Wk Of Nov 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Thank you Martha. I have been taking Advil and working it with my stick, (actually a rubber rolling pin) and it's better. The pain is actually on the upper lobe of glute so I think it's probaly a tight ITB. The stick massage is helping a lot. Erica thought pain in the glute was a good discription.

I believe that Lisa was referring to a poacher, tresspassing on her land. She needs attack pandas. I'll talk to the homies.

I ate to much, burp!

Happy Thanksgiving WISH Team.

Feeling Wickedly Good again Panda:hippie:
Lisa: :scared1: poachers on your land? Stay safe lady! I spent a year in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and also 3 years in Wisconsin. When hunting season began we really had to be extremely careful. Didn't go out at night and always wore bright colors.

WWDave: is the pain more in the lower back or high on the glute? I've had some trouble over the past few weeks but mine was in the lower back. It's much better now: an Icy Hot helped a lot. Hope your dinner was delightful.

DH went running earlier today and smoked a 7:30 min mile. He was built for speed! Me? I just plod along hoping to make it home before dark!!

Time to get the dried corn underway. A Pennsylvania Dutch recipe (you buy the dried corn and follow the instructions on the back). It's very tasty but it needs to soak for an hour or longer.

Catch up with you all later!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

I got up early so I could get in my 16 miles LW before the cold front and rain came. So got up, put the Turkey in the oven and got to the rail trail by 7:15am. Took a little over 4 hrs to complete my walk. By the time I was finished the temperature was 72 degrees. Who would think in Nov that I would have such great weather to do my LW. Got home and had dinner on the table by 2pm just in time for it to start to rain and you can feel the colder air coming in with all the wind.

Hopefully all the remaining leaves will come down with this storm and then we only have one last time to do leaves. We are leaving Wed for our WDW trip so the last leave pick up is while we are away so any leaves that fall after that will just have to stay there till spring.

Now that my belly is full going to take a nap.

Congratulations to those who had races this morning.

Lisa: :scared1: poachers on your land? Stay safe lady! I spent a year in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and also 3 years in Wisconsin. When hunting season began we really had to be extremely careful. Didn't go out at night and always wore bright colors.

WWDave: is the pain more in the lower back or high on the glute? I've had some trouble over the past few weeks but mine was in the lower back. It's much better now: an Icy Hot helped a lot. Hope your dinner was delightful.

The pain is high glute. When I first got up it was more wide spread and I thought it was lower back also, but it's consentrated in the high glute now. I've been rolling it with the stick off and on all day. It's better now, thanks for asking.

You and Craig both look like elite athletes.

Stuffed Panda:hippie:

Wow, everyone is doing great in their training, I feel like such a slacker. I haven't been walking much, but have been taking classes at the recreation center and did hire a personal trainer to help me with my stretching and weight training, so that's a positive. Wish me luck because I'm suppose to do a snowshoe race on Saturday, so pray for snow! Enjoy your day.:love:
WWDave - Thanks for your Thanksgiving post. We have so much to be thankful for.

Martha - I'm tired just reading about cooking your dinner!

Amy & Scott - Congrats on your races this AM!

I ran the 8K Turkey Trot here this morning. Met up with a running buddy who was nursing a sore knee after completing the Outer Banks full 2 weeks ago, so we agreed to take it easy and just be happy with finishing. We did 2R/1W intervals with some LONG walks in miles 3 & 4, and finished in 1:07:14. I felt really good at the end - could have finished well under an hour but decided the companionship was worth more than a time. I've been icing both feet all day hoping to prevent the pain that's been following a run of any distance. I actually hadn't run in 9 days hoping that a break might be a good thing. Tried to get the podiatrist to do a cortisone shot Tuesday, but when he found out I was racing today he wouldn't do it. I have to go back next week. :rolleyes:

Went to the in-laws (2 hrs away) for dinner. DBIL was a track star in high school, then got injured and gave up running. He's training for a 10K in the spring - wants me to run it with him! Maybe I'll send Christa in my place - she's more his speed...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

HAPPY TURKEY DAY... Well I am home and ready for bed. This morning I got up, made the girls breakfast and then I hit the TM for 4 miles. It sure made me feel less guilty about eating too much!!!! I am feeling great lately except for the change in weather aches and pains and a lot of exhaustion from work. But my foot PF hasn't been bothering me and my back pain has been tolerable this year so far.

Martha - We are in WI and DH is a hunter. I am no where near the outdoors for running this time of the year. The TM and indoor track are my buddies now up until the marathon!!!

WWDave - Hope your Pain in the Butt feels better soon!

CONGRATS TO ALL THE RACERS TODAY! Way to get out there!!!!

OK, time to get DH to bed so he can work early (poor guy) and get the DD's to bed so mom can have some QUIET time!

So very thankful for all the wonderful individuals I have "met" through this thread. I feel so very fortunate to be part of such a fantasic team :cloud9: Though I may not post much, I am here lurking and rooting for each and everyone of you :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Well no running for me today. My sister had dinner at her house but I got alot of the stuff together. My DH made the mashed potatoes and I made a key lime pie and spread celery with cream cheese. Then got to my sisters early (she told everyone else 2pm) didn't end up leaving there until after 9 PM. Will probably get up tomorrow and get in a run since I don't need to get to any stores and the only other thing I have planned is to start my Christmas decorating - it will probably end up being a 2 miler but I guess that is better then no running. My shoulder is feeling better - guess the cortisone is helping and the naproxan and the celebrex are doing thier job. I take my first PT on Saturday morning but I am not planning on doing to many PT sessions (he recommends 2 times a week for 4 weeks - I can't afford that - its $25 a visit) the lady at the Dr's office that scheduled my appointment suggest I go 2 times - the first to get the home exercises and the second to ask questions and then see how it goes from there. I think I might do that.

Glad everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Congrats to all that ran races today. Everyone had great times!!!
Jackie - Great job on the race. It was probably a good idea to just take it easy at this point. How are the feet feeling?

Amy and Scott - I posted congrats on the other thread, but good job again.

Martha - Big breakfast and dinner? Wow! No wonder Craig's busting off sub-8 miles. He's fueled up and ready to go! Have fun on your LR.

- Glad everything is feeling fine. Keep doing what you're doing.

WWDave - Hope the backside continues to improve.

Nancy - Way to go with your 4 hours. Have fun at WDW!

I got out for a nice 5 miles this morning. I figure I burned enough calories for the Cool Whip on the pumpkin pie.

I saw more runners/walkers than cars this morning. Probably just training for the eating bonanza, but a good trend.

I hope nobody gets trampled in any doorbuster stampedes!!
Phew, made it through Thanksgiving without any weight gain (it's a miracle) so now onto leftovers. I am up for XT today.

Monte: Snowshoe race. That sounds like fun. I am going to try 1 XC ski race this year. I have always wanted to but never been in shape for it so I think this is the year for me!!! :rotfl:

WWDave: Hope you ironed out the booty issue. Never good to be a pain in the butt!!!

We have 2 more days of hunting season (I was wrong yesterday) so now 1 more night of :scared1: . I would like to tell you all that I stay indoors during this time but I am an outdoors girl and just can't do it. I have an orange iPod holder, orange headband, orange gloves, orange vest and an orange bandana that I either wear in place of the headband or that I tie on somewhere. Yes, I look like an idiot but, better safe than sorry. I went horseback riding about 5 years ago on the back 40 of the property and the horse and I were covered with orange and we ended up getting shot at :eek: so I guess you can never be too safe. And, no, I do not ride on the back 40 during hunting season anymore!!!!!! :mad:

So now onto Christmas. I am done my shopping (stop calling me names). Who is doing some power shopping today?????:sad2:
Good morning WISH team! :wave:

I hope everyone is over their tryptophane stupors and are rarin' to go on getting any excess poundage off! I didn't do too badly, but I've got such a LR ahead of me today that I was carbo loading yesterday--that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Lisa: sorry to hear there is another night of hunting season ahead for you! Stay safe and off the back 40!

WWDave: how's the butt today? Did the rolling help?

Monte: good luck on the snowshoe race. Hope you get snow! I've still got leaves falling from the trees so I can't have any measurable snow yet until I get them off the yard. Hopefully this weekend.

Jen117: does your DH bring much home when hunting? No one in my family is a hunter and I never really understood the whole thing: oh wait! I just remembered that my sister has done some hunting. She never got anything but her stories are hilarious!

Jackie: way to go on the 8K! Hope you get the shot and the pain subsides.

I'm staying out of the mall and stores today. I figured the best way to not spend money today was to do my LR for the week: 3 hours 45 minutes on tap. I won't be fit for much of anything after that. DD had to work today. DH is still asleep--he needs it. I got to sleep until 7:00 and am thankful for that. I'm usually away around 5:30 (b/c the cats get me up at that time, not that I want to be up).

Have a great day everyone!
Back to work today. So no Black Friday shopping for me, not that I would be doing that even if I was home. I am doing alot of gift cards this year so I hope I don't need to be shopping that much.

Lisa--- Good for you with having all your shopping done.

Jackie---Congratulations on your Turkey Trot race.

Today is a rest day for me. Am going to try to do 4 miles on Sat and Sun since I was able to do my LW on Thanksgiving and that will probably be it until we get to Disney. Want to get some decorating done before we leave on Wed and of course I need to pack.

Have a great day everyone.

Morning folks! I hope everyone had a great turkey dinner last night. It is business as usual here in the great white north. Last night I did get taken out for some fabulous Indian food though. Yummy!

I also ran a very hilly 3.17 miles around the neighborhood in 35:53 (11:19/mi). It was pretty cool out, but the run felt great. I didn't have to stop and walk up any of the uphills, and my pace was consistent throughout. Today is a rest day for me, then Saturday is 8.5 mi, Sunday is 17 mi. Yikes! :eek:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!!

DBF and I ended up getting home VERY late, it was just about midnight, so I decided to do my 18 mile LR tomorrow morning, so I could get some extra rest today! I guess you could say I will get some XT in today, as I will be putting up all my xmas decorations and starting to pack for WDW!!! I am doing the single digit dance! :banana:

Tricia--sounds like you had a GREAT time at Homestead! Great picture of Jr.! I am already looking forward to next year. Still trying to figure out what the heck I am going to do this sunday afternoon with no racing on!!!!
Hi Everyone!

I ran the Atlanta Half yesterday. I will post a full race report later today on that thread. Quick report: It was very very wet.

Stacie - You are amazing! Keep it up. When you first start exercising you build muscle which weighs more than fat so you will lose inches and size but not weight. One day you will look in the mirror and see that your body has rearranged itself! The weight will come of though so hang in there and keep pushing yourself!

Whoa Scott! Speedy speedy! Does that qulify you for group 1A? I ran with 1B last year and I swear I could have been the mother of every other person I saw in there! I think every high school cross country runner in Georgia was in my group. And when they took off it was like I was standing still. Its a totally different race at the front!

Amy - Way to go on not letting prerace logistics get you down! Congrats on your PR!

Shan - How did it go? Sorry I ended up not giving very good advice about what to wear. Looks like some other wishers stepped in and steered you in the right direction though!

Take care Everyone!
Amy - How are you holding up today? Super job again buddy...I did see they have GPS units as doorbuster specials this morning, maybe I could get you a Christmas gift? (bad joke, I know)

Cecilia - Thank you! And yes, it does qualify me for 1A :goodvibes: I was also 1B last year and yes, it's a totally different experience up there...but it is very nice to run it without having to dodge massive numbers of people!! Hope the half was good for you...Were you out there during those storms that rolled through the northern suburbs around 7am??

Laurie - Good luck with the 18 miler tomorrow!! Hope the weather is good for you up there :)

Martha - Thank you for the kind words and good luck with your run today!

Mike - Thanks for the well wishes...those 5 miles should be good for the pumpkin pie too, not just the cool whip...or maybe a good high gravity brew?

Jackie - Good luck with the shot next week...and so nice to see that you got to race with a friend!! Sometimes that's the best way to experience the races...with a good partner, not so worried about the finish time :)

Shan - I looked for a WISH hat yesterday, but didn't see one...How did the race go??? Thank goodness it stopped raining just in time :)

Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!!! I guess it's time to get on with training now that the turkeyfest is over...good luck to those long runs this weekend!!
Hello team!

I was supposed to have a rest day today but DS asked me to take him on a run so we went out and did 2 miles together. I am SO HAPPY that my kids are taking an interest in this; if I can get them started now and they maintain these habits long term I will just be thrilled. So much easier to maintain than to start from scratch! They're already talking about doing the Disney marathon someday.

WOW! Looks like everyone had a great Turkey Day! I myself...do not eat turkey, but enjoyed all the other high fat goodies.:goodvibes

I did get out yesterday morning and ran 3.7 HILLY miles with JRT. I got on my trainer last night and biked around 20 miles....not sure exactly how far, but did it for an hour. My normal pace is 20mph...but I may have done more or less. I sprinted some and recovered....while watching TV.:banana:

Martha - WOW! Great run...well at least you made it.:banana:

Renee - Wonderful about DS and you running together.

Scott and Amy - You guys are speedy! WTG on your races.:cool1:

I know I missed many....I am getting ready to go straight'n my hair (not for good, just for tonight)...this takes around an hour so that is my xtraining. GOing out with friends tonight! And I have 15 on tap for tomorrow.:rolleyes:


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