What is your opinion on the United Kingdom?

My mom drove me. To go home, I'd take a school bus that took me to my sister's school and my mom drove us home from there.

In middle and high school, I walked home, but I couldn't get up early enough to walk to school on time most days, and my mom had to drop off my sister in the same area anyway (she used a wheelchair) so I still got a ride from her.
Walked across the street to the bus stop in elementary school. Rode with neighbor who was a teacher in junior high. Walked first 2 years and then drove once I had my driver’s license to high school.
Walked, because it was it was the next street over. We cut through two yards and we were there.

High school I also walked because it only took 15 minutes approx. stopped and picked up three friends along the way.
The school or public bus for most of grade school and jhs.
Loved school, hated the bus, and would have preferred to walk.
First elementary school walk and second bus as I changed schools in grade 4. High school definitely bus as it was to a different town about a 25 minutes drive.
Grammar school walked (private school) but only 3-4 blocks away. High School (also private so no transportation) I walked to the subway, then it was about a half hour ride and then about a 10-15 minute walk.
My uncle was a commercial fisherman in Alaska.

My dad was an enforcer for an outlaw biker club.

My cousin was a translator for the US Army.

They all had great stories to tell.
Elementary school mostly rode the bus, but walked and road my bike too. Odd we had a bus as school was less than a mile from home.
Junior High School, my mom dropped me off, and I walked home or sometimes rode my bike. No bus available. 2 miles from home
High School, mostly bus, but did ride my bike, and once in while, walked, 3 miles from home. Senior year I had my own car so drove.
A distant cousin was former Gov of Washington. I am close with his children.

I have a cousin who is an actress. And one who is former principal dancer with Pennsylvania Ballet.

In my immediate circle, I’d say my stepfather who was an officer on a cruise ship or my grandfather who was career Army and former commander of the Presidio in San Francisco.
School bus from the country, until Mom got a job in town about the same time I started HS and then we carpooled. I usually had to hitch a ride to the library to wait for her to get done in the afternoon.
Walked to elementary and junior high. Took the bus to high school until I was a senior. Then, I drove my mom’s car two/three days a week. She was in a car pool, so when she didn’t drive to work, I took her car to school. A 1966 Buick LeSabre. 😁
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