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Target question about tomorrows Snack Bar event.

My question is in the area of if we cannot locate the kit that was sent to the store with the product in it. It says to get 50 boxes from the shelf (from the Lead on Duty) & as we open & distrubute each one, to slash the UPC with a black marker.

OK, my store is a regular Target. Doesn't have a demo lead person like I've seen some of you mention at SuperTargets. So, I've guessing it will be the store manager that I'll be seeing about these 50 boxes if we can't find the kit.

I've seen some SuperTarget people here mention QMOS? Don't know what that is, but I'm guessing related to UPCs maybe? The event instructions don't say anything about QMOS...or for that matter why I'm marking a black slash on the UPC & what to do with them after. I know I'm not paying for the boxes I use because my debit card won't cover it.

So, can someone clue me in on the QMOS process in case this is something I need to know tomorrow.

When my directions were first issued, it stated SuperTarget everywhere & had a QMOS log attached. But when they revised the instructions on what to do about a missing kit, all the QMOS references were removed.

I guess I'm just wondering about the black slashed boxes & how I account for those.

I also understand I won't be slashing them all at first... in case I don't hand them all out....just slash as I open them.

And I'm bringing a table (cardboard trashcan, tableclothe, black sharpie, MC signage & allergy sign too) that I'll leave in the car in case kit is missing. Don't think they'll have one for me.

It sounds like I'm fully expecting them to not have my kit, doesn't it. :rotfl:

Yippee....no gloves for this event!!! :thumbsup2
SplshMtn99 Since yours is a reg Target I don't think you have to worry. The Qmos are at Super Target they seem to be logs where you enter the inventory taken from the selves. I have my first event at my Super Target in Nov. Mine have all converted.

The only time my target before the conversion Didn't have the kit was the Tassimo and they pulled the Choxies from the shelve themselves. They are very organized I love them. They always know I'm coming and why. :cool1:
Yesterday was a bit of a pain for me (in more ways than one!) I'd had dental surgery on Wednesday, and I started bruising yesterday morning (it looked like someone had beat me up!)

Other than that, I arrived and was supposed to have Aquafina Flavorsplash, baked Tostito Scoops, and Tostitos Picante. I couldn't find any Aquafina (I eventually got a 6 pack when the Pepsi guy came by). There was no picante. I asked the store manager what to do, and he thought that I should buy the salsa. So I did that - hopefully it's okay. At least there were enough baked Scoops to buy, though I sold out of them within a few hours. :)

Today I have to cook Chicken cordon blueu. Each two will take a half hour to cook, so it sounds like I'll be standing around a lot!
nbodyhome said:
Today I have to cook Chicken cordon blueu. Each two will take a half hour to cook, so it sounds like I'll be standing around a lot!
I'm doing that one in a couple of weeks, but no instructions yet. I'm interested in hearing how that one goes for you. Good luck.
SplshMtn99 said:
Target question about tomorrows Snack Bar event.

My question is in the area of if we cannot locate the kit that was sent to the store with the product in it. It says to get 50 boxes from the shelf (from the Lead on Duty) & as we open & distrubute each one, to slash the UPC with a black marker.

OK, my store is a regular Target. Doesn't have a demo lead person like I've seen some of you mention at SuperTargets. So, I've guessing it will be the store manager that I'll be seeing about these 50 boxes if we can't find the kit.

I've seen some SuperTarget people here mention QMOS? Don't know what that is, but I'm guessing related to UPCs maybe? The event instructions don't say anything about QMOS...or for that matter why I'm marking a black slash on the UPC & what to do with them after. I know I'm not paying for the boxes I use because my debit card won't cover it.

So, can someone clue me in on the QMOS process in case this is something I need to know tomorrow.

When my directions were first issued, it stated SuperTarget everywhere & had a QMOS log attached. But when they revised the instructions on what to do about a missing kit, all the QMOS references were removed.

I guess I'm just wondering about the black slashed boxes & how I account for those.

I also understand I won't be slashing them all at first... in case I don't hand them all out....just slash as I open them.

And I'm bringing a table (cardboard trashcan, tableclothe, black sharpie, MC signage & allergy sign too) that I'll leave in the car in case kit is missing. Don't think they'll have one for me.

It sounds like I'm fully expecting them to not have my kit, doesn't it. :rotfl:

Yippee....no gloves for this event!!! :thumbsup2

At my target they just took choxie off the shelf and recorded it as being used for Demo... You don't have to do a thing, it is all on them.

My DW and I are both doing this event.... unfortuantly not at the same store, but stores within 10 miles of each other so we can ride into work together :banana:

I am going to arrive at her store about 45 mins early to make sure they have everything and she is all set (her first event by herself and so far targets are 0-3 for having the kits) Then once she is good to go, I am going to put myself in overdrive and scoot on over to my store :thumbsup2
What a nice hubby you are brivers. :thumbsup2

Good luck everyone. I too am going a bit earlier than usual. Figuring I'll have to hunt down my kit. And possibly go back out to the car to get my table.

