Wk of May 6--WISH Walking/Running Club

Jeanne - Didn't realized till just a few minutes ago that DH's boys' soccer team has a game today at the Heritage fields. DD and I are coming to watch at 1:30!

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Since I'm still in recovery mode after the Flying Pig Half, I let myself sleep in this morning and didn't set the alarm for 5am. Beautiful day here in Rochester, I did 3.14 easy miles today in 28:21 min. I was surprised my pace was exactly 9:00 mpm. I guess that's becoming a very comfortable pace for me - which is good if I want to do a 4 hour full marathon. I'd like to get my easy run pace down to about 8:30 mpm so my full marathon pace could be comfortably 9:00 mpm. I have some time to get it down there before the Full training begins.

Colleen- Congrats on your 13 miler last weekend. See we were running together again afterall. How'd the tempo run go today?

Christa- 16 miles at 9:00 mpm pace on a training run - you rock! WTG!!! See we knew you had 16 miles in you.

Bekkiz- good job on your training this week. Way to stick with it.

Martha- Craig's not doing the Leadville Heavy Half? We'll see if he sticks to that as it draws closer. Boy, I went camping once in Leadville, CO - We even went over Mosquito Pass, at 14,000 feet that was scary. Whew, my hat's off to you for attempting a half marathon there. Good luck.

Denny- How's your recovery going? What do you have planned next?

Have a great weekend everyone.
Sorry for the drive by..... I just wanted to pop in and post my run for this morning. I am trying to make sure I do that every day to keep my self accountable. I ran 3 miles in 26:05, avg 8.41 mpm. I guess that running I did with my husband really did help with my pace!!

I was really upset to read on another thread that there will no longer be a Minnie Marathon. I really wanted to do that next year! :sad: "O" well, maybe I'll be able to get one of those princess medals!!

Hi WISH Team!

I Just :scared1: went out for a lovely 5 mile trek. I managed 13:50 pace. It was not as much of a stroll as I would have liked in feeling, but pace is acceptable to me. I'm thinking I'm still in recovery too. If Dave is still in recovery mode, I get extra time for age. Anne, wasn't there some formula that you posted up that gave me essentially the long winters rest after Goofy? Anyway, today's sightings on the trail consisted of
a Coyote,

a Blue Heron, (it decided to fly away as I took the pic)

and a baby toad I almost stepped on.

Since I've got the album open I'll share the bald eagle pic I took. It is sitting in the treetop looking down at the nest lower right (huge pile of twigs in the trees) Makes the Blue Heron rookery that they have chosen to move into look like tiny nests. They are pretty big ones too.

Enjoy your "strolls" everyone.
Colleen- Congrats on your 13 miler last weekend. See we were running together again afterall. How'd the tempo run go today?

:rotfl: Oh Dave, I wish we were able to run together last weekend! I actually did my LR at 7:30 p.m. Sunday night. I went out with sunglasses (for the first hour) and then put on a reflective vest for the last hour because I knew it would be almost 10 p.m. before I finished! I didn't mind going out that late because I needed some "alone time" after spending the weekend with the Girl Scouts!:eek: (Two days with 15 eight year olds was a little much!:rolleyes1 I was quite surprised to see how brash some of the girls were. No filter on what they say at all!:sad2: Of course, the misbehaved girls' parents did not volunteer to caperone.)

Jackie, when are the Raleigh races? Is there both a half and full marathon?

Dana, yes I am disappointed in the retirement of the Minnie race as well. I really wanted the Minnie to go with Donald, Mickey and Goofy!
Well, I got out for the first time since the Minnie. 3.4 miles total- 3 miles in 39 minutes. I'm glad the Minnie didn't have any hills like the ones around my house! I'm on top of the hill, so anything out is great (some flat & downhills) but going back home, it's almost all uphill!

And I'm waxing my car today. I guess that counts as XT right?

I'm not really liking the princess theme for next year (instead of the Minnie) but it will probably be the only half I'll get to do. I guess they're thinking they'll draw all the people that want a new & different medal, right?

Has anyone tried the Run Less, Run Faster method that was mentioned in RW this month? There's a book, I was just wondering about real world results.
Tough run today. Did 7.5 miles averaging 10:30. I was going to run 8, but was beat. The humidity got to me today. I hate days like this. Other days I feel so good after running this far. Today I struggled getting out of the car when I got back.

But, if you didn't have the bad days you wouldn't know how good the good days are!
I tried to upload a picture in the Princess photo contest -- but I kept getting an error message. Is it because I'm new that I can't post images?
Just curious.
Dona :confused3
Since I'm still in recovery mode after the Flying Pig Half, I let myself sleep in this morning and didn't set the alarm for 5am. Beautiful day here in Rochester, I did 3.14 easy miles today in 28:21 min. I was surprised my pace was exactly 9:00 mpm. I guess that's becoming a very comfortable pace for me - which is good if I want to do a 4 hour full marathon. I'd like to get my easy run pace down to about 8:30 mpm so my full marathon pace could be comfortably 9:00 mpm. I have some time to get it down there before the Full training begins.

Christa- 16 miles at 9:00 mpm pace on a training run - you rock! WTG!!! See we knew you had 16 miles in you.

Have a great weekend everyone.

WTG Dave on the run!:banana: See, a sub 4 is in your future! Yeah my 16 miles was not my fastest or easiest, but I think it was slower b/c of the 9+ miles the day b/4. See my journal for a more "detailed" LR report...well it is a little more detailed. Not to sore though. I was thinking about riding this afternoon, but it is getting ready to storm.

Duane - I totally understand. Sometimes it is just a fight to get in the run. Great pace though!:banana:

westcliffemom - Waxing is totally xtraining...and arm and core work! WTG on the run!:banana:

Lily - How beautiful! Love the pics! What a great place to train!

Dana - GIRL! You are rock'n & roll'n! What a great run!:yay:
Hey all! Just wanted to post quick my results from this am. I'llpost a more detailed race report on the other thread--5K 24:20:cool1: Couldn't quite break that 24:00. 19th overall out of 900+ women and 2nd in my age group in the clinic division! Just spent some time with my mom and sis for Mother's day.

Sounds like everyone had some great runs today! WTG!!!:banana: :banana:
Hey all! Just wanted to post quick my results from this am. I'llpost a more detailed race report on the other thread--5K 24:20:cool1: Couldn't quite break that 24:00. 19th overall out of 900+ women and 2nd in my age group in the clinic division! Just spent some time with my mom and sis for Mother's day.

Sounds like everyone had some great runs today! WTG!!!:banana: :banana:

:cool1: :yay: :banana: :cool1:
You are my hero!​
Jackie: sorry I didn't see your earlier post......We were still home around that time and I could have just scootched over. I hope you did NOT get caught by that horrific downpour!


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