Wk of May 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I am so proud of my beautiful running wife!!! ::yes:: :lovestruc :hug: :cloud9: Isn't she just great! I am very lucky and I know it.

I just wanted to post my miles for today:

Temp: 81 degrees
Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 56:47
Pace: 11:21

Happy training!

Liz- Not to hijack your question to Craig but the EPL schedule won’t be released until June 16th. You can get the team fixtures from www.soccernet.com. The London teams are Tottenham Hotspur, Chalsea, Arsenal, and Fulham, so just look at those team’s home schedules. England are not playing any home World Cup qualifiers in September, they will be playing Andora in Barcelona and Croatia in Zagreb

Thanks for the info! Will add the date to calendar along with info so I don't forget (cause likely would be hunting all over for it otherwise...)

Carrie - Thanks and will let you know how it goes. They actually thought I had dislocated my hip or at least broke it so the damage I do have is rather nasty.
Liz, Lizzy my dear Test Track buddy, sorry to hear that the hip is still an issue. I hope all goes well and take care (like everyone else has said) and take it easy. I'm sure it must be a bit frustrating, but hang in there.
CAM!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: YES. I love it!!!!

Howard: Have a fabulous day tomorrow at Commencement. I hope the weather holds and you can really enjoy the day as you've worked so hard for that degree. :goodvibes

Liz: Stay safe. And take it slow there....give your body plenty of time to heal!!! :hug:

Tracy: Hey girl! How are you??? Thanks for the well wishes for my Grandma.

Jen: I think it sounds like an awesome idea to create your own boot camp! :thumbsup2 Switch off between Pilates and Yoga a few times a week and you'll see a HUGE difference!!!! Have fun at the recitals!! Share some pics of your little ones when you get a chance...I bet they will look precious in their costumes :).

Craig: THANK YOU for sharing pics. :goodvibes

Frank: Good luck on the 5K. I bet you'll do great!!! :cool1:

Claire: Sorry I missed you..sounds like you are working out like crazy still. You must be so psyched to be nearly done with school! :sunny:

Scott: *gets searchlight* How are you doing?? :hug: Good luck on your run tonight :).

As for me...managed a solid 4 Mile run. It wasn't fast but it wasn't torture either :). I just stuck with my run 4/walk 1 strategy and everything felt great. Starting next week I'm hoping to get my runs in early in the morning..gonna' need luck with that since I'm really NOT a morning person ;).
I'll apologize in advance for missing people!

Cecilia – Do you have any hamstring stretches that you’d recommend? I’ve been stretching them, but I have this feeling that I’m not doing a very effective job of it.

Cam – You are just rocking the C25K! Way to go! :thumbsup2

Lynnda – I know I’m late on saying so, but that cake looked awesome!

Claire – Hi!

Maura – Bummer on the new cubicle. Hope your back feels better!

Lily – That’s terrible about the woman being murdered! Stay safe!!

Leana – Hot yoga sounds downright miserable! I thought you left Texas to get away from heat like that. :confused3 :laughing:

Debra – Hope your move goes well! At least you can count the book-hauling as XT. Kennywood sounds like it was fun, even if it doesn’t quite rank up there with Disney (really, what does?).

Amy – I sure hope you get back to feeling 100% soon! And Happy 90th to your Grandma – that’s fabulous!! How’s the Vegas planning going?

Craig – Loving the photos!

Carrie – Ouch, car shopping is the pits!

Liz – Glad you’re feeling better. That was quite a tumble! Be careful on your walk.

Me - I dragged myself back onto the TM tonight even though I was about ready to just throw in the towel completely on this whole running thing. I've decided to take a break from C25K for at least a couple weeks and just do run/walk intervals as I feel up to them. So I did 1.65 miles, and the good news is that I had no hamstring problems during the run! Though I did have a little discomfort as I stretched, I was happy to be able to run without pain. :)
Debra: Yes, I'm odd for Goofy :laughing: speaking of...I need to pull out MfM and figure out when I need to start training. I'm a fan of truffles and chocolate mouse and dark chocolate candy and brownie mix (before you bake it) or really gooey brownies...mmmm now I'm drooling (and I could go on...). I've never actually seen SitC the show, but we'll see. My boyfriend was out of town so it was a good excuse for some girl movies. Good luck on moving!

Amy: It's good to see you back up and runnin'

Cam: :goodvibes

Jen: Aww I'm remember the days of the dance recitals! Be sure to post pics.

Carrie: Good luck with the truck.

Liz: Hunker down and stay safe!

Ang: :wave: Just keep going {think Dory!} even if you aren't doing C25K you can still get the steps in!


Woooooo! I'm done done done with class. I've decided I like this 2 week class idea. I could do all my classes like this! I went on a 6 miler yesterday and an 11 miler today. Both nice. Today, I had to leap over a snake (a moccasin I think!). Whew that gets the adrenaline pumping!!!

It's nice to be home, but we are on dial-up here so slow going the next few weeks! Happy runs to all!
Hi Ang :wave: You sound like me with the running ;). I went back to my run:walk intervals as well. I'm enjoying the runs a little more so I hope you do as well! I'll jump in w/ the hamstring stretches and I'm sure Cecelia may have some great advice too! Here's what I like to do, both in my classes and also on my own....

