fit well (instead of too tight). Think pilates is working to firm my bottom, it seems to be more sculpted and less "flat and wide".
Survived yesterday. Stuck to my regular BLD, Snack, drank water. Did 20 min. pilates and bicep workout before heading to St. Augustine. Did a fair amount of slow walking (loved the Alligator Farm!!!) Today up early, no time to exercise, had normal B, will not be bringing L to Magic Kingdom as I have backpack and camera to carry already. Will have salad from a FF place for lunch and a sensible dinner (from another FF place). Debating on whether or not to have Dole Whip since it will be hot and I'll likely burn it off... maybe! :) No exercise planned for today other than keeping up with kids in park from 9 in the morning until they drop!
I swear that I have not seen that I could even come and read your journal (or anyone else's for that matter). You my dear little exercising commercial, deserved the dole whip today - I hope you had it!

I am so tired from just reading all that you did - I am hoping osmosis is in transaction and I burned some calories too!

You will be a below your goal in no time the way you are going!

Can't wait to try some of the crackers - sounds like they are a good choice. I just tried a boca cheeseburger last night and it was decent. I will try those again. AnnieT has said before that she likes those too.

You go girl - wait you have been going - good going girl!! Keep it up!


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