Wk of May 6--WISH Walking/Running Club

Great pix DAve, Steve & Krista!!!!

OMG! The 3 of you in front of the flag is pricesless!!!!
[BTW, we also ate bunch of watermelon and I was very BLOATED. I think I gained a few pounds, but it was all WATER WEIGHT. Then I went swimming too soon and had CRAMPS. Man, did that make me CRANKY! It was a little better when DD3 found her missing Barbie and shouted MI-DOL!! (sp?).

Ha,ha, Mike......since we have never met, I didn't realize you were one of us "gals"! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Great pix DAve, Steve & Krista!!!!

OMG! The 3 of you in front of the flag is pricesless!!!!
I know Steve and Krista are gone, but the picture of the 2 of them in front of the flag backdrop is really good too. I thought that was a great picture of them. They look so very happy. [Ahem, different than the "heated" discussion at the start line. :lmao:]
Cam - Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! :yay:
My DH had a heart scare a little over a year ago and that is what got him running, too. He did his first half in March and I was so proud of him! :love:

Finished week 5 of 13 today! :woohoo:

week 1 / 7.18 miles / 13:27 average pace
week 2 / 9.12 miles / 12:35 average pace
week 3 / 10.59 miles / 12:24 average pace
week 4 / 8.16 miles / 12:39 average pace
week 5 / 8.76 miles / 12:08 average pace

Sunday I up my running from 3 minutes to 5, with a minute walk break in between. Wish me luck. I'm really determined to stick with the program and not give up, but sometimes when I'm out there I start doubting myself... :confused3
Vic Have fun!!

Cam that's AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your success!!

I did pretty good this week - I think its week 5 for me - Sun 3.1 miles Mon, Wed, Thurs 2.2 miles

Interesting it was really hot early this week - yesterday I got a sunburn on my nose! BUT today - perfect, perfect, perfect weather - It cant be more than 70 deg F with a cool breeze - AWESOME!! I'm still working at 30 - 40 minutes...

I changed up some tunes in the ipod - I love the Judds "Rockin w/ Rythm of the Rain" or my favorite... "I know where I'm going" (do you wanna come too... I made my reservations.. It just screams Disney to me!!) By having these new tunes it kept me movin - I couldnt walk to them!! I appreciate the information about not running with ipods earphones - so I just keep one in my ear - and only run a course in a park - wide blacktop path...
Hi everyone!! Miss me?? ;)

Catching Up is Hard To Do...

Congrats to all our Minnies, Pigs and Assorted other Running Mammals!!! My deepest regrets that zebra butt could not attend either gathering, but he will be making his triumphant return appearance at Marathon Weekend. :teeth:

HM: So sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

:welcome: Dona!!! What a wonderful story you have to tell.

Laurie-- Congrats on the win!!

Cam-- What wonderful news from your doctor!! :grouphug:

I apologize for being AWOL for the last several weeks. Lots of stuff going on around my parts. I want to thank everyone for their kind words regarding my final exams. All things considered I am pretty happy with the way the semester turned out.

Last Friday was my final day at Ye Olde Sports job. I had been there for five years, so it was bittersweet leaving, but the timing was right and I'm looking forward to lots of new experiences (and having time for myself!!). I am back in class for the Spring ( :headache: ) and have started a new career path-- I am a freelance writer and editor. With an agent and everything. It's something that I have always wanted to pursue and was looking forward to trying after graduation, but no time like the present, right?? I already have a couple of jobs (some web content, an article, an interview) and I'll be submitting work all over the place once I really get going. It's nerve wracking but incredibly exciting.

I was in Toronto last weekend for a "breather" weekend, and didn't check to see that there was a really cool looking 10K in town when I was there :sad2: . ( Yes, I know I'll be back there in 6 weeks. Yes, my Toronto obsession is reaching Disney heights.) TO is definately where I hope to land after graduation, so I may be starting the very long/expensive visa process soon. I think the career opportunites there would be much better than here in West Michigan. There is a ton of research I have to do.. but we'll see where it goes.

On the running front, I am doing OK with some shorter runs. I need to kick it into gear.. I have a 5K in 6 weeks and would like to break 27 minutes. (At least that was the goal a few months ago...) I also had to make Sophie's Choice between running Toronto Waterfront this year and doing the ToT 13K... and the marathon won out. I figure that's the best bet to help me on the road to Goofy 08 success! And it should get my butt in shape this summer, since "official" training begins.... MONDAY! (20 weeks out!) :faint: I'm still on the fence about the CDC... a fence I need to get off of since it's filling fast....

