What Happens on a Disney Cruise, Stays on a Disney Cruise? Right? Complete! 4/3/07!

What was that noise?

Why is someone playing church bells at this hour?

I awoke from the middle of some strange dream about CM Ian wearing a wench's costume and stripping at the Goofy Pool deck to this paranoia that we had just missed the start of Mass. Uh oh!

Well, we were missing Mass. Somewhere someplace in the world, someone was conducting Mass.

But we were on the Disney Wonder and someone important was on the telephone.

I answered it, thinking it must be terribly important for someone to call in the middle of the night.

It was Mickey. He was ridiculously cheerful on the phone demanding us to get up and get going. Bah!

I hung up the handset and rolled over.

Just as I drifted off, the pounding started.

Now, I did have a slight headache from the Bahama Mamas at Wave Bands the evening before. So I tried to ignore it.

The pounding went on.

I suddenly remembered the pounding from the morning before and room service!

Why did we sleep through the buzzer/doorbell?

Why was I the only one who could hear the pounding on the door? DH and the kids didn't budge!

I leaped out of bed and flung open the door showing the room server my wares.

Or did I?

Had you going there for a bit, huh?

No! I covered the elephant trunk legs and Tedonkedonk behind in sweatpants and answered the door.

This time it was a lady CM bearing that tray of room service goodies! See? I didn't need to get dressed after all!

OK, I did. Sensitivity to the delicate nature of the average person's gastrointestinal system to the horrors of my disfigured nether regions.

She placed the tray out on the verandah table. Smart lady. She just knew that people with a view like that would eat room service out there. It did mean she had to climb over sleeping DD in the Murphy bed, but she did it!

I handed her a big tip! What a cool lady!

DH decided to awaken after the work was done (notice a trend here??? Hhhmmm??) and join me on the verandah.

We were pulling into Castaway Cay! Wow!!

Check it out!!!








Standing on that verandah, sipping coffee and watching the Wonder back into Castaway Cay so smoothly and gracefully was most definitely an incredibly exciting event.

I cried and cried at the beauty of her.
The we saw the Flying Dutchman!


the Post Office


The Castaway Cay CMs helping to bring the Wonder in (think "Heigh Ho Heigh Ho song while looking.....)



and one more view of the Flying Dutchman, wow!!


We made the kids get up and come see!

They were jumping up and down with excitement!

I quickly grabbed the beach bag I'd packed in my luggage and stuffed our snorkeling gear inside, as well as extra sunscreen, then hopped a shower loading my very wet hair with conditioner and not rinsing it out.

22. Ladies (and long tressed pirate gents)! Wet your hair and slather on conditioner. Don't rinse! The damp hair with the conditioner keeps the salt water from damaging your hair. If your conditioner has sunscreen in it it also helps protect your hair from the rays of the sun.
My DD and I tried this for the first time for Castaway Cay. When we showered after, our hair felt terrific! No snarls and no fried ends!:beach::boat::sunny:

Next Up! Life's a beach! :sunny:
Your story is keeping my husband on his computer all day and all night.....he's constantly checking for the next part of your story! He's addicted! You make him laugh out loud while reading! Keep it coming!
We are looking forward to our cruise on May 5th.
The Dworzak Family....

BethRudy-May 5th?? But that's just around the corner!

May I tag along?

I have decided that once we get settled in Florida, I want to meet a bunch of Florida DISsers to go on last minute Disney cruises with.

