VMK this is going TOO FAR!!!!RANT

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aprncess said:
As far as the people who used the code generators, VMK can try and stop them in which ever way they chose, I don't particularly like that they issue a warning that may result in a ban......really it sounds like they are saying take a chance and try it, we may ban you or not.........If they dont want it used they should state, that you will be banned and then carry out that expected result.................but in the end, it will detour them if only for awhile, as they will come up with a new, different and better way around it..........You know the old saying...........IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY!!!!

As far as the people who used the code generators, VMK can try and stop them in which ever way they chose, I don't particularly like that they issue a warning that may result in a ban......really it sounds like they are saying take a chance and try it, we may ban you or not.........If they don't want it used they should state, that you will be banned and then carry out that expected result.................but in the end, it will detour them if only for awhile, as they will come up with a new, different and better way around it..........You know the old saying...........IF THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY!!!!

Hey your paragraph button got stuck.
macntosh said:
Sorry teacher, will I now fail your class?

No way, dude! RomeNome is always welcome in my classroom, uh, I mean trade room!
Ok, what if a code generator was used on your account, but it wasn't you? Because last week I had went out of town for a bit, and my cousin and here mom were looking over my house. (getting mail, feeding the dog, ect.) and my cousin had got to my account log in stuff (so much for writing it on paper... that little lock picker!!lol) so while I was gone she downloaded this little thingy called a code generator and when i came home, i went on vmk and QA_AmericaSings came and talked to me and was questioning me like i was going to jail or something. I didn't know what was going on. I had all this stuff in my room that my cousin said she got for me from playing games, but she really used a code generator. I dc when i was talking to QA though and when i came back on everything in the room was gone, then about an hour later I was banned for ten years.

After that long, agonizing, boring story, it comes to this question: Do you think my account should be unbanned, since I was not the person using the generator? :sad2: :guilty:
Disneychick74 said:
wow there are some pretty harsh things being said in here and some people acting like they are the golden child.
you cant tell me that you didnt wish there was an easier way to get credits and items? and I won't speak for everyone but I am sure if you were given the generator and told you could use it without vmk ever finding out, you would.

You are trying to speak for everyone. Speak for yourself. I saw the website where you can download the generator and I didn't download it. In fact, I reported it. So no, we are not all willing to cheat to get what we want. That doesn't make us high and mighty, as you are trying to suggest. The criticism is harsh because people who cheat have caused all of us to be punished and understandably, honest people are upset.
Yesterday my son was playing vmk and he was in a trade with someone. He discovered he could not trade his boat pieces to this person. So he tried other items and saw that as well. To him, this trade restriction is a big deal. Most of his time in vmk is spent trading.

I'm curious why vmk didn't take the road of making those rare items over abundant in vmk, over making them non tradeable and virtually impossible to achieve. Why couldn't they (jack sparrow suit and narnia teleporters) be made like the purple superhero suit and make them easy to attain, but untradeable. Actually why not take this road now, that it is impossible to trade them! (I know those that have traded alot for these items will be extremely upset, but i think those who never got them would be so much happier!) I'm being facetious here. I think it's aweful that we can't trade or trade for these items. But if we're going to be punished, let's make it more easy to get!

Overall, I think both we-as players and vmk-as creators have lost sight of who's to blame and who should be flamed. Ultimately it is the people cheating the system, who have now cheated us out of our rights to get these virtual items. It is them who have perverted this fun game and made it less desireable. It is them who should be punished and NOT the average player. My same thoughts go with the wells and pirate rooms. Why is everyone punished when it was a select few?
Well VMK is taking this seriously, and if you use the code generator you will get banned. Here is my story.

Yesterday when I got home from work, my teenage son informed me that he had managed to get my computer and my my ten year old daughters character banned for ten years. Before this nobody in our household had gotten so much as a warning from vmk for anything.

My son explained that he was trying to "help" her character by inputing codes into her account for her. He had found the code generator online a few nights ago and had aquired several hundred plunder codes with it. This activity occured late at night or during the day when I was at work and my daughters at day camp.

