Wk of May 27--WISH Running/Walking Club

Hello!!! We have air conditioning!! But no phones, they just took our system down about 5 minutes ago and they don't know if/when they will be back up. I'm okay with the phones being down though. :) I didn't run last night, will try tonight and see what my knee does. I foresee a long bike or elliptical session at the gym this weekend. ;)

Stephanie--Too funny about your daughter! You aren't getting any love from your family this week, are you?? :rotfl:

Leana--Nice hill work out!!!

Carrie--If Scott is anything like Stephen, he probably had the proto-type for your wooden shoe lift all ready to go into production!! I'm glad your booty is feeling better.

Bill--I hope the family is feeling better and with the parents in town, you and Lynnda can have a date night!

Dave--You know I hydrated with Diet Coke all day yesterday. ;) Stephen is running the Columbus Marathon on Oct 21, looks like I know what I'll be doing on my 7th anniversary. :rolleyes:

Kim--Are you excited to start training for the 1/2??? Good luck!

NEPatsFan--Welcome!!!!! Unfortunately we can't be friends in football season! ;) ;) ;)

Ah, nuts, the phones are back up! I was hoping not to be bothered the rest of the day. ;)
Krista - rotfl!! He didnt really have time for prototypes,he only had a few seconds btwn you can't go higher than 3/8" and teh doc thinks tha twill be enough. But, I'm sure he could have fixed me up in minutes. :p
I am right there with you though! It is so easy to get up at 0500 to get my LR in...but other days...not so much.:confused3

My training - I ran 14 today....I started at 0600 and did a 6.5 loop. Bree started around 0645 at the same place to do a 7.5 mile loop. I finished my 6.5 then started the 7.5 to meet up with Bree. It took me about 4 miles to catch her. So we did the last 3 together. I know I was running btwn a 8:30 and 9 MPM until I met up with Bree...then I don't know. I was tired b/c we rehearsed until midnight!

OK! I think I am caught up..sorry if I missed someone!
Thanks for the :wizard: :wizard: for tonights show!:cool2:
Hey, Your Highness/Evil Queen/Christa- Me three about the getting up at 5:00am for my LR! I love it. It's my favorite time of the week, getting up early, waking up, and having a nice long run all to myself. Runs after work I force myself to get out there. I'm not looking forward to today's run. It's hot, hot, hot out there. Fantastic job on the 14 miler. Whoo hooo, you're getting some miles in this week.
I love the hockey bashing but have to be cheering for the Sens....Go Sens Go....or at least show up for a game.....:lmao:

Kim, I'm with you, I am cheering for the Sens, but I really didn't expect them to roll over and die like this. Maybe they had too much time off?

I just can't cheer for Anaheim thanks to Chris Pronger. It goes back to 2000 when he and some of his St. Louis Blues buddies showed up at a bar in Vancouver I was at with some friends. I didn't realize it was Pronger until later, I thought it was just come obnoxious guy in a suit. He started to make fun of me on the dance floor - true story! Then another team mate of his (ridiculously tall and a very bad dancer) was doing the robot and kept stepping on my friend's feet who is 5'2" and probably weights 100 lbs soaking wet. She gave him a bit of a knock in the arm to get him too move away, and he wanted to start a fight so we high tailed it out of there! Only learned later that they played for the Blues!

The moral of the story is, if you are in a bar in a hockey town, and a bunch of really tall guys in suits show up, it is safe to assume they are probably hockey players!
Hello!!! We have air conditioning!!

Dave--You know I hydrated with Diet Coke all day yesterday. ;) Stephen is running the Columbus Marathon on Oct 21, looks like I know what I'll be doing on my 7th anniversary. :rolleyes:
Krista- Woo hooo for the AC :cool1:! Hey, that's perfect that Steve's got your anniversary plans made already. I think I saw that the traditional anniversary gift for 7 years is Clif Shots, GU, or shoes - so you're all set. Keep that Diet Coke hydration going... that's what they needed at the water stops for you at Disney.
What days is everyone going in for Marathon weekend??? We are currently booked from 10 - 14th......

Good morning everyone! TGIF!!

No running yet. I may venture out on Tuesday as the foot is feeling good, or I may wait until after I get to the running store next week. I want to get another gait analysis done and see what they say.

Lower body last night. Haven’t done squats in a while and my thighs are yelling at me this morning. It hurts soooooo good. :)

To all members of YARC.

Karen – Hey!

Howard – You’re a running machine.

Mike(Optimator) – Glad you had a good time at the World.

WWDave – No virgins? That sucks! WTG with the walk.

Renee – Hope the DD is feeling better.

Judy – :snooty: :rolleyes1 ;)

Colleen – Good luck with your race this weekend.

Angie – Take care of that blister.

Pat'sBill – :welcome:

Stacey – WTG with the 5 miler!

Christa – Good luck with the show

Terri – Hope your ankle is ok.

Krista – I’d say 9 hours at work without AC counts as XT. Glad to hear it’s back on.

Andrew – Great job with the training.

Cam – WTG with the TM workout.

Bill – Hope you and family start feeling better soon.

Carrie – Get well.

Dave – You will report to WDW in a military type manner in January.

Leana – Sounds like your run was fun.

Kevin – Sorry you had a couple of bad runs.

Sorry if I missed anyone.
Diet coke has caffiene and I can't do anything without my diet coke.
I drink one every day at 4am when I get to work!
I think I have had 4 cans by now...
I could not do any race without one diet coke first!
Leana & Kim - I hear you on Pronger! Although, tha tbar story is unbelievable. :scared1: Howver, tehm makign short order of teh Sens does make my WIngs look better, so I'm kind of leaning that way. My favorite Pronger story is when Stevie ducked and pronger was seriously injured. Just desserts! Too bad it wasn't career ending. :(

DAveSkwalker - I second Vic!
Leana-Hows this sound? One Boston guy with a slight accent and a love for hockey? I know plenty of them.

