Wk of May 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Debra--Krista and I are jealous that you got to go to Kennywood! I was there several times when I lived in PA, Krista has been once. I agree, it absolutely can't compare to Disney (it's even unfair to group them together), but I will say I love some of the old coasters there. Jackrabbit, Thunderbolt, Phantom's Revenge (although it will always be the Steel Phantom to me)--you can't beat the classics!

Good luck with your move this weekend!

(Anne called me to say she would be away from her computer for a bit.) so,
I just posted the Race Reports and Kudos thread for this weekend and week.

Please take a moment to encourage our teammates and read the reports I am WISHing they can honor us with after they've had a moment.

Debra--Krista and I are jealous that you got to go to Kennywood! I was there several times when I lived in PA, Krista has been once. I agree, it absolutely can't compare to Disney (it's even unfair to group them together), but I will say I love some of the old coasters there. Jackrabbit, Thunderbolt, Phantom's Revenge (although it will always be the Steel Phantom to me)--you can't beat the classics!

Good luck with your move this weekend!


I know, I know, it's absolutely wrong to put Kennywood and Disney in the same category as they're very different experiences with different audiences, goals, demographics, etc. I think it's inevitable, though, they the comparison would happen on our first time. That said, your favorites were also ours. Oh, and I loved Swing Shot. I wasn't disappointed in the classics as you called them. I think Kennywood does best with its straightforward rides--it's less successful on its themed attractions (Ghostly Mansion, The Exterminator). But as an amusement park proper, I think it may have DCA beat. And one way that I think Kennywood absolutely has Disney beat is in that it allows families to bring in picnics and then offers tons of shaded pavilions. I think that totally changes the experience, in a good way.

So I just wanted to add this so anyone who loves Kennywood or who might consider going to Kennywood doesn't think I hated the place. I didn't, at all. I just prefer theme parks to amusement parks. Plus, Pgh has so many things to do that I have yet to experience that I want to focus on them before returning to Kennywood.

So, Steve, maybe you and/or Krista can give me the inside skinny on Idlewild or Soak City?
Craig - So jealous that you were at the game yesterday! Forgot to set the DVR so we missed it completely, and now I find out you were actually there... And I can't wait to read your comments on the CL final to DH. Other than the part about not being in love with Man U (which he is), it's exactly his evaluation of that match. It was about to be a very stressful evening, since the band banquet was that night - DD wasn't going to take it well when we told her we couldn't go until the game was over.

Carrie - Was going to try your 10 minute rule tonight. Came home with a migraine, and thought just maybe if I got out there I could win the battle. But DH offered dinner, and I caved... guess it only works if you actually START the run? :confused3

Frank - Glad to hear your evaluation of VBT. We were on the ferry a few years ago with a group of them and wondered who they were, so I did a little research when we got home and was intrigued. DH did Ragbrai 4 years in a row, so he likes the bike trip idea; me, never done more than a few miles at a time but would like to get into cycling more.

Debra - Good luck on the move this weekend. Are there planned ice cream breaks? I can help with that from a distance... :rotfl:

My world: As I said to Carrie, had planned a run after work, even took everything to work with me so I could go straight from there. Had a migraine all day but kept refusing to take anything, so by the time I left the idea of running just didn't sound like fun. I did have an awesome run Monday - did a 3 mile run where I really pushed hard the 1st mile, regretted it the 2nd mile, assumed the 3rd mile would be a disaster, but as I started the 3rd mile heard WISH voices telling me to focus on my core and posture, and when I got home and checked the Garmin found my 3rd mile was :14 faster than the 1st! Rode the bike last night while watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy on the DVR, so it's not been too bad of a week. Should be able to do the 6+ miles on Saturday.

OH my...I've been slacking on the weekly thread. Sooo...here I go trying to catch up. I'll apologize in advance for those I miss :goodvibes ...

Debra: Awww...Kennywood....I do have a soft spot for that place. Great old coasters there :). How is the move coming along? I don't envy you that, it's always amazing how much we collect over the years, especially noticeable when we move LOL! Anyway, glad you had an enjoyable time at Kennywood even though it's hard after returning so recently from an incredible Disney trip!!!

Steve: :cool1: Woo-Hoo for th Steel Phantom! :thumbsup2 My sister lived in Pgh for years so I would visit her frequently and Kennywood was a favorite!