I have such mixed feelings right now, from guilt to anger and sadness. It is very hard to explain to a ten and seven year old that they can never play vmk again because there brother had broken vmk values. My oldest daughter was a very avid player and this is very painful for her. For her we have used vmk as a reward system, where she earns vmk computer time by reading, chores, etc. She worked very hard to develop her character both on and offline.

I can not condone cheating, and can understand what vmk is doing. I also want to teach my children good ethics. That being said I can not help but to think vmk itself is partly to blame for creating the enviornment where cheating can be rewarding.

I can understand the temptation for cheating with a code generator. I think we all know when the Narnia game came out something fishy was going on with players showing up with large numbers of Narnia teleporters. Most of use that have them traded for them. Except for the first few days of the game most of them came from people using a code generator to get them. Little if no action was taken against these players then. I was introduced to a player by a CL_ who we traded with to get our teleporters. That player infromed me then that it only took him a few seconds to win a teleporter. After the frustration of trying to win a teleporter honestly, I cant help but think that many players were in a way grateful to the hackers for making the teleporters available to everyone.

So fast forward to pirate plunder. We were lucky to win two sparrow costumes honestly for each of my daughters. I feel lucky in that we beat the odds and won two times by imputing about 2500 codes. Of course we did take advantage of well known shortcuts which have now been fixed. I estimate that it took about 50 hours of computer time to accomplish this task. I estimate that with using the generator it would cut that time down to about 16 hours to accomplish the same task. Of course I think we were very lucky and would expect that it would take most players considerably longer.

I dont believe that the code generator has had much affect on the rarity or value of the sparrow costume. The generator has not been available long enough. Obviously this is not the case for the Narnia teleporters. As far as ship parts and monster doors, I think those are reasonably easy to get anyway and their value was not affected much. Unfortunatly I believe that by fixing the shortcuts in the plunder game that it will be even more frustrating to try to win a sparrow costume, I believe this will give hackers even more incentive and create a market for codes.

I am disappointed that my family can not play vmk anymore. We only have one computer in the house and I cant afford to replace my fairly new computer at this time. Ironically this in part due to the money we spend at Disneyland. I feel that my family have been loyal Disney fans and usually visit Disneyland two times each year. I do feel like a ten year ban is unjust, but think it will be very effective in solving the problem of people using code generators.

We will not stop going to Disneyland, though we will not spend as much time or money there without vmk. VMK has been a very effective marketing tool on us, and did influence how we booked our last trip, where we stayed, and how many days we stayed.

What is the most heart breaking is that for my daughters some of the magic which is Disney is lost. As for my teenage son I am dealing with him more severly than vmk ever could.
I don't know whern they posted this but on the hompage it says:

VMK Homepage said:
Warning! The use of scripting tools to get or input codes is against VMK values and could result in a ban!
I don't know whern they posted this but on the hompage it says: Originally Posted by VMK Homepage
Warning! The use of scripting tools to get or input codes is against VMK values and result in a ban!

you missed the could, it says..........

WARNING! The use of scripting tools to get or input codes is against VMK Values and could result in a ban!
moikturtle said:
Dude. At least you HAVE the Sparrow costume. A lot of people don't who will never be able to get it via codes. I've seen the stuff you've got...I'm sure you'll be able to pool some of that together to get inferno. :)

Yes but im saving for green flips and lost a chunk of rare on this deal so I won't get flips *sigh* but point is I paid alot of pirate quest and beta for inferno and was only able to turn stitch around for

10 fire walls
5 pirate couch
1 sand rug

I paid

11 fire walls
1 sand rug
2 stools with post
green tea cup
gold snowman
red crate
and more for inferno
Wow, I go to a high school football game last night and boy did I miss some big happenings.

I am in shock about the trade items. Shock, but not surprised I suppose. It is a little upsetting that some of the more difficult items to obtain such as Sparrow Outfit are no longer tradable. Each of us in our household have a sparrow outfit (myself, JamminJoey and CrazySteph) and all three of us got it through trades. We would not have them if it were not for that. I was happy to make the trades. I traded items I had extra of for something we all wanted. I have no idea of the other person had received that item through a code generator and frankly it would not have bothered me either way. We got the outfits and that is what mattered.

