Wk of May 24 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Biking is a great way to cross train. Swimming if you have access to a pool (our homeowners assoc has one). There are some great core workouts available on line. If you can, pick up a stability ball and some small hand weights. Honest you can get a great workout from those!
Thanks, I've been trying to do some core workouts and may start doing a pilates video. My bike is in the basement with cobwebs on it, I may have to dig that out. I just signed my 8 year old up for a kids triathlon in the fall. So I'm thinking I may have to get the bike out to go with him anyway. I don't have access to a pool and child care is about to get a lot trickier soon when school gets out, but I'm going to keep plugging away at it.

I just posted on the thread to join a team but thought I would post over here too! My dh and I have just started walking/jogging and I did my first 5k yesterday. My goal was to finish before 50 minutes when they kick you to the sidewalk and I did. It was slow but I finished. My son who is 13 also did the 5k and finished in 32min without ever practicing. We are starting the c25k today and the whole family is going to do it. We are doing a 5K Aug 1st and I want to run the whole thing by then. Then on the to Tot 13K. I would love to do the 1/2 in January but it is full.

Does anyone have the app for the iphone for the c25k? I thought about downloading that because I find it difficult to keep looking at my watch and concentrating!

Thanks, Jennifer
Hi Jen, What part of Alabama are you from? There are several of us from the state around here?

As for me, I did 7 miles in 53 minutes today (7:40 ish pace). Packing up and getting ready to head back home for a few days before heading to Texas in the Summer and then my new home in Mississippi.

Hi Jen, What part of Alabama are you from? There are several of us from the state around here?

As for me, I did 7 miles in 53 minutes today (7:40 ish pace). Packing up and getting ready to head back home for a few days before heading to Texas in the Summer and then my new home in Mississippi.


That is an awesome time. I can't imagine being that fast - maybe 10min/mile!! I just want to get faster and to run longer than I walk! We live in north Alabama, near Huntsville. The next 5k we will do will be the one in Anniston on 8/1. My whole family is going to do it, so we all start on the c25k plan tonite. Of course my son ran the 5k in 32 mins yesterday w/out practice so by then he will really be fast.

Roll Tide:cheer2:

My DS8 did his first 5K in 42 minutes. I didn't think he was really going to run. But soon he was out of sight and I spent the rest of the time pushing the stroller and trying to catch up to him. I was not prepared to run and was only planning on walking. I finally found him at the finish line. I just registered him today for a kids triathlon. He's very excited.
Hi Wishers!

I registered for the Philly Distance Run on Saturday. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that there is no Indian Summer this year. I'm going to ramp up the miles for the next two weeks, including maybe some runs in Arizona while I visit the Grand Canyon :woohoo: ! I will start with the MfM Run/Walk half program. I think I can do it, especially if I get up early enough. I hate not having central air in my house!
My DS8 did his first 5K in 42 minutes. I didn't think he was really going to run. But soon he was out of sight and I spent the rest of the time pushing the stroller and trying to catch up to him. I was not prepared to run and was only planning on walking. I finally found him at the finish line. I just registered him today for a kids triathlon. He's very excited.

That's great! I couldn't believe the amount little kids that were doing the races. There were 9 & 10 y/o's in the 10k. It was pretty awesome to see them out there. Tell your son good luck with his triathlon:cheer2:

Hi everyone,

I did 4 x 800s. I did the 800s at low 7 paces (3:30-3:40) and did recovery at around 9 minute pace. Got in about 4 miles total and 30 minutes or so.

I want to go to Hawaii!

Hi, everyone. :-)

Okay, signed up for the Half next January. The Noah is registered for Goofy.

I also signed up for the Philly Distance Classic. The Noah needs to see if he can get the day off or I'll be doing that one alone. :(

Still trying to persuade the Noah to do the coast-to-coast.

We thought we could squeeze in RftT, but it turns out I don't have Columbus day off. We may go Halloween weekend instead and stay until mid-week because I'm off then.

And, the Noah said maybe we can get DVC like all our cool DVC friends!

Hi, AlohaJeff! :-)

I will try to get off. We will see.
Hi, Maura! :) How is Michigan? I saw that with the new JetAmerica, we'll be able to fly from Newark, NJ to Lansing or Melbourne, FL for cheap. Flying to Lansing has never come up for me yet, but maybe they'll have a cool race. :)Hope you are hanging in there!

Liz! Philly Distance is Sept. 20. Not too far from here in coastal New Jersey. It should be fun! Or at least we can say we did it. Can't wait until August--what a great surprise! Friends for my birthday! :yay:

Deb! Hi! How's Dood? Can't believe it's May already.

TRACEY! :banana: Hey, girlfriend! I don't know if you heard, but some cool peeps will be in town Aug. 8-11. :cool2: And by "in town" I mean at Disney World, of course! Can you squeeze us in? We'd love to see you! Tell your mom I said hi!

Hello to Jennifer, Jennifer, and cwnhokie! :banana:

Megan, we're here in Ocean County. See you in September in Philly!

AlohaJeff, swimming would be my only option. Noah is cutting back on my airfare shopping. :) However, since the event is in December, I'll never get to go anyway. :( Not until I retire.

Hope everyone is doing a great job of training. I'm taking yoga twice a week to try to stretch my supertight hammies. I think they are so tight they are interfering with my stride when I walk. Also, I'm building up to starting some interval training.

have a great day!
We've been having some rain here so my outdoor training has been skuttled. I've not done much of anything. I hate that. Ah well, tomorrow is going to be a better day.
I got in the pool yesterday for the first time in a long time. It felt great. We'll see how my arms feel today. I also hopped in the tanning booth and I'm feeling a little crispy today. I need to get a bit of color before my AZ trip next week. I don't want to spend the weekend hiking in the Grand Canyon without my skin getting used to some color.
Noah- that sounds like a cool ride...congratulations.

Jen- Mississippi? That will be quite the transition from Massachusetts, why the move?

I have been fighting off a cold all week so no running for me since the weekend. I am just about back to 100% so I will be getting out after work tomorrow.
Jeanne gets the credit for spotting me and letting me know. I had not watched it yet when her email arrived.


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