What you'll need....a towel, an old tie, a yoga strap or a pilates ring. Any of those will do!

Hamstring Stretches

Stretch 1: Lay down....anchor both of your hips firmly into the floor (think press the bottom down to the mat). Bend your left leg and place your foot flat down, anchoring your foot firmly into the ground. Raise your right leg toward the ceiling. Using a towel (or other items as listed above), wrap it around the ball of your right foot. Hold onto both ends of the towel with each hand. Breathe deeply as you draw your right leg towards your head (gently); now flex the foot strongly to deepen the stretch. Hold this stretch for 60-90 seconds, continuing to breathe and relax your leg muscles to allow the stretch to set in.

Stretch 2: Take both ends of the towel into your left hand, anchor your right hip firmly into the floor (don't let it lift much) and draw your right leg gently across your body (toward the left). Hold for 60 to 90 seconds. Breathe through this stretch, you will feel this more toward the IT band and deeper into the glutes, some people even feel this in their shins.

Stretch 3: Now gently bring your leg back up to center and take both ends of the towel into your right hand. Anchor your left hip firmly down into the mat...firmly anchor your left foot as well. Gently allow your right leg to stretch out to the right. You will feel this more deeply in the groin muscle. Once you find the sweet spot, the deepest you can safely stretch in this direction, gently point your toe into the towel to intensify the stretch. Hold for 60-90 seconds as you breathe deeply and relax the muscles.

Stretch 4: To finish the stretching softly bend your knee (soften the knee) and draw your leg back up to the center. Lengthen the leg straight up toward the ceiling and then flex the foot strongly for a nice calf stretch. Hold this stretch for 60-90 sec.

PLEASE NOTE: at no point do you want to lock or hyper extend the knee. Make sure to keep the knee slightly soft in all the stretches :).

Let me know if you have any questions. Hope this helps! :thumbsup2
Chi running DVD:

I'm waiting for a training buddy of mine, who is trying to locate his copy of the Chi Running DVD. :happytv:

Once I get it and watch it, I'd be willing to mail it to the next WISHER who wants to view it. The one condition is, when you're done with it, you have to mail it to the next person, and keep it going. Think of it as a traveling library.

I'll post once I get it.

Hey all, I just wanted to share something that I just became aware of.

I was putting my medals and such into shadow boxes to mount on the wall. I was putting together my WDW half box and arranging the items when I am standing there staring at the donald medal and then I focus in on a little area where the donald head connects to the ribbon and here is what I saw...


This was a big discovery to me - a hidden mickey!!!! I have NEVER noticed this until yesterday. I have another donald medal on the wall and it has it too, but never noticed it until now. duh??? I assume some of you had noticed that, but I thought I would let others in on it.

I'll be back later to catch up with everyone.
Hey all, I just wanted to share something that I just became aware of.

I was putting my medals and such into shadow boxes to mount on the wall. I was putting together my WDW half box and arranging the items when I am standing there staring at the donald medal and then I focus in on a little area where the donald head connects to the ribbon and here is what I saw...


This was a big discovery to me - a hidden mickey!!!! I have NEVER noticed this until yesterday. I have another donald medal on the wall and it has it too, but never noticed it until now. duh??? I assume some of you had noticed that, but I thought I would let others in on it.

I'll be back later to catch up with everyone.


That has been on the Donald medal for the past couple of years. Someone posted photos that I ran across a year or two ago. None of the other medals seem to have the hidden Mickey.

I go crazy trying to find hidden Mickey's at the WDW resort, and Disneyland. :rotfl2:

Did you know even the animation movies have hidden Mickey's, or Disney characters or references from one movie, hidden in other movies? Yea, do a Google or Wikipedia search. I watch the dvd's with my Princesses, and every once in a while I spot something new.

Examples: Lilo and Stitch, she has a Dumbo doll in her bedroom, and Mulan poster on her wall.

In the opening scene, scientist Jumba Jookiba is in some sort of a capsule on trial for creating Experiment 626 (Stitch). If you look carefully on the lower left of Jumba's capsule, a golden button takes on the shape of a hidden Mickey for a few seconds. When you see the gold button later up close, it's just a button.

Enchanted, look at the upper windows of her cottage when they pan out on the house, you can see the face of Goofy.

Then the troll he catches, his loincloth is made out of the work dresses of Bell, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella.

Also, when Giselle is looking at the fish tank in the attorney's office, the background music is "Part of that World" from The Little Mermaid. Not to mention the actress who plays Robert's secretary, is Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel.

There's a whole lot more out there. Just keep watching :happytv:.
Cool Jeff. I figured just as much about the Donald Medal, I just can't believe it took me that long to "see" it.

Thanks for all the hidden mickey help. I do try to look for them, but I find it kinda hard to do.

Can you smell what the scout is cooking?

Princess#1 and I will be going to Girl Scout Bridging camp next weekend, so today we practiced making peach cobbler in our dutch oven. Delicious I must say.:thumbsup2

Made Thursday's workout a easy walk of 5.5 miles, then rushed home to catch the "LOST" finale. Good stuff.

Going for a 12 miler tomorrow with the clinic. Should be yet another scorcher!

Mooshu is leaving Sunday morning on her near 600 mile AIDS/Lifecycle ride, over 7 days. Good luck buddy!





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