Wk of May 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Now basically the two choices were either something really nice or something sentimental. Which one would you choose and why.

What? sentimental can't be really nice? I get very sentimental about diamonds (jk)

I would be thrilled if DH gave any thought at all to our anniversary. He probably would be thrilled too - because as it is, I buy my own gifts and I buy myself super nice stuff.

Next year is 20 and he is taking me to Europe. Sounds romantic until you add in 3 kids, 7 members of his family and 3 more of mine! Same thing happened for our 10th. We asked someone to babysit and they decided to come along and before we knew it - we were having a second honeymoon with 12 of our closest relatives.

I am sure you made the right choice. You said the magic words "after thinking".

Here is a question for the life experienced WISH team members.

Our 10th anniversary is coming up soon and I was tasked with coming up with something to celebrate it since Lynnda got the babysitter for the night. After thinking (probably too long for some interested parties) I finally made the choice. Because of little ones, no trips are involved. Now basically the two choices were either something really nice or something sentimental. Which one would you choose and why. I will post what I picked later on.


I say go with the 6-pack of PBR and the cheese crackers. It's always a hit at our house. :thumbsup2 :lmao:
Leana: wow you're movin' it! :cool1: And there are plenty of college/university students who go to school close and commute even here.

mla1977: Ugggh! on the water. Disney should make up for that though! :thumbsup2 Good job on the new week of jogging! I can't picture crocs in canvas, but I'm sure they're great.

Jeff: Sorry about the moochers. Just think of it as a new dieting strategy!

Bill: Sentimental....it shows more thought.


Hmm seems like a rather slow day today...

Yesterday, I went for my riding lesson. I ended up riding a different horse than usual because the camp kids were there. This new guy "Hollywood"(big dark bay gelding) was like the complete opposite of Manny. Slow slow slow until you get to jumping, then he has a motor! It was fun, but definitely a workout!

In the afternoon, I did some strength training at the gym. I just kind of did whatever and that was a nice mix up from my usual routine. In the evening I broke out the chick flicks (Princess Diaries 2 and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) for a relaxed evening of planning out my garden. I need to work on my final, and then I'm off for a 6 (ish) miler.

Happy running!
Debra- I’m glad you liked Cleveland. Did you do a race report? I’d love to read to it see how everything went. If you can run a half mile, you can do a VBT biking trip. Everyone just goes at their own pace and you have different mileage options. For example if we biked to a city for lunch, you would be able to choose to continue biking or take the shuttle to the next stop. They also give you amazingly details directions so you fell comfortable even on your own doing the route. I wasn’t sure what to expect but if anyone is thinking about doing the trip and is unsure, do it!

As for me I will be back for my first real run today after work. I’m hoping the biking and all the walking and walking and walking around will mean I didn’t lose too much time.

On a completely different note, has anyone run the Presque Isle half up in Erie? I am looking for a half to do and that one is a possibility.
Claire -- Your evening sounds lovely. :cloud9:

Jeff-- sorry for the freeloaders! :mad:

Bill -- I agree that the "after some thought" part makes you a winner. :thumbsup2 I am sure Lynnda will LOVE whatever you decide on as long as it is a kid-free evening and the little ones are in good hands. :lovestruc Happy anniversary!

Not much new here. Big graduation celebration this weekend, so I am trying to squeeze in work and workout commitments in a way that doesn't impinge on that fun. :banana:

Did C25k W6D2 today and it went great. I should probably be more intimidated about the 25 minute run in W6D3, but I am just taking them as they arrive. Also did 20 minutes on the elliptical.

Happy day, everyone!
Most Important Thing First:

Kevin, welcome home. We are all very pleased to see pictures of you home safe. I look forward to seeing you again in January (will you be there?)

Bill and Lynnda

I vote for nice. The sentimental part is expressed every day when a couple express their love for each other with the little things. Of all the gifts I hope I've given my daughter, it is to show her how a husband loves and treats his wife.

I am sitting here waiting for the washer to finish, and man these darn french washers take forever. And there is a washer but no dryer, go figure, so when it's done I get to carry it about a half mile to the laundromat to dry it.

