Wk of Nov 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Mel and Tiff - COOL!!! I don't know how i missed that huge pic. That is an awesome ornament. We don't have a target but if i go down to fayetteville, i've GOT to get one!!!
Rhonda -- Sending pixiedust: and :goodvibes: that your foot gets better quickly, sweetie! Please don't overdo!

Mel -- I hope DD comes to a good decision about the 1/2. I am sorry she is having pain and I hope it gets better quickly and without medical intervention. Please give her a hug from me (if she even remembers me!)

Kristi -- congrats on getting out there. I don't know how you have any stamina at all to work the hours you do for the long stretches and still find any time to train.

Well, my dear WISH buddies, we are nearly ready to leave for Hilton Head and just hearing Jenn's voice on the phone tonight convinces me it is the right decision to go. I know she is really depressed about how poorly she is doing her first semester at college and she has a huge project due next Thursday that has so overwhelmed her that she is nearly paralyzed in the effort. I am hoping that lots of time on the road with her best friend who also has lots of homework will provide an environment conducive to some progress. We'll also carve lots of time out down there for all of the kids and Howard to get schoolwork done. We'll head down to the university around 10 this morning and pick up the girls when they are done classes. Hoping for a very easy and uneventful trip.

When I count my countless blessings this Thanksgiving, I will be thinking of all of you and thanking God for your friendship and support. :love: :grouphug: I WISH for each of you a very wonderful and blessed time of family and friendship and peace.

"See" you all next week!
Cam--Have a wonderul vacation in HH--One of my all time fav. vacation spots! Hope the weather cooperates!

I also am a fan of the cran-razz shot bloks! :thumbsup2 I found mine at Academy Sports.

Well, Monday was a 3 miler and 4 yesterday. Both went well. Today is a rest day. Then tomorrow morning the Fitness Club my sister works for is having a 3-8 miler for those club members interestes b/c the club is closed. I think I'll go for the full 8--gotta burn those calories so I can enjoy my Turducken, dressing and desserts tomorrow afternoon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all!
Good morning Wish Team!! :sunny: Can someone explain to me how I can run 16 miles with basically zero problems and yet I struggle through 4 miles with both of my legs hurting with every step I take. I don't get it! I'm wondering if maybe I'm having a hard time fully recovering from the long run, should I soak longer in the ice bath (I soak 10-15 minutes)? Stretch more? I'm a little over 200 miles on my shoes, maybe I need a new pair now instead of waiting until I get to 300 miles? I don't know, but it's frustrating!! I have a 10K tomorrow, hopefully my legs will feel fresh for that.

Cam--Have a wonderful time in Hilton Head!! And be careful traveling. Tell Jenn not to get too worked up about school, the first semester of your freshmen year is hard on everybody. Pass on some :wizard: for her. And :banana: for Andrew, that is wonderful!!!!

Mike--I'm a little late, but you are a hero! Good for you for helping Eric and making sure he was okay the world needs more people like you.

Mel--Wow, what a decision for Kaylie, hopefully she makes the right one herself and you don't have to do it for her. :wizard: for her legs and feet and knees. I can't believe you have only seen snow twice in your life!!!!! I can't even grasp that. :teeth:

Wendy-- :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I know there are a lot of people that I have missed, I hate only posting once a week and then trying to play catch up. Know that I love you all and I am thankful for everyone. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Well, I did not even make it to the 10 min mark before I turned around. My leg/hip/knee on on eleg have been bothering me when I walk only. I've been chalikin git up to the shoes I wear when walking or at work. I've felt them when runnung, but they haven't hurt, I could just feel the areas. Yesterday, I had a hard time walking at work. Howver, when I put my running shoes on adn go, I'm usually fine. Well, I felt like I forgot how to run. After one-half mile (I was giving myself the 10 minute rule), dh said we were going back. It was a good decision. I'm hurting today, though. SO, I'm with Krista: How can I run 16 miles fine and not 12 minutes last night.

On a side note, let's relieve the last 28 hours of my world:

Monday afternoon - NOtification of flight change. Foun dbetter flight but waited to discuss with dh first and the flight went away.

Tuesday morning: Awoke to the news that my bird of almost 20 years (Max) had died in the night without warning. I'm glad he was not sick. Traeating sick birds can be traumatic and he had lived thruogh that once. Would not have wanted to do it again, but I will miss my Max. :sad2:

Tuesday evening: Run from you know where for a whopping 12 minutes.

I'm really hoping things will start looking up. On the brigth side, I have good friends here and IRL and all my firends and family are well. It could be a whole lot worse. :grouphug: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Try to count your blessings better than I have been doing as of late!

Krista - :grouphug: I feel your pain. :( I did skip my cold tub Saturday as I needed to catch up with teh IL girls. I think that would help.

