What East Coast State do You Live In.... Or Other.

Starting from Forida up (on the coast) ... What state do you live in.

  • Florida

  • Georgia

  • South Carolina

  • North Carolina

  • Virginia

  • Maryland

  • Delaware

  • New Jersey

  • Rhode Island

  • New York

  • Connecticut

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
We did come first and were here alone for a long while. Just like kids, its hard for a one-time "only child" to share things with our new, younger siblings :)

Seriously, I think its nothing more than a limitation of the software, not to intentionally leave anyone out. I would have expected more South Carolinians in the poll so far but it looks like we are in the minority.

LOL, well did you REALLY come first??? What about the Vikings??? The Kensington Ruinstone says we were here a bit longer. I hope you all realize I am posting these things in jest. Well, some of it anyway. I really did live in NY for 4 years, and we really did think there was a flyover land mentality when we were there.
LOL, well did you REALLY come first??? What about the Vikings??? The Kensington Ruinstone says we were here a bit longer.

So true, I'm sure the Native Americans would have something to say about it too :)

I love WI, without it we wouldn't have That 70's Show!
Guess I should be grateful CT made the poll, but what about the rest of New England? We have a lot of Colonial pride here and that's not all coming from the Commonwealth of MA. RI, NH, ME are all coastal, and I'm sure there are DVCers in VT too:lmao:

I understand there weren't enough options, but maybe New England should be lumped together.

Well... like always I have managed to piss-off some people. I am sure (now) you are right... Unfortunately... I could only choose 12 possibilities...

So what is New England...? what states are included? I worked my way up from Florida. Pennsylvania is pretty pissed with me too. Even though they don't have any coastline... Seriously... I am interested to know what New England states are happy to be a part of "New England". I am from Virginia and don't really know what "New England" really is...
Damn... I want to be where you are going....

You do know the difference between a Yankee and a damn Yankee don't you?

I do ... as a Pennsylvanian who has moved to NC I can share this with you as I live it ...

Damn Yankees don't go home:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Well... like always I have managed to piss-off some people. I am sure (now) you are right... Unfortunately... I could only choose 12 possibilities...

So what is New England...? what states are included? I worked my way up from Florida. Pennsylvania is pretty pissed with me too. Even though they don't have any coastline... Seriously... I am interested to know what New England states are happy to be a part of "New England". I am from Virginia and don't really know what "New England" really is...

The New England states consist of Maine, NH, Mass, RI, and Conn.

The mid-Atlantic states are NY, NJ, and PA. :teacher:
You do know the difference between a Yankee and a damn Yankee don't you?

I do ... as a Pennsylvanian who has moved to NC I can share this with you as I live it ...

Damn Yankees don't go home:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Truly not sure what a damn Yankee is... but I am a damn tree hugging liberal... who is willing to fight...
NCer here...Tarheel born and Tarheel bred, and when I die I will be a Tarheel dead;) (Borrowed from a UNC fight song) Im really a NC State Wolfpacker at heart

Ha! This is funny, because we used to sing, "Rhode Island born and Rhode Island bred, and when I die I'll be Rhode Island dead!" To us Rhody Rams, it's the URI fight song! :lmao: Just goes to show there's no such thing as an original idea anymore!:laughing:

If you couldn't guess, checking in from the 'Biggest Little State in the Union' (any RI'ers remember that ad campaign from the 70's or 80's?)..
I live in Virginia... what is that... Don't tell me south....!

Yes, I think you are considered part of the South from a historical standpoint (Civil War, Mason-Dixon line, etc). I've always viewed Virginia as the northernmost Southern state.
I grew up in NY recntly moved to NJ and we had a house in PA that we used on weekends and summer when we lived in NY.
almost forgot Still work in NY
I guess Mid Atlantic fits me fine


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