Oh the places we'd go! The things we'd see! The trip reports we could write! Let the wild rumpus begin!:dance3:
LOOOOOOVVVVVE your report!!! Cant wait for the next installment!!
Wait... There's an extra Glutton in a hard hat in that Picture!!!
I have to subscribe to this! I have spent the past two hours completely reading your TR.... I have cried, laughed out loud (causing my DH to ask if I was OK.... and by the way, just what exactly are you looking at over there on that computer....:rolleyes1).
I then read him the part about the green vomit at the restaurant.... he was laughing too..... we have also had some unfortunate vomit experiences in our family.
It's amazing how everyone feels SO MUCH BETTER at that point... until they get a wiff of themselves....:scared:
I now want to go on a Disney cruise... that settles it... I want to have a cat. 5 stateroom and a man making me towel animals and bringing me mints.
The price has sort of scared me off however I am thinking that it is so worth it. We've been on a RCL cruise (7 day eastern) and it was a total blast. However, Hawaii is our MOST FAVORITE vacation spot.... we have two weeks there through the Westin timeshare organization....
anyhoo... enough about me..... why aren't you up at this hour of the night writing.... maybe because, oh never mind:thumbsup2
YUP!!! Just around the corner! :banana: We are getting very excited, but I am also getting a bit nervous. Since this is our FIRST ever cruise, I am beginning to wonder who will get sick and how long it'll last? :sick: I heard that your DH was sick. Was it motion sickness?? What did he do for it? We are thinking about buying some sea-bands for the 4 of us JUST IN CASE! Also bringing along some kind of motion sickness meds! Any suggestions?? The ages of the kids are DD alomost 10 and DS is 7 1/2.
Love reading your story.....looking forward to your next chapter.......:yay:
The Dworzak Family from Montreal, Quebec, Canada!:flower3:

BethRudy-May 5th?? But that's just around the corner!

May I tag along?

I have decided that once we get settled in Florida, I want to meet a bunch of Florida DISsers to go on last minute Disney cruises with.

Oh the places we'd go! The things we'd see! The trip reports we could write! Let the wild rumpus begin!:dance3:
tinkerbell87512- Before the cruise, I didn't put much thought into the shows. They were a delightful surprise and we are very happy we went to see those fantastic shows.

Castaway Cay alone is reason enough to go on a Disney Cruise. I wish DVC would build villas there over the water (like you see in Fiji) where members could go stay for a week at a time.

Ooohhh or for the Disney Dream Team to give away a week's stay at Castaway Cay!!! Could you just imagine???

If we ever do a cruise to Nassau again, we'll either book an excursion or enjoy staying on the ship. Being pestered like we were was such a drag.

Haha thats one thing disney hasnt sucked me into yet is the DVC. I would love love love to buy into that but me being only 19 would cause for some money problems. I want to find out more about it for the future but going up to the DVC booth at WDW would look kinda funny with no intentions to buy right then. oh well.

But that would be wonderful for the Dream team to give away a week at Castaway Cay! I think I would be on :cloud9: . lol

I will have to look at the excursions for Nassau and see which I may want to choose. Im going on the cruise with my best friend and her boy friend so us girls may go to the spa that day. Then they can meet back up and I can explore the ship. But we have plenty of time to plan. :surfweb:

I can tell already just by looking at your pictures that I'm going to fall in love with Castaway Cay and so far you have only posted the dock and the Flying Duchman. It looks so beautiful. Hmmm maybe I should look into switching my cruise from the 3 night to the 4 night with 2 stops at CC. hmmm oh boy :rolleyes:
Thank you so much for posting this over on the Trip Board! I never would have, ever would have come over here and found it...that is...had you not posted it.

I am supposed to be writing my own TR, but I have been over here for the last 2 hours reading yours...well worth it!

It has been a real pleasure reading about your wonderful trip. I love that you took so many great pictures! I feel like I am there!

We are looking into a cruise for next Jan. and have been going back and forth with the cost :scared1: of a 7 day, cat. 6 or better. Maybe a 4 day would sufice...?:confused3

What was your favorite part of the cruise?

p.s. I love the elephant legs comments... I too have them...oh well...:flower3:
Love your tip #22! And loving this report. I'm on the May 5th cruise with Bethrudy! I'd love you to tag along too. Wouldn't be fair to DS though as we told him we couldn't afford to bring his DGF with him!

Off to get a mammogram. UGH! Hoping to come back to another segment of your report this afternoon! (ok, it's saturday...you can take the day off if you want!)
LOOOOOOVVVVVE your report!!! Cant wait for the next installment!!

Joann- I've been working on it.

