Wk of May 27--WISH Running/Walking Club

I'm happy to report that I'm almost healthy - at least healthy enough to run. I did go to the doctor Thursday - he said I was on the upside of something viral, but that running last weekend didn't hurt anything, and I could certainly run if I felt like it. And I definitely felt like it this morning. Did 6.67 miles with the Galloway group, and almost stopped off at the park and did more on the way home (I think that qualifies me for membership in the YARC!). I was worried about missing next week's 8 mile run since we'll be at WDW, but my group leader told me if I did two 4 mile runs it would count, so I may shoot for that instead of doing 8 while my family waits for me to go to the parks!

WWDave - I'm with you on the humidity. I even asked the doctor if there was something wrong with me since every time I run in the afternoon I feel like I can't breathe after 2 minutes of running - he said get used to it!

- I love your rambling!

- I love the morning run too, but there's something wrong about the clock going off just as early (or earlier) on Saturday as it does the rest of the week!

:scared: The wind and rain was a little scary last night, but no sign of tornados, thank goodness! We getting new siding starting today, yippee! The crew showed up at 7:15 am ready to start removing the old siding. I'm glad for them that the weather cooled down a little after the storms last night.

I'm looking forward to a bike ride today after schlepping my kids around.

DaveWW - I love the occasional margarita (especially the fiesta margarita at the Mexico pavillion in Epcot), but my beer preference is Corona Light with lime. The lime makes me feel like the beer is somewhat healthy.

DavesSKY - :worship: Building up to 30 miles would be fantastic! It sounds like a goal I should try myself.

Kim - I saw Pirates 3 last weekend with my DD 15 and we loved it. I thought it had a little more humor :lmao: than the previous pirates, therefore, I found it more entertaining. Stay cool at the soccer tourney today.

nepatsfan - What is YARC? ... and I second the motion of you taking the post of the newly created ADDSANFE. We have a dog and accept all the responsibilities that go along with being a pet owner. I feel like putting a bag dispenser on our mailbox for the dog walkers who let their dogs leave 'stuff' on our yard.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Saturday TEAM!

Dave - Good time on your run - I don't know how anyone can run/walk in humid weather..Colorado has ruined me. My hat goes off to you:lmao:

DaveWW - I called reservations directly to book my stay @Pop. Not sure when they release their 2008 blocks for the internet. I'm trying to book my flight but the prices are alittle high now, I'm hoping they'll go down in the next few months.

Kim - I haven't seen the latest installment of Pirates, but to be honest with you I wasn't too impressed with the last one. I may wait til it comes out on dvd.pirate:

I walked alittle over 7 miles yesterday but I think I have to break down and go see a doctor. My left heal has been hurting for the last month and doesn't seem to be getter better. I'm bumming because I have a half marathon next Saturday and the Heavy Half, in Leadville, on July 7th. I'm not sure why, or how it got this way, but everytime I step down pain shoots up my leg. :headache:

I should be a grandma sometime today....pray all goes well.:woohoo:
Help!!! How do I reserve a room for January's fun. When I go to the resorts and try to reserve the little drop down only has 2007, how do I do a 2008. Also I wonder if there is an extra discount for "YARC" membership? Has anyone booked the Swan or Dolfin yet for January?

Morning everyone!

WWDave - You have to call central reservations to book since they haven't released their rates for 2008 yet. You'll put down a deposit for one night at the 2007 rate, but will tell you that the rate isn't guaranteed. They have a 1-800 number too. 1-800-828-0228.

Well, I think I'm going to bypass on the XT this morning. For right now anyway! When my dog Maggie woke me up at 6 am to go out, I realized as I was walking up and down that my legs and booty were still a bit sore from Thursday's hill workout.

OK, time to get moving... Finlay needs to go out now, and I need to pick up the cupcakes for my SIL's birthday that I ordered, then we are off to Banff! Have a great day everyone.
Today's observations lead me to officially nominate myself as a YARC Assistant Deputy Dog Stalker for Adjunct Natural Fertilizer Enforcement. Let me start by saying I love dogs and if I didn't have 4 kids, a job where I work a lot of hours and a wife who wants no part of cleaning up after a dog in addition to the kids and me, I would probably have one. I notice, however, that the early morning dog walkers in my neighborhood are less inclined to utilizer dog fertilizer collection devices than evening dog walkers. I guess they figure there is less chance of being sighted (or cited by me if I get the YARC post). No offense, but if I wanted to be cleaning droppings out of my yard regularly, I'd have my own dog. OK, enough rambling.
Hope you all have a great day and let me know if I should post my rambling thoughts elsewhere and not bog down this serious training thread (or just keep them to myself).

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: .....POST HERE POST HERE! Love the rambling thought here! You are PERFECT for this thread....you are in serious training!:banana:

WWDAVE - Yes the heat is kill'n my times too!

SKYDAVE - I have been up but not as early as you! Show went great! Thanks for asking...I sing a really funny song, and get to interact with the audience....and they looked like they were really enjoying it so that always makes me feel good. They even clapped after the song....:cool1: GREAT show! GREAT crowd!

