VMK this is going TOO FAR!!!!RANT

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Archetypeangel said:
VMK is just taking the easy way out, instead of assessing the problem. No matter what they do to stop peeps, there will be a way to get around it. If there isn't already a way around it, someone will find out how and share that information. It's the un-winnable "war" against hackers ... who in this case I support.

As a member stated before Disney should lower the ratio of winning, now that the promotions are over (Narnia Especially). People want the items, so give it to them. Going and doing something like this shows that you don't care about the quality of your game. It shows that all you want is control over those who play it.

I strongly disagree. There's a lot that goes into making a minor program on the computer, let alone a multi-player, multi-faceted game. Perhaps in order to stop the problem as quickly as possible, this solution had to be used until something more player specific could take place.
Nikki, I am very "fired up", as you put it, because I now have a hat in Pink's possession that does not belong to me. How do you think that makes me feel??? I can only hope that VMK does something to rectify the problem because this is really upsetting me. Rome now has an incomplete costume and I have a hat which I once adored but now am never going to be able to put it on my head again because of guilt.

I logged into VMK first thing this morning hoping to see that hat gone from my inventory, but it's still there and it's still untradeable.

VMK, it can't take much to remove this hat from PinkGirlygirl and give it back to RomeNome where it rightfully belongs.
threeboysmom said:
Nikki, I am very "fired up", as you put it, because I now have a hat in Pink's possession that does not belong to me. How do you think that makes me feel??? I can only hope that VMK does something to rectify the problem because this is really upsetting me. Rome now has an incomplete costume and I have a hat which I once adored but now am never going to be able to put it on my head again because of guilt.

I logged into VMK first thing this morning hoping to see that hat gone from my inventory, but it's still there and it's still untradeable.

VMK, it can't take much to remove this hat from PinkGirlygirl and give it back to RomeNome where it rightfully belongs.

This is a separate issue that I was literally coming on to address right as you posted. I think that it definitely is an issue that needs some rectifying because there are players like you that have borrowed things or loaned things and now they are at a stand still. I am hoping that the entire situation will change soon. Perhaps this was a temporary solution just for now?
All VMK has done with this is make it so that the ONLY way to get these items, is to use the generator. How IRONIC is that?
*NikkiBell* said:
I've been holding back on this one, but I am going to share my two cents. :surfweb: My opinions are not directed towards anyone in particular, but just how I feel.

When I first saw Mal's post, I was pretty taken back by the anger and tone. I could not figure out why someone would be so highly charged about not being able to trade an item. I still really do not understand it, but people have different things within VMK that are important to them so I respect their opinions.

I guess I can see someone who took the time and effort to play the pirates game and win pieces as being upset if he can't trade them; however, I still do not personally see the need to feel so fired up about it. Maybe I am in the minority, but it isn't worth it. I would not give up the parks nor VMK because I couldn't trade an item or get an item for a virtual collection. :rolleyes:

The reason that so many items are distributed to players in certain ways is so that a group of items are considered easily attainable and others are "rare." Not every player has to have Inferno or a Sparrow suit or the Stitch hat and this should be accepted. The entire point of the game is not to trade, but instead to enjoy trading as one minute aspect of what is being offered (games, chat features, etc.).

I've said this countless times before and I'll say it again, if you hate VMK so much, why continue playing it? Why would you continue to play something that you hate, complain about, etc.? There must be something about it that is driving you back to the virtual kingdom.

I personally enjoy going on VMK. I think the games are fun and I like all of the pins you can get. Do I think people take advantage of others on it? Yes, it happens and that is the job of CL's and Staff to help stop. Does my life become consumed by VMK? No, and if it did, I would stop playing immediately.

I have tried to place myself on both ends of the spectrum on this one, but still cannot seem to understand why many players are so angry. At this time, VMK found a solution to a situation that was manipulated by certain players. Whether or not they will change the solution is up to them and could or could not happen. Either way, it's definitely not worth flipping out over, but that is just my opinion. :sad2:

I think you have missed the entire point of this thread.....As most people who know me I am not a big trader in fact I do not trade for the most part.

This thread is about my anger and other players anger at VMK for punishing the masses for what a few people have done....which I am sorry to say does not fix anything.

I nor do I feel most players hate the game so much we want to quit. Far from it.

There are so many other ways this problem could be handled and should have been handled and alot have been discussed here.
mtlhddoc2 said:
All VMK has done with this is make it so that the ONLY way to get these items, is to use the generator. How IRONIC is that?

There is at least one other way. :rolleyes:
KrazyPete said:
There is at least one other way. :rolleyes:

not really.... as someone who has played the narnia game over 20,000 times, I can say, there is NO other way at the moment. it is next to impossible to win it. And now people cannot trade for it from those lucky few who have happened to win it in the game. The generator will be in MORE demand than it was before.
Hey, look on the bright side, people with Sparrow! You'll never have to listen to this again: "plz plz trade sparrow i really need it plz plz plz!!" :rolleyes:
Shaymojack said:
I think it is fair. YOU are responsible for YOUR account, no matter who is using the keyboard. I have never let anyone else on my account, if I need someone to get the weekend pin I ask a friend if they can get an extra.

Making these items untradeable really was the cheap fix. What they did was made many borrowers become scammers without the borrower doing anything wrong. If they keep it this way, I'll go crazy.

I know it was my responsibility, but my cousin is one of those people that has to go through all your stuff and find what you dont want them to, no matter how good you hide it. :furious: My very favorite diary was harmed in the process! lol she picked the lock on it (actually she went through my other stuff and found the key) then she found all my account log in things and logged on... next thing i know, all my hard work down the drain. lol (who would play VMK when they're 20 something anywayz? no offense parents. lol. just who would play it for 10 years?)
Maleficent2 said:
I am only up to page 5 of the responses but am noticing something that needs addressing...This thread is not a moral issue of who is right and who is wrong(as far as the players go). Please keep all post civil and unaccusatory or it will have to be closed.