I keep getting distracted reading other people's trip reports

and last night's Aug 2008 Repo Chat, very interesting INDEEDY ya know!
Wait... There's an extra Glutton in a hard hat in that Picture!!!

Tink rules- Oh? That Glutton slept in the extra large stateroom closet.

He came out of the closet for Castaway Cay, which he said was very friendly for coming out of the closet
I have to subscribe to this! I have spent the past two hours completely reading your TR.... I have cried, laughed out loud (causing my DH to ask if I was OK.... and by the way, just what exactly are you looking at over there on that computer....:rolleyes1).
I then read him the part about the green vomit at the restaurant.... he was laughing too..... we have also had some unfortunate vomit experiences in our family.
It's amazing how everyone feels SO MUCH BETTER at that point... until they get a wiff of themselves....:scared:
I now want to go on a Disney cruise... that settles it... I want to have a cat. 5 stateroom and a man making me towel animals and bringing me mints.
The price has sort of scared me off however I am thinking that it is so worth it. We've been on a RCL cruise (7 day eastern) and it was a total blast. However, Hawaii is our MOST FAVORITE vacation spot.... we have two weeks there through the Westin timeshare organization....
anyhoo... enough about me..... why aren't you up at this hour of the night writing.... maybe because, oh never mind:thumbsup2

B&Lmom- You have to go on a Disney cruise! I usually obsess over how I could have gotten something cheaper, but the Disney cruise definitely did not evoke that response from me.

So, sending my kids to college or taking them on DIsney cruises.

I'm contemplating that dilemna here.

Isn't it funny how barf can turn into a great leveler for vacations? Once you barf or have an accidental bladder or bowel leakage event, nothing really seems to upset you anymore.:teacher:
YUP!!! Just around the corner! :banana: We are getting very excited, but I am also getting a bit nervous. Since this is our FIRST ever cruise, I am beginning to wonder who will get sick and how long it'll last? :sick: I heard that your DH was sick. Was it motion sickness?? What did he do for it? We are thinking about buying some sea-bands for the 4 of us JUST IN CASE! Also bringing along some kind of motion sickness meds! Any suggestions?? The ages of the kids are DD alomost 10 and DS is 7 1/2.
Love reading your story.....looking forward to your next chapter.......:yay:
The Dworzak Family from Montreal, Quebec, Canada!:flower3:

BethRudy- Montreal?? You're form Montreal?

Get out!

No, don't leave

DH and I lived in Plattsburgh (its ok, everyone spits a little when they say that), New York for about three years and visited Montreal.

This was late 1980's, early 1990's----ish.

I'd try to lie, but I mistakenly fessed up my true age in the first post.

What a terrific place to visit.

No, we didn't go during the winter.

Gravy on French Fries? Oh yeah!

DH had a big seasickness event on a catamaran ride up the Na Pali coast of Kauai this past Fall.

I was so proud of him. While he did fight the good fight, he was amazing once he let the puke fly!

He grabbed the back rail of the boat and went for distance.

Fish were leaping out of the water for a snack...

The captain and crew actually applauded.

So DH has a bit of a history now.

Ask your physician for something for seasickness if you have a history of it. I think my DH is trying to mark the four corners of the planet with hurl. Some macho macho man thing perhaps? Like a puppy with a fire hydrant?

He wouldn't ask for medicine.

He didn't refill the Dramamine.:lmao:

He refused to supplement with ginger or Bonine for a week before the trip.

Not that I would have said "I told you so" or anything like that.....

The kids and I didn't get seasick:woohoo:

One of us DID some hurling, but it wasn't seasickness provoked.....:confused3

Pics from Kauai's Na Pali coast:
the catamaran we went on

Spinner dolphins coming for lunch.....

King Kong

Pacific Green Sea Turtle

Sea Cave
Haha thats one thing disney hasnt sucked me into yet is the DVC. I would love love love to buy into that but me being only 19 would cause for some money problems. I want to find out more about it for the future but going up to the DVC booth at WDW would look kinda funny with no intentions to buy right then. oh well.