Thanks for all the QMOS info. :teeth:
SplshMtn99 said:
What a nice hubby you are brivers. :thumbsup2

Good luck everyone. I too am going a bit earlier than usual. Figuring I'll have to hunt down my kit. And possibly go back out to the car to get my table.

Thanks for all the QMOS info. :teeth:

So wait... does the kit include a table?
Hi all,

My first event was a bust! :guilty:

Arrived at the brand new insanely busy Target and they wanted nothing to do with me. If the kit was there I'll never know it...the manager refused to look for it, refused to locate a table for me, refused to assist in any way. Didn't know I was coming, didn't know about any demos and was too busy to talk. If I had a table I might have had a chance to do the demo with the shelf product but even that is iffy...I would have had to get him to sign off on the product and I doubt that would have happened.

I'm a little disappointed...I was looking forward to my first event!

I did my swipe in before I looked for the manager and after I talked to him I called the weekend person who was great. She said to get a signature, call the link # and report the event (or non-event as the case was) and to send in my paperwork and I'd get my $28. So that's what I did!

Hopefully my next one will be better...I will NOT leave the house without a table (I just plain forgot it this morning) and I think I'll call the day before if the kit is supposed to be at the store and see if they can track it down when it's not busy.

Hope everyone else fared better!

They had my kit! :rotfl: Only took about 10 minutes from arriving to having my kit. The manager that helped me has always been good. But today, when I tried to convince her to let me set up near the product aisle, instead of near Food Ave, she wouldn't allow it. In the past, she's let me do that because in this store, Food Ave is when people are LEAVING the store. She wasn't grumpy or anything, she just said that instructions specifically said Food Ave. Oh well.

So, I ran out of samples at 4:15. Only 8 boxes sold...but not because of me. They were probably going to buy them anyway. They only got my sample AFTER they checked out & RUNNING out the door. I really had to shorten my script because no one was stopping. Just take & keep walking. :rolleyes:

Last 45 minutes, I told her I was going to go stand near the product (without a table) & see if I could sell some. :rotfl2: And I did. LOL Just standing there in my apron & hat. Just 1 box....but hey!

On way home...I was thinking when I knew that I was running low, I should have opened the sample packs & started giving out just 1 bar like the alternate directions spoke about. I could have made them last till 5 pm that way. Oh well....next time.

At least I didn't have to walk the store to pick up any trash....they took it all outside with them. ;)

And I never needed to bring my table in. It was really nice to just walk in with hat & apron....and walk out with the same. I even threw away the table that came in todays kit because I've got a house full of them already.
Bren's Mom said:
Hi all,

My first event was a bust! :guilty:

Arrived at the brand new insanely busy Target and they wanted nothing to do with me. If the kit was there I'll never know it...the manager refused to look for it, refused to locate a table for me, refused to assist in any way. Didn't know I was coming, didn't know about any demos and was too busy to talk. If I had a table I might have had a chance to do the demo with the shelf product but even that is iffy...I would have had to get him to sign off on the product and I doubt that would have happened.

I'm a little disappointed...I was looking forward to my first event!

I did my swipe in before I looked for the manager and after I talked to him I called the weekend person who was great. She said to get a signature, call the link # and report the event (or non-event as the case was) and to send in my paperwork and I'd get my $28. So that's what I did!

Hopefully my next one will be better...I will NOT leave the house without a table (I just plain forgot it this morning) and I think I'll call the day before if the kit is supposed to be at the store and see if they can track it down when it's not busy.

Hope everyone else fared better!


Bren's Mom, that's too bad. :guilty: Hopefully your next one will go better. I sooooo wanted to call Target ahead also, but remembered from the Tassimo event that it said NOT to call Target.... I guess they don't like that. :confused3

That manager sounds like what I would expect from some Walmart managers....not Target. Maybe just too much for him/her to handle it sounds. They've got to learn to delegate if they can't handle it. ;)

Better luck next time. And look, you finished your first event. :thumbsup2 Next one will be your 2nd. lol
My snack bar event was awful! I arrived at 12:30 and by 2:00 they still hadn't located my kit. The very nice manager looked and looked but no luck. So I had to proceed without it. They found me a table and set me up by the back door-not in the food avenue/snack bar area but that was fine by me. She then pulled 6 boxes of 6 snack bars off the shelf for me to give away. I had 36 samples for 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, those where gone in a blink and I had to stand there for over 2 hours with nothing to give away. People looked at me like I was insane. I felt like such a dork. No one wanted to listen to my little snack bar speech. It was the longest day ever. :rolleyes1

Next week I have to go back to the same store for the Tums. She suggested I call ahead so they can locate the box before I arrive.
I think I'll stick with Walmart from now on. I like having the kit shipped directly to me.
SplshMtn99 said:
On way home...I was thinking when I knew that I was running low, I should have opened the sample packs & started giving out just 1 bar like the alternate directions spoke about. I could have made them last till 5 pm that way. Oh well....next time.

