What were you made fun of for in school?

Oh my. My straight hair. We made fun of everyone though. We all have something goofy that can be made fun of. Looks or weight. Etc. There were some kids that got picked on without mercy. I graduated in 1988. If you weren’t picked on. You must have stayed home. That day. Lol
My name .... same as a famous person that was easy to tease about.

My eyes ... they are heterochromia. Blue with some yellow and brown. When we would watch movies or classroom was darker they would catch the light and kids would say they light up like cats.
Being a bookworm.

Also, my mom liked to sew, and unfortunately, us kids were the recipients of many of her "masterpieces".
Well, my maiden name is Tucker. So you can pretty much know how I got made fun of. Really, though. I got asked A LOT about how good the Cool Whip was at Tucker Inn. To which I replied that it was fine why didn't they come on over and try some. For those of you too young or don't remember, there was a Cool Whip commercial back in '70's that took place at Tucker Inn :) Now, I will say, that one time in early elementary that a young man made a rhyme about my last name. He was riding his bicycle in circles around my sister and I chanting away. All I remember is throwing my books down and grabbing his bike and tossing him off. My sister says that my aggression (which I was SO not an aggressive kid. Extremely shy and passive) built slowly up. She said she just kind of watched me in shock as the pressure built until I couldn't take it any more. She said I lunged at him and grabbed the sissy bar on his bike and heaved! I didn't know what the word meant at the time but I sure knew that he wasn't supposed to be calling me that :) I would really like to have a time machine to go back and watch that!!! It cracks me up just thinking about it. Sure wish I had carried some of that aggression with me through out the years! Not a big confrontation person.

Oh, I also, got slightly messed with for looking like a boy. Most of the time I didn't mind but there were some days that it really bugged me. But my own dang fault for mostly dressing like a boy and having a boy haircut.
I got teased for:
- having short hair
- for having a big forehead
- for having lots of acne
- for not dressing like the other kids
- for bringing my lunch in a lunch box instead of a brown paper bag like everybody else
- for looking like a disabled kid who'd gone to the school 2-3 years before. They all threw coins at me and said, "Go get the money, Disabled-Kid's-Name!" That started in 4th grade and continued daily or weekly until 11th grade.

I'd rather have a root canal than go back to those years.
I was mostly made fun of for being fat and being dumb. But now I just say "well the best roads have curves" and "we technically never stop learning".
For having red hair. Worst was when they'd follow me home yelling either "carrot top" or the even worse "better dead than red".
i was constantly teased about my weight and not having as much money as my fellow classmates. I was also teased about my last name but that was more good natured teasing compared to the rest.
I was teased for my shortness. In fact I still am. In elementary school when we’d play, I was always picked to play the kid or baby, whatever a small person would be
Eating cold baked sweet potatoes for lunch. I loooove sweet potatoes and eat them whole, out of my hand, skin and all.

It was very good-natured, not mean-spirited at all.
My red hair. All my kids are redheads and they didn't ever get teased. Apparently being ginger now isn't a big deal or maybe it's because I grew up in SoCal and it was pretty rare there.
Nothing light hearted about this thread. I was mercilessly teased in junior high and into about 11th grade. It was absolutely brutal. I was gawky, awkward, poor, and insanely intelligent. A very bad combination. You name it. It happened to me. So, sorry, there's nothing lighthearted about being "made fun of."


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