Cam - Have a wonderful trip!

Mel - So sorry about dd. It sound slike some time off would be best. :wizard: That she takes it well. :grouphug: It's got to be so hard to be the mom. lol. I heard about the snow and thought of you.

Rhonda - :wizard: Hope you're doing better soon!

Kristi - Yay!!! :banana:
Good Morning everyone. I was able to get in 40 minutes on the Elliptical while my girls were in swim class. I can't believe how fast and hard I can work that machine now. It feels great to be in shape!!! Tonight I am going to try to run the track while DD6 is at gymnastics. She has a dentist appointment before class, so depending on how that goes will depend on my running.

Cam (and anyone else) - Can you post those wonderful lists again that you made for the Marathon? I tried to do a back search but noticed that a lot of older posts have been deleted.

I haven't been able to find Shot Bloks locally. I guess I should try ordering some and test them out.

I can't wait for today to be over and have 4 days of NO WORK!!!!
Early Thanksgiving Wishes to everyone!! :goodvibes

Krista: I understand completely :grouphug: . My legs hurt so bad still...not just running but simply walking around. I haven't been able to run since the 16 miler :(. It seems that the hip flexor on my right leg is strained. Always something new right?! :confused3 So I am going to try to run 30 today...but if the pain is too much I'll have to just walk. I also have a race scheduled for tomorrow...an 8K! I wanted so badly to run that race! I just hope my legs can handle it...I can't risk further injury though :guilty: .

Cam: :cheer2: Congrats to Andrew!!!! Have a great time in HHI!!!

Mel: Some PD for your daughter Kaylie (I have a Kayleigh!). Hope her foot heals up really quickly!!!

Kristi: Hang in there!!! Sounds like it's tough going for you :guilty:

Wish my legs weren't hurting so badly. I really want to run today (since I haven't been able to run since the 16 miler). My hip flexor is acting up which turns out to be relatively painful condition! :( Anyway....I want to get an easy 3 in today and HOPE to race my 8K tomorrow. :confused3

Good luck everyone!
CAM - Have a fabulous time at HH :thumbsup2

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to all of our injured WISHers!!!!!!!!!!!

As I refuse back surgery I am still on the sidelines as even walking on the dreadmill is too painful :sad2:

I am with you all in spirit and will be cheering you all on!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
WOW! I cannot even think that Thanksgiving is tomorrow! :confused3 Where did all the days go???
I am very thankful that you guys are my bestest running buddies! :love: You guys are great!

Krista - My short runs are normally harder than the LR. I think it is a mind thing. So sorry you had a hard time.

Cam - Have fun at HH! You are only 5 hours from me!

Minni - :wizard: :wizard: and :grouphug: :grouphug: for your back!

Mel - :wizard: :wizard: :grouphug: :grouphug: to your DD!

Thanks for all the cliff block advice! I think I was wanting them to taste like candy.
OK! I think my little trip to the gym and doing all those set-ups on the ball...to get my frustration out...has broken my ab muscles. :lmao: Can you break the abs? :rotfl2: JK! But I am VERY sore!
I did not get to the gym yesterday so I did a "class" on Fit TV....I could not get my heart rate up so I feel like it did me no good....It was an arobics show and I just started running in place.
Chirsta - if you want sports nutrition to taste like candy, have you considered........ candy??? I have been thinking aobut it, and i think either red vines (or twizlers) and sweedish fish would make great sports food. They are basically all sugar and carbs like the gels. I'm not sure how they would be for the IBS depending on how the red dye treats you.
MelRhoads said:
Chirsta - if you want sports nutrition to taste like candy, have you considered........ candy??? I have been thinking aobut it, and i think either red vines (or twizlers) and sweedish fish would make great sports food. They are basically all sugar and carbs like the gels. I'm not sure how they would be for the IBS depending on how the red dye treats you.
The bite size twizlers are supposed to be good. The penguin mentions those, I think. Unfortunatley, I tried them in teh winter adn they were a bit hard to cheew. ;)
Greetings. :teeth:

Today was a rest day. So I set the alarm for 5:30am then spent half an hour laying in bed, contemplating the genius of heated mattress pads. :thumbsup2

That SO STINKS about POR food court being closed. GRRRRR! We are staying there! Now I'm annoyed. :furious:

Carrie - Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Max. That is really very sad. :sad2:

Happy Thanksgiving to all my WISH running friends!
I have all three of my Target WISH ornaments hanging around the house. Every time I look at one I smile. You guys have given me much to be thankful for. Because of you all....I am a runner. :teeth:

As Cam said..."See" you all Monday!
Glad I'm not the only one who stonked it up yesterday... After the amazing PR on Saturday, I took two full days of rest as the schedule called for Sun and Mon, and Tue/Wed/Thur are supposed to be 7/3/4 with a step back long run of 10 on Sat. Well yesterday ended up 6, because I was basically miserable and didn't want to run another half hour out just to run a half hour back. Part of it was the cold and knowing the way back was all upwind into the cold (cold in a manner of speaking for northern FL, something like 40 degrees, I know some of you people run in much worse) but there was also a decent amount of soreness. Going to take it easy today, and maybe make it 6/3/5 this week to make up for yesterday. Also adding an extra mile on TG means I get to eat more pie while watching more football, right? Seems my plan is still a few weeks behind everyone's, after 10 this week I do 16 the next week, and most of you seem to have finished that run already... Maybe because I go 16, then step back to a half marathon, then go straight to 20? :confused3
Hey WISH Team! Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! I am thankful to have you all part of my training. It has made all the difference.

Sorry to hear of all the stress over the stonkers going on. Consider this: you have 3 1/2 hours to finish the half and 7 hours to finish the full. Would it be something you can "get down to" if it makes the difference between crossing the line or not? Try not to stress out your bodies too much with the need for speed.

Carrie, sorry about Max.

Cam, hope your weekend with the group allows for all to regroup and get through the tough demands.

Mel, could DD walk it? DS and I did it that way last year and had an absolute fantastic time. Whatever the decision, hope it all works out for the best.

I am happy to report my 45 min TM went well. I played with speed between 12-15 min pace and it went well for me. (That is faster than my LRs will be at this point since the LRs are so long now.) I am definitely going outside tomorrow, it is cold here but sun is shining.

Safe travels to those moving about this weekend and I WISH comfort for all.
Wendy - I am very sorry to hear about your father. I wish you all the best in this difficult time.

To all my team mates - I am truly very thankful for all of you. You have helped me make a life change, and for that I am truly thankful. Thanks for your kindness and support.

Have a great holiday everyone.
Hi Everyone :wave2: ,

Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sorry that I haven't been around online lately.

I'm still training, however, in past couple of weeks I had toned it down because I was experience tightness/soreness in my right knee. Today though I finally went to the Doctor and had it checked out.

I had both of knees examined and X-rayed.....and the doctor said nothing is wrong :banana: :cheer2: Just a mild case of tenonitis. I will be going to physical therapy and have a follow-up visit in December.

I have to confess, I was staying away because I was so upset that I might not be able to do the Marathon (Goofy) and meet all of you.....but the doctor said that I should be fine. You have no idea how happy I was to hear that nothing major was wrong with me.....I would have been heartbroken if I wasn't able to go to Disney, run the marathon, and meet all of you.

Anyhow, sorry for staying away - - I know all of you are very supportive but I just had to stay away......I didn't want to complain. :guilty:

Tomorrow, I have another 5k to run and then it's off to have turkey with my in-laws.
Mouse Skywalker said:
Jodi - How's your training going? Are you still on pace for Goofy?

I will be working at getting back on track - - now that I know that everything is okay with my knee.....I was a little freaked out - - I haven't totally wasted a way though, I am continuing to run.

Okay, still catching up on all of the posts :goodvibes
I just wanted to tell you all how thankful I am to be a part of this group. Yes, I have a wonderful supportive family that I am also very thankful for, but I would have never started all this "craziness" , much less be training for my 3rd 1/2 mary, without you guys. Who guessed I would become addicted to collecting Disney bling! And you guys make this so much for fun & special. I am healthier & happier because of it and that makes it better for my kids. As well as setting a good example for them. Something else I owe to you guys. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and to those traveling, be safe.

Wendy-prayers & :wizard: for you & your family.

Cam-Yea for Andrew!!!!!!

Sara-Have fun in Orlando!!!

Jodi- :wizard: for your knee!

Krista- no advice, just :wizard: for the recovering legs!

Have a great turkey day !!!! [B]I love you guys![/B] :love:
happy thanksgiving week WISHers!

now that i've recovered from my product launch, i'm back and working hard to get caught up on updating my training log, and getting my runs in. during the last four weeks, i managed to keep up with my LRs but i missed about six of my weekly runs :sad2:

now that we're down to the wire (45 days!), i've recommitted and i will be staying on track from here on out -- even with the holidays!

i've decided to move my LR to the middle of the week, as i've been finding it increasingly hard to get out for more than an hour on the weekends -- i was trading off spending time with my 3 yr old daughter -- so now i'm stealing time away from work, instead of family life, for a change :rolleyes1

this morning i ran 10 miles in 1:56 doing a r3/w2

by my calculations (?), i should be in reasonable shape to complete the half in 2:45. (for the record, this is my first big race, and i've now exercised more at once than i have done, ever)

you guys are awesome, keep it up!

i'm not sure that i would have kept at it, if not for my occasional peek at these forums between marketing and press meetings....

see you all soon!



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