What are the weirdest complaints you have heard in WDW?

we were walking around MK during PM EMH and there was this couple trying to get on POTC. The CM asked to see their wristbands and they showed them these little white paper wrist bands and the CM said thats not the wrist band, you need to go over there and get one. They argueed thats where they got it and the other CM must have given them the wrong one! We just laughed and went on the ride...
I always find it unusual when people complain about walking. I always want to respond with "What'd you expect? :confused3 "

I hear this complaint daily while in WDW and I cannot understand all of the complaining about walking. Maybe they thought there was going to be a trolly. :laughing:
Not exactly a compliant, but I got a look that could of killed of an old woman in Epcot's medical parking. She was in a wheel chair and was about to get into a van as I ran past to our car to get our coats. I could see by the look on her face she was ready to snap about people abusing medical parking. I was going to stop and point out that not everyone in the car has to be disabled, in our case it is DW, but couldn't be bothered. I just gave her a smile as I ran back toward the park.;)
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. That "sting" hit me right on a rib bone and it hurt! I will still see the show and I didn't complain about it but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Now I know to lean the other way next time.

I don't mean anything bad here but I am having trouble understanding how a mechanism that is placed to only touch one's (how can I say this eloquently) lower posterior hit someone in the ribs unless you are lying down on the seats. Maybe I am just forgetting the exact location that I have felt it but it seems to me to be much lower.

:confused3 :confused3
I was in Fantasmic, and a guy behind me was complaining to his family that he didn't come all the way from England to wait 30 minutes for a show. I felt like turning around and ask him how long the wait was for Fantasmic in England. Some people are really impatient.

You are describing my father, who was terminally self-absorbed. When we went to WDW in 1972 we didn't go on most of the rides because my father refused to wait in a line. (Yes, we did miss out on a lot of good stuff as kids. He also left every movie before the end because he refused to be in a line to get out.) I can laugh about it now (almost), but at the time going all the way to WDW and then being dragged past rides because my father refused to stand in line was pretty devastating.
A few good ones:

Last July 4th: "The crowds are just insane! We'll come back at Christmas when there won't be anyone here!"

Then there was the guest who demanded to know where the MK exit was. After giving the guest directions, he said, "No, I know the entire park is on a giant turntable. I want to know where the exit is right now." No matter what we told him, he insisted he knew the "truth" and couldn't understand why we were "lying" to him. A manager was called, who also tried (unsuccessfully) to convince the guest that the park was not on a turntable. Finally, the manager threw up his hands and said "You know what, sir? You caught us. You're right, the park really *is* on a giant turntable. Right now, the exit is at the end of Main Street, USA. If you hurry you can make it before it moves."

My all-time favorite story involved a female guest who stormed into the Grand Floridian one night and, pointing at Seven Seas lagoon, demanded to know why Disney had chosen to flood the parking lot (!), and how would they be reimbursing her for her car?
A few good ones:

Last July 4th: "The crowds are just insane! We'll come back at Christmas when there won't be anyone here!"

Then there was the guest who demanded to know where the MK exit was. After giving the guest directions, he said, "No, I know the entire park is on a giant turntable. I want to know where the exit is right now." No matter what we told him, he insisted he knew the "truth" and couldn't understand why we were "lying" to him. A manager was called, who also tried (unsuccessfully) to convince the guest that the park was not on a turntable. Finally, the manager threw up his hands and said "You know what, sir? You caught us. You're right, the park really *is* on a giant turntable. Right now, the exit is at the end of Main Street, USA. If you hurry you can make it before it moves."

My all-time favorite story involved a female guest who stormed into the Grand Floridian one night and, pointing at Seven Seas lagoon, demanded to know why Disney had chosen to flood the parking lot (!), and how would they be reimbursing her for her car?

Okay, I'm WAAAAY off-topic here, but I just read your signature (even though I've seen your posts before). I am truly falling off my chair laughing!
You are describing my father, who was terminally self-absorbed. When we went to WDW in 1972 we didn't go on most of the rides because my father refused to wait in a line. (Yes, we did miss out on a lot of good stuff as kids. He also left every movie before the end because he refused to be in a line to get out.) I can laugh about it now (almost), but at the time going all the way to WDW and then being dragged past rides because my father refused to stand in line was pretty devastating.