OK, enough about me for now...
Off to read the race reports!
Happy Training!
Kevin :earsboy:
Solotraaveler? That name sounds very familiar. Anyone remeber him? ;) ;)

Good to see you Kevin! Would a ride to CDC help?
Hello Everyone

So much for keeping up this week!! :confused3

Anyway just did a quick skim through and wanted to say:

CAM :dance3: CONGRATULATIONS ON THE REPORT!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana:

MINNIE CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR COMMENCEMENT. Anyone who writes any kind of thesis has my utmost respect, I would rather solve a MILLION equations.:rotfl:

STEPHANIE:yay: :yay: WAY TO GO ON YOUR 5K!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! - Love the siggie

Sorry for everyone else I missed. No big training news, trying to rest my back after the MINNIE, 1 easy 3 miles so far this week. Just posted my MINNIE pics on other thread. I am really sorry to all of you who did not get your finish line one. That's always the best one - FINISH in the background.

OK have to go back to work now!!

I'm still on the fence about the CDC... a fence I need to get off of since it's filling fast....

Uh Oh.......... I thought I'd have plenty of time to make a decision on this one. Anyone know where I can find how close it is to filling up?

I'm only up back to to 3miles since restarting. With only 3 months to train does anyone think a 1/2 marathon is even possibe :confused3

And - Thank you everyone for your kind words!!!!!!!!!!!! :grouphug: I leave this evening for the 5+ hour drive. Commencement is tomorrow morning I really can't believe it is here :cloud9: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana:
OK, thanks to the tutorial on the Minnie thread, I was able to do this.

That's Nancy on the left, me on the right and the shirts were courtesy of Cam! You can see that most of the stadium has already cleared out.

I guess someone got their CD today. It just reminds me how much fun we had doing that half marathon. If only it wasn't such hard work to get into shape to do it.

The Raleigh event is very tempting. Cheap SWA tickets and free room. The only downside is that I am just getting back from being on vacation the week before the race.

I am still looking at Baltimore, but priced the inner harbor hotels they have got to be kidding. I guess I will just drive down in the morning.

Nancy: I just sent you a long personal email.......haven't ordered the CD yet, but someone just taught me how to do this.
Take your time about deciding to do the Raleigh event. I will try to pick up another flyer about it and send it to you.
Happy Friday everyone!!! I wanted to take a few minutes and catch up with everyone while I have a few minutes to sit down!! Life has been really busy this week, we have our annual field day at school next week, plus a Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser and those two events are consuming all of my time this week!!!!! I seriously hope to get some running in this weekend.

eeyore45--I will have to go and check out that other post and meet HockeyKat. Hockey is so much fun.... I love it!!

Lynne J--I am so impressed that you will do the Ironman! I have so much respect for people that can do an Ironman! Good Luck with all your events coming up this year!

Carrie, MouseDogMom, disnutt, Cindylou, padisneyfan, Kevin--Thanks for the Congrats on the hockey game!!

Dave--No cup for the win! We actually got a pretty pathetic trophy, it was pretty funny! Guess I have to route for those Sabres, since my Devils were eliminated. :sad1:

Minnie-Congrats on getting your MBA!!! That is great!

Cam--That is so great!! You are such an inspiration to us all!!

Dona-Welcome to the Team!! You have such a great attitude about good health!!

Leana--Glad you had a great time at WDW!! You are your mom must have had a blast, and you both did great in your races!!

Vic--Lucky you to be at Mickey's House. I hope you are keeping up with all your Nascar news about Dale Jr. while you are there!!!

I hope everyone has an AWESOME weekend!!! Hopefully, I will get some running in to get myself back in a routine!!!
I officially started my training for the Leadville Heavy Half Marathon. I'm walking this one not running it. It starts at 10,000 feet high and climbs to 13,186 feet before going back down. My sister is walking with me along with her husband, but my DH refuses to participate. He's probably the smart one.

Walking at 4.0 miles per hour is not an easy pace. Add a 5% incline to that and you are really pushing it! Now I just need to figure out a way to choke off the oxygen to really simulate the conditions!!

Shan: congrats on finishing week 5! You can do this.

Eeyore45: send some of that cooler weather our way! It's been in the 80s which is a bit hard to run in especially when you're used to 40s! We certainly went through spring much too quickly.

Kevin: congrats on the new career path. Carpe diem!! If you don't do this now, the opportunity will not come around again soon, if ever. Keep us posted on the visa saga.

Minnie: congrats on graduating! DD graduates next week. We'll have a house full of family but I'm glad they will be here to share it with her.

Stephanie: nice job on the 5K!! :thumbsup2

Mike: :lmao: And you must post a pic of your DD wearing the medals!

Vic: you're at Epcot? Oooohhhh, I'm jealous! I wanna be back there!!