Was thinking about going out for 2 miles so I could get my 30 miles in this week...I am at 28 now. But DH may kill me...I may need to spend some time with my family.;) :rolleyes: ;)

I know I have forgotten something, but not sure what so you may see me again today...
:scared: The wind and rain was a little scary last night, but no sign of tornados, thank goodness! We getting new siding starting today, yippee! The crew showed up at 7:15 am ready to start removing the old siding. I'm glad for them that the weather cooled down a little after the storms last night.

I'm looking forward to a bike ride today after schlepping my kids around.

DaveWW - I love the occasional margarita (especially the fiesta margarita at the Mexico pavillion in Epcot), but my beer preference is Corona Light with lime. The lime makes me feel like the beer is somewhat healthy.

nepatsfan - What is YARC?

Dreamy, "YARC", is the "You ain't right club". Several of us on here have a few screws loose. "They are coming to take me away, HaHa, HeHe, HoHo, those nice young men in their clean white coats, they are coming to take me away HaHa". Wanna join?:flower3:

Darlin, you don't stick fruit in a beer for any reason.:eek:

I have enouth problem just being a walker in this humidity, you guys that run must really be suffering right now.

Slinking off for a nap now before work.

DreamBeliever-DaveWW beat me to it, but YARC is the you ain't right club. This is my first week trying to follow the weekly training thread and I think the club started this week while Big "Alexander Haig" Vic took control of the thread in Mel's absence. I'll sum up what I can recall from this weeks thread, as I don't have time to review it.

I think DaveWW first proposed/motioned the formation of the club. (Not clear if we are using the internet version of Robert's Rules of Order.) BigVic quickly searched for virgin sacrifices. DaveWW was appointed Sargeant-at-Arms, but raised issues about a virgin's union or something like that. Others have been nominated, requested admission or been self appointed since.*

Other things I recall from my first week following this thread. Carrie's booty is feeling better; Christa recapped a fair amount of "Wicked" things that happened on the thread in a short period of time, including Pungodingy's wicked blister; Cam was refreshing herself every 60 seconds (OCD?); poppinspal was telling about sharing whirlpools with wrestlers; BigVic "ordered" Bill to report to the WDW marathon (BigVic also trying to take control of YARC's military arm eventhough DaveWW is the Sargeant-at-Arms?); Krista spent a night with Christian Bale; and Judy practices being a dummy.

I truly apologize if I forgot any other important events from the week or didn't correctly recount the exact details in the above summary. I think there was also some talk of training and upcoming events too.

*ETA: This is referring to YARC, no takers on the virgin's union.
Today was my first attempt at XT. I biked, for about 15 minutes, approx 1.5 miles. I had to keep telling myself that I don't live in a flat area, and that hills for a first time bike makes for a short ride of it. I'm sure I'll do better, and eventually I'll have killer quads!
Well there was no training run this morning. Something about the first weekend of hurricane season and a Tropical Storm coming in. When I first woke up to the alarm (around midnight), I discovered it was actually the UPS's in the house going off since we lost power yet again. I think the power lines are more afraid of these things than the people. :sad2: When the actual alarm went off, it was pouring way too hard to even think about going outside and the power was still off. :rolleyes:

Another call to the power company and I found out a limb broke a line and they had to wait for another group to trim trees. I asked since it was light outside (just before 6:00), why didn't I hear any chainsaws yet. :rolleyes1 The worker was apologetic but didn't help much. I thought about sicing an irritated mother who was about to lose 2 months worth of hard pumping work but I figured that might be cruel and unusual punishment. :lmao:

A couple of hours later I figured I would go supervise everything since it still wasn't on. While watching, they decided to get to work and fixed the line within 5 minutes but they still had to check things out. After 10 hours, the power finally came on. Everything still seemed fine with our food (yes I have thermocouples in the frig and freezer so I can monitor the temperature :rolleyes1) so the power company lucked out on being yelled at by an irate mom. :rotfl2:

I just hope this isn't the standard quo during hurricane season. Now it is just windy with brief bits of rain. I think I did hear my insurance rates being blown higher though...

:banana: :cool1: It's official...I'm a grandma:cheer2: :dance3: Little Sophia was born this afternoon in Washington, D.C. weighing in at 5pds/6oz. Our first grandbaby.....I wonder if I can order an infant size WISH shirt??:cloud9:
:banana: :cool1: It's official...I'm a grandma:cheer2: :dance3: Little Sophia was born this afternoon in Washington, D.C. weighing in at 5pds/6oz. Our first grandbaby.....I wonder if I can order an infant size WISH shirt??:cloud9:
man oh man, I spend 2 weeks away and I can't keep up with this board...

I went for an outside long run yesterday, and the heat and humidity are starting to pile up out here. Now I remember why they run the Houston Marathon in January! 830 AM is too late a start when the sun can beat down on you by 10AM

Mile 1: 16:36 includes warmup
Mile 2: 13:37 a little too fast given the weather
Mile 3: 15:05 too slow, even for the weather
Mile 4: 14:36
Mile 5: 14:30
Mile 6: 14:51
Mile 7: 14:34 I tried to push the pace here and thought I went faster, must have been the heat
Mile 8: 16:19 includes cool down
Mile 8.5: 9:05 cool down

I'll be at a convention next week, so I will probably only get a few miles in on the treadmill then.


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