Now I can see why the might have pulled the plug sort of speak on some of these items. When you take into consideration that there are individuals on the auction sites selling or have sold more than 25 for these outfits for $70 a pop, you can sort of understand the thinking behind the decision. There is no way that one individual could have gotten that many suits in such a short amount of time. At one point, one of the sellers had 17 of them up, and there were already 15 that had been completed. These costumes HAD to have been gotten by a code generator. Nobody is THAT lucky. So through illegal means, these individuals ruin it for everybody. So sad.

I guess the only way to put a stop to this was to make the item non-tradable. It makes sense. The people selling the costumes would have had to enter the code first in order to find out if it were a sparrow outfit. So they could not sell the codes (well, they still can but can no longer guarantee a sparrow outfit). So, this makes that indidivual stuck with a sparrow outfit that can no longer be sold or trade.

It is a shame and I hope they can find another way to resolve this. I also wish they could at least lift the limitation on the pirate ships. I have given some away because I think they make nice gifts/prizes. Now you can't do that either.

So to all those who come to this happy place.....guess we are not welcomed.
:sad2: Well Me and my sister traded so we can connect our rooms now we are not using them so we go to trade them back and we cant!!! I
I am only up to page 5 of the responses but am noticing something that needs addressing...This thread is not a moral issue of who is right and who is wrong(as far as the players go). Please keep all post civil and unaccusatory or it will have to be closed.

Blumonkeyboy said:
i think yanover already knows

Also Yavn is NOT Paul Yanover as stated in Blumonkeyboy's post.


I beleive they (being VMK) already know about the site and the generator that was released on Thurs that is why this action was taken.
Yumisaun said:
Ok, what if a code generator was used on your account, but it wasn't you? Because last week I had went out of town for a bit, and my cousin and here mom were looking over my house. (getting mail, feeding the dog, ect.) and my cousin had got to my account log in stuff (so much for writing it on paper... that little lock picker!!lol) so while I was gone she downloaded this little thingy called a code generator and when i came home, i went on vmk and QA_AmericaSings came and talked to me and was questioning me like i was going to jail or something. I didn't know what was going on. I had all this stuff in my room that my cousin said she got for me from playing games, but she really used a code generator. I dc when i was talking to QA though and when i came back on everything in the room was gone, then about an hour later I was banned for ten years.

After that long, agonizing, boring story, it comes to this question: Do you think my account should be unbanned, since I was not the person using the generator? :sad2: :guilty:
I think it is fair. YOU are responsible for YOUR account, no matter who is using the keyboard. I have never let anyone else on my account, if I need someone to get the weekend pin I ask a friend if they can get an extra.

Making these items untradeable really was the cheap fix. What they did was made many borrowers become scammers without the borrower doing anything wrong. If they keep it this way, I'll go crazy.
so who was the idiot that came up with this program? Whoever you are thanks a lot.. now it will be IMPOSSIBLE!!!! to get Narnia Teleprters or the Sparrow outfit.. if your out there.. we all want a piece of you.. :furious: :mad:
Seriously, if we can't trade for the item and get it legit what are we supposed to do if there is still code for it. I'm thinking I need to find someone with a PC (I only use MacOS) and have them run the program for me so I have a chance of getting sparrow as that is now the only way. That has been my main goal since my day two on VMK. Once I found out that it was next to impossible to earn the code I started saving credits and just bought a Quest Generator so I could pay for Sparrow as I'm too new to have any rare.

Because we are trying to be legit VMK is punishing the good players instead of putting into place one of several other options to address this problem:

Lower the price on Narnia teleporters, they look like crud anyway when in operation. (DONE)
Limit how many codes a person can enter a day/hour per account and IP(NOT DONE)
Make a email account authorization for accounts to cut down on mass mule accounts with fake email addresses(NOT DONE)
Limit how many special/rare any user can hold (NOT DONE)

Those four alone would help a lot and cut down on abuse and keep it fun for others.
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