Wk of Nov 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


Use ice on your areas of tendonitis. Do it after you run and just before bed. This will put out the fire of the inflammation and get you to the finish in the Goofy.

You can use bags and lay them on the hot areas, or better still, fill dixie cups with water, freeze them, and then rub the ice cups on the hot spots, which gives you both ice and massage.

This is a funny game we all are playing. Monday and Tuesday I physically felt horrible, tired and blah. Plus a cold coming on, sore throat last night. So today I go out on the first real "winter coming" day of the season and I have one of the great runs of the year. 7 miles at full marathon race pace, tempo effortless, no discomfort anywhere. Where did that come from?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We've had a run of setbacks at our house this year (okay more than a few), as many of you have as well. Be thankful for health, a loving spouse, a wonderful child. Tomorrow when the 3 of us have dinner I will think briefly about the things that haven't gone our way, but I'll appreciate my wonderful wife and daughter. I wish the same for you.

Total :moped: ...

I got to the gym to do my 30 mins. of xt on the bike tonight.

I will catch up later with everyone.
Right now off to bed, someone has to work on Turkey Day, ya know! ;)
Hi everyone! Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I truly have a lot to be thankful for. I am especially thankful that someone up above is watching over me and helping me reach the goal of participating in the WDW half-marathon. :angel:

Wendy - sending well wishes and prayers for your dad and family. I know this is a difficult time for you. :hug:

Carrie - I'm so sorry for your loss. 20 years! I'm sure you have a lot of good memories stored up. May they give you some comfort during this sad time.

Mike - what a nice thing to do for that young man. :hug:

Chris - welcome back to the grind. :teeth: Sounds like you are on track even with those missed runs. :thumbsup2

Craig - sometimes the bad makes us really appreciate the good that we have. Sounds like you are blessed with the things that really matter! :goodvibes

Jodi - great report from your doctor! :thumbsup2 :cool1: Welcome back!

Today was supposed to be a rest day but I'm taking tomorrow off instead.....well, maybe. I may need to walk around the block a few times to undo some of the damage I plan on doing at the dinner table. :rolleyes1

I went to the gym tonight and got in 45 min on the treadmill. W3/R2. I got the steps in but my pace was not good. I've got a nasty head cold and it was hard for me to breathe properly while getting these steps in. I'm sure all the folks around me appreciated my snorting every now and then. :blush:

I hope all of you have a safe and injury-free Thanksgiving holiday.

GO HOGS, GO! :cheer2:
Jen117 said:
I can't wait for today to be over and have 4 days of NO WORK!!!!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I didn't realize DS only had a half day today (dismissal at 11:10AM), so I took a vacation day; starting my "5 days of no work". Boy is that a laugh. First a trip to BJs to stock up on heavy items like cases of Slim Fast, Water, Arizona Ice tea, Christmas shopping, etc. Then I picked him up and started the outdoor Christmas lights... That involves moving just about everything in the basement, lugging it all up, setting it all up, resetting, retesting.... climbing up and back off of the stone wall a million times. Then, straight to making a full T-day dinner for Dx since he has to work tomorrow and won't be joining us at my parents. I decided the "vacation" day was much more work than the last 18miler.

The neat thing though, was when Dx got home and was so happy to see the Christmas decorations out. He said he didn't know why it made him so happy this year, usually he is indifferent. I think it made him happy for the same reason it made me so happy: I COULD DO IT!!!!!! During those bleak months in the summer when I couldn't lift a gallon of milk or do much of anything one of the many things that kept running through my head was "I won't be able to do the Christmas lights anymore; I'll never be able to climb up that wall again". I won't speak of the mornings, or the many times I awake during the night, but beyond that I am basically pain free now.

I'm even considering battling the snow plows this year ;)

Tomorrow will be an 8 miler, then Friday a 13.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I am sooooooooooooo thankful to have a strong back :cloud9:

Colleen-- I forgot, you asked what plan Kevin and I are doing. I can't speak for Kevin but I am doing my own version of Hal Higdon's Intermediate I. I substitute a cx for one of the mid-week runs and take an extra rest day. He calls for running 5, and one cross-train. I run 3, cx 2 (plus weights twice a week-- that doesn't count as cx in my opinion).


I am here at work, but leaving at 9am. Don't tell anyone, but I actually like working Thanksgiving. News is slow (knock on wood), no management hanging around, I get a comp. day for working, and I get home in plenty of time to celebrate with everyone. And, the best part, I NEVER have to prepare anything since I am working in the morning! :rotfl: I just show up somewhere & get fed! :lmao:

Sunny - I will have to post a pic once Chad finishes the light extravaganza on our house. He puts almost 15,000 lights on our little house! He even won the first place prize in Nashua's decorating contest last year (he's placed previous years too). It is so nice to hear you talking so upbeat & positive! Yet another thing for me to be thankful for today. :goodvibes

I was planning to do my 4 miles today. But with the rain & me being absolutely beat - I am going to go home asap and get a nap in before going to the in-law's. I will move the 4 miles to Saturday (scheduled rest day).