Bill: Congrats on 10 years :). I can't wait to hear about your special celebration! :love:

Kristen & Z: great job on your race...and thanks for sharing the pics (even if Kristen was not given fair warning!) It must be heaven to be together and enjoy races together again! :love:

Carrie: WTG getting that run in. I haven't felt like running at all lately...I'm impressed that you perservered despite feeling less than enthusiastic! :hug:

Frank: Love your comment to Lily! :thumbsup2 It's a great thing for all of us to remember!!!

raangoli: WELCOME!!!! :wave: Sounds like you have some great goals!

Scott: Excellent job on your races this past weekend. :worship: You continually amaze me!!! Hope you had a great workout tonight :).

As for me....well I'm still not feeling really well but I'm sick of waiting to feel better. So I got back to my routine yesterday. I managed another 3 mile run, doing the 4:1 intervals that I've decided to revisit in the hopes that it helps me enjoy my runs more. I felt pretty strong and finished with an avg pace of 9:22 so I'm pretty happy with that as I didn't feel like I was pushing hard *yay*. In addition I took a Pilates class from a fellow instructor, which is always great because I feel challenged AND get some fresh ideas for my classes. Today I woke up feeling pretty rotten :(, but since I had organized a group bike ride I felt obligated to show up for it. The weather was beautiful and we rode nearly 16 miles, so I'm pleased that I managed to get out there. Tomorrow I plan to do a gentle yoga class and hopefully get a 4 mile run in the books if I'm feeling better.

Are you settled in at the new apartment? Are your sore all over and exhausted? They always go together when you move. And you're spot on with George Carlin's "stuff" monologue. You never realize how much stuff you have until you move it.


Martha arrives tomorrow morning and I'll be waiting for her at the airport :flower3: . I'm very ready for her visit, that is, after I tidy up the place a bit.


I understand being sick of being sick. Do take is a bit easier than usual as you get better and feel yourself again.


So Jen is home. Is that Howard man done with it all today?

:offtopic: Soccer talk coming, skip it all if you like :duck:

Due to popular demand (okay Debra, Jackie, Frank, and Steve but I'll take it), here is the scoop on England v. USA Wednesday evening at Wembley.

New Wembley is huge (90,000 capacity) and beautiful. The pitch looked like a golf fairway, and the stands came pretty close to the pitch. They did have wire fences to keep the fans off the pitch, but instead of standing up they pointed out to the pitch. It looked like climbing across them to get on the field would hurt a lot.

The England fans were fabulous and gracious. Several of them asked me if I was enjoying myself and I told them absolutely. We were in the visitors section, but since this was a low key friendly the interior concourse fences weren't closed to segregate us, and they just had 2 empty seats on the left of our section separating the US fans from the England fans. Stewards sat at the end of each row just to be sure. They were needed, see later.

Before the match they had a little ceremony for David Beckham, recognizing his 100th cap last month against France, and his Order of the British Empire he was awarded by Buckingham Palace for this achievement. He was given a gold cap in a glass case, and the England fans (who vilified him in the past) cheered lustily, as did we American supporters.

The US roster was quite a disappointment. Wolff and Johnson up top, and 2 defensive mids, Clark and little Bradley. Obviously Coach Bradley had no intention of playing attacking football. Dempsey and Beasley on the wings, so his plan was to counter. It didn't work. Problem was, England had the ball probably 2/3 of the time, making it hard to counter. The technical ability of the English side is so much greater than ours, and when we won the ball they quickly took it back.

It was only a matter of time until England scored, and a stupid foul by Clark (one of many) led to a Beckham free kick, a real good one, headed in by John Terry. Beckham curled it away from the first cutter, Lampard, to the second cutter, Terry, and Tim Howard had zero chance. Goal.

The second half saw lots of substitutions, including my favorite NAT, Frankie Hejduk. If you want to know how I played, watch Frankie (I wasn't that fast, but I swear I was better at serving the ball). England still dominated, and Steven Gerrard was put through beautifully, clean on the keeper, and slipped the ball past Brad Guzan, goal #2. The rest of the game was great to watch, but it wasn't a good sign for the future that the best US field players were Eddie Lewis and Hejduk, both in their early 30's.

It was a friendly no doubt, some instense and some lackluster play, and England owned the match. That mattered zero to me. I loved every minute of it.

Also, I don't get the Wayne Rooney thing. He was total rubbish. He can run fast and straight, and can shoot hard, and not much else. And he obviously doesn't have 3 IQ points. If this had been a real club or country match he would have been red carded for his 2 legged lunge from behind through Hejduk. Then he barked at the ref for daring to show him yellow. He also did a fair amount of pouting and waving his arms. Living proof that you shouldn't give a yob millions of pounds. *******.

