Wk of May 24 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners


I'd rather be at Disneyland!
Mar 31, 2007
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Originally Posted by TigerLily03
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
It took longer than my half marathon time to early bird register for the Honolulu Marathon. 2:20 minutes.

Well, for $30.00 registration fee, wouldn't you stand in line too?

Marcia, check
Chester, check
Tracey, check
Jeff, check

TEAM WISH will be represented!!!
I want to go to Hawaii!

Hi, everyone. :-)

Okay, signed up for the Half next January. The Noah is registered for Goofy.

I also signed up for the Philly Distance Classic. The Noah needs to see if he can get the day off or I'll be doing that one alone. :(

Still trying to persuade the Noah to do the coast-to-coast.

We thought we could squeeze in RftT, but it turns out I don't have Columbus day off. We may go Halloween weekend instead and stay until mid-week because I'm off then.

And, the Noah said maybe we can get DVC like all our cool DVC friends!

Hi, AlohaJeff! :-)

Last week, I rode my bike ( Not a motorcycle) from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. for the Police Unity Tour. It is a three day ride to honor police officer who were killed in the line of duty. It was a great ride.

By biking, I have found a great way to exercise and get some good miles in.
As you can see, The Noah (above) is ignoring my comments....

BTW, he is also working the weekend of the Chicago RnR Half and can't get anyone to switch. :sad1: We were looking into doing it with the Chicago PD Memorial Fund, too.
Hi everyone!

I did a double today that was totally unplanned.

Tried for 12 miles this afternoon but it was too hot, so only made it 7 miles(55 minutes; went out a bit too fast). Came back, ate, napped, and decided to try again in the calm before the storm and went out this evening and did 9.5 miles (1hr 20 minutes)

Aloha Jeff, I wish I could join you guys in hawaii. Everything i've read says it's an awesome race.

Jeff Looks like all the cool people will be running in Honolulu with you. I have GOT to get to Hawaii one of these days.

Duckie Shucks! I won't get to see you at RFTT. Oh well, see you in January. Of course, it would help if I signed up for a race!

Noah Congrats on the bike ride. That is quite an accomplishment.

Jennifer Ah to be young! I also did 8 today, and got a little bit of a rest. But go out again? Can't imagine dragging my bones back out there!

Did my tempo 8 miler (1/2-2-1-1-1-2-1/2). Watched some baseball (aarggh) and some hockey (yeah) and made the mix for both a vanilla ice cream and a chocolate ice cream--I promised the gang at work that we would have sundaes. Tomorrow I freeze and make the fixins--hot fudge sauce, strawberries, chopped nuts. Yum!

WISH Team Hawii! That is fantastic! WISH I'd be doing that too.

Noah and Duckie getting DVC! Oh you will LOVE that!

Noah, good job on the bike trip. Great that you could do that one.

Duckie, here's hoping you can get the Coast 2 Coast this year. It will be my first ever visit to the left coast and I am thrilled to be going.

Jennifer, sorry it was too hot to get in the miles. Glad you knew when to bag it. Sometimes that is a difficult decision, well, for me anyway.

Vaca is over and now it's back to retirement for me! :thumbsup2
It is getting to be much better weather and I am looking forward to getting in some good outdoor time now.
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday AND Tuesday Mixer :stitch:

Stop on by the 'Ohana team thread, where the mixer starts here!

I know this weekend is a vacation weekend for many of us, so we'll be running the mixer tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. This mixer question is a ringer, folks, but hopefully still fun:

What did you do for Memorial Day/Weekend?

Provide us with plenty of details & hopefully photos of your activities, gatherings, celebrations and how you observe the day (and spirit) of Memorial Day. :thumbsup2
OMG it's Jen!!! She's real people, she's real I tell you. :lmao:

I got out for a 12 miler in 1:55. HOT does not begin to describe the temps.

Glad I was hydrated from Saturday, as I didn't get heat exhaustion.

I neglected to mention, at mile 4, we came upon a moped accident scene. A women had hit a wet spot from the rain, and wiped out. No broken bones, but major gash on her chin, and road rash. Another lady stopped her car to block traffic from one direction, as the victim was lying in the intersection. I got out into the intersection to direct traffic until the police, ambulance, and fire engine showed up.

Hopefully she's okay.

Hi to all the gang! :thumbsup2
DEB! Hi! Great to see you!

AlohaJeff is real, people! :yay::banana:

Thanks, Jeff. You need to grab the AlohaJeff signon on Twitter before someone else does, BTW. I would hate to have to explain that he's not real. ;)

Quick update: My sweet husband, who is out this morning getting ready to be the honor guard in today's Memorial Day parade (as you may know, he's a veteran), wanted to do RftT. I just checked. He doesn't have that weekend off. :sad2: I have off the entire first week of November, so we WILL be going Oct. 30 to Nov. 4 if anyone is hanging around then. Also, our August trip is Aug. 5 to Aug. 13 so I can be there on my birthday! :banana: Sorry it does not match up with our Foolish friends. :sad1: The Noah is having a very hard time because he can't get off the days we had hoped for. I was going to surprise him with a weekend away that first weekend in June for AP passholders, but he has to work then, too.