Since I'm killing time, I decided to load into the computer the pictures from the first 10 days of the trip. Just for Frank, Debra, and Steve, and any other soccer folks out there, here are shots from last night. You see, I took the train to London to see the England v. USA international match and returned this morning. The USA was badly outclassed, but when I saw the lineup I was pretty sure the US wouldn't score if they played 1 full day. The experience, at new Wembley Stadium, with about 2,000 Americans and 70,000 England supporters, was unbelievable. Sadly the USA didn't run out of players and ask me to put on a shirt and step onto the field. In spite of Martha's directions to "not do anything stupid" while here, I would have done this in a millisecond.

Me in Wembley as the teams began their warm up:


The large flags carried around the field to the theme music from The Great Escape:


The English card section during "God Save The Queen." The English national anthem was sung by a choir and 70,000 citizens, totally amazing.


My training has been pretty non-existent here, but I've walked perhaps 6 miles a day on average. I'm sure my CV fitness is slipping away, but I think my legs are still there.

Here is a question for the life experienced WISH team members.

Our 10th anniversary is coming up soon and I was tasked with coming up with something to celebrate it since Lynnda got the babysitter for the night. After thinking (probably too long for some interested parties) I finally made the choice. Because of little ones, no trips are involved. Now basically the two choices were either something really nice or something sentimental. Which one would you choose and why. I will post what I picked later on.



I go for sentimental, but that's because my husband is SOOOO un-sentimental that I would be totally blown away if he ever went that route! So I guess my advice is: pick the one that your DW would least expect you to do.

As for me Me and my slightly strained back muscle took ourselves to the gym today where we slogged our way through some swim drills. I seem to be getting slower and slower, although I have mad esome progress on breathing to both sides. I figure if I can master that, I can actually breathe more and make it through the drills!

Hope everyone is having a good day.

(Now fully ensconced in my new cubicle. No more midday WISH-checks!)
Craig- The game had to be amazing…well, other than our play. One of the guys on the Bike Trip was born in London but lived in the US and was a USA supporter. He had tickets and was going to be there.

What did you think of the CL final? I got to watch it at a restaurant right on the Campo in Siena and the experience was pretty amazing. Almost everyone in the restaurant was British and the game was great. In the end I think the better team won. I might be biased though.

How long are you in Europe? Will you be there for the beginning of the Euros?
Good Thursday WISH Team!

Craig, love the pics. That scarf is just the right thing! I'm sure it is a moving experience to be part of a game there. I know when we were in London a few years back it was such fun since England was doing wel in the finals and celebrations spilled into the streets (literally too).

Bill, both? Craig has a good point though.

May has been a rough training month. Too much vaca. Although I did "run" (wog) on the beach in Cancun early a.m. Ahhh, I so love that. Nothing much this week training-wise. I'm trying to figure out how I can get on te trail without family going all miserable. In our area a woman was murdered in a local park (not the one on which I play, but closes down freedoms for single running nonetheless for me). It is a sad story.

Frank, I was looking at that event and decided I was not fast enough to play. It sounds like a good flat course.
Awesome pictures, Craig! How cool that you were able to go to the game!

Lily- If there is one thing the W.I.S.H. boards should have taught you is that everyone who is willing to start is “fast enough to play”.:yay:
Kristen - Just be glad Kevin's home and forgive him. ;) I think the pix are grat, but I'd want to kill dh too! :rolleyes1

Kevin - SO glad you are back, but what are you thikning posting Kristen's pix w/o permission? :rotfl2:

Bill - Scott is so sentimental all teh time, that when he goes above and beyond, I feel like a schmuck. So, if you are often sentimental, go with nice. If not, go with sentimental. Happy 10th annniversary to you and Lynnda!

Craig - I am so jealous!

Leanna - No I heard Canada was the reason we are gettign frosts. What's this about you having good weather! Take back my frost! :rotfl: Just kidding, you deserve some good weather fro a change! BTW, what is "hot yoga"?

Megan - OMG, what an adventure. Ugh.

Maura - :wizard: fro your back!

Frank - :wizard: fro your run!

Claire - Sounds liek my dream night. Yay!

Jeff - How awful! I like the idea of hiding cooolers until non-participants leave. That's just wrong!