And have I mentioned...less than 36 hours until I hug my boyfriend Johnny Goo again! :love: :teeth: :faint:
Happy Thanksgiving team! :stir: :goodvibes

I bought a pair of Yak Trax the other day, so now I'm prepared for Colorado weather. lol. Also my WDW official album arrived yesterday, so now I'm really set to walk and pretend I'm in WDW. :woohoo: Anyway, have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
plutosmyfav said:
Colleen-- I forgot, you asked what plan Kevin and I are doing. I can't speak for Kevin but I am doing my own version of Hal Higdon's Intermediate I. I substitute a cx for one of the mid-week runs and take an extra rest day. He calls for running 5, and one cross-train. I run 3, cx 2 (plus weights twice a week-- that doesn't count as cx in my opinion).


Thanks Sunny, I looked at his plan too but I thought there were too many runnings days for these 40+ legs (never thought of just dropping one) :rotfl: .

Good luck with the rest of your training.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :dance3:


Thanks to everyone for being such a support throughout training! I hope you all have a wonderful day with family and friends!!!

Ran the Thanksgiving Morning 8K...my legs are still screaming at me. Some sort of hip flexor strain or something. Go figure :confused3 . So i took it slow....and ran the 5 miles in 46:50. Did a solid 9:27 pace. I wanted to finish in 45 but I was quite a bit slower than that :rolleyes: . Anyway....managed to run through the cold rain and wind so that always makes it interesting!!!

Tomorrow is a nice xt day! Ahhhhh. And an 8 miler scheduled for Saturday!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :goodvibes
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!!!!!!!!!

The 10K this morning was great; perfect weather (sunny and about 38 degrees) and I pr'd. What can be better?? :teeth: I finished in 1:02:34, I don't have my splits in front of me, so I'll have to share them later. I struggled a little bit around mile 5, I had really strange side stitches behind my rib cage. I don't know if it was the hills that got me or if I was going too fast, but that really screwed up my pace as the first 4 miles were in the lower 10:00's and upper 9:00's and my pace for mile 5 was 11:04. But regardless I pr'd and finished strong and pain free, so I'm happy!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Amy--Congrats on your 8K. I was thinking about you this morning.

Sunny--I am so happy that your back is strong again. It is so good to hear you happy again.

I gotta split, we're leaving for my parents in a few minutes and I have to get dressed. We're off to Pittsburgh tomorrow to Stephen's grandparents, I get to run my 8 miles at my favorite running park. :banana: Have a happy holiday and a great weekend! Hope everyone gets some good deals tomorrow!! :thumbsup2
thndrmatt said:
Also adding an extra mile on TG means I get to eat more pie while watching more football, right?
I'm with you on this one , Matt! That's my logic for all the bad stuff that I eat. :)

Carrie--sorry to hear about Max. Krista said she sends her condolences, as well. She forgot to add that to her post.

Jodi--glad to hear the doctor cleared you to run. That must be such a relief. Good luck with your training.

Sunny--you sound so much happier now than several months ago. Good for you on your recovery.

The Thanksgiving Day 10K this morning was great. Krista and I both agree that this is our favorite non-marathon/half marathon race. There were about 12,000 people, so it's a good warm up for the crowds we'll see at Disney. It's been several months since I've run a race with that many people, so it was a good mental reminder of what to prepare for 6 weeks from now. I felt good through the run and had a great race. Set a new PR with a time of 45:33. :banana: I was pretty happy about that. I didn't think I'd be able to PR during the first two miles because I lost a lot of time due to the crowds, but I was able to pick up the pace for the last 4 miles to make up some time. The greatest part of the race was that Krista beat two of my friends from work who are both runners, so she was pretty excited. I think they were surprised after the race when they asked me if I was going to wait for Krista to come across the finish line and I told them that she had already crossed several minutes ago. :)

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

:cheer2: :cheer2: WAY TO GO KRISTA AND STEVE!!! I signed specifically to see how you guys did on your 10K today. AWESOME RACE TIMEs GUYS!!! :goodvibes

Have fun in Pittsburgh! I've spent quite a bit of time there as my sister went to Pitt then decided not to leave :). Love that city! Have a great holiday!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Krista and Steve - Congrats on your race. WTG! :cool1:

Sunny - Glad you're feeling better! :goodvibes

I passed on my 5 miler today. Got up this morning and it was pouring rain and the wind was whipping. My luck would have been to go do the run and then come down with pneumonia. Nope. Stayed in and read the sale ads.

I will do some cardio tonight, riding the spinner bike for an hour. The rest of the weekend is supposed to be great, so I'm hoping to get three good runs in.

Have a great day!

Congrats to all of the racers today. Great job!

It's been a week since I rolled my ankle, but the swelling has gone done quite a bit and the only bruising left is in my toes. So, I put on the ankle brace I bought yesterday, cinched it down as much as I could stand it, and stepped on the TM.