The crowed was amazing, even with 18,000 empty seats in the 3rd level. The lower 2 levels were completely full. They sang their songs all match and the place just shook. Any time the Yank fans made noise they started singing and drowned up out. It literally sent chills through my body.

And if you've been to a US Nats match there are always a few fans who spend the entire time being stupid, and this was no exception. We had 2 males, aged late 20's in our row, and they were doing stuff that you see whevener the US plays Mexico or another CONCACAF team. Pointed heckling of the English side (okay), standing all the time (gets tiresome), and pointed heckling of individual English fans (bad idea). After 10 minutes a group of stewards came to our row and told them to sit down and ease off the comments. The guys gave the stewards attitude, the stewards told them again, the guys gave more attitude, including the fact they "paid a grand to get here," and the stewards told them "it's your choice, sit or else." Well they sat. But within 5 minutes they were back at it, and the stewards were back for them several times in the first haf. Each time they gave it all back to the stewards. The 2 guys were also creating a bit of a stir in the closest English section. At halftime the 2 guys went up to bathroom or concessions, and a few minutes later a steward came down with their tickets in hand, picked up their possessions, and went back up. It seems at halftime, when there would be no scene, the stewards found them, took their tickets, and threw them out. Smart guys there, pay $1000, fly to London, and get tossed from the match.

It was so cool. I cannot imagine was an important English nats match versus someone like Germany or Italy would be like in Wembley. I guess when that happens I need to go over and continue my research.

This ends the soccer portion of today's program. My sincere apologies to the majority of my friends who have other interests.

Debra - Good luck with the move. I would love to help you out and even have a little one who could help. Just make sure nothing is breakable or too heavy and the box has lots of fun stuff to play with. :lmao:

Amy - Hope you feel better soon. It's bad enough when I have to go to work sick but I can't imagine having to lead excercise classes when sick.

Craig - The pics look great although there seemed to be a couple of girls missing. Now that Martha is coming over, perhaps she can keep the hair accessory problems to a minimum. I didn't even know they made stuff to make hair straight, I thought it was already straight to begin with.

Jackie - Hope you are feeling better as well and can get the rest of your planned runs in this week.

Carrie - Great job on getting out for the run even when you felt bad. I guess missing your starting point is a good thing, you could have always come up short and had to walk back.

I just received and email from Tiger GPS (who I preordered a Garmin Forerunner 405) and it said that they had just got the Green 405 and were expecting the black ones this week. I pre-oredered a black one and so they said within a few weeks I should have it.

Just thought any of you that were interested or had preordered them, they are out there now!!

Sorry, I've been missing for a few days here. I did a 3mile walk last night after work and it was pretty good, although it didn't really feel that way, but pace was within my good zone, so not to worry to much. LTO and WTO has happened these last two weeks.

I just registered for the ING Miami Half in January, so if anyone is coming down to South Florida for the event let me know. The prices for registration stay pretty low until the beginning of July sometime.

To EVERYONE : Hope you all have a great FRIDAY - keep up with the good work, stay rested, get over that cold, ice, stretch, etc!!
Jackie: :hug: Feel better!!!! Sending some pixie dust your way ;). BTW...I love that you engaged your core muscles to make that 3rd mile the other day feel a bit easier!!!! I love when you can draw from them...it means what you're doing for core work is truly helping. YAY!!!!

Craig: Enjoy the romance of Paris with Martha. I hope you have some fun plans!!! Pictures....don't forget the pics.....so we can all live vicariously through you! :)

Scott....we need some updates from your world!!!! Miss seeing your posts on here!!!! I know work has been busy...stop in when you can!!!!

Woke up feeling better although a cough seems to have set in. I'm going to try yoga here in a few minutes then attempt a 4 mile EASY run today!!! Another weekend packed with softball games and tourneys. BUT..my lovely grandmother is turning 90 so I also have a fabulous celebration on Sunday. She is strong and healthy (thank God) and still uses her Gazelle daily. Yep...she exercises regularly, stands tall, and still makes beautiful clothing for her grand babies. Sorry for the gush...but she is absolutely amazing and I can't wait to celebrate with her this weekend. Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone :sunny:.
Amy: Say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to your wonderful grandmother. 90 is awesome!!!:yay:
I wanted to cross-post this here, from my journal. I'm sorry this post is all about me. I just wanted to tell you guys how much you mean to me! :grouphug:
Oh, and Craig, so glad to see you here :hug: -- I was worried about missing you so much while you were away. The wonders of the internet! :lovestruc (Oh, and Howard is completely done and his graduation is tomorrow; cocktail party tonight)

