Want to earn $70 for 5 hours work every now and then to add to your Disney fund?

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Can you believe that I only handed out 12 samples of soymilk?? Only 12 brave souls wanted to try my soymilk. But got to love kids, kids will try any and everything. When I first got there I had to let my soup heat up in my ancient crockpot for like an hour so I tried to push soymilk. Well around that 5:30 hour on down it was really busy. The soup was a real hit.

I agree Friday night was a good fast shift. My walmart was out of chocolate so no real takers on plain soymilk.
New event listed: 10/29 Walmarts

3M Scotch Brite event & the instructions are there.

.....I had somewhere fun I wanted to go that day....but DH said "wouldn't you rather make money"..... ummmmm NO. I don't like doing cleaning products. I haven't decided yet. :rolleyes: jerk.....hehehehe
ldb1030 said:
Go to snagajob.com and see! That's how this thread got started!
good luck!

Thank you for the info. I will check it out. I do appreciate your help!! :)
Soup/Soy event.. didn't really start picking up until after 6 pm. Store is in a middle class suburb, everyone had to deal with traffic out of the city, pick up the rugrats and then scurry thru grocery store really fast to get home to feed the family.

Not many stopping for soup but I did give out over 50 samples of soy milk! Kids stopping and having the chocolate. Middle age women stopping to have both original and choclate because they had "never tried soy milk before".
Had two people switch and buy the 8th Continent instead of Silk soy milk based on sample and price.

I have a new crock pot.. one hour to heat up three cans of soup! Just as well, they only had 6 cans total of Chicken Noodle and none of the Chicken Rice w Vegetables in stock. Asked three different employees to please go look for more.. dairy stocker really tried to find a grocery side person without any luck (she also looked on her own and couldn't find extra product), two others told me "I don't do that", "we must be out" and walked away. Only used three cans and it lasted until 5:45, no one wanted soup. Progresso is not very popular here, kinda pricey compared to generic branded condensed soups when feeding a family.

Got an email about Sunday and the "high profile" AF sampler bar event.
Telling me to have LOD look for white MC logo box. I know my demo store has the bars , I saw boxes on Thursday in the demo area.. except mine were in regular brown boxes labled "AF Sampler Pack".
Hopefully they won't get lost by Sunday!
Brand new ST store, no demo captain, demo supply area is a DISASTER. Makes for a frustrating demo set up, all of us from MC/TMT laugh it off and make do with what we can find. :rolleyes:
Uh oh...I'm doing the AF sampler bar event. No one told me it was 'high profile'...I never got any e-mail and it's my first event!! I'm getting a little nervous now...
I don't see any difference between high and low profile events at the store. They don't seem to be treated any differently to me.
The ST I work at is less than a year old and I has a demo captain. They still can never find my kits. I truly hate when they send kits to stores :sad2: Then I am coming in 2 hours after everyone else. I am prepared for a disaster already.

Splash I picked up that one aswell, sounds like something my hubby would say. He keeps telling me I will have time off in April when the we go to Disney
The ST that I'm doing the event at on Sunday is brand new also. I hope they have their stuff together!!

Did anyone see the Target ad for next week? It says 15% off all Archer Farms products starting tomorrow. Can I mention that to help sell the snack bars? I don't see any reason why not.

Bren's Mom said:
Uh oh...I'm doing the AF sampler bar event. No one told me it was 'high profile'...I never got any e-mail and it's my first event!! I'm getting a little nervous now...

My DW and I also didn't get the E-mail. High profile mean really nothing... perhaps we get extra pay but that is about it.
No high profile email either. (spi)

When it's high profile, I just remember to brush my teeth & take a shower that day. :rotfl:

I'm KIDDING!!! :rotfl2:

Really, just dress as you should....and do a good job by knowing your script. :thumbsup2 I've notice no difference either in any high profile events -- other than sometimes you set up in a location that gets alot of traffic -- like near the front of the store instead of a food aisle.
Bren's Mom said:
The ST that I'm doing the event at on Sunday is brand new also. I hope they have their stuff together!!