Carrie: sorry to hear about your leg! I have no idea why you could do so well for 9.3 and then 30 minutes hurts it. I hope the orthodics come through quickly.

Cam: you are an amazing inspiration to us all!

Good night everyone! To those racing this weekend, good luck! Can't wait to read the reports. To those injured or sick, get well soon!
Everybody is doing SO well. I'm loving all of the race reports, and esp. the pictures. It looks like so, so much fun :) I have to go away this weekend, and I have tons to do, so I'm sorry I don't have time for personals. I promise to be better next week!

Wedensday: 5K in just over 48 minutes, around a 15:30 mpm. I felt pretty crappy the whole time, but I'm still ok with my time. I got slower over the 5K which is abnormal for me (by mile, 15:15, 15:26, 15:56, the last .11 I sped up for). It's ok, I still did the whole thing, and that's what is important

Thursday: XT where I swam for 36 minutes. Nothing exciting, just swimming (well a lot of kicking and some sculling to work on my arms)

Friday: 3 miles in 44:30, a 14:50 mpm. Splits were weird (15:15, 14:08, 15:08). I think that middle mile is on really flat land, so it's easy to go fast. Plus I saw another river otter, swimming this time, and I was excited :lmao:

Out of town this weekend, but I think the hotel has a treadmill, so I should try and get on for a couple miles on Sunday.

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
I officially started my training for the Leadville Heavy Half Marathon.

Yeah, Martha, sounds like you are hooked!

I know you and Craig will be running ToT, do you have any plans for WDW half or full marathon???

jeanneg, Great pics from Minnie!

Shan, great job finishing week five! Onward and upward!

What, Vic, Krista and Steve are all at Disney!:yay:

Wow Dave, you and Steve look great! What a great looking stride. I need to find Krista's pics.

Kevin, good hearing from you!

Oh, I also miss MelR, where are you at girl?

I have a half marathon coming up in my hometown the first week of June. So for training, I ran 13 miles last weekend which went well.:yay: I will do a tempo run tomorrow of about 8 or 9 miles and then maybe a 14 or 15 miler next weekend. Now that I have my mileage up a bit, I might even think about running that Calgary marathon that Leana is doing in July. :eek: I did the half up there last year and it was pretty hot, not as hot as Disney this year but still tough.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hey WISH Team! What a week. I came back from Minnie to a few extra long days so no training at all for me since Minnie. It's all good though. I'm stepping out really early a.m. to get in my steps. I'm not sure how many steps, but I'll be putting them infor sure.

Hope everyone has a great LR weekend and for those having fun in the World, I miss being there for sure. I loved all the pretty flowers last weekend.

For those in events and checking our calendar, I've made the updates. If you have any events for me to add, please list them on the calendar thread. Check it out. I hope I've not made any mistakes.
As a newbie to all this, I'm not familiar with the "ultra", but there's only one Umstead Park in Raleigh.....and it's a big one!

Yeah, There is a 100 mile ultramarathon there...I had a friend run it. You can see the pic on tricharlotte.com....go down to the race reports. I cannot do the Raleigh marathon b/c I will be at WDW...but you and Nancy come to Charlotte in December to do the marathon or 1/2...we can have a WISH meet.

Mike - Nah you did not miss my 5k...it is on the 19th...thanks for asking. I am hoping to do as well as Stephanie did. Congrats Stephanie.:banana:

Ran 9.something yesterday
ran 16 today! Ave 9 MPM today.
I have officially started training for GFMM ( and the 40 miler!:scared1: )....even though I may not do it...It may be full...will have to check. My feet are slap tore up!

Dave - COOL PICS!:banana:
Jackie & Jeanne - I'll have to think about this ... it's the week after the ToT 13K which I'm hoping to do. That topography map looks relatively hilly! (I really hate hills which is one of the reasons I like running at WDW!) I'll have to drive the course.

I'm hoping to do the ToT too - I figure it will be my last LR before the Raleigh half. Are you local?

O.K. Jackie - I'm no cartographer, but I'd call a few of those humpty-dumpties on the map you posted "real" hills.

Okay - when you live in a city and drive the streets all the time, you don't notice the hills. Then when you actually RUN the streets, you discover that there actually ARE hills. We'll let you know after we drive the course if perception is reality, or if the map is right!

Christa - Congratulations on finishing 16!

- Are you gonna run Raleigh?

Did my first run with the Galloway group this morning. We started out with 3 miles. That was a cakewalk after 6 miles last weekend! Plus, we did 3R/1W intervals, and an easy run at that. The biggest accomplishment - first time I've ever run in the rain! I'm usually a fair-weather runner, but if I'm going to pay for this program, I have to do it rain or shine.



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