keenercam said:
It hit me this morning driving in to work after being at the gym -- "Oh my God! I'm a runner!" And I cried. Pretty pathetic, really, to wonder whether the people in completely stopped traffic would think I was a nut, wiping tears from my face for no apparent reason. "I'm a runner." Why was that so mind-blowing to me? What made today so siginficant? I'm really not sure. I know I wasn't supposed to do C25k today because I did it yesterday, but I also knew I couldn't carve time out this weekend. I tend to be a bit competitive and didn't want to be behind my buddies when we all meet again on Monday morning. So, I went to the gym determined to do it, even though I knew today's plan called for 25 minutes of straight running and that scared me -- a little. I knew I'd done 23+ minutes at last Saturday's 5 mile race. Less than 2 minutes longer really didnt' seem that big a deal. Maybe that's why I decided to suck it up and do it. I absolutely could not believe when my 25 minutes of running were done and I was still on my feet and not feeling too badly. :cool1:
I am so proud of myself. I think that if you can run for 25 minutes without stopping to run, you finally have to admit to yourself you are a runner. When you feel exhilerated about it, you finally have to admit to yourself you are a runner. When you are already looking forward to the next time you can get out for a run, you have to admit you are a runner. It took a long time for the WISH team to convince me I was an athlete. But they finally did it. And then, I was very cautious about the cynicism and skepticism that would surely meet any declaration by me that I'd "run" anything at all -- maybe to a mailbox, but surely not anything further than that. ;) But again, the WISH team convinced me to become comfortable with not just saying "I walked a [1/2 marathon][marathon]" but then saying "I walked and jogged a [1/2 marathon][marathon]". Heck, I've been thrilled to say "I've finished two 1/2 marathons and two marathons and a bunch of other distance races as well as over 20 5ks." But the WISH team has taught me that it's okay to be at one end of the spectrum as far as speed and endurance. Be proud to be ON the spectrum.

This morning, my dream of RUNNING a half marathon is beginning to look not so far fetched. Heck, I know running for 25 minutes straight is NOWHERE near running a half-marathon. YET. But I never thought I'd be able to run for 25 minutes straight, either. And I did that. This morning. The day I realized I am a runner. Okay, a jogger. :laughing:
Yeah CAM!!!! :cool1: :banana: :woohoo: That is so awesome, I know I wasn't around for the beginning of your journey, but I am glad to see how far you have come!! You are an athlete and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise and you are a runner!! Good for you!!

I'm very pleased you are feeling better and better about your capabilities. I have noticed you're a bit of a crier, so I understand that part too. Congratulations.


Just for you

Hall of Mirrors at Versaillers


Louvre, Arc de Triomphe du Carousel, and Tuileries Gardens


When I'me 90 I hope I'm as spry as your Grandmother. Good for her.

Craig -- :rotfl2:
Those pictures are amazing!! Thank you for sharing. But where are the people??? We need pix of you and the girls in all these gorgeous shots!

Amy -- Happy Birthday to your Grandma! God Bless Her! :hug: :goodvibes :sunny: :cake: party:

Tracey-- Thank you so much! :hug: You are such a sweetie!
Hey team - Not a whole lot to report this week as I am recovering by running around like a crazy woman since it's the last week of school. Everyone wants me, needs me, makes me stay up late to totally exhaust me. Love being a mom!!! Tomorrow is my girls dance recitel which starts with dress rehearsal at 8am, and then two shows, one at 1pm and the other at 5pm. Talk about a long day for young children!!!!

Cam - You are fabulous!!! Are you doing most of your C25K on the TM? I have done some C25K training to gain speed and hope to get back to it once all the school hullaballoo is done. Here's hoping I can yet again PR at the WDW 1/2!!! Are you planning to do r/w intervals or just flat out run the whole thing? I can't believe how far you have come, you are just plain awesome.

Carrie - I haven't had time to chat with you, but wanted to again say how awesome you are doing. After your race last weekend I told DH that I need to do Yoga because it is helping Carrie PR. He laughed at me. OK, so I ordered Pilates for Dummies on Netflix to see how that goes (as per Amy's recommendation). Maybe that will help. I have a Yoga tape but I can never get into the groove when my wonderful girls keep distracting me.

Amy - See above... You are th Pilates Guru. It's about time I get my core up to snuff. I used to take a bootcamp class last fall and winter. I think I may make up my own bootcamp at home and see how that goes. Can I record you yelling at me so it seems realistic?