Did anyone see the Target ad for next week? It says 15% off all Archer Farms products starting tomorrow. Can I mention that to help sell the snack bars? I don't see any reason why not.


You're learning already. :thumbsup2 Yes, that would be an awesome selling point. And thanks for the heads up. We don't get our flyer until Sunday.
I had another show-up, no product day, today. That's getting really annoying. Last night I did the soup and soymilk demo, but hardly anyone sampled either one. The soup sold well, though, because it was a good price (I reminded people as much as I could), and I sold a few soymilks, too. Tomorrow, Archer farms. I hope the kit's at the store. Then, I have NOTHING scheduled.

I missed my son score his first goal at soccer this season.
brivers222 said:
My DW and I also didn't get the E-mail. High profile mean really nothing... perhaps we get extra pay but that is about it.

I think Pepsi Jazz was "high profile", and I still got paid for a straight 4 hours. Nothing extra.
At my soup/soy event, I couldn't find the right flavor of soup. They didn't have either one on the shelf, not even an empty space for it. I was going to call, but remembered the response I rec'd for the Sara Lee event. So I just used other chicken flavors. I only sold 1 milk and I thought maybe 2-3 soups. Today I had to go to the same Walmart to get ink cartridges, so I went in the opposite side of the grocery and guess what was on display at THAT door... ....you guessed it... ....Progresso Soup!!!! And guess what flavors... ...Right, again!!! Chicken Noodle and Chicken w/ Rice!!!!
I wonder how many I would have sold if I was set up at that display by the door?
cynjam said:
At my soup/soy event, I couldn't find the right flavor of soup. They didn't have either one on the shelf, not even an empty space for it. I was going to call, but remembered the response I rec'd for the Sara Lee event. So I just used other chicken flavors. I only sold 1 milk and I thought maybe 2-3 soups. Today I had to go to the same Walmart to get ink cartridges, so I went in the opposite side of the grocery and guess what was on display at THAT door... ....you guessed it... ....Progresso Soup!!!! And guess what flavors... ...Right, again!!! Chicken Noodle and Chicken w/ Rice!!!!
I wonder how many I would have sold if I was set up at that display by the door?

I've had that happen at least twice....where I had looked & looked & was about ready to decide no product, when all of a sudden, bam, a full display in a strange place. :rolleyes:

Another time, customer pointed out where there was more after I told him I sold out.

And another event, I found more when walking the store at end of event. :rolleyes:
nbodyhome said:
I don't see any difference between high and low profile events at the store. They don't seem to be treated any differently to me.
I did get audited at Sara Lee and got a bonus for it. So it can happen I guess
Bren's Mom said:
The ST that I'm doing the event at on Sunday is brand new also. I hope they have their stuff together!!

Did anyone see the Target ad for next week? It says 15% off all Archer Farms products starting tomorrow. Can I mention that to help sell the snack bars? I don't see any reason why not.


If they are on sale, of course!
MaMa3Princess said:
I did get audited at Sara Lee and got a bonus for it. So it can happen I guess

I think you can be audited at any event - high/low, etc. I haven't noticed the events deemed "high profile" to otherwise be treated any differently. Not yet, anyway (and I've done 40 or so events now).
MaMa3Princess said:
I did get audited at Sara Lee and got a bonus for it. So it can happen I guess

Have you seen your name on the list of contest and bonus winners, yet? I noticed the list yesterday on the staying connected site. Down where the "free stuff" used to be. Too bad my name isn't listed. :sad1:
Just wanted to let you SPi people know that they posted a 5 hour 3M cleaning products event for a whole bunch of Walmart stores near me for 10/29. They were not listed there on Friday when I checked. I'm thrilled because prior to today the closest events were 30 miles away at a new Target. I snatched the 3M one up for the Walmart 3 miles away!! :thumbsup2
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