OK, I DID NOT want to run last night. I did, though. Started as a stonker and I had to convince myself that nothign hurt so there was no reason to use teh 10 minutes rule (just felt crappy). WIth a mile to go, Scott looks at me and said, "You must be feeling better." I'm all grumpy adn say not really. Then I looked at teh Garmin adn saw we were going uphill and my pace had improved by over a minute. I was in such a foul mood that that made me mad, as it was a timed run adn now we'd have to pass our starting point. lol. Sometimes, you just can't win. :upsidedow
Good afternoon everyone!

Sounds like most of us are having a great week. Craig is making me jealous (well maybe not the laundry part. When I figured out how SLOW the washer in my French Apt was I hoofed it to the laudromat which was MUCH faster! LOL! European appliances are a challange anyway!) And Frank, watching on the Campo in Siena... that just sounds too cool. I loved Siena. It's where I saw the FUNNIEST race ever. They didn't mark the course they gave out maps! SO you had folks running through Siena trying to read a map to figure out where to go.... And you had to pick up some little "markers" at points along the way. It was hysterical to watch these folks get completely lost (and they lived there!)

I went out this morning and did a little over 2 miles. I am not normally a morning person, but I have a client on the west coast who wants to have a conference call at 2 thier time... which is five my time and I expect it to take a few hours!
Here is a question for the life experienced WISH team members.

Our 10th anniversary is coming up soon and I was tasked with coming up with something to celebrate it since Lynnda got the babysitter for the night. After thinking (probably too long for some interested parties) I finally made the choice. Because of little ones, no trips are involved. Now basically the two choices were either something really nice or something sentimental. Which one would you choose and why. I will post what I picked later on.


Bill....10 years is great! I say try to combine them...You know how us women like sappy... BUT...If can only do one -- 10 years is one of those milestones and I say go big, oh, I mean nice. I vote for Diamonds... :goodvibes I'm sure what ever you come with or decide on will be just perfect!

Jeff - That would be frustrating! Maybe at some point they will clue in.

Carrie - Hot yoga is done in a room at about 105 deg and at 50% humidity I think. The poses are all basically the same, however the idea is that the sweat forces out toxins and you work deeper into your muscles, tendons and ligaments.

I did watch the CL final in my apartment. I'm not a Chelsea guy, to put it mildly. I don't think I've ever seen a team with great skill and talent that spends tehe entire match whining, screaming at the referee, and physically confronting the referee several times a match. Seeing Drogba get the red card, and Terry miss the PK did my heart good. Not that I'm in love with Man U, but Chelsea makes me ill.

By the way, Rio Ferdinand is one big guy. Much taller than Onyewu, which is saying a lot. The US forwards never had a chance against Terry and Ferdinand.

I will be here through the 1st round of the Euros. The Netherlands are my team (family lineage), but their group has Italy, France, and Romania, so 4 of probably the best 7 teams in the tournament are in the same group of death. I did buy a T-Shirt it Dutch Orange with the KVNB logo on the front and "Nederland" on the back. I'll wear it to the January meet, because in May I wore the same shirt as in January, and Anne pointed out that I "always" wore the same thing. In Jan 2009 she ("you" to Anne) won't be able to say that.


Yes, there we were this afternoon, 4 americans in the city of lights, in the laundromat. Tres Chic!


You are coming off the minnie and have lots of time to crank it up.

Lily- If there is one thing the W.I.S.H. boards should have taught you is that everyone who is willing to start is “fast enough to play”.:yay:
:worship: The student has become the teacher! :love:

Frank, really, I thought there is a pace limitation that I cannot accomplish. I double-checked and while I would be arriving at the finish line after the picnic begins, I guess I'd still make it.

Oh and there is some small report up on half 2 run dot com

I'll probably stick with the Towpath half marathon in October and continue training through the heat of summer.

Carol, good job getting it done in the a.m. before work. I just cannot do that (yet).

Craig, by the time your lovely bride arrives you should have all that washing/drying stuff under control so all she will need to do is send you out to do the laundry. Are you finding any place to put in runs or are you enjoying the views instead?
:Carol, good job getting it done in the a.m. before work. I just cannot do that (yet).