5 miles at 3.5 mph and the ankle feels and looks fine. I'm going to walk daily and start running a little at at time. As long as the ankle responds I'll continue to increase my running time. So far, so good.

Happy turkey day everyone.

It is so great to hear all the race reports. Everyone did so well!! We didn't have any local races, so I ran the neighborhood. I did 3.5 miles, which was good because I haven't been running as much as I should because of my back pain. Well, my back pain is getting better. I am just going to be careful. The sciatic nerve area is still tender.

Last night I ran the indoor track. It was hard, my calves were all tight. I did 40 minutes while DD6 was doing gymnastics. Tomorrow is my rest day (my week was a little screwed up), then my long run is on Saturday. Hopefully I can get the long run in. DH is still deer hunting through Sunday.

Sunny - That was awesome news to hear about from you! I am glad your back pain is so much better. What a great thing to be Thankful for!!!

Big Vic - Glad to hear your ankle is healing!

Well, I better get back to the family. I am at my parents house and snuck on my mom's computer. We have some stressed relations in our family and it was bringing me down a bit, so I am here for some quiet time.

Have a great Turkey Eating day... and if anyone is getting up super early tomorrow to go shopping... I hope you get what you are looking for!!!
Jodi, Great to hear your knees are ok. I know it’s a mess when something hurts and gets in the way of our goals. Take it easy with the remainder of the training. We want to meet with you too!

Tiff, that was such a nice thing to say.

Chris, welcome back to the group! Congratulations to you on getting your product launch complete. Great now that you can get into the run of things and I’m glad you’ll be able to play here with us more.

Craig, good to hear from you.

Susie, hope you get well soon.

Sunny, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better.

Kristi, good for you to listen to your need for that nap. Hope you got to enjoy it.

Monica, eek! Yak Trax? Sounds like you’ve got some major snow steps going. Be careful in the snow. I’m interested in knowing how they work for you. Somehow I don’t see me being able to feel safe in the slippery outdoors of winter no matter what is on my feet.

Amy, hope the hip pain is finding relief soon. Whee! You think you ran slow! Wow!

Krista, I hope running goes great in the park that makes you happy!

Steve, what a great race report. It sounds like a great event. Congrats on the PR, and oooh you sound so proud of your lovely bride!

Terri, the weather was great here and I hope it spreads your way. Smart to wait a day.

Vic, good for you that the ankle seems to be holding for you.

Jen, glad you were able to sneak away to check in. Good luck getting in your run this weekend. Hope it all comes together for you.

I was able to get out today. It was a beautiful day here, sunny and crisp. I did 5.2 miles in 65 minutes for a 12:33 pace. I feel it in the outside of the knee some, but it isn’t horrible. I WISH I knew what that is all about. I “feel it” on the outside of my knee just above the joint. Go figure. Anyway, I got back cold soaked, bathed then got dinner on the table. Tomorrow I’ll have a rest day then the 8 miler this weekend and it is supposed to be a great weekend. Enjoy what you can everyone.
Five miles this afternoon. Walked three and ran two on the TM.

Ankle feels fine. Onward and upward. :)

Now its time for more leftovers. Woohoo!! :banana:
Tried the 20 miler again today and it went great! :cheer2: Did the 20 miles in 2:59.34. That is an ave of 8:50 MPM...This did kinda :confused3 me though b/c I kept record of my splits and most of them were 8:30 or below...I had 3 btwn 8:30 and 9:00 MPM and 2 around 9:10....I am blaming it on all the traffic around the malls I had to run past. People were CRAZY!
But anyway, it is done and I feel like I could do the last 6.2 at least at a 10MPM and that would put me close to under 4 hours.

Sunny - So glad you are doing great!

Krista and Steve - great race!

Everyone did great on their races this weekend!
I had the good and the not so good today.

The good:
The weather was great.
Got a lot of shopping done early. :)
Did 4 miles r/w this afternoon in 14:30 mpm. (not bad since I haven't actually run in the last week :guilty: )
Wore my Kayanos for the first time. Felt like I was running on clouds! :goodvibes

The not so good:
Wore my Kayanos for the first time and near the end of my route I felt like a blister was starting. Sure enough, got home and saw the very beginnings of a blister. :sad2:
Hoping I just need to break them in and maybe tie them a little tighter. The blister is on the inside part of my foot at the heel, right above ground level. If it was any lower it would be on the bottom of my foot.
I'm planning on doing 6 miles tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks Lily! Good luck with your 8 miler this weekend! I'm sure your knee will feel better after some rest.

I made it out today for a 45 minute run, covering 3.75 miles and it almost killed me. Totally awful run, and I thought about giving up multiple times but kept at it. (It really helped to do some visualization of what it will be like to run across the finish line at Disney in January!) Not sure if it was the few extra pounds of turkey and stuffing I was carrying from last night, or still recovering from my 10 mile LR on Wednesday but ugh, ugh, UGH!
Regardless, I did it, and felt great at the end!... although I'm pretty stiff now. I really need to figure out how to stretch better.

Hope everyone else is having a great Turkey weekend!



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