Also Yavn is NOT Paul Yanover as stated in Blumonkeyboy's post.


I beleive they (being VMK) already know about the site and the generator that was released on Thurs that is why this action was taken.
im sorry i wasnt trying to blame anyone i just thought it was funny SORRY YAVN
ShadowKittyKat said:
Hey, look on the bright side, people with Sparrow! You'll never have to listen to this again: "plz plz trade sparrow i really need it plz plz plz!!" :rolleyes:

I was just in a room titled "Sparrow is not trade able anymore" for about an hour. Guess about many requests I got to trade my costume? At least twelve. In an hour. In a room with the title saying it couldn't be traded anymore.

One person even asked me to take off my hat so I could show him that it can't be traded. If it can't be traded how I am I supposed to show him that?

Yeah. This is how I feel about that -

mtlhddoc2 said:
not really.... as someone who has played the narnia game over 20,000 times, I can say, there is NO other way at the moment. it is next to impossible to win it. And now people cannot trade for it from those lucky few who have happened to win it in the game. The generator will be in MORE demand than it was before.

Go ahead and use the generator then. Just remember that the bans come when you enter the codes not when you generate them. So enter them carefully an slowly.

Wow, and people think VMK has gone too far? Apparently not far enough.
KrazyPete said:
Go ahead and use the generator then. Just remember that the bans come when you enter the codes not when you generate them. So enter them carefully an slowly.

Wow, and people think VMK has gone too far? Apparently not far enough.

I wont be entering any codes, whats the point? I already have one and I cannot trade any so why would I bother? My point, which you missed, is that now that they are not tradable, and impossible to win in the game, people will go over to that site, dl the generator, make one code and put it in. OR people will trade and give away the codes themselves. Who is to say they werent gotten legitimately? VMK has REALLY screwed the pooch on this one. Instead of solving the problem, they made it worse.
Peacefully said:
I was just in a room titled "Sparrow is not trade able anymore" for about an hour. Guess about many requests I got to trade my costume? At least twelve. In an hour. In a room with the title saying it couldn't be traded anymore.

One person even asked me to take off my hat so I could show him that it can't be traded. If it can't be traded how I am I supposed to show him that?

Yeah. This is how I feel about that -


Yep, I was in there with you... every one of the eighteen trade requests got ignored. And when I said "don't bother asking to trade, I'll just click ignore", two more people immediately asked to trade. Sheesh!

I hope you don't mind if I use this.
KrazyPete said:
Go ahead and use the generator then. Just remember that the bans come when you enter the codes not when you generate them. So enter them carefully an slowly.

Wow, and people think VMK has gone too far? Apparently not far enough.

so what about us fast typers? I hadn't heard about a code generator until someone explained to my son what happened last night. I'm too computer ignorant to figure out short keys as well. However, I received awards in high school for my typing speed and accuracy...yea back in the days of manual typewriters.
mtlhddoc2 said:
I wont be entering any codes, whats the point? I already have one and I cannot trade any so why would I bother? My point, which you missed, is that now that they are not tradable, and impossible to win in the game, people will go over to that site, dl the generator, make one code and put it in. OR people will trade and give away the codes themselves. Who is to say they werent gotten legitimately? VMK has REALLY screwed the pooch on this one. Instead of solving the problem, they made it worse.

I totally agree with you here. That is exactly what they have done.

I think maybe it was a knee jerk reaction to the generator.

Also want to clear something up that....there is a misconception that this code generator generates the code for a sparrow costume like it does for the Narnia Teleporters it does not. It is my understanding that it only generates random codes for that game just as the game does.

For Narnia it generates the exact code for the item you want as it does with the Pink doors(which can be won the right way in seconds why would you need to generate these :confused3 ).

I truly feel that what has been stated over and over again since the Narnia game and the Plunder game was released that VMK should not make items 1:5000 that is just too rare and too hard to get!!

Be fair with players and hopely the players will play the game(s)fairly.

ShadowKittyKat said:
Yep, I was in there with you... every one of the eighteen trade requests got ignored. And when I said "don't bother asking to trade, I'll just click ignore", two more people immediately asked to trade. Sheesh!

I hope you don't mind if I use this.

Oh I didn't notice your VMK name in your signature. I saw you there. It was quite annoying, wasn't it? Probably didn't help that we both have inferno and there was the words "trade" and "Jack Sparrow" in the title, so the reading impaired (or perhaps attention span impaired) might have thought it was a Sparrow costume trading room.

It's one of my favorite icons to use on my livejournal. With so many dumb people in the world, it expresses how I feel fairly often. hehe
Yumisaun said:
I know it was my responsibility, but my cousin is one of those people that has to go through all your stuff and find what you dont want them to, no matter how good you hide it. :furious: My very favorite diary was harmed in the process! lol she picked the lock on it (actually she went through my other stuff and found the key) then she found all my account log in things and logged on... next thing i know, all my hard work down the drain. lol (who would play VMK when they're 20 something anywayz? no offense parents. lol. just who would play it for 10 years?)
Ummm...Then I think your parents should have a talk with your cousin's parents. And you have a talk with your cousin. There is no reason why your cousin should be like this. I personally don't think it's very fair that you were banned because of the actions of someone else. Yet, it was your computer that was used. It is still your responsibility to protect your account. I have my password kept in my head. If you can't do that, then you need to make sure that passwords are kept in a totally different place. Maybe you should have taken it with you?
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