Umm... I don't think 9 am is really before work:rotfl2:

I just figured I would be working late so I could start late. :rotfl2:

(And I did wind up on the phone until just now....)
raangoli: I just love how you've set your mind on a PR for EE. And, of course, for telling us about. You know we just love the details. I'm sure you're going to do well, given the amount of determination in your post. :goodvibes

Ang: Ouch on the hamstring. Don't worry too much about W6 right now, just keep stretching and resting that leg of yours. It's more important to keep injury free than to worry about the schedule. (Says the wise, all-knowing Debra who's nursing some of her own hamstring issues these days. I say it to you, so that maybe I'll listen to myself through you.)

Kristi: WISH family. Awww. :cloud9: Too bad about the deck and the carpenter ants. I hope the extra work isn't too costly or time-consuming, and that the damage wasn't extensive. And I know what you mean about time estimates--I'm so bad at those things, on and off the road!!

Cecilia: Up at 5 a.m. for training? :worship: Even if I were a mom and had kids on a team, I wouldn't be a swim mom; I did the "nasty taste in my mouth" face when I read diet Cokes and jello sugar. :crazy2: I'll bet your sweat is from beautiful exercise, giving you that healthy glow that the swim moms (secretly) envy.

Cam: Moving as a fun way to XT. That's such a positive outlook, so YOU! :) Me, I'm more like this, :headache: and the only thing that keeps me stable is that every dollar we don't spend on moving expenses (i.e. I do it) is another dollar toward what we do want. Say, a trip to Disney for ToT. Btw, I didn't know you were on a Special Olympics committee. Wow, you are so generous with your time and energy! :hug:

Jen: I hope everything settles down for you after this week. Lot of places here are in their last week of school and it's just crazy with all the extra activities and the planning for summer vacation. I assume that's what it's like for you, with the craziness of work thrown in. And WTG with W6D2. You're really on a roll here, especially coming after your 5 mile race!

Claire::woohoo: for classes almost being done. Gee, it only seemed like you started a couple of weeks ago...:rotfl2: And do tell, are you in for the Goofy THIS year? I see the siggie and think yes, but can't remember what 2008 looked like. So I don't know if that's an "I've done this one" or "I'm doing this one." In short, for the Goofy are you even (as I am) or are you odd? (loaded question) Not a fan of chocolate ice cream? Gasp. So what IS your favorite chocolate form--and please don't tell me Gu. Last question, are you seeing the Sex and the City (chick flick) this summer?

Leana: Yep, my movie-watching test never fails me. If I check my watch more than seven times, don't see the movie in a theater. Much more accurate than a thumbs up-down. I'm so glad that you're enjoying the bike commute to work. I can't believe you call yourself a newbie on the bike. (Been reading and trying to catch up with your blog. Great stuff! :thumbsup2) Sometime this summer I want to take a bike maintenance class; even though I'm a casual biker at this point, I think it would be useful.

mla1977: No water? What a time-consuming and aggravating few days. But good job on finally being able to do W2D1. I say if your longer stride feels good then you're doing something right. Listen to your body! ::yes:: Btw, we've got a couple of Crocs fans here that you've probably made very jealous.

Aloha Jeff: About the not-RSVPing, not contributing, but still eating running group regulars. Not cool, not cool at all. We call them moochers around these here parts. (Okay, I call them moochers, but without the Cab Calloway scat.) Apparently, they "run to eat" your food. (Which does sound pretty tasty.) I wish I had a non-evil solution, but I don't--"special" dishes with extra spicy flavoring? Instead, I'll just shake my head.

Bill: Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!!! :banana: I'm not really a nice or a sentimental person, so you've put up two options that just confuse me. :confused3 :rotfl2: No, seriously, I'd choose to give something--which might not be a thing but an experience--that was memorable and unique, something that reflected our relationship, and was built upon our lives with and understanding of each other, but geared toward my partner's interests. It would probably be funny or lighthearted. I guess that would be sentimental? Because I usually give my partner nice, if pragmatic, stuff; anniversaries are good days to demonstrate what it is about my partner and our relationship that inspires such behavior. Now if I could just remember when mine is....:rolleyes1 (And FWIW, I'd choose to receive nice stuff, because DOOD tends to give sentimental gifts, so something nice would be a surprise.)

