Wk Of Nov 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Today is a "rest" day, so I racked the yard. 2 1/2 hours of racking leaves. Oh joy! What fun that was (NOT). I did, however, get my race packet and I'm #7373. Wonder what corral I'm in......

Jackie: :thumbsup2 great job on the 10 miles! Sounds like it was a great run.

Stephanie: sorry the weather in Houston is not cooperating but it's typical of Houston. Safe trip home tomorrow!

hockeygirl: sorry to hear about the knee pain! Here's some pixiedust: and I hope it gets better. Is it the IT band?

Bill: I just bet those kids have lots of energy especially during the holidays! Aggies did themselve proud--but why did the coach resign right after that win?

princessrunner: if you say a burst cyst is better then, ok, but I'm skeptical! But take care of yourself and happy decorating!!

Calcio: stop that! You beat me hands down every time you go running! I'm just trying to not embarrass you! :hug:

Gonna put up the tree today :santa: and see what the new cat does. He was too little last year to do any damage. This year is another story. Ought to be fun!
Wow, you guys are so far ahead of me in your training miles......I keep reading 16 miles, 20 miles, etc...I'm just happy I managed the 5k snowshoe race today. It took 1:15 :hourglass to finish, which is horrible, but most of it was uphill and I fell once. lol. Part of the course was so rocky due to lack of snow, but it was ok. Now it's time to go back to work..ugh! ;)
Bill: I just bet those kids have lots of energy especially during the holidays! Aggies did themselve proud--but why did the coach resign right after that win?

A few reasons, one dealing with a scandel earlier this year about collecting money for inside reports on how players were performing during practice or something. The main one was probably the fact that the university didn't want 7-5 seasons (something that has happened a few times or worse) if they were paying him 2 million a year. I guess they wanted a little better showing for that amount of money.

Sorry Monte, I am about to be one of those people posting monster miles.

I ran 18 miles today. Very slowly. Finished in 3:16. My legs felt stiff the entire time which was very uncomfortable. I am usually a little stiff when I start to run but today it never went away. No pain just super tight.

I did not go back to run in the stragglers because my coach said I was too tight and was going to risk injury running on muscles that stiff. He made me stretch until everyone was in.

Stretching did not help the stiffness. An ice bath did not help the stiffness. A hot shower did not help the stiffness. Three kids decorating for Christmas is not helping either. Now DH is spiking the eggnog to see if THAT helps the tight muscles.

War Eagle! Beat Bama! Go Tigers!
hockeygirl: sorry to hear about the knee pain! Here's some pixiedust: and I hope it gets better. Is it the IT band?

Martha--Thanks for the pixie dust, I need it!!

I don't think it is my IT band...the pain is more underneath my kneecap. The knee brace that I wear on my other knee stabilizes my knee cap when I run. Since the pain in my right knee is exactly the pain I had in the left, I am hoping the same brace will help. At least, this is what I am hoping, and I can get through the marathon!
Lisa- Sorry to hear you were in the ER...hope you're feeling better and glad it wasn't anything too serious!

Christa - Way to go on the 14 turned 16 miler...it was nice of you to keep your friend company. Being alone for 20 miles can get grueling after a while.

Martha - Awesome job on the 20 miler. I'm due for one in a couple weeks...any tips?

Oh and I'm still anxiously waiting for my race packet to arrive over here in Japan!
Did 4.5 miles on the TM this morning. It was 20 degrees and being a wimp with the cold no way was I going to do it outside. Spent the rest of the day putting away fall decorations and getting out the Christmas stuff. Going up and down the attic steps should count as XT as my feet and legs are tired from that. I discovered that some animal more than likely a squirrel was trying to make a home in one of my empty Dept 56 boxes that was stored in the attic. It made a huge hole in the box and chewed out most of the stryfoam. So have a trap set up there to catch it alive if it is still up there.

monte--Don't be discouraged we all started where you are now. You are doing something to make yourself healthier and that is what counts.

hockeygirl---Sorry to hear you are having knee problems, hope the brace helps.

Good job everyone with getting in all those LR and LW. I was so glad I did my LW on Thanksgiving so I didn't have to deal with that today. Trying to get as much done around the house before we leave on Wednesday for vacation.

..the pain is more underneath my kneecap. The knee brace that I wear on my other knee stabilizes my knee cap when I run. Since the pain in my right knee is exactly the pain I had in the left, I am hoping the same brace will help. At least, this is what I am hoping, and I can get through the marathon!

Laurie, I have this too! Patella Femoral Syndrome

What kind of brace do you wear?
princessmomma--I wear a neoprene brace with a hole where the kneecap is, then there are two velcro straps one above my knee and one below that I attach very loosely. Seems to really help with the knee pain, so I will stick with them. I bought them at a sporting goods store.
Did a nice Holiday run last night. Jolly Holly 5K in Millville NJ. It was a nice time. I ran in 25:40 which is over a minute faster then my last in Oct. We are running out of official races here so the bulk of my time will be spent alone on the road. Looking forward to a big crowd in Jan for the half.
rosey1020: slow and steady wins the race. That's my motto for these really, really long runs. I don't know my pace, but I think it's about 11+ min miles. That's slow for me. I also run time instead of distance which is better for me psychologically. You can do this! You are ready for it. Don't let it psych you out (easier said than done!).

hockeygirl: yuck on the knee pain. I hope the brace helps!!!

monte: way to go on the snowshoe race!! I can honestly say you are a better woman than I!! You were out there doing that!

Cecilia: did the spiked eggnog help ;) ?

Bill: huh. I hadn't been paying attention so I didn't know about the scandel. But I guess if they are paying him 2 mil a year, he should produce something.
You guys are all doing amazing with the high mileage! :worship:

I, on the other hand, have done nothing more than shop yesterday morning with the crazies. Then scrapbook for 14 hours straight (inlcuding my DL 1/2 and WDW 5k pics from last year)! I decided that I need to take it easy (ha!) and not exercise for a few days. I really want to be over this bronchitis that I have had for a month. So, Monday I will kick it back into gear again.

I just wish I wasn't eating everything in sight from the darn prednisone. :sad2: I have no idea how people can take that stuff long term. I would be as big as my house! But hey, I can breathe fine again - guess that's kind of important! ;)
I got my short long run in today - 8.6 miles. I took it nice and slow so hopefully the legs will feel reasonably fresh for my 17 miler tomorrow. I finished in in 1:45:33 for a 12:19/mi pace.

Time to eat dinner, do some laundry and relax. Have a great Saturday everyone!!


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