Wk Of Nov 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Lisa, PD that it all gets figure out and soon too! We're here for ya so I'll dedicate my w/o tonight to you. I'll let you know how we did. It will be dreaded TM though.

Vic, jog bra advice--Champion had that sale that was posted last month. They have some great opportunities.

You guys should try one, you would probably never complain of nip rub again!

Rae, good going! Wow to actually run a 5k. I don't know that I could run it completely.

Tricia, Happy Birthday! Good for clean cats. I used to bathe my Alexander cat. Brings back fond memories of her. It would help loosen that long fur ease those fur balls.

Jen, cut pic of Harry. Where's the body glide? :laughing: I'm still impressed over 20 miles and a kids party.

Judy, good for you to listen to your body that it needed a sleep in. I know you'll get a good w/o in after.

Christa, say hi to Bree for me! No matter what you say, you are a fast one!

Cecilia, you went for groceries after running. Nope I sure don't envy that at all. I hate grocery shopping.

I've gotta get moving, pup needs to go out and I've got steps to get in.
Hey all. Just wanted to say HI from Las Vegas... but before you all hate me, I AM WORKING. I have very little free time, so nothing is going to happen in Vegas and stay in Vegas. In fact, I am quite pooped and ready to go get something to eat!

Monday... I ran the TM at the health club here, 50 minutes r/w. Today I did 45 minutes cross training. I am really proud of myself for still getting my training in. I am having a lot of problems sleeping, so when I wake up at the b-crack of dawn I go to the health club (FREE!). I leave Thursday and really happy that my LR is a cut back week!

I just wanted to say HEY and will be back to my regularily scheduled programming at the end of the week! For now I am drinking wine and eating out.. definately not good for my waistline!
Hi folks! I got my race packet in the mail, wahoo!! Right now I'm in wave B for the half and I think corral G Red for the full - although this was before submitting my Nike half results. I may be able to move up a bit with those (probably just for the full though I'm thinking??)

I can't remember whether the volunteers were going to be on the red or blue side of the course?

I got 4 miles in over lunch today and it felt pretty good. I finished up in 46 minutes I think. The kicker....it was -9 deg C (15 deg F) out!!! Luckily the sun was shining and believe it or not, it didn't feel too bad. But at those temps the runs have to happen in daylight and since it is dark at 5 pm now the only way for that to happen is to continue with my lunch time runs.

Time for some dinner - have a good evening all!

Take care, I'm hoping for the best news for you. We all have family health histories which cause us to rightfully worry when funny things happen.


Although you've got a marathon result I'll never be able to touch (and I'm still impressed), I suspect you run races like I do; "how much pain can I take, and how long can I take it?"

I know you're super fit, and likely to blow away that 4:12. Remember to be smart early and leave something in your legs for the end. Plus you'll minimize your time in maximum pain.

Of course, it's soooooooo easy for me to give this advice, since I've followed it about 5 times in my life. I usually run as fast as I can for as long as I can once the gun sounds. It's a lot slower now than it was 20 years ago, but the pain isn't any less :confused: !

Red Dragon / Robo-Babe / Babilicious

Take care of the calf. You've worked so hard for so long, don't worry about easing off for a few days now to ensure your good health in 47 days. Your fitness will not go away with a few days rest.

C'est moi

Address from May 20, 2008 to June 19, 2008:
33 rue de Bourgogne 75007 Paris
Cafe society, here I come!!
I did my w/o cool down and stretch. 5k on TM in about 44 min. I'm watching House and heading for the shower.

Sunshine for your tomorrow.

I am way out of practice avec mon francais, thus the need for the visit, but here goes:

Je voudrais habiter comme un Parisien pour trente jours. Je veux boire les vins extraordinaire, regarder les peintures extraordinaire, et voyager a Normandie, Bourdeaux, et peut-etre Geneva. Aussi je veux courir a cote de le Seine.