Frank: Oh, yeah, I did a RR. In its own thread, entitled "Because I'm so wordy." (Too lazy to edit it down.) It's supposed to have pictures, but it doesn't. (Too lazy to get them from my ILs...a theme here.) Let's just say that I'm learning a lot about myself. And that I think Cleveland is a fabulous town that I want to visit when I'm not doing the family thing. :thumbsup2

On to bigger, better things...THANKS for the positive statements about my ability to do a VBT. It's something I'd really like to do, but I'm so new to biking that I'm not sure. What better way to see the sights, I think? (The hills kind of freak me out, but I figure another summer of Pgh and I might be better.) So thank you for making me feel hopeful about this. NOW, where are those pics--have you posted a TR? I've been visiting here spottily with the move coming up, but I don't want to miss your TR.

Craig: Wow, the pics. First, the shots are just gorgeous. Second, talk to me about Wembley. What's most memorable about it? Third, :yay: for Terry's redemption after that bad Chelsea showing against Man. U. Okay, apples and oranges with the games, but still... And I don't mean to wave my household's Chelsea fandom in your face; I probably deserve a red card for that one. (But don't you think that neither Chelsea nor Man. U. are angels on the field? But yay for Dutch Orange!! :woohoo:) Fourth, it sounds like you're having a great time even without the running. I'd trade a little CV fitness for most of these experiences (barring the electricity and washer/drying stuff).

Maura: I think that the breathing part is the most important part of your swim and tri! So woo hoo for progress! But boo for the cubicle curtaining your WISH fun.

Lily: Any pics of that idyllic run on the Cancun beach? Sounds perfect. I was saddened to learn of the woman murdered in your local park, but hope you can work out some trail running soon.

Carrie: Love that your foul mood improved your pace, which did nothing to improve your mood. :rotfl: So you can't outrun your moods but you can outpace them. (I can't outrun my problems, but I do try to make them work harder to catch me.) It pretty much sounds like a win for your race training, as it gives you no reason to not be in the mood for a run. (Not saying that's a win situation for you, but for the event, mind you....)

CarolA: I hope your conference call went well. Hopefully that means you can shift your next few days to make up for the schedule shift.

As for me: Today, DOOD and I went to Kennywood Park, our very local (~5 miles) amusement park. It was our first visit and, although it was enjoyable, it will probably be our last for a while. We both tried really hard not to compare it to Disney...and failed. I know it's not fair to do so, but there it is. It's a small, clean park, with some nice historic buildings and rides, but the imagination of the rides and the service just can't compare. We'll save our time in Pgh for other activities we enjoy and our dollars for Disney.

So now that our curiosity is satisfied, we've ridden a couple of nice coasters, and successfully avoided the always-tantalizing smell of funnel cakes (as compared to the disappointing taste), we're on to the next projects. We've signed our lease and our new place is ready a couple of days ahead of schedule. So we'll be spending tomorrow through this weekend moving as much stuff as possible before the local movers come in for the big furniture. Then DOOD leaves for his annual research trip on Tuesday, and I'll finish the rest. (Anyone want to help me haul my books up 3 flights of stairs?)

Why do you care, you may ask? You don't, really. It just means that my presence here will be a little spotty for the next few days or so. Only so much time in my day and it needs to go to work, running, working out, and moving. Oh, a friend is visiting this weekend, too. So I may be reading your posts, but don't know how much time I'll have to participate. So don't do anything fun without me! Or better yet, just keep to this nice, slow pace of the boards this week!!! (Hey, where are some of our regulars? It can't be summer vacation already, can it? :confused3)
Oh, Debra! We'll miss you! I really WISH we lived closer. We'd be glad to help. We've just carried all Jenn's stuff up to her room after Howard helped her move back from campus. So, he is definitely in the hauling up the stairs mode. :lmao: BTW, he grew up in Oakmont and New Kensington (and has been to Kennywood many times!) so you'd even have the benefit of someone who knows his way around your neck of the woods.
Oh, and Howard and I met through a service organization in college that worked very closely with Special Olympics (Pennsylvania) and the organization is very dear to our hearts. We are both on the organizing committee for Summer Games (June 13-14) and we LOVE being there. We have been taking the kids with us to meetings and events for about 11 years and both are very sweet and generous (and experienced!) volunteers now, too. :grouphug: :love: :cloud9:

Okay, sorry ..... back to our normal fun training thread! :thumbsup2


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