Craig - I envy you. I want so badly to go to Europe. If only my kids would grow up so I can get the time. WAIT, no kids grow up way too fast. Guess I need to wait and just live through you for now!!!

OK, have to run to a end of school picnic. Love grilled food!!!
Debra- Is that RR on the Cleveland Marathon on the journals board? I do promise I will get the TR done for Italy. If you like roller coasters you have to check out Cedar Point in Sandusky. It is about an hour or so west of Cleveland. There is a coaster with a 420 foot hill that reaches 120mph. It is nothing like Disney so keep that in mind.

Have fun with the move. I can say without reservation that moving is my least favorite activity. The move to and from Florida was especially brutal because you had to do it all in one trip as opposed to when you are just moving across town and can takes stuff in small trips.

Lily- I am also looking at the Towpath half. I just want to find one flat enough to finish sub 90 minutes. I need about 2 months between halves so I might even do both.

Jackie- The Tuscany VBT trip I took was one of the longer and hillier ones. They have some much easier trips that would be ideal for a new biker. For example the Tuscan Coast trip is not only flatter but the daily mileage is a lot lower.

Warning Warning: Soccer talk coming! Skip if you don’t care

Craig- The atmosphere of Wembley sounds amazing. A better showing by the team would have been nice but I think (read: HOPE!!!!) Bradley was experimenting a little. I would like out strike force to be Dempsey and Altidore. As much as I think Donovan is over rated it is apparent our midfield is lost without him. I think he needs to be in the center of midfield along with Bradley. Donovan can be the playmaker and Bradley can play a more attacking role. We have a lot of athletic ability, I think we are right up there with the best of the best as far as that goes. Like you said, it is the technical ability that we suffer from. If we can mold the team around taking advantage of the speed we have I think we could come closer to the first tier of teams. The best way to accomplish this would be to get a fast, attacking full back. I think the best attacking football starts from the back (witness Roberto Carlos in his prime) and spreading the field and using speed is where we can take advantage of our speed and neutralize our technical shortcomings. All that being said I think we still need to play the Englands and Spains to get the experience even if it is a losing one.

End of soccer talk!

Oh, and will you be visiting Disneyland Paris while you are there Craig?

As for me, I went out on my first real run in 2 weeks last night and despite being a little slower felt good. I have a 5K this weekend and will see then how much time I really lost but I am not too worried.
Cam - You are a RUNNER! DOn't throw that jogger crap in. I am so proud of you!!!!!! :hug: Congrats on teh awesoeme vistory! Know what makes me even happier? That you actually acknowledged your great accomplishment for one!

Craig - Thansk for the pix. I think I will jsut stare at them all day and pretend I'm there.

Amy - Happy birthday to granma! How wonderful! Glad you ar efeeing better and hope your weekend with grandma is wonderful!

Jen - :hug: It's good to eb needed, right? :rolleyes1

Tracey - Ooohhhh, tehy have green ones? I am so tempted. Hope you get your new toy soon!

Bill???? SO what'd you do???

I'd liek to say I didn;t run because Scott's truck died last night. WHile it's true that I would nto have been able to run after getting him adn waiting for the tow truck adn going to the repair shop, I had not desire anyway. :worried: Perhaps that was my punishment. Dependign on what the shop says, next week may be trianing via car shopping. Yay.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hello everyone!
Month end is crazy at work so just trying to catch up with the posts.
Sorry in advance to everyone I miss.

Cam - so glad you feel good and you should!

Amy - Happy Birthday to your Gramma!! And glad to hear you're feeling better.

Carrie - ugh, car trouble. Hope it can be fixed without costing too much.

Craig - love the pics. On the soccer front, any idea where I can find schedule for matches in London in Sept? DS is huge fan and we'll be there mid Sept to get him into Manchester.

As for me: feeling a little better each day. Moving better, can tie my own shoes, bend better although nowhere near far enough IMO. Still slightly swollen right at impact point too. Going to go for a walk tomorrow - taking it slow and easy. Today we have storms and tornado warnings and since not feeling like playing Dorothy, think I'll stay in.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
LIz- I can't believe how badly you go thurt. :worried: Be careful on tha twalk and I hope it goes well! :wizard:
Liz- Not to hijack your question to Craig but the EPL schedule won’t be released until June 16th. You can get the team fixtures from www.soccernet.com. The London teams are Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Arsenal, and Fulham, so just look at those team’s home schedules. England are not playing any home World Cup qualifiers in September, they will be playing Andora in Barcelona and Croatia in Zagreb


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