That's what I ended up doing... almost all of my cases had been dropped on its end so the samples on that end were crushed.. so I immediately started dumping the single bars from the crushed boxes into a basket behind the table, that gave me about 100+ bars, when I ran out of boxes 2 hrs in, I started just giving away single bars... it was tough but I got through those last 2 hrs! People are just plain greedy!! there were times when it was like a mob scene around my table & what people will do to scam you out of extras is ridiculous!!!
Did anyones else sample boxes have TAPE issues?! I was retaping almost all of them & sure enough someone wanted to exchange one of the boxes I handed out because the tape had popped up & "You just never know"... I even showed her a just opened case with the tape issue... instead of accepting it she actually searched through the case to pick one out that was completely closed :rolleyes:
cynjam said:
Have you seen your name on the list of contest and bonus winners, yet? I noticed the list yesterday on the staying connected site. Down where the "free stuff" used to be. Too bad my name isn't listed. :sad1:

No, I did not see my name but I did get a 20.00 bonus for Sara Lee. She did not take pictures, I cannot believe that B.Rivers never got a pic bonus, someone needs to come to Michigan and take a look at his demo table :wizard:
ok idiot me did not read my instructions, nor did I print them out. I was in a hurry and just went with my Store report form. Well I get there they found one case of sample paks. Well, I am chopping up bars into three and handing them out this way. A manager comes to me and say that I have like 5 more boxes of sample in the back and how am I going to get rid of them. We finally figure out that we have to give the whole sample pack away!!DUh!! But I still opened them up and gave taste samples along with sample pacs. Because of how I did the demo for the first 2 hours I had plenty left by 5:00pm. The Demo captain still continued to demo stuff after I left. So the morale of the story for me is to read all directions, no matter how good I think I understand demos. And yes people are greedy. You would think that people won 1 million dollars the way that they were acting over this sample kit.
OMG, yes, my boxes had tape issues too. I was taping boxes closed too. And only had 4 crushed boxes.

I had some people wanted a box for everyone in the family. :rolleyes: I had to say, sorry, one box per family because I KNEW I would run out.

And then I had a bunch of teens who kept coming back telling me I hadn't given them any.....I KNEW I DID. :mad: Then, well, my friend wants one. Fine, have your friend come here. Then I seriously thought they were going to grab a bunch & run out the door. NEVER had anything like that before -- EVER!!!! :crazy:

I mean, geesh, these samples were GENEROUS compared to what we usually give out...and everyone still wanted MORE. :sad2: :guilty: :rolleyes: :crazy:
I'll probably hate myself in the morning, but we decided to cancel our trip for Thurs - Sat to Philly. :guilty:

So, I just booked the Sat 10/21 TUMS event for store I was at today. I looks like the kits will be coming to us. Wonder if I'll get one since I just booked it.

Fingers crossed.
We we arrived at my DW's target at about 12:15 to get her set up. They had know idea what they were doing and either didn't want to try to find the kit or table or anything... They may or may not of received but I am skeptical about it.

She ended up having the LOD Requistion several billion of them to sample

The Archer farm poster is MINE that I brought when I came back to pick her up after my event ;)


I got to my store and OMG!!! they had my kit and 8 boxes of sample trio.... holy hell! I ended up passing out all 400 samples in about 3hours. Then I talked to the LOD to ask about requisitioning more Peanut Butter/chocolate bars to pass out for the remaining hour... She told me it was alright, I did fine, I could go home.... Well damn! I called SPI weekend and told them that I was being let go early not because I did anything wrong but because we ran out of samples. They told me that was alright and that I could go... I asked them about pay and they said they will document my file. I had the LOD make on my report form that they let me go because we ran out of samples. I got to pick up jeni early so that is why she has my archer farms poster.


MaMa3Princess said:
No, I did not see my name but I did get a 20.00 bonus for Sara Lee. She did not take pictures, I cannot believe that B.Rivers never got a pic bonus, someone needs to come to Michigan and take a look at his demo table :wizard:

Why thank you :thumbsup2

I was noticing though... those events were all before I started doing this, so there is still hope :banana:
Ah......picture of Mrs Rivers. :teeth: Cute couple you two make. :thumbsup2

Lucky dog...you got to go home early, while I stood there looking like a dork holding boxes for 30 minutes (without my table by this point). I actually had a lady tell me "I'm not interested in hearing it". :crazy: :rotfl2: Fine because I don't have a sample to give you anyway. (insert smiley sticking out tongue here)
SplshMtn99 said:
Ah......picture of Mrs Rivers. :teeth: Cute couple you too make. :thumbsup2

Lucky dog...you got to go home early, while I stood there looking like a dork holding boxes for 30 minutes (without my table by this point). I actually had a lady tell me "I'm not interested in hearing it". :crazy: :rotfl2: Fine because I don't have a sample to give you anyway. (insert smiley sticking out tongue here)


That is priceless... I don't want to hear it. You should of said, "Well I don't really want to tell you about it, but here I am...and here you are" :smokin:

Yep, finally got a picture of her in action. Almost didn't think I would, but I got out early.

You may have been bored the entire time, but I am hoping that SPi will still pay me for the entire 4 hours after I left 1 hour before :wizard:
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