I like your expression "terminally self-absorbed". My DM and DMIL were waiting in line at Jungle Cruise, and all my DMIL could do was complain about the long lineup. Over and over. Finally the gentleman waiting in line behind them got tired of hearing her, and said "Oh, lady, this isn't the lineup for the Jungle Cruise. This is the lineup for the washroom!":rotfl: ;) My DMIL believed him and complained even more:rotfl2:
in front of mission:space, i saw a man yelling at a cm because his sonwas not tall enough to ride. the cm was firm, and turned them away... the man proceeded to stand in front of the ride and scream at his SON for not being taller!! he yelled that he'd spent all this money to come, only to find that his kid couldn't ride. then his wife came over and started screaming back at him. the poor kid just sat on the ground. what a fun vacation, huh?:confused:

My wife ran into a similar parent one time while using the restroom. She heard a mother YELL LOUDLY at her kid because she had to go poop. The mother said "Your father and I are spending thousand's of dollars on this trip and we have to take time to let you go poop. From now on you better make sure that you go at the hotel because we are not going to miss out on the rides so you can poop whenever you want!"

We felt so sorry for the little girl!
We were doing laundry at BCV when an older couple (probably 60s) from NJ came in to do their laundry too. They were very nice and all but complained that they were never coming back to Disney World because "Mickey Mouse is EVERYWHERE."

My DH and I just looked at each other. You know, I never would've expected to see Mickey Mouse there.;)
My wife ran into a similar parent one time while using the restroom. She heard a mother YELL LOUDLY at her kid because she had to go poop. The mother said "Your father and I are spending thousand's of dollars on this trip and we have to take time to let you go poop. From now on you better make sure that you go at the hotel because we are not going to miss out on the rides so you can poop whenever you want!"

We felt so sorry for the little girl!

WOW! Some people are totally insane and should be locked up! Madness. :scared1:
1. We were at Trails End and this one guy was reaming his kid because he was eating crispy bacon with his hands. I bet it was a loooooong day for hat poor kid. I can just see it now- Sto eating your ice cream cone with your tongue! Use a spoon dammit!"

2. At Hoop Dee Doo a dad kept yelling at his kid to not make so much noise. He was "ruining" the filming of the show. My friends and I (who were sitting right next to them), being the passive aggressive people we are, made twice as much "hootin and hollerin" than we normally would. I really was kind of sad b/c the kid was about 16-17 and was just starting to get into the show and getting over the "I'm too cool to be at wdw w/ my family" thing.
Not from WDW, but when I was in Disneyland Paris last November on a coachtrip, one of the women in the party was complaining that the lines for the rides were too long. They were the shortest lines I'd ever seen at a Disney theme park (about 15-20 minutes for Space Mountain) :rotfl:
We were riding back from one of the parks. This girl tapped me on the shoulder and told my pony tail was bouncing in her face. I thought big deal, the bus is crowded, we were standing, but I did try to keep my head still. She tapped me again and said, it's still bouncing in my face. I didn't mean to be rude, but what did she expect me to do. I told her to turn her face the other way.
My DM is a seater at Artist Point. She cracks us up with all the stories of people who come in with ADR's and say to her. Can you please make sure that we are not seated near any children?:eek: DOn't they know they are at WDW and most of the people there are children:confused3
A few good ones:

Last July 4th: "The crowds are just insane! We'll come back at Christmas when there won't be anyone here!"

Then there was the guest who demanded to know where the MK exit was. After giving the guest directions, he said, "No, I know the entire park is on a giant turntable. I want to know where the exit is right now." No matter what we told him, he insisted he knew the "truth" and couldn't understand why we were "lying" to him. A manager was called, who also tried (unsuccessfully) to convince the guest that the park was not on a turntable. Finally, the manager threw up his hands and said "You know what, sir? You caught us. You're right, the park really *is* on a giant turntable. Right now, the exit is at the end of Main Street, USA. If you hurry you can make it before it moves."
My all-time favorite story involved a female guest who stormed into the Grand Floridian one night and, pointing at Seven Seas lagoon, demanded to know why Disney had chosen to flood the parking lot (!), and how would they be reimbursing her for her car?

:rotfl2: :lmao:


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