But that would be wonderful for the Dream team to give away a week at Castaway Cay! I think I would be on :cloud9: . lol

I will have to look at the excursions for Nassau and see which I may want to choose. Im going on the cruise with my best friend and her boy friend so us girls may go to the spa that day. Then they can meet back up and I can explore the ship. But we have plenty of time to plan. :surfweb:

I can tell already just by looking at your pictures that I'm going to fall in love with Castaway Cay and so far you have only posted the dock and the Flying Duchman. It looks so beautiful. Hmmm maybe I should look into switching my cruise from the 3 night to the 4 night with 2 stops at CC. hmmm oh boy :rolleyes:

tinkerbell87512- If you go to Disney every year the DVC is supposed to pay for itself withing 4 or 5 years. We'll see.

Three nights on a Disney ship just isn't enough.

Spa day? That sounds great!!!
Thank you so much for posting this over on the Trip Board! I never would have, ever would have come over here and found it...that is...had you not posted it.

I am supposed to be writing my own TR, but I have been over here for the last 2 hours reading yours...well worth it!

It has been a real pleasure reading about your wonderful trip. I love that you took so many great pictures! I feel like I am there!

We are looking into a cruise for next Jan. and have been going back and forth with the cost :scared1: of a 7 day, cat. 6 or better. Maybe a 4 day would sufice...?:confused3

What was your favorite part of the cruise?

p.s. I love the elephant legs comments... I too have them...oh well...:flower3:

princessjv- Thanks for coming over to read my trippie!!

Favorite part? No doubt about it, Castaway Cay. Disney did that one RIGHT

I've been turning down colorng my roots, fat free, sugar free frappacinos, trips to Barnes and Noble, and groceries so I can book another cruise before Oct 2008.

Oh yeah, they're THAT good!

The elephant legs thing... have you noticed it doesn't seem so bad on a woman who is 80?

But if you're younger and still wanna look a little HOT, they're a drag to work around/with?

Silly elephant legs.:confused:
Tink rules- Oh? That Glutton slept in the extra large stateroom closet.

He came out of the closet for Castaway Cay, which he said was very friendly for coming out of the closet

Stowaway!!! No wonder you ordered room service!!!
Love your tip #22! And loving this report. I'm on the May 5th cruise with Bethrudy! I'd love you to tag along too. Wouldn't be fair to DS though as we told him we couldn't afford to bring his DGF with him!

Off to get a mammogram. UGH! Hoping to come back to another segment of your report this afternoon! (ok, it's saturday...you can take the day off if you want!)

pppiglet- You get to cruise with BethRudy?? And her hubby?

OK, I have a mission for you.

Snap an embarassing picture of him and threaten to send it to ME to post if he doesn't rebook for Oct 2008 while still onboard

Then make him rebook for a cabin right next to the one you'll rebook for the same cruise.

Got it?

If you do, I'll lend you my hair conditioner before our Castaway Cay double dips.....

Ssshhhh and don't tell BethRudy's hubby about our plan, k?pirate:
Off to get a mammogram. UGH! Hoping to come back to another segment of your report this afternoon! (ok, it's saturday...you can take the day off if you want!)

Oh, didn't see this part.

Sorry about the old squisherooni

I think :banana: men should have to have those too!
princessjv- Thanks for coming over to read my trippie!!

Favorite part? No doubt about it, Castaway Cay. Disney did that one RIGHT

I've been turning down colorng my roots, fat free, sugar free frappacinos, trips to Barnes and Noble, and groceries so I can book another cruise before Oct 2008.

Oh yeah, they're THAT good!

The elephant legs thing... have you noticed it doesn't seem so bad on a woman who is 80?

But if you're younger and still wanna look a little HOT, they're a drag to work around/with?

Silly elephant legs.:confused:

PLEASE... as a fellow rootsie... COLOR THE ROOTS!!!

Just eliminate something else... like lunch or something....

You lived upstate???? So do I!!! Well, now I do... Originally from Jersey... which probably explains alot... were you at the base up there? We have the 109th in our back yard... they are the crew that flies to Antartica, so they are the only ones out in a snowstorm...flying no less...


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