So, officially, no DISNEYWORLD races until January.

Still holding out hope for coast to coast. :cool2:
Good Morning!!

Noah - great work on that ride! Patrick wants to do something like that so maybe you guys can find one to do.

Jen - HEY!! Man, going to be forever before we see you again.....When is Philly?

Jeff - one of these days I will get to Hawaii.

Maura - haven't signed up for the Jan WDW races yet either. Waiting as long as I can before handing them my money.

Lilly - Hi!

Yesterday we did Bike The Drive. It's an annual event in Chicago where they close Lake Shore Drive (major rode that runs right along the lake in the city) to car traffic from 5.30am to 10am. Then there's food/vendors/entertainment in Grant Park after. We were riding at 6am, got in 32 miles, enjoyed two great rest stops, music, freebies. Definitely a must do again for us and for anyone in the area. Routes can be as short as 7 miles or up the the entire 30 (do north and south route).

Today Patrick is working so I'm going to take care of house stuff. Yay. Oh well, has to be done.

Have a great day!
Morning everyone!

Did a quick 3miler in 22:15 this morning (7:25 pace). I'm having technical difficulties with my Nike+ so it's not perfectly accurate as it was timed the old-fashioned way with a stop watch.

Off to enjoy a movie and the holiday.

Hey my fellow WISHers~~

It's me and I am back from a hot Memorial Day 5K in the city in which I live. Think I did fine and probably PR'd, just waiting for the official times.

Lily: Glad you had such a great Vaca!!!

Noah: Great job on that biking dude!! Awesome and wanna say "thank you" for all your service to the US!!!

Jeff: You and I getting out and sweatin like pigs - ugh. It's all good though. WOw, trying to get people to go to HI to race now. First you got me to go out the DL last year and now HI. Still would love to go to DL again, just don't think it will work while I'm trying to find a townhouse.

Debra: Hey girl, its been fun over on Facebook my Mafia Friend!

Liz: Great to see you over here. Sure do think about our 5 amigas trip last March. Was such a blast and I had such a good time. Sounds like things are going well, keep it up.

Duckie: :wave2: I am soooooo excited to see you posting my friend. I surely have missed you!!! How are you doing?? Can't wait to see you in January. I am trying for the RftT. Good luck on the coast2coast as I did that last year and was fun, I was trying to go this year, but airfare would have to be pretty cheat for me to even think about it.

Have a great Memorial Day everyone!!! You guys ROCK!!!
Racey Tracy
So how do I go about joining you all? I've been hanging out on the C25K thread and now I'm trying to make the transition from C25K training to just being a runner. I'll probably have tons of newbie questions though. My first
5K is June 6th. I'm only doing about 2 miles right now, so I have some more work to do.
congratulations, cwn...you just joined the group! :welcome:

Sounds like you're working on a good base for your 5K. What week of C25K are you on now?
I got stuck on week 6, I think it was, when I couldn't do the 20 mins. I kept at it for 2 more weeks I think and somehow just jumped from 8-10 mins to 20 mins. Now I am doing 2 miles in about 23-25 mins. I'm trying to work on adding more distance so I don't have to walk part of the 5K.

I posted this on the main board and was told to post it here:

How many days a week do you run? I feel like I need to do more than the 3 reccommended in the C25K, but I don't want to do too much either. My left hip and shin have been hurting also. I want to be careful to make sure I don't injure myself right before I finally make it to my first 5K.
cwnhokie Welcome to the club! And don't worry about trying to add more days or miles right now. Slow and steady will serve you best. I only ever run three days a week--the training plans that I have followed for everything from 5k to 1/2 marathon have been 3/week programs, with cross-training on other days. Cross training is definitely good--biking, weight lifting, swimming, elliptical, lots of things. And also, listen to those aches and pains and don't push too hard. Rest days are just as important as training days. I (and lots of others here) have had injuries and know that sometimes you just need to let your body recover.

Don't forget to stretch out after you run--it's really helpful to keep you injury-free.

Good luck with your training. I bet you do great with your 5k!

Welcome cwnhokie !! Maura already gave you good advice. My training plans also don't have more than 3 days running including the one I used for the full. Cross training on other days which I find to be tremendously helpful. Stretching - cannot stress enough how important it is after every work out.

Big HELLO to everyone!

Yesterday was rest day for me. Today is swim/weight/core work at gym. Have 19 days until my first tri :eek: so gearing up for that. Work on transition, too.

Well, back to work....

Have a great day!
Thank you for the advice. Does anyone have good ideas for cross training without the gym. I canceled my membership a few months ago and I'm trying to get my exercise at home and outside.


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