Kim-Sens have Patrick Eaves who I have disliked since his college days and Emery. I've been actively routing against them from the start. Plus the Ducks winning would be fun because I think they're just due and they have a kid from my college on the team and I always like to see them hoist the cup.

Carrie-That commercial kills me, every time I see that I'm like I've done that, just get it! It's one of my favorites after the one where Ovechkin orders all that food and sends it to Crosby's room.
I'm like I've done that, just get it!
:p Yup, although I do andmi to having a whimpoy way of filling to ease myself into it. Haven't seen teh crosby commercial. I'll have to keep an eye out.
Hi everyone:

Got up this morning and walked outside for 25 minutes. A personal best for actual road work as I have not really walked outside in about 2 1/2 years and have been primarily using a treadmill as part of rehab/PT. So for the early going, I can probably set lots of personal bests. Guess I'll have to get a Garmin or something to measure distances.

I also got my first one on one challange while I was walking early this AM as what I believe was a slug passed me. I tried drafting behind it for a little bit but soon realized that the size differential, given I am currently 400+ lbs and the slug was maybe a couple of grams, didn't help me much with him in front. I then remembered it wasn't NASCAR, so I thought back to some stuff I read about race strategies. I think it is Dave McGovern who spoke about sticking to a person ahead of you. Thus, I tried to keep the antenea in sight, while avoiding the slime trail (because I also read I'm suppose to look out for road hazards). I think the slug pulled off the road because I lost "contact" with it. Anyway, I have reminded myself not to get discouraged as I am working on building up distance at present, not speed. (Although I think I will start my loop in the opposite direction next time so I can catch the slug at the beginning of my walk, rather than at the end when I'm tiring.)

Carrie and poppinspal-As a former oft injured high school and college jock, the problem with the ice whirlpool isn't so much getting in, its more the difficulty of getting ....how should I say it ..... all the male parts back to where they belong after you get out.

Krista-no reason we can't be friends during the season, just don't buy your Super Bowl tickets and make hotel arrangements before you play the game. Also, thanks for Mike Vrabel and Josh Miller.
Carrie:Stevie Y is my DS's favorite all time player.

Poppal: I don't follow the Sens much, I am a die hard, idiot, will never learn Leaf fan, my DS loves the Sens, has for years so I am on the Ottawa bandwagon. I love Spezza, Heatly, and sorry Emery to, I think he would fit in with the ain't right club....I mean eatting a cockroach for $500....yikess.....but man he is standing on his head. Only good thing if the Ducks will is Alfredsson won't get a ring, have disliked him forever. Sorry start me talking about hockey and I don't shut up....:confused3

I have seen the Ovechkin ordering food one, kills me everytime.

Yes!!! I am getting so excited about starting my training up again, looks like we got in on time.

Hey all. Had a good workout today. 4 miles, 8:50pace. We'll see what happens when I get out on the road either tomorrow or Sunday. I'll have to be out there early, as the temps have been climbing in the 90s here as well. Just a taste of what summer will bring! It was great training for a marathon in March here with the weather. We'll have to see how I train over the summer. I can't imagine a 18 miler at the end of August:scared1:

Dave (skywalker)--it is I who is braving the Akron marathon--like I said before, what I won't do for free shoes! Hmmm, now how do we get you to WDW in Jan??? Is there a rent-a-nanny that us WISHers could sponsor??

Kim--we are planning on arriving Friday and leaving Wed. in Jan. But nothing's in stone yet; we haven't purchased tickets. But that's when I plan booking our room for. We wanted to arrive in time to cheer on the 1/2 WISHers and then have 2 good park days (Mon. and Tues.) after the marathon

Christa--good luck with the shows this weekend. You are WICKED busy! OOC!:rotfl:

Well, that's it for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm gonna go blow my gift card at the running store tomorrow--haven't yet decided if I should get shoes or clothes--maybe they'll have something fun in lime green!
NE Bill--With our new coach, I'm not making post season plans at all!! Awesome job on walking for 25 minutes this morning. You are absolutely right, at this point it's all about getting out there and getting your steps in, don't think about speed at all. By the way, I was LOL about your slug friend! :)
Stephanie - Fun adn lime green is always good!!

Kim - We're going from teh 11th to teh 18th.

NEPatsFan - :lmao: OMG, that is so funny. Of course, I know it's not ture, but thanks for the laugh! BTW, you're welcome for the fine WOlverine training of your Mr. Brady. ;) Hey, living in MI, we need to have a tream to cheer for in the palyoffs, so that's a good reason for my choosing teh Pats.
Carrie-If I remember this weekend I"ll search out the Ovechkin/Crosby one on youtube. They had a couple of funny Ovechkin ones. (I"m at work where I can't see youtube videos.)

nepatsfan73-I can't comment on that problem. I could actually but I'm trying to be good. I did how ever have the wonderful experience of having to sit in the whirlpool with the wrestling team in hs. That was an experience!

Kim-I went to a Toronto game the one time I visited there, it was tons of fun. I even bought a flag to wave. (This was back when Tom Fitzgerald was playing, he's a friend of my aunt and uncle.) I should be honest I have a love/hate relationship with Emery. Half the time I hate him the other half I sit there going is he really that bad? Eaves is what really does it for me, he played for the team that my school is rivals with. We hate them as much as us Sox fans hate the Yanks. I was all about Buffalo this season but my hopes were dashed. Hockey talk in June excites me almost as much as hockey talk in October!



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