Man do I need to practice my french. At his rate I'll be eating nothing but croissants and crepes au chocolat, and drinking only wine. On second thought, where do I sign on?

Votre ami
Good Morning All!

No aquacise yesterday for me. I had to work late! :sad1: I love my aquacise! Nice break from pounding the pavement.

I got Matt a neurologist appointment in 2 weeks. Hopefully we will start to get things sorted out.

Today the plan is work til 1pm! :woohoo: Then go the dentist. :eek: Not too bad though, I like my dentist! Then we will go visit my parents, get my C25K Day 2 in there before dinner. Hopefully we'll see my new little cousin (1month old!) while we're visiting too!

Tricia--Washing cats! Who knew! :)

Jen in GA--20 miles plus a party! Brave woman! Harry is soooo cute! How does he do on your runs???

Cecilia--Sorry for the tough 6 miles! I can't even fathom right now. It's all I can do to get in my 25 minutes and maybe 2 miles.

Laurie--Hope you had a nice rest and good hockey game!!!

Big Vic--How is Tallahassee???

Jen--Las Vegas! Great job getting in those workouts!

Leana--15 Degrees! Geez! That is cold!!! Great job getting in your workout over lunch!

Colleen--Where in NC do you live? I'm in NC too!

Hope everyone has a great day!
I just wanted to pop in real quick and let everyone know I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth or anything!! I have still been putting the steps in, I have just been so caught up with everything else I haven't had a whole lot of time to get online. Here's my training for the week.....

Tuesday (yesterday):
Ran 2 miles with Michael then another three after he was done.

Run 2 miles with Michael the another 5 after he is done.

20 miles all by my lonesome. I am not sure wether I should be happy or sad!!

I hope that everyone is doing well on their training, and I hope I am able to catch up a little bit more later.

Greetings Team -

Three miles on the TM this morning. Nothing to exciting but there you have it.

Cindy and Laurie - Thank you for the very kind comments. :goodvibes I think the "positive attitude" you see might also be called "stubborn pigheadedness". I REFUSE to give up and give in. It's more like "To infinity and beyond!" Hee hee.

Lisa - I hope you are feeling better today. :wizard:

Procrastinating Jen - Harry is so cuuute! :goodvibes

Vic - Glad to hear things are improving. What happens if you put Body Glide on nips? OK, wait. I probably shouldn't have asked that here. :upsidedow

Jen in Vegas - Ohh have fun and YAY to you for going to the gym while on your trip! :thumbsup2

Leana - Yes the WISH volunteers are Red! :yay: YAY! We'll be on the lookout for you.

Craig - I think you should be massaging Martha's calf. Yes, yes, I think that will help. If not, she'll forget about the pain... :rolleyes1

OK I have to go to a meeting and pretend like I care....This will be a stretch.
Lisa & Stacie - lots of :wizard: and :hug: for the medical issues you have going on.

Craig - a month in Paris? I am so jealous! I need a job that sends me places every once in awhile - not keep me hold up in a window-less room in the middle of the night.

Jen - did you do any walking/running on the Strip? That's one thing I really want to do next month when I am there for NYE.

Judy - you are so positive! I love it!

Again, no training for me. Apparently, my body has very adverse reactions to antibiotics. :sad2: There was no way I could leave my house to go to work this morning. I think it's been a week now since I wogged. It's making me so nervous with the half not being that far off! I am going to eat crackers and drink gingerale all day and hopefully that will settle things down.

On the upside, the dealer called & my car is here! The plan is to go get the car asap (as long as I feel like I can leave the house :rolleyes: ). I know it's just a small, cheaper-end car - but it's new & it's mine! I can't wait! Beats the heck out of my old Saturn coupe that felt like I was sitting on the road. Gosh, I am getting old. I prefer a 4 door car to a sporty coupe! :rotfl:
Colleen--Where in NC do you live? I'm in NC too!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Stacie, lotts of :wizard: for DH......Hey I am not Colleen, but I live in Charlotte, NC. Where do you live?

Colleen, was it you who said you may do the MAP Tri? I know Bree is doing it and I may too. Hey a little WISH meet.
What happens if you put Body Glide on nips? OK, wait. I probably shouldn't have asked that here. :upsidedow

As you know, I am no expert with respect to running or walking training, but I would think the answer depends on whether you are referring to long runs/walks or your weekend cross-training. ;)
As you know, I am no expert with respect to running or walking training, but I would think the answer depends on whether you are referring to long runs/walks or your weekend cross-training. ;)

Oh Lily Darlin:flower3: , I ain't in this one, nope, not going there.

Innocent Panda:angel:
Oh Lily Darlin:flower3: , I ain't in this one, nope, not going there.

Innocent Panda:angel:

Innocent/Puritan Panda You got something against cross-training? MfM and the Higdon plans seem to advocate it, as well as many magazines -- even magazines directed towards running.
Innocent/Puritan Panda You got something against cross-training? MfM and the Higdon plans seem to advocate it, as well as many magazines -- even magazines directed towards running.

Your not gonna bait me on this. We ain't gonna get Innocent Panda to discuss the finer points of body glide on the naughty parts. Nope pure as the fresh fallen snow today, unlike you're pure as the yellow snow mischief.

Innocent Panda:angel:
OMG, 6 pages already? I will never catch up. Have to say a couple things before I forget, though.

Mel - I have low bs issues, but I never take solid food. Never had a problem with Gu alone. Then again, I have a hard enough time breathing and taking in Gu. SOlids are darn near impossible. I do have a SNickers Marathon bar 1 hour pre-race, but that's it for protein until after. COngrats on your 18-miler. If you do feel like doing more, try 20. Really, no need to bump up to 22.

AmyBeth!!!! OMG! SO good to see you!!!!! (OK, so you've probably been around for months, it's me who went awol.)

OK, back to catch up more. Baby steps.
BTW, I saw Stacey said somethign abotu sponges. If someone needs them, I will have what I have left at Pop. QUanities are getting limited, though, so e-mail me at wtpclc@sbcglobal.net adn I will put one aside for oyu.
OK, a few more thoughts

Thouse who want to sign up for another race post-marathon: DO it!!!! DH and I were sure we'd keep going after 06 and let life get iin the way. Had great excuses, but if we had been trianign for something, I think we could have gotten the steps in. Minnie worked great fro us last year. Trained fro it like a half and it fit in to our post-marathon taper well.

Those who are proud of where you've come but feel like you have a long way to go: You're right. You will make it, though, as you have alrady come so far. In 06, we DNF'd our 18-miler and still made it hrough the race. You can and will do it! Dh was just saying that if we had known what it would take to run a marathon, we never would have started. After completing it, though, it more than worth the effort!

Milestone fro me: Knock on wood, but I've gotten through my 16-miler adn the 8 btwn LLRs w/o injury!!!! Woo hooo!!! This is the first tiem in 3 years! FInish line, here I come! (My pace is still not what it was last year, but at least I'm here and injury free)

HoosJen - I have 2 ways of seeing if my body is hurt or just tired. 1. If everything hurts, it's ok. If just one thing can be singled out, there may eba problem. 2. If it does not get progressivley worse as I run, I figure it's ok. If it gets worse and/or gets to the point where my stride is altered by it, I stop ASAP. If you alter your stride fo an injury, you could end up with something much more severe. I think it was CHrista who had a friedn who did this.
Last one - Promise!

I am now caught up. FOrgive me for only posting to those who have negatives or questions. I miss you all and think of you all very much!

:wizard: for all teh illnesses and injiuries!

Kristi - Last year, I was flat on my back from 8 days pre-race to 5 days pre-race. Drug myself into work Tue - Fri, but that's about it. Did 30 min Friday night after we landed. DId nto sleep more than 3 to 5 hours durign that 8 days. SOmehow, I made it through, even in the heat. You will be ok! :wizard: :wizard:


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