Wk Of Nov 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I got out for a nice 5 miles this morning. I figure I burned enough calories for the Cool Whip on the pumpkin pie.

How much cool whip did you eat??? I hope you had some pie with it!

Martha - DH is having a bad year, hasn't gotten anything yet. He tries to get one deer, sometimes 2 but that is rare. We have it made into sausage, mettwurst, slim jim type sticks.

OK, tomorrow is 16 miles.... UGHHHH. Today I ran out to one store, stood for 2 hours waiting to check out and then had to go to work. I am leaving Sunday for a convention..... IN LAS VEGAS!!!!
Hey all,

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

I received my Disney Marathon program on Wednesday. That got me pretty fired up. It was like I already forgot the Philly Marathon and have moved on to Disney. It looks like it will be a great event...can't wait.

Got in 5 miles yesterday morning in 45 minutes. It was the first outdoor run since the marathon on Sunday. I actually felt pretty good. The groin pull is still there but not too bad.

My sis-in-law works out a lot and brought me a TheraBand to work out with yesterday. At first I thought it was going to be easy but it's much harder than it looks. She swears by them. Has anyone else out there used them? Any good sites with excercises to try?

Hi Team...training today is going well. This morning I taught part of a master pilates 1.5 hour class. The hour that wasn't my responsibility was totally kick butt so I got a great workout in! :) In a little while I plan to hop on the ski machine and get 30 minutes of cardio in! :goodvibes

Thank you for all the well wishes on the race! I'm just so happy to be where I am now...looking back on a year ago when I was in pain all the time. It feels so good and I'm surely THANKFUL to be healthy right now!!! :cloud9:

Scott: Thanks for asking...I'm holding up pretty good. The legs are a wee bit tired today from pushing the pace but otherwise none the worse for wear. How about you? Still on :cloud9: for qualifying for Seed 1-A. Ya' show off ;). And yes....a nice GPS unit for my car would make a lovely gift.

Shan...How did your race go????

Cecilia...So impressed that you got out there for that Half in the rain and just recovering from the flu. That's pretty amazing!

Lou...I work with the therabands in my classes a LOT. I love them. I do mainly pilates based workouts but you can do all kinds of things. Pair them with the stability ball and you can get a great core workout! :thumbsup2

Jen...Good luck on the 16 miles tomorrow! :goodvibes

Laurie...Good luck on your 18 Mile LR....geeze! And happy packing :). Disney...Yay!!! Next year you have to run the A8K with me ;).

Martha...:hug: for the LR. Hope you're feeling ok tonight from that run.

Good luck to everyone with the weekend miles!!! I have a 14 mile LR on tap for Sunday. Tomorrow is my 7 miler. Chilly miles for me this weekend. Brrrr.

We beat LSU!!! :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:

Now back to the regular scheduled events.....

Sorry! We just don't get to celebrate much these days! :upsidedow
Martha- ouch! that was a LR! I'm in a happy week- 8 tomorrow, then 13 Sunday. You know, I read about marathon training before I signed up for Goofy, but I think I missed a lot of the finer points-- like how hard LRs can be and how many you do!

Leanna- don't forget to take it relatively easy on Saturday when you have a LR coming up on Sunday. Don't be like me, considering sobbing and talking to yourself the last two miles home on your LR!

how was the race?

I did an uneventful 8 miles on Wednesday with Harry.

On Thanksgiving, we went out to eat with my mom and DH's family. It was fine, except that Harry started to wig out within 10 minutes. So I ate some stuffing and a slice of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. (Harry ate my whipped cream- little devil!:laughing: ) We spent the next hour and a half walking around outside waiting (but at least it was a hotel by the beach). My mom and one of her friends decided to ride their bikes with me for my Thanksgiving run. They were all over the place, pace wise. I'd go from frantically pushing Harry to almost running into their back tires! Crazy women. :rotfl: We made it 6 miles, then luckily it started to get dark...

Hope everyone has a great weekend! We just put up our Christmas tree!!

Jen in GA
I have to comment on Martha's 20 or so miler today. I have never, never ever, not even once, run that far without several walking recovery breaks. More accurately, by the 16 mile point in my marathons I have been totally cooked, with legs completely blown. At that point I've been barely hanging on, staggering in as best I can.

So I am sitting at the dining room table at 1 p.m. today when my wife walks in after finishing 20. As always for her, every mile within 5 seconds of the others. Wow! Right now there is one super fit endurance athlete in my family, and I ain't it. I better perform in my hoped-for 16 miler on Sunday or I'll let down males everywhere.

I call on men everywhere to give me strength so I may not fail in my quest. pirate:

:wave: Hi all -

I haven't posted in quite awhile but I do try to read every few days - it's so hard to keep up with this chatty bunch.

I've been doing pretty good with my training for the half. I'm sticking with strickly walking (no run/walk for me:sad1: ) due to my troublesome shins:headache: .

I wasn't able to get outside for my LW today so I was stuck with the treadmill for my 7 miles. We've only had the treadmill for about a month or so and I wasn't sure what would happen when I got to 99:59 minutes. I remember someone saying that their treadmill came to a complete stop when it reached that time:eek: . I wasn't going to take any chances - I finished the 7 miles in 98:48 :thumbsup2 and then slowed it down to cooldown. I was happily surprised that the time just returned to 00:01 and it didn't stop. Good to know for my 8 mile walk coming up in the next week.

So overall I completed 7.25 miles today
Average pace = 14:07
pace of last two miles = 13:06 :dance3:
Leanna- don't forget to take it relatively easy on Saturday when you have a LR coming up on Sunday. Don't be like me, considering sobbing and talking to yourself the last two miles home on your LR!

Thanks Jen - I promise to slow down tomorrow morning....:thumbsup2
Good Evening Folks,

momoftwogirls - Hey sweetie!!!:love: I'm sooo proud of how hard you've been working!

I better perform in my hoped-for 16 miler on Sunday or I'll let down males everywhere.

I call on men everywhere to give me strength so I may not fail in my quest. pirate: Craig
Craig - Sending the mojo your way!

Martha - Great job on the 3:45. You've got Craig shaking in his double-layered vaseline covered socks!

Jen in Ga - Sounds like Harry was born to run (Cue Springsteen music!). Just remember that all the work you put in on those hard LRs will make you Goofy much more enjoyable/tolerable/less-crippling.

Lou - Good to see you getting out again.

Cecilia - Wonderful job on the race. It had to be a little tricky mentally preparing to run a slower pace only to find out at the last minute you were going to have to push. It's great that you give of yourself to help runners that need the support.

Everyone I missed - Good luck on your long runs. Enjoy the weekend.

I did a quick 3 miles on the TM tonight before work. Nothing remarkable except that I forgot how much slower I run on the TM vs. outside. Uggh. Hoping for good weather this winter.
I have to comment on Martha's 20 or so miler today. I have never, never ever, not even once, run that far without several walking recovery breaks. More accurately, by the 16 mile point in my marathons I have been totally cooked, with legs completely blown. At that point I've been barely hanging on, staggering in as best I can.

So I am sitting at the dining room table at 1 p.m. today when my wife walks in after finishing 20. As always for her, every mile within 5 seconds of the others. Wow! Right now there is one super fit endurance athlete in my family, and I ain't it. I better perform in my hoped-for 16 miler on Sunday or I'll let down males everywhere.

I call on men everywhere to give me strength so I may not fail in my quest. pirate:


Craig, my pretty princess does the same thing to me, this week is an example we do 10 together, then the next day I do 4 since I'm a little tired from the ten the day before. I get home and find out Erica did 13.5 miles. She of course is not tired at all. It's that extra cromosome.:sad2:

Manly Panda:hippie:
Hi all,
Well, I did my longest distance yet today. The crazy Intermediate 2 plan called for 20-23 but I did 19. I did 18 several weeks ago and don't see the sense in overdoing it. It looks like I only have 1 run left that will be longer than that distance. I'm not sure of the total time because I did 12 outside and the last 7 on the treadmill. It was 80 degrees here and due to other engagements I started my run at noon in the dead heat/sun of the day so I felt it was best not to overdo it. Looks like everyone is doing a great job getting those miles in this weekend...keep up the great work!

Morning all!! Got home from the ER this morning at 2 a.m. At 10 yesterday I was in the fetal position with intense abdominal pain. Was afraid it was my appendix but just a cyst that burst which is good news :confused: . I am down for the count for a few days so I am just going to enjoy reading your posts on you miles. Oh, and decorate for Christmas. :santa:

Someone enjoy a LR for me today!!!!!:sick:
I have to comment on Martha's 20 or so miler today. I have never, never ever, not even once, run that far without several walking recovery breaks. More accurately, by the 16 mile point in my marathons I have been totally cooked, with legs completely blown. At that point I've been barely hanging on, staggering in as best I can.

So I am sitting at the dining room table at 1 p.m. today when my wife walks in after finishing 20. As always for her, every mile within 5 seconds of the others. Wow! Right now there is one super fit endurance athlete in my family, and I ain't it. I better perform in my hoped-for 16 miler on Sunday or I'll let down males everywhere.

I call on men everywhere to give me strength so I may not fail in my quest. pirate:


Here's sending some extra energy from our two little ones to you. They have plenty to spare and definately don't need that much. :lmao: Hope it goes well for you during your run.

By the way, Gig'em Aggies. ;)

Well, I went out for my 18 mile LR this morning, and let's just say I finished. It was not one of my better runs by far. I jogged the first 13 miles without stopping and then this annoying knee pain started to set in. So, I ended up having to walk most of the last 5 miles, because I just couldn't run. Now that I am home, knee doesn't hurt at all! I was having this same pain in my other knee a few weeks ago, and I found a knee brace to wear, and now that knee doesn't bother me at all.....so the bottom line is I guess I am going to go get another one of the knee braces and wear one on both knees now. I am really not to thrilled about that, but if it works, I will do it so I can get through this marathon.

Sorry, I don't have time to catch up with everyone individually, but I have been reading all the posts....everybody is doing an awesome job with their training! Keep up the good work!
Hi, WISHers!

Good to see everyone getting in their workouts. DH and I did 12 this morning, starting in 32 degree weather! :cold: I love my running jacket - it has zip-off sleeves so at the half way point I was able to take them off and the vest kept the wind from being too chilly.

Laurie, hope the knee responds to the brace and doesn't hurt on your next LR!

Lisa--much PD and Prayers headed your way!:wizard:

Craig--good luck with that 16 miler!

Martha--Wow is all I gotta say!:banana: You go girl!

Susie--Oh yeah! Love them HOGS!! What a great game!!!!:cool1:

Well, my training, shall we say, tanked this week. Who would've thought that the weather in Houston would be so bad. It's thunderstorming and 40s outside right now. I was supposed to run 16 today--but with the weather and the fact that we Wii-ed until midnight last night, it's not gonna happen. I feel like such a slacker! I think next week is supposed to be a step back week, so I'll just call my non-mileage this week as a step back, and then head forward with 16 next Sunday.

Speaking of the Wii--anyone else play this??? We had the best time bowling and playing tennis last night. I actually fell into the fireplace playing tennis--we were intense!:laughing: Hmm, if we get one before marathon weekend--maybe we'll bring it along and we can have a WISH Wii tournament.:thumbsup2

Sounds like everyone has had a wonderful Holiday. We are heading back to Arkansas tomorrow. Safe travels to anyone heading home this weekend!
Speaking of the Wii--anyone else play this??? We had the best time bowling and playing tennis last night. I actually fell into the fireplace playing tennis--we were intense!:laughing: Hmm, if we get one before marathon weekend--maybe we'll bring it along and we can have a WISH Wii tournament.:thumbsup2
We Wii! Love it!

This is a drive by b/c I STINK!
Did my 15 that ended up being 16.63.:confused3 Bree had her 20 today so I thought I would do the 1st 14 with her then run back to the YMCA! I am tapering and really was not supposed to do this fast at all...well that is what I am told by a guy who runs 2+ hour marathons.:scared1: But he is wicked FAST!
Did the whole thing then finished up Morehell By myself. I had a great time! Not even tired or anything.

And Bree did great BTW!
Question- is it Carrie that had the sponges made (the ones that slip around your wrist)? I'm trying to figure out how to make one for the half this year. Any ideas?
Lisa - pixiedust: for your recovery. Take it easy!

Martha - Way to go on your LR!

Did 10 this morning. Hadn't really planned to do that distance after the 8K on Thursday and getting home at 1AM after following the football team to playoffs (we lost 40-38 in the last 2 seconds) :sad1: , but the legs felt great and the weather was beautiful. Best run I've had in a LONG time. :woohoo:

Gotta